The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-11, Page 9• wrI„ONE,SDAY, SEPT , 11,, 1963 • . • • .• TITS IATPKNOW ORNMEX4,-/..IJCKNOI:ey, ONTARIO Orey,T,Bruci•:YVA„ 'AreCt .CoOention To Be In , • Wornen's linstitUte members; from all cornerS a Grey and Ortic e. County will be gathering tfior the Area iC.Onvention, 'to be • held 'in ;the town hall at lireaford., Tuesday and Wednesdayilthe lath and 18th of ,Soptember. • Mrs. Leonard Trivers, The - 010n, president of Federated Wo- nien.'S. 'Institute of Ontario and • Miss Helen. MCKercher, Director ' of. Horne Economics SeiwiCe; Dept: of -AgricultLirei Toronto, :wial be present. Mds McKercher will ad- - dress • the morning' session. on. Tuesdtiy .and-11VIns. Trivers im the . • afternoon, Registration is tat with the, opening exerci,ses • 9:45. Mrs. 'Ivor • Spencer, R.R, .4. • Tara, is the president of the Grey - Bruce Area. ' • • ',A high iight of.the twO day .convention is the .banquet es - day evening , a,t .0:20, P.m. The ' guest 'speaker is Frances Shelley. Wees. . Mrs. Wees has .publighed • about 30, Woks, Mostly mystery novels, .and. probablY more !!than any other :woman in :Canada...She. has :also written four Primary readers, a set Which have been authorized in the, Maritimes for many yeans. She has ;also „Written rna•rity artioles for magazines, such .4s; The Ladies •Hoine Journal, McLean's, Chatelaine, , etc. The writing end triacing .of •family histories is a hobby. Dr. and Mrs. Wees have two children, a 'daugh- ter is married to Claire Wallace's son. Their on, 19 years of age, Ls 'going t.o Jamaica as a voliinteer student, with the Canadian Un,r, iversity Services OVerseas in September. Mrs. Woes topic will. be f'From dishpan to typewriter", M,g,th: lights for Wednesday morning,will' be the 'election of officers and the CESCU.S4011 groulps. The 'finding of tile groupswillhe presented lin the :afternoon..Junior Activities will be. in charge of the: Grey and Bruce COW:Ay Home E•conornists, Miss Flora Duran and Miss Donna Mae Nickolson. There will again be a displaY. of 'W,omen's Institute. s:upplies, which 'are available from • 20 Spadina Road, Toronto -4. It will be possible to leave your, order eaford land, r.eceive ;the shipment tat a I later date, This js a convenience which many of us .appreciated last year. It is an ropportunity for the W.I. members to secure items they may have been Intending to vet for sometime. Entertainment willibