HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-16, Page 4f>: 0 .4 • 4• CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES =. First Insertion 2c: per 'word, . minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 112c per word, minimum 50c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum75c. In Memoriams, :minimum $1.00; 25c extra for replies to. The Sentinel. Billing, charge of 10c for each bill rendered. FOR .SALE FOR .SALE 3 -year-old well trained saddle !horse, Pinto. igelid ;ing. Ian MacKenzie, R. 5, Luck - now, :phone '528-45303. • WANT WANTED feat • hers, new and used, duck feathers .:and goose, feathers ,and old feather hicks: Will .pay highest cash prices. PIANO TUNING ' Write ;to. Box +5h519, Seaforth.:. • Regulating, repairs, experienc- WANTED -:' live poultry also &I, contact Eric W. Rice,' It R. 2 .6new and used ,duck and goose. phone 5528-6$95. feathers.. Best • prices " at x,ruakn.ow, a ly ayour • _ Phone, . `or , write' A Brown, CONCRETEforn"ted and poured door.181 Kardine. by' the •hour or contract;~ .gravel, • 'topsoil and fill; choice cement gravel,. phone. ,:528=3711 or con- tact Jack Fairish, Lucknow; D CALL - : •SMITHS .gual!ity . TV. Sie¢`Vyc sg 'at 13-r-1.1 D; mga n • for fast 'friendly .service .at : rea- sonalb1e Prices.: • pop' SALE a. quantity of elm Stripping, and plank suitable for stables. Morford -.W,. ,Mackay,. NNo. ,. • R'ispley, Phone'.. Rip- • ley '6-r=g:, AL ister-, BULLSBULLS.: FOR S ,� _ register.' ".ed polled ';Hereford Bulls ,of : ser-., viceable rage. Herd 'accredited. & ',listed.' T. Edward -Powell, R.R. 1, Winghaan, •phone Wroxeter.: 81'8-r-111. • cook - kh.� re9env�oir' m 'ioR, . SALE Viking. cream 'sep- arators .and milkers,. with full line of ‘..repairs.: Will accept. trade ins'.. Contact W, J'; Clark, hharri', • phone 357-2920. • • FOR SALE - Fess' oil ,healer. Atp+pliy Jack McGee, Dungannon, phone 9-r-1►8. Baa* )•.: s r, •a r FOR SALE �: used Tilmipare enok- s+tov th reserv�oi�r ' in NG EVENTS AUCTION SALE APPLICATIONS NEW CASH BINGO AUCTION SALE TOWNSHIP OF: KINLOSS Legion 1.a11,. Lucknow, every. AUCTIOAT SALE of choice re- sMARKE}APPLZCAT1OVSv Thursday evening, &:45 p.m. 15 isteredand grade Holstein regular sgames— •. 110,00 each. 4 cows and young Cattle will bereceived Iby the undersigned Share -The -Wealth' ��games, with hheld 'far Cliff :C11vaKLbaurri�e and' Ina' the positionfof Drainage jackpot included in each game,Kincardine F> t o the Township of a Son, , Lot 32, .Con 5, IKincard Bervie o' ' 4 smiles north-east of Kinloss, . hup to : Septeenlber 30St'h •caakpot ibhis week .$70•00 en 57 1963 'I1he hourl rate of 104 calls. onlay, September Y ' 12:30:'pan. Terms cash, Per hour hard .10c a mile will be 23rd at CHICKEN' BARBECUE , See,ibdlls. Auctioneers, Bob Shore, paid., At ,Elliott! Beach Bar Donald B. •B1u�e, D'orne 1V1,�cLe1- 'G'. H ` WALL,,, •'•Clerk, . , Amberley Beach lance.• �, 3, Holyrood, Ont. .R EVERY. `SATURDAY NIGHT AUCTION SALE OUR DISPLAY RACK of::card • 6:00 pan, T to ? ? ?boards.: and bristols has all 'col Children . 75sc CIJEARJING ry AUCTION . SALE of Ahdwlts $1.50 ours,' and all prices from lOc a. chase S�hprbhorn cattle, mz7:14 DANCE, FRIDAY power machinery ;and. , ipouitry sheet to 20c 'a sheet.. The Luck- • The Lucknow Intermediate ,will ibe shell for Bert Crawsforcl, , now Sentinel,' " ° Sofbb+ali ' club will ,sponsor a Highway 21, 2 miles south • of dance .at • lithe • Lucknow Legion t Port Aubert. On, 'Saturday, Sep. to nber • 21st. See: ;bills; no., re-' serve. Bert Crawford•; . prop:, Al- l.an Maclntyre, auc. ATTENTION WOMEN: Hall, Friday nisghhtf . Septemiber WITHOUT any experisensie• you` 204ih; 'Music ibsy 1111e.