HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-16, Page 9W>i•71?NJF7; SIEPT, /
LucuOW sztrrnizt. iimagovr. ONTARIOr
Saw Nev Fords.
Unveiled Friday
•.Friday 'the 'thirteenth ..:held. no
• superstition .for; the Ford Motor
:Comipany of Canada, as `' they
chose that date fora dealer
pre -View of the new 1964 models;
' :which are reported to'. be "sharp,"
"Gordon Montgomery,' local
dealer, abtendeld the ` pre .view
fu:nctiions:.iheld at ,the Royal York
^'and O'Keefe Centre.•'
The introductory. date
4i•as !beer..
set for Thursday, September' 26, •
'when . new : 'models- :will be on
public display .!he're:.''
Kincardine curlers,:are to ",build.
a neve' curling rink at a acost o -f
about $50,000,
With . ,thenew' service. to 'the
:vocational :school ..at Cliintori,
transiportation- costs' at Exeber
District High School will' mise
tliti�s year. to $70,000. •
!The first liquor vote .in Bruce
Township since 1911, '' deft.. no
doubt as t�::the Wishes Of that
m'wi1oipaiu iy• The liquor lounge
vote 'was r.ej•ec ted 479 to 667 and
the diming lounge vote' was de-
feated : 411 tc 05.
>!o••eeeeep•o•••'••••••.••••••••••%,•.•••••••••••••••!•••••••'•••r.•••eeeeee •:
F-ormer :Resident
Wed At Clinton
Marriage v ... vows Were exc'heng-'
ed. between Doris Kathleen ',Mot,
rison and George Leonard Mc-
Gee; both: of Clinton, in Wesley -
Wills. United Church parsonage,
Clinton, on .Saturday, Septemtber,
7, at four o'clock. Rey; C. • 'G..
Park of elliruton !performed the
cloutble-ring ceremony. ony. The bride
is the daughter of Mrs, Charles.
Morrisort and .'the late Mr.. Mar-
rison Of Clinton and formerly
cel4uticalow,. ,arvd •the !groom is
the son .of iMr. and Mrs. Leonard.
McGee, R.R. 3, Clinton. -
The bride was ,given .in mar-
riage by her couSin, Mr.. Percy
Blundell 'of ,Gaderic'h,• She 'wore.
a bellerina-lengbh gown of White
Lace over `'taffeta' styled with a
bell-shaped skirt. The fitted
bodice featured a rounded ne>ek=
line and ,three -•quarter length.,
sleeves. A ;pillbox :headpiece .held
cher waist-lengtth veil of hand
em'broidered•- •sn1k `:illusion ,and
she carried e • crescent !bouquet
of red 'roses.' •
Mrs. Robert Hartman of .Wat-
erloo, sister of the- groom; . was
the bride's 'sole 'attendant wear-
ing e
wear-ing'e moss green two-piecedress
:of Satinbrocade with:• rneficrhirig
accessories,. She. cared a tbou-•
quet of 'white ...Carnations.
tGroarnsman minas Robert
man. . .af' Waterloo, '
Fo•11owin'the recetption eT!thiee
Tiger . Dunlop: Inn, .Mine,. bride
changed a' teal blue. three-:
piece :suit with !beige • accessories
and •a' corsage of Pink. roses for,.
+travell'ing • to Niagara Faltls;
,They will reside in :Clinton.
•' •
• \: •
• • : •
• 1 • •
Dear Friends: 4 i . „ ••
As. this will be my last opportunity to reach
you by weekly press' before Election day, Wednes-
day, • • September 25th, I:.would like to take this dp-
• porturnty of•' thanking you.' for your" kindness and,
•• courtesy during ,rny campaign of a short period
• l' have : met many.: of. ,you but there are also
• many I have not been able td meet owing to limited
.,• time, but I do solicit your support and vote on•
•... .September 25th, ' •:y•
the year that 'I have served as your M.P.P.;
• .
6e 1 have endeavoured to do my best in looking after
• the affairs Of this Riding, and also promoting -at -all -
r : times: theinterests of ":Huron - Bruce..
I. have beenworking to promote decentralizing
• and . the bringing of industry' to • Huron -Bruce,. which
• will be ofbenefit to -All -concerned:
• • Sincerely, •
• •
• .
• •
• •'
square Deal For.
;,e�ernher 25i.
LISTEN TO CKNX RADIO:• Sept,: 20th . — 6:45 •
_, Sept., 20th 10:29 zA.m...m. .
