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iifOntario •
SoI'n..e.ihiflgffFoI An.
e Family
s •:
SEPTEMBER 25th and 26th
en Wedmesday. Evening
The-: arena will be open on Wednesday
evening from 8 to 10 : p.m. for the public
to view . the. inside exhibits. Admission.25c.
grade At One O'clock
Schoolchildren will parade from• the Lucknow
Public School at one/ p.m: headed' by, Luck -
now: District High 'School.'.Band . & majorettes,
as Well as cowboy and cowgirl pony riders.
The/98t1.'annual Fair will be opened by Murray Gauni
School Competitions
Donald Blue of Ripley will act as master of ceremonies
for . the" ever popular rural school :competitions. .
We'll Be.. Seeing
YOU M., The L'ucknow . Fall 'Fair
as " Honored : On 90th Birthday.
Mrs., William Hooey,. .who was
on S
r rugs
guest of honor ' at a :dinner:. at
the home o . her son 'and daugth-
ter-in-law, +i T: ,amd Mrs:. Mervyn
On • Tuesday evening of .
last Week. Best Wishes for many
happy returns are .extend+ed. to
• Mrs. Hooey. •',.
Mrs. Cecil ¶Tun .phrey and Mrs.
Bert IrWin ,: of Reids Corners
W.I..are .' delegates to the Grey-
Bruce Area W:I.. corwenbion• to
held 'in .1VIeaford on. Septem-.;
ber 117'bh and `:113th. ;
Sympathy is • extended to Mrs.
Murray • Farrell in the passing
of her father, Mr. Hugh Alexan-
der. Smith of Tiverton. • '
1Vtrs. Laura. McNair and 1Vliss
Helen r1VieNain attended a wed
ding in `Toronto on. Saturday.
' Unit , one of 'Pirie ;River Unit
ed Church held their meeting on
Tuesday •afternoon` of last week.
Mrs, Sam Gibson and Mrs, Geo.
Wightrn n • presided, Tihe" "meet!
ing opened with a hymn and a
reading by the president. Roll
call, was 'answered Iv naming
a fav'ouri;te autumn flower. The
scripture reading and comments
by Mrs, Duncan Thonburn was
followed with the business Pant
' of the Meeting. Mrs. F1don Arad -
ley was tozwener for 'Tie grog -
' Congratulations to Mr, and
Mrs Bob McDonaldon, the .birth
of .a daughter and to Mr. and
Mrs. Bob; Harris on the birth
of a son. .
Several from the .community,
attended London Fair during the
Frank Brown an+d Beg
rf risked Thursday eveninrg? with
Mr, and Mrs. ' R. Green'and fa-
mibr. • •
Wath fine weather the .first of
last . week those Who hadn't fin-
ished harvest' or had second 'cut
in the. field,' were hard at work
trying to finish. Onseveral :,arms
;the , lady •of . the shouse lent a
hand at driving the tractor, even
so, the! rain caught a few un,,
�finisihed,.. +.
Miss Donna lialdenby,• Toronto
spent. the Week -end with Mr; &
!Mrs. ,. James i raldenby.
Mr. and Mrs. Wdllsaxn Braun
and 'family moved to. Teeswater
on Saturday:
Mr, and Mrs. Tom . Hackett &
Doug, Ashfield, 'visited Sunday
with Mr.. and Mrs, Midford Wall
'and Donnie.
Mrs, Frank Brown and • Reg.
spent .Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs..
James Wraith, •Lucknow.
Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Everett• Parker,
spent Sunday eVening. with Mrs.
A. 'Green and Iboys.
ram and. gpened With a hymnafter Which/ of silence
was observed ,in memory •of .r1Vlrs.•
Clarence Dunlop A:readingbW
r ri was follow -
Mess -Grace ,CaTr►•e o
ed with prayer . by aNIrs Jahn
Blue and ' a . story by 1VIrs. Wesley
Robb, entitled : "My daughter
conquered .¶pdiio" was given, Thee
meeting closed With a hymn &:,
prayer. Lunch •was 'served ,by
Mrs. John 'McDonald and Mrs, i
Archie 'Courtney.
The sacrament of baptism Was
administered by Rev: Donald A.
McKenzie at .Pine .River United ;
Church on. °: Sunday,. September:
15th. presented for Ibaptism were.
Dale James, son of Mr, and Mrs
Orville Thompson, Debra Louise,.
daughter of. Mr .ard Mrs. Perrin
Lowry, Jeffrey Robert, son of•
Mr. and '.Mrs -Robert • McNain,
Shelley Ann, daughter 'of .Mr, : &
Mrs:, Hugh .1VIason •'and Lori Lee;
daughter of Mr, and Mrs Eu-
gene Dunlop ' .•
Mrs. Wesley Robb arid Miss
Katherine 'Robb ..are {visiting with,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Bent Osborne of
Trout Creek 'for a few. days;
Mr. and 'Mrs,. Bert Irwin vas-
ited with relatives in• northern
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. ;14„ 1063
Mr, .and 1VIrs. Willis Corrigan
of Barrie visited Mrs. R, iMcDon-
ald, their cousin for a tfevr days.