•11°Pular Gom- cahri earn money for your, Christ- eteen Adnniission 75c, Everyone 'rnas shopping •by' settling Avon I we'lcoone, . . Cosmetics and `'stoiletaiies in your vucimty: Miss V M, Mosher, P.O. Box No. 86, • Owen.. Sound, stating telephone nunuber. HELPS WANTED - married coin - pie f orr year-round employs n ent . Mantimust be • able to • oiperate all,; Tann. msachinery . and: '.feeding ,•off ,,beef cantle, The wife •Can seoure eamployanen+t in Cramnfs . General .:A: DATE TO' °REMEMBER! ,• Tuesday,. Oet,ober 18th for the Rugs Arts and Crafts D+ispllay to be held 'in the Lucknaw United Church, .2 to : 5. an'd' 7:30 to '10. p.m.' • Sponsored by the United Ch' urch. Women. ANNUAL ' MEETING"' The AnLual. uMeeting : of••' Bruce ,Co=operative '-Medical -Ser'wces- wall be held. un Paisley on' .Mon - house and: . garden supplied., in' :day,;~ September'22rd, 1963 in the. "Village . of • Pinkerton.' house;. ! Assembly. Hail °:of ' Knox United equiapped . with hydro... Apply . to • Church at . 18 .•p m1,• ;•DS.T. A'll'an •Roy Cramnm, Pinkerton, Ontario,: Howe, President; Lorne B. Evsans, Or phone Cargill. 366-2494'or Manager. Secretary -Treasurer. • ehen'Y. wtriWeash,�beech.and soft 36644 7+8 • 1 . -WEDDING, RECEPTION ,. WANTED ' . Medium or large A wedding reception .,will • .be Size. • tracyole. ;Mrs. Charlie • Wil- ', ',held in Wihhitechttrch.. Communi;t- kins, • R.R. ,: 3 • Lucknow Phone h , . Y � Hall ;an• S�aburda'Y, •Septeanber 21 •Dungannon '09-r-7. , an a'oniour of Mr. sand Mrs. 'Geo. N'eedlvam' '(D;oris• Wall): "1litfin's. Loos WANTED -,- standing ;on+cliestra..' Etre a ` relic' Hardwood timber :and . logs want • ryo'n - . ed.. We. Are �pay�ing ,top !cash brie- I C , '.es : for ..hard Maple,. basswood, .cherry, -White' ,ash, ,beech.:and soft !good coindibion: , ''A ly Jerry Iogtenibeng, •RR. 1, I?tirigsannon, Craig's S�avtrmhild;' Auburn, phone RD F THAN KS 1 -HEST PRICES .on fertilizer, '• ask` • about bulk Spreading; ' tractor tires, cement' in stock eat. all • Vanes and .gravel of every kind, • Bruce MacMillan, LucknowSALE Wingshan .Clirpper cook Stove; electric ratigette; Royal piano. •Contact ;Mrs. , Art Stewart, R.R. 1,',Port Albert, :phhone. 'Duniganiiion 14-r-11. FOR. SALE -- Pickup truck, 19449. 'Ford 1/2 ton, !good' motor. and tires: Evan. 'Keith, ..• 5 Lhucknow, phone •528-5302. FOR ;SALE — buoy's .bicycle in :good: condition. Mrs, 'Lloyd Mac- Dougall, RI. 6, Lucknow„ phone Ratpley, 1.246-r-30: FOR, • .SALE ' 9«5 :ft; • admiral refrigerator with across -the -top 50 -Ib, freezer, iri••'execel1enit con- , clition. Phone Jack Caesar , at • Dungannon` 454''.' FOUND' QTICE.S NOTICE Why he inconvienced by:, hail- ing to`, ipay: your Ontario Hospi- tal Insurance Premiums every three months? Pay once a year through the -Huron County Co - Operative Medical Services, the •only : 'official collectg • agency for this insurance in the county. We also offer to , all the : resi- dent,! •of -the county a plan for prepaid medical health` insur- ante which provide's .: greater benof is than any other plan • in operation. .Family rates as low as " $5;40 a month. • For further information, . con- tact : Gordon Kirkland, Dungan- non' 69.11. ••NOTICE , Any Majorettes • interested in going' to Kinoardine Fair •'are to meet; at the Ijucknow • District High School' •on :Friday, Septem- ber 20bh at .1.010 from 'where .,a bus will leave. Mrs. 