Sept. 2Ist•
— 12:39 moon , Set; ''— '21st OM
• lnserted byHuron Bruce Liberal Association
c ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ii
Council': Assumes Responsibility Fore
Abandoned West Wawanosh Cemetery
West W an,ash • 'Township authorize the, Road' Supt, ri» aadr
Council held .their regular . Sep- ivertise for' tenders for snow-
ttember meeting on Se to nlber'1'0,' !plowing on ttownship roads dur-,
1963. All members present, ing the 1,963-11904- season. 'Tend -
nd-On a motion by •Cour s. ,S cnytth ers to I be' tin by 9 p.m., ,Ootaolbe�r
and Jefferson, Bye -'Law No. 9, 6th, 1903.
1963 was read, .and, rftinally 'pas, The road !accounts were pas-
sed. This Iby-law provides, for the sed for payment •on, a motion, by . •
devtying am collecting Of tax 'Counts. ,Smyth . and McPhee.
rates for sbbe various purposes in The !following general acc*vunt c� •
196.3: It 'was -pointed* out that were ordered paid on: �a , motion.
1963 tie ,the last year for'levying
the Winghairn Debenture
ate.. Tthere ` is : 'an ,increase. , in
ra�tes�'. concerninng'. ,,increase
• High
School ' districts this year.
By -Law No,: LO, 1tg63, • (Noanin-
by Courts; Je f i~erson and Duman...,
Errdngbon, 1 fox !bounty,
$4:99;' Donald. .Durnin, 1 fox
bounty, $4,10,; Archie .M>aoMil'lain, '
poultry claim, -$18.90; Joe ' Kerr,
Wingham, return of gravel tche
atop By-Daw) was 'passed on a •q'ue doposit, $483,010. •
motion by Court.Jefferson. and Road aocounts ,— Lorne Ivers,,
1LtoFhee., By' means' of ' this by:. salary, $209:90; Clayton• Ander .
law, ' the nrimicipal nomination son, chain sawing, $8:510; Imp..
meeting was: •set for Friday, No-
vember .. 22nd, 11963 sand polling,
.should '• an election be - required,
will be on !Monday, December
2nd, 1863. moo, .polling''stlat ons
and polling officiali were nam-
ed. Polling ou rS have been
changed s1igh�tly: - '
'By Law No,. 1,1, 1963, .:was tp'as-
5e!d .on a Motion. by Cowls. Snirylbh.
and. Durnin, !whereby an aban-
doned 'cerne1 ery -(Part N.H. ' Lot
13, Con. 2) 'becomes'Ithe'. property
of .,,Wes,t ' Wawanos!h Township.
The townsthiip is now responsible;.
for the management and contr'ol
of this cemetery.
'Oxv is m,otuori by • :Couns. Mc-
Phee and Smyth, the' Reeve and
Clem were authorized. . to sign
a n'evv 10-ytear ' contract: al e= —
Ment with the Blyth' Das'
Fite Area: According .Ito this
a'gijeer'ndent; '' West Wawtanosh
Towns'hi'p agrees, to prey five. per
cent :(5%) • towards the said • urea
— capital 'expenditures, main-..
tenan,ce.. and operations:
The Clerk 'was instructed 'to
vh ite Ontario Hytdro, Clinton;
concerning. `!the instballati,pn of
another street, :light in ; Dungen;.•
non` vililage.
The Road 'Superintendent re -
Ported, that ..the. new :'•conerete
culvert' (Concessions 4 and 5)
'was' a]m,00t completed..
Council agreed, on a motion by
Cauns; ilVICPhee and Smyth- :.to
Otil :LJtd.,' fuel and' :tax, $•118.50;
Grant 'Chitsh:olm,• rnator' oil and
tax, 421.41;' Joe Kerr, crushing
and ,hauling .gravel,
Bert Moss, ggravel, $30,95; Nor -
4111. McDonald, hauling ':graven
and Mil; 044.00.:
Councils .aj ourned to meet. on
Tuesday, .October. abh, 10+613,.
• J. F. ' 1+1oran; : , Twp; • ' Clerk.
are f ree ays
These wonderful days of boyhood lastsuch
,a short time. But while•your son Is growing up,
you can be helping him to'face the future •
with confidence through life insurance.
example, you
education wtone of Sun Life's
you can guarantee his future
• insurability with a Guaranteed. f nsurability,
Benefit; you can lay the foundation for his future
life insurance with a Junior Adjustable Policy
where, with'no increase in premium, each
$1,000 of insurance increases to $5,000 at age 21,
Most importantof all, you need an up-to-date
program on your own life to: assure your family
an adequate income in the event of your. death.
100 titA0 R.R. 2, Luckno r. .
• 13►te s p‘aos
.. 57-1987
p�Wkfoil‘i(01 . Phone •3V�itighaoi �