Visitors with . Mr, and Mrs..
Gordon Finnigan over the week-
end were heraunts, Mrs. 1Vlarg-
are't Manning, London; and Mrs.
Will Alton, Wingham, on Sun..
day,. Mr. and Mrs. Finnigan and
Mrs. Alton on Sunday visited
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Alton,
London and Mrs. 1Vr'anning me'
'turned to • visit at the Finnigan
home for few days,
Mr.;: Ross ;Rivett returnedcome
last week.' after, srpending the•
spun mn.er `with a travelling m tsi-
cal group. Ross is '+a .inoteworthy.
guitarist and went nor err and, west.
as 'far, . as Whitehorse rin ,the
Holy Communion-' and' Harvest'
Home servicewill. he observed.
on • Sunday, September 242nd. at
2:15 'p:In. Rev. 1-I. L. Jennings,
Brussels,; a former minister, will
give. the .address..
Rev. J:' A.: Veldhuis and Mrs.
Veldh'uis , went ibhe first of the
week to 'Victoria Hospital, • Lon-
don; where their; daughter,. Gay
is. They Would Mke to see :their
daughter snaking' more improve -
Ment following 'an operati6n.
Erskine . ' Presbyterian Anni-
versary services .are . Septen ber
.22nd . at 11 a.m. and . 7:30 p.m.
and • DISTRICE'.
with the. . rguest ,speaker Rev. ;D..
Lane of Clinton.. Mr. Ralph Hen
derson, soloist at both senvies.
. The Dungannon ;Merry Milk
Maids held a aneetir»g on their •
,project 'at Mrs, Esther. Rivett's
on Friday, September -1n! (,at
S pan,, The' meeting opened !by.
repeating, 'the -441 Pledge., The
roll call was answered iby "How
We, use different loran's of milk
at ,home. Achievement. Day at
the Auburn Hall; will +be on<No-
vember • 30th. +Miss Patricia 'De-
rude, new home economist was
present • and answered. .many
questions. The next ;meeting will
.be at . Miss Bernice Thompson's.
on ,September h. at • $e p., 'The
lunoh was two different , salads
and •c
heese sandwiches.
Mr. and (Niers; Arthur Elliott
spent a., week visiting ' ,their
daughter,, Mr. and Mrs. 'Oscar
Guthell and son Paul' . at Walton.
and obseedr •their 4th ,wedding
anniversary 'on September gbh.
1VIr. Ernest Girvan; Toronto,.
was a recent, visitor with his
cousin,. Mrs. Melvin. Reed.
Wife (at 4 a.m.): "A fine 'tune,
to, come in: I want an;explplanation
and I Want the. truth." '
Hubby:. "But '• make up your
mind dear; You can't have both,"
Ontario recently '
,Mr; and Mrs. Wiliam I emp-
ton visited at the /week end With
iMr. and Mrs, Doug 1VIcFady en of
Improvement:in your :living standard'
,more *and better goods and . sere=
• ices for you!because your 'Govern -
'merit guarantees ' aid to 'enterprises
contributing to Ontario's growth.
300,000 new jobs by '1967 your:;
Conservative Government's Trade
Crusade (buy Canadian) .aims to'.
create . new manufacturing and job
opportunities in the Province.
Improved agdeultural research—co-
ordination of all research by the
Ontario Agricultural. Research In-..
stitute makes new 'techniques and
. opportunities available: '
Advance road subsidy payments--
Ontario's counties, townships, cities
and villages receive:.advance pay-
to assist roadbuilding, provide
SFafr wages for Government works
our Government set widespread
minimum wage standards byinclud- . •
• ing a wage clause in all public works
Farm management assistance—for
farmers, a .program that helps im-
your business and marketing
procedures will be expanded: •,. '
► Aid for export manufacturers—trad-
ing groups are formed and a co-or-
dinated effort promotes business.
Means more prosperity for Ontario.
Brighter. future for your children-
partnership of : your Government ,
and industry in theOntario i
search Foundation s' ensuring a
solid future.
Expansion of vocational" sands—
in 1962, .2l7 vocational school pro;
jects were completedor under con:
struction. '
Medical and Dental; Student Aid-
your Government'gives bursaries of
$1,01OO a year to students who agree'' :.
to Serve in areas in the Province
where they're needed .most:
Vigorous leadership -good govern
ment leadership gets things done for
the people. John Robarts ' adminis- •
tration is for you.
. .1 •