'Frank Ritchie Wishes to thank all those who remember - .ed ed her' while :she' was in 'Wing= ham - Hospital and since :return- ing !home.. FOUND =--' 'watch in Lucknow. • Owner may have �saine by :;prem - ing property and paying andv!t. Pert de Jonfg, •R: 6, Luckno'w. HEIFER LOST Hereford er, •around filth .' Concession of Kinloss, weight about. 500 lbs.' Anyone kn ing of its .wihere 'Charlie . p'ho ehcoll'e�ct Murray,"11..R. 1, H•alyrood, , Ripley • •M"echani °;1= and Body 'Re- pairs, Wh el' Alignment and Ballance, indow Replace- ments,. : , diator Repairs. Protect gauist rust,with a-�S . Und ,pra9 Davidson's Texaco Service No, 8 11 ghi ay,' Goderich Ehoite 3A 4*7231 NOTICE EXHIBITORS. As a ` convenience to Lucknow Fall Fair exhibitors, .Mrs: Fred McQuillin, fair secretary, 'wilt' be at the• Lucknow arena next•,Mon- qday and.. Tuesday afternoons, preceding� the regular fair days, from 1:30 oto 5 pan, , . • Fred Guest 'wishes to ' sincere ly thank neighbours •and friends who ?reanembered him, 'iii : various ways 'whine he was dill, With, spec- ial . thanks, to '.those' Who did the threshing. Keith : and Jean- Johnton and family Wish ..to. sincerely thank. their friends ,: and neighbours" for the !wonderful",farewell. party & ;the . beautiful •igi f is w►hioh were !presented to 4ihemi on that oeca- sion (Which they will long re- member. AUCTION SALE AUCTICN.:SALE of Real .. Estate and. Lumber, will be' held, tor Mrs. Edith Gardner 1 mile south of Lueknow opposate ' �Greenhi,ll. •Cemetery -on ' Saturday,' September 21st. at `• 10:30. a.m. ' The• property offered includes 50 acres'More or less.!being, north c/4, Lot 1�3, ,Cori. 13,. West Wawa - nosh Tcwmship on;iwhioh issit- hated a frame. ibarn :30x5!0. There are 3s5 acres of !good tillable land ;,with the •Lticknow: river ;,running through the. property . At the front. •af• the. farm 'adjoining the County highway: is aipproxianate-' 1y 4 to• 5 acres of good gravel/ suitable ' for liisghway' . paving Property. sells sulb'ject• to reserve bid, requiring ..10%cash day of sale, .ibal'ance in 3•, :days: •Further particulars can .b'e .Obtained from Witham G.' Hunter, • R.R. 3,• Luck- now• • .. , Also offered Will, be a ,q�uan�tity of lumber and a ,Shetland: pony: 11/2 years old. , (Sale will . be held on the pre- mises opposite Greenhill 'Ceme- tery). Note ;time` of sale. Allan h1VMaclrihty�re Auc., . - hone 528-5304; Dead Animal Remora For Dead .or . Disabled'' Animals .Call Collect Darling and Company of ;Canada Ltd. Clinton_ HU -2-7-269' Dead Animal License / No. 262-C-63 • ; ni mmumst iiai ni■ii■ura111n i. ■ ■.. ■. iv • ■ ■ ■ :f fic ingham 0 Phone 35.7=38.40. TENDERS ANTED TENDERS Township of West. Wawanosh SNOWPLOWING TENDERS ■. ■: ■ a ■' is ■ ■ ■ •. ■ ■ . •. GERALD (Jerry) . WALTER '•• ■ 100 ACRE ..FARM in Kin-.» ■' loss Twp. Full price only..0 • $3,500. ' with . reasonable •.� ■ terms. 