The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-11, Page 12,l Ira LuCKNOIY $ rr1N :G, Lt'C KNOW. O*A1E1O and '86 Mtn it rg r r. 41? • ij rl • memo. By Bill ; $.►iley, :Are • we going to 'hayre a chril war in Oanarda? You may laugh at: .the question, irnt a lot 'of Ile', ".in this. country don'rt find it too hilariii; ' La�Re11e Provence is snick and rind o herr indereas, role, She has i . of 'be ii+g the Lrrght and ib►eiai-tti f till, knit Ibedteggy gled and: rba; y .ntglected sister in the tflafitirly. • •Since •Waked "Godihlroth#14 ll3u7 plessis kieked ''thee ,bucket and Prins Charming Lesage rode up on his white Charger, a new life has dawned for La 'Belle.. • She has realised that -her' wick ed godmother was, diddling her • out.i of heir inheritance, :that some of her. sisters, 'especially that On, iarito, who' • was always a bit of a snob, were looking down thein n, uses at her, and that 'the.. meek fuller, it the earth only when everybody else has tapped .it. • As •a ri esul,t she ,hasdost heer in- teriority complex. She has drop : iped • her submissive Obedience. Ghe has lost her faith In wizards.: Hereyes are ?baazinb. Her fists are Up. She' bras • a ` Chip on ' her . sh au der the . size : of a ' 'Chunk of cordwood And sthe. is Very de- finitely igoirmg to the ,ball, .whether the • runt .of the f armiily • likes. it or •not.. d.. Readers •of : this column. prob . . ' ablry.'don''t realize how lucky 'they' are to havre the whole French -i. Canradian ,revolution 'and, the Sep- aratist. movement exipTained to the n,tby, an...expert.iwnho':j+usit spent a week visiting La Belle'Prawi ice, ; traveil,ing ani: an Eriglish-•Canadian shipping line, and staying in; an.. English-Ca'nadiiran-•owned "ihotael, F ,sit • set: me Say, that the'. ,giros : Man+treal stall knock you. stiff.. They have ta; Midair, a style, that 'makes es old , gigs .like ` me stop dead im . their tracks and, •'burn slowly, mouth Open, 'until :,a. vtic- nous poke din. the ribs: :,frrom'. wife 'or .:.small 'danugthter. shatters ancment: iSewcondly,',bhe .traffic "in Mon- ' 'treat ' is still the ,most frighten- ing, the Ical'A-kdnivring • the (dost ha:'ir raisintg and ;the ,farres 'the most reasonable of any ,eity;'in 'Canada. Thirdly, the. majestic . .bulk ' of. Quebec,'' brooding over the St: 1rawrence, with who knows. what • memories,, is still probably the most , .imposing. city in North America. ' Fourthly,• the price of booze in Quebec !province' is fierce. Fifth,, I Can't staylip, all , night • taaLy More: Sixth, it ..was • :good: to meet ,, old weekly-edrhrtora and, assorted. friends: rand. (find' oust their ,golf is• lousy, too Severutlh, alter a week of dressing; :,rutp and eating ,tatb uilous rneaJls arid• ttipping, .every- body in sirght, it's Wonderful to sit an • thedbaakylard like. a ,burn, unshaven, to 'eat than real (food • : which only the •Olid• Girl can pre- pare, arid to get up from the 'table Without. .haivi7 having to ,fish ,for a'bil1. * •* * We enjoyed our trip thoroughly, and even the kids arrived 'home utterly exhausted, sure sign. of ;a •fine -convention. It Was 'tempt-, ing to .devote this week's column to a "cute"" 'travelogue. But I came home witch' a deep feeling of Unease ' corieernring the Mixed marriage which has, ,for almost one hundred years, con foiunded. rbhe expper•ts tby ibeing ap- parently a happy one. TM afraid one of the. partners .'•,amts a: di-, ' vorce, or if not that, at least a •. oornpl+etely brew deal, "Has IUhe 'lady ,grounds sfor df. - wive?" -voice? you • ask, Perhaps not, Legrally. Getting a divorce in this country has ,always • peter, ,almost tough las getting into \heaven. And • .like all lladies,her real reasons for kicking ' over•, the intik tan are all ,mixed up with. herr , entetitons. She's sick of feet i> ' g` a big', family, on•her :batter -and- egg money while the old man lives it up at the saloon, with the proceeds from the beef he sold.. She's ,fed ' up with being Wim- imenbed :km cher h onie cooking, when what she wants 1s a. rpY earsent-yi ndetglass 'and 'cham- pagne sinner; like the other girls, once in a !while, • ' • She's furious at the patroniz- ing. air of 'tike, ladies who praise her needlework and then sweerp. off in ,their' mink ;coats. • Hell, as the chatp. said, ,hath no ,£ury. like a wamtan scorned. Un- less' La 'Belle Province can `lbe convinced: dihatt she its our only lave, ,unless ..we count • her rwtth sincerity and ., .•Intensity, she • i;s 'going.- to ,desert cher :famn,ly, set yup her own '•easbatblishnientt, : and. News Briefs From Nearby Mile first 'deputy -,reeve in :the history' of the town of Port Elgin will be electedtthis fall,' g iviing the municipality' two represent- atives on !County, Council. The town has been. eleg bile for a storm tfor sroretinre ' 'buwt. 