HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-16, Page 11'W,EIDN DAY#, S" (FRT, 18,. 1083 1.1.101C141,,OW SENTn;114. 'LUcKNOW ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN •!N•••••N••••••••••••••••••••aN••••••••ej TIMOTHY and:. CLOVER SEED s WE ARE. BUYERS of new crop•• •` sad Clover Seed.For Timothy. • • h-nf ormat on • on handl. • .• ling and markets. contact: •• • . ` • •• • •' • • • • • •, 6 • ••••••••••••S••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••.•1 ! • L.UCKIIOW DISTRICT (O -OP Lucknow • Phone 528.:2,1.25. NEWS BRIEFS The Bruce Brisk •and Tile Company's new $259,000 ,`plant was. offuc al: y opened • last ',week It ,is :located, • on 'Con. . 14, ;Cul- ross, ,rutile West of Highway •4. 'There 'are ' three 'Mini for • burning 'brick and. ,tale ,and these. can Ibe • doublet .i;f 're'quired.• This brick and Itiie• yard was operated' • for many 'years',iby the late Thos. Donaldson;, and "later • by Leonard and 'MilfordBannerman To that: point , it was known as 1VIoscow Buick &, Tile, deriving.its .nanne from .. a :settlement tthere dating back ' to pioneer. days. A, few' years ago it vias sold 'tb Bruce Max'wel1, Who changed the name to Bruce • Brick . & Tile. Some two 'years ago 'Mr. 1Vlaxwell' dis- posed, of the 'li'oldpings to.. the present 'company, which i'mmted- iately. • (launched • an; . extensive• program of expansion to 'the Plant .and production tfacilitieS. Combine your home -h wit rown grthrls EGBILDER oriUM60'40 Concentrate- the oncem+be the fresh Mix with the Meat meal base, • Loolkin' for lively layers? Then feed 'em your own home grown'grains fresh -mixed with National Egbilder Conten- trate! Take your choice of the Jumbo Mix 40% concentrate. or. National's 35%Egbilder- ;they're both rich in meat meal proieins, to balance You 'own vegetable nutrients ! Whether.:: ou.hav your own grains• or we supply ' we custom -can 'ble d, the finest fresh -Mix yeti: can buy right here at the mill . •. •. using. National Concentrate, of •course. *A PRODUCT OF' CANADIAN •INDUSTRIES, LIMITED er, D. R. FINLAYSON iUtKrvoW Taxation` Views Of. Former Resident The following article by G. V. Towle of Vancouver, . was pre- sented to the .Royal Commission on ,taxation and a Covering let- ter . sent to members of 'Parlia- ment: . • • Mr, Towle, a son . of the (late Mr.and Mrs. Albert Towle, of Paramount is. .• a tformer resident of • this comnnutnty., His. brief 'was as fdllows, Geri !lemen; +.I eannot'see now we can !div- orce the taxation system from 'our Monetary system, as money st come into existence before xes 'can ` be co11eoted. • Money comet into, existence only by ,the bank (borrower 'and th"e borrows as little as possible .Also; he .is creating a debt ,agmina himself .and • • twist repay and wthenrepaid; that amount of money is taken' 01.1 of cir ula- As it is,`.the taxpayer .anust de- pend .upon- the bank 'borrower to supply. the. money so that :the 'can 'P'ay !taxes. Taxes altways increase the (cosh of goods. and services & reduce purchasing (power- .This; iri turn, demands an increase in ' wages, salaries . and • fees, This again incye'ases.. cost and 'IS car rietd'into :price, causing inflated values.. • Governments... at all t1c`vels 'must' borrow from the banks Abe - fore taxes can be collected; They orrow-(many.• %millions -and -'they pend it into circulation' into ,the hands of . the people. -Then taxes. can be paid 'and:when paid; the loans, are repaid ,pltu:s interest :and that money is cancelled out of existence. This applies on, all bank `borrowing. , • All tank tborr' awers must :re pay ,m'ore than ' iiey :receive as„ they _must pay` interest! That means' .that somewhere along the line bbere is an unpaid : or 'part of arr unpaid loan and that is most- ly Government 'hence .�increas- ed debt. All•thank loans are fin- ancial credit boob• entry ; fig- ures. :Our , Constittu.tion 'and • the Courts lave Parliament 'the right to issue :in'oney • in' .011. .forms' that : is, coin, '.currency • and fin ancial• .'credit. Parliament gave this right , over to the banking. ,system 'free; then,. when ,money is.'rieeded,=• some, person •or per= sons, corporattions, Government, and others must go to a' thank • E$SO. S;ERVI:CE • FOR TOP .QUALITY ATLAS ,BATTERIES. DUNLOP • TIRE: (Most Sizes Ie'. Stock) AT' REASONABLE PRICES!. Repairs to All Makes of Cars. and Tractors 3 .. Licensed Mechanics. Wheel- Alignment and balancing MOTORCADE DEALER yes. Then; wQiy not go ah'ea'd '& supply --that need? The question `.`hav!e we the . money" should never be asked; USe What . be- longs 'to :the .people, ourfinnan- tits] ••'credit. . , =Money • should be 'the"servant of •t'he,..people, • finance should Work for the 'people. ;'As; it is, money his .the °`nester•' of the peo- ple and %finance ...works the ••peo- ple. 