40 ,acres productive • ■ cropland: Several.suitable . ■ ■; locations ' for spring tea, •■:, trout ponds, one of the fin Luesicknow, r• • t trout s reams m t the' i county crosses. this proper- ■ .. ty: Be sure to see this tie 11' mendous ' �barg�ain soon. . ■ .. No. 63'-422. ,• ■ ONLY . $22,000. for 'excep ■ , ■ 'tionally good 200 acre farm ■ ■ in' Oulross Twp. 170 ..acres • . ■ of .almost level, stone free very productive :'cropland,, n larrge• "L" shaped barn with loose stabling for 100 head ■ of cattle , and 100 anarket: ;• hogs. • 1.1/a 'storey (home corn- It ■ pletely modernized : and in • x l e ce lent ,condition. New • 40)660 metal covered im- plement shed. Good terms ..0 ■. available. Ismmediate � os-. . F ■. session can ibe': arranged.' • No.. s5s9 ,M L .S... TENDERS ,Will ''be received ;by' the undersigned until ;8 o'clock i p.m.,• ,Oataber 61th, 1963; for ;plow ■ inig snow :in 'the Township of ' ■ I West Wawanosh ,for ,the 1063 .,& , ■ 11804 season. Township . to supply FAaUCTION SALE of household :effects 'of Miss Sane Pierce. of/, Lucknow, will be held. at, the rear •of the Win Knechtel & Son Feed Store, Main .St.,'Lwoknow, on Saturday,• Sesptemiber 21st at. 2:00 pan. Under cover in case of rains For ' further information, contact George E. Harrison, Roy- al Eotel, Kinicardine, Emile• Mac.= Leniian, haus. MEETING FAIR SPECIAL IVIEETING :Members of the Lucknow .ricultural • Society arerequested to attend a special meeting this Friday night, September 20th at 11:310 p.m. at Lucknow Town' Hall i.vihen urgent business' pertaining to the fair will be discussed,' FALL. F4 WORK BEE Me'mnlbers of the Lucknow Ag- ricultural. Society are requested to be at the arena and Fair Grounds this Saturday, Septem- ber 21st • M 1 p.m. to Whelp !pre:, pare the ,hgrottnc'%s for 'Fair .day. Is 'Your • Subscription Renewed? SERVICES CUSTOM.: BUTCHERING Beet and pork -sold in any quantity: Custom • butchering in Government • licensed abattoir, Pigs every Tuesday. Beef • from Monday. •'through Thursday.. BUTTON'S' MEAT MARKET AUCTION SALE Allan MaeIntyre Licensed Auctioneer , Lucknow • Phone 528-5304 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, °cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with Mod- ern equipment: All work guar,- anteed. Louis Blake, R, 2 Bras sets, phone 442 -W -6r plow I& wing. Tenderer to o !bate size and year of !truck,: also ibis own help and to mount plow and. wring at his gown e x�phenser TOW n• ship guarantees •.$100. per month standing ,time for ' four .01r. month Lo*est or any ,tender °not ,nec- essarily' accepted. • . • •. . Lorne .Ivens, Road &LPL, Twp. of West Wawanosh,, • Dungannon, Ontario...'. SAVE TIME • AND EXPENSE' -- Have buyers . "coming' • fi you:" Use Sentinel "Want Ada." ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ PROPERTYWANTED . WE ` ,HA"VE a numlber • .of ■ ,sincere ,purchasers. looking ■ for a good 100.acre farm ■ with a ,good set .of ,build- • If you have been p • • thinking of s'ellin:g, don't wget top dollar ;for your miss sb this great opportunity e II farm. Far further inforrna-• -•: ` i tion contact. us ,at your w D a• : Stock • earliest convenience. �. RemovalServce We are licensed to reMove your dead or: crippled •farm °:animal:s . for 'sanitary. disposal, GORDON YOUNG, Elritira . Phenee Collect .to: MRS. GORDON' TAYLOR 528=5950 Luck'now. 24-hour service Licence Nos. • ' 215C62 and , 22R83 ■ . �.. 'au i PICTURES, ,hundreds, . and • hundreds. of ,pihctui"es and • cornlplete descriptions. of 0 fantastic property bargains • hi Rural Ontario Send $1.• 1 ■ to Paul S. Stair +& COr Ltd.,. •• Hanover, Ontario.'' N ... X. Everett Pennington ■'. R.R, 2, Teeswater., • �:. *Phone 392-6064 1 •• Loc1 Ag• ent For: ,a Patil S. Stara & :Co. .Ltd:; •'• Hanover • Phone 870. i■■■�■�r��iisaWi���Ni■stli�s •