'Ithe rattler was .deferred. * r*. * • ' A new $25,000. Bruce County: garage Es. to. ,be built at Fais1ey this fa'11, Q . *'. * Ninenew Fargo • ;buses ,Went -,nitro operation last Week in ILo wick' .Township to transport 632 .students frorri ' all parts of Abe tbo'wnsrhup to the new central ldhool rin. the centre of the, n1un- aicipaii+ty. With the opening of the new school, 11. rural schools were closed peiimanen,tly. One of :the members .of the teaching staff ' is Miss Joyce McNay, dough - Aar .of Mr. and, Mrs: 'Kelso 1VlucNay►, • : Bill wiaden of Walder: Trans- port; -• port,•;'• who ' +w'as. injured in a motor ' kaccirdentb • a. few Weeks ago, as doing . very wetll:. at Victoriahospital, : but will . ,be :confined to 'hrospital for .some time yet. ' He will be out ',of traction shortly. Milford 'Fox -ton of Winighaan, died .from head injuries ,received in ra .fall do,,. the. lb,aseMent. treat us with the thlaubeur we 4e-, •s,ba]tns • att,..the Legion Hall in 'Wing serve. Inthe. meanbirrie, 1 for :one ratan : ,going to start talking .rthose Conversational French classes at n' t; school, Introduce :1 st Club'�iA# ion 4-1-1 A meeting of. the . Zion,. `bine-n- biers 'and, their motherS,was ` held' at • Mrs, Frank : R#ohieis.. As this' is the first time for a.caul) at' Zion, this. meeting was an introduction `to 4-H Hom,emrakinig. 'Chill* before trhe iguliar meeting. The ;leaders, Mrs. F. Ritchie: and Mrs. Gordon Karand explained the vial ue.san and opportunities ,of 4-11 work. . • The election' of officersresulted 'as' ' folrlowts : President;,' Wandathe meeting.. hraxn. A: son, : John, ' was electro- cuted ,at ,work in . 1901 and ,last year ,their .other son, Glen, was kviled in a mcitor accident.;. Ripley ,area • young :ladies. who recently , wroibe • their . registered nurse .exaaiirinati..ons:included, . . Olive Graham, Marilyn Finlayson, Rosalyn , Srwaarin, Jean 'Gey ld.ets, Caroline Brown, Shirley Brooaks. I • • kr.. and: ..Mrs.. * Roy rM,acKenzie of RriplreY recently' ..o'bsenved rtlliie r ' 40th wedding ,anniversary.: Hunter, ,'vice - 'president, Nancy Kirkland; 1piarnist, Donna Ritclhie; press reporter, Manion, Reid. • iA •disous+sion on . record,' (books, and recipes took place after ;which' the , ,leaders .demonstrated 'dish- washing - and.' measuring, Donna : Ritchie played the Queen veto.close Tolbert MacKenzie,, a grade thirteen student at •Wa'1kerbon. District Secondary School, o1, sand sion Of Judige 'rand. Mrs. a?. slbuart MacKenzie .of Walkerton, return- ed last week from Northern .On- tario, rwhere he . was. em ip1oyed for the summer months (with/the Dept. of Lands and. lForests. Ro- bert, was .stationed ed in the Bear Lake District, near Sw bury, * * *, • iMr. and Mrs. (Frank Colwell of R.R., 4 'Kincardine have ,Disposed •ori their, 100 -acre farm near' Bar v>ie. to 1VLr.. and . Mrs. Glenn Mc- Lelland of R.R. 4 ° ,Kincrar,dutie,. WEDNESDAY, SEM, 11, 1963 Walden, .alt os.:of "Vtrit140141.have Purchased the trucking' iidernse,: tractor trailer and '.shake truiek of ,Vbe, late •Wim. Currie of that town, .* A contentious .•school tprdblern took a new (turn mbar" four am,. ' trans •of rthte. H,ay.. Tow+nsihalp Sahool Area tpebitionecd the (council •of• the. TownnShip .of Hay to releaise them from ithe, :township school area, following a vote iwibich a,)- proved, ••oonyple+be cccons9li,diation, The vote. had 'approvedthe. ad- dition of two. Classrooms. and. a' ;gyunnasium!- rto the area school ' located r'n %the viae •of ;Zur eh, of action to take to 'keep Insured R • if you .Change jobs, follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of f `Payment, Form :104; •. which your group' is required to give you. • N • When you reach your 19th birthday you are no.longer covered by your parents' certificate. Register separately within thirty days to keep insured. Forms are available at hospitals, banks and Commission •offices. When you•marry, the Family premium must be paid to cover husband, wife and eligible dependants. Tell yet* group. OR, if you pay direct, tell the :Commission: ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 7, 'Ontario ALWAYS KEEP YOUR HOSPITAL,INSURA CE CERTIFICATE HANDY CAMPAIGN PROMISES ARE EASY TO MAKE AND DIFFICULT TO 'FULFILL The Liberal party is currently promising the people of Ontario a 'program of startling innovations a program which, if implemented, would •pile,' etp. a staggering provincial debt and''' an insupportable burden of taxation. "john Robarts and the Progressive .Conservative party promise only one thing - continuance ,of' the sound and .intelligent kind of .gover_ntnentwhich. has ' placed Ontario 'ahead of all Canadian provinces in terms of economic :progress . •and has given its ' citizens an enviable ' standard of living for ' a minimum of . taxation. Support t ie Party with tie PRACTItAI Program Committee Room , r • IN HURON - BRUCE Preinier Robartts• George McCutcheon Joaep .in e Street' , Wing hrmf Phone 3�7-307b Open b12noon;. l-5• p.f., 7-9 pan. Huron.Bruce. Progressive Consertrative : Association tl,