'Finance means. the art. to provide 'trhe : Means,. of 'paymen't, "money" and this, is 'the (great- est tpawer. in : the , country., The power ,is .now in the ''hannds • of :an :oli'garc'hy who „has cornplete power aver Goth nxnentt, 'ind'us-• try and the' country ,by • keeping the7ri• in the bonds' .of debt, and. debt at Government 'levels is an absurdity and we, tthe.. people; put • that power into . Jheir .hands:` We v,shouldrestore 'that ' (power (]mask into the hands, oil `thee. peo- ple ..through Parliament, Where it, belongs. . This kind; of action •w•oii'ltd be. the one thing that would cheek the growth. of Co'nnnunism, So:•' ci•alism and: many. other .lAa'rxian inovernents. Also, it :wwduld. check Fascism. . ' under .aur ..:debt- .financial sy-' stem,debt Will increase:.and then,' the‘ :.am'ourit ' of interest 'twill in- crease (w'hic'h, in `turn; .'wi']1 cause. taxes ` to ,increase 'This increase:' goes into cost and is carriedtinto price, and :up goes 'injflatepd valu- es, and, !under our deft financial system,. nothing • can stop At: I' am not interested 1 the poli- cies of • (political rpar+ties:' 1 '' am interested in the people.' I ,pap not interested . for " myself as • 1I' am comfortably ' well off,. Q vee 'traveled Widely in six': 'Provinces ,and. everywhere I find. 'poverty, and'•selni poverty 'mostly 'caused by debt +interest and ;taxation.. I have made' a keen study of this :.subject ': for years... and 1. find that funder •our :debt, fin- ancial system 'idol*, interest arid ;taxes will rise -at to higher agate of speed and there As. no power in the country . 'oan . stop this other, than ;reform. (Before the: taxation . system can .`rbe _reform- • ed . ourmonetary system must the reformed.... No person can.c laiaii.. that. they own their :home' • or . other pro-•. pertly as' .long .as :authority htas first, claim on it and taxation: is eating into ' 'property very deep= ly.'. I cannot '.see 'it. 'necessary 'to quote figures. It' is.. the system that we should• closely examine and' theeffect di has on, the peo- ple ,and' that:effect is. very & 1- •quitous:. G. V: Towle; • 2456. 'Fast .. 31776h Aiv'enue, Vancouver 16,' B -C- y rs■■■■■■•■■ai■■■■i:a■■za■■■■■■■■n■■■ i■■•■■■•i■aeJ' and `borrow 'back.+that twhieh was 4 . . ■-•• given then'', Create _Yit arid . •. • DIDICLIA[■ ■ � ■ .. pay 'interest. ,,'I do not lhink any- ':.. • thing could be. more Stupid! The ■• , The 'Ibank�s must not the ibla:med-: ■ • ■ ■ the (people must .b'l'ame theme ■■. ' : ■ selves.. • `...: ■ ■,. Before • our taxation •`system : ■ ■ can be changed our monetary ■ . «•. » i system mustbe changed. That Marking A' Centennial Reunion Weekend . right which our;. CanSti,'tution k ■ ■ ■ . wihh; be held on , . � ... ; , ■ 'FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER '27.,. and:' 28 •the 'Courts'. .gave ;, Parliament t to issue money an 'all. forms should a ie• restored to Parliament, iPar liament ,to 'empower ithe Bank of Canada .. to provide financial credit through the • :chattered banks, to finance all ,gayernmen tal budgets, federal,,!provincial, 'Cities; municipalities. and •other. ',governing (bodies, 'w'ithou't' . debt. Taxation should not 'tbe for revenue purposes; but for: a reg- ulation'device to control rbotfh tin- ▪ , Elation and 'deflatiOno 'Only per- M sonal• -income shoutld. be 'taxed;, ■. with • 'proper exemptions: All • other taxes should be. abolished. ■ This 'Would lower %the cost : of 'iiv ■' ing, increase. our standard 'of life, ' increase consumption and., Would bring on full employmenrt. Industry, agriculture arid la= is t' t bor.;wauid "harry .on as they do. Those who render a service and professionals twoul'd carry on. • as they :do, Nobody would-be inter- fered with arid everybodyy Would .benefit. , •The enterprise 'would . be .greatily en'h'anced. The .;freedom • of the individual would be en= . :: hance d+ . 'Compulsion,• controls, & : • regulation .would be greatly re-' • duced. . • 1;et us .look st this subject in • another light. In Canadathere is much need-.-s'dhools, hOstpi- •tats, social services, civil service and many more subject matters, The Auestuon to ibe tasked is, ,have The friendly fall fairheld the last Saturday in September:... arid; this year celebrating the .1 QOth birthday. • • ■ • Featuring is r. 5, 5 5 ■ ' ■ 5 5 5 ■ .. ■ ■ 5 ■ ■. Gordon Patterson : Pres. Ah ''W: lis —.Sec. • THE 48th HIGHLANDERS OF CANADA Pipe Major' Archie Dewar, Toronto, in charge. : •••etiec•i00000 iiie •c ic esiii•ce ci i• w ■, . . •• .• Dance Saturday Nig.■ .. . ' Glen ■ ' Floyd's Orchestra we the materials, the 'manpower � ■ . and the knowhow? Tile .ar wer i. ieeala■�e■•••1NIIle■■■ee■■set■■®■■e�■ee'r~Mi>rleeeWeeZ + 4 '1. .t: .1. 1 44 r is !! •i ,hh. Yt `ra{•• • .;r w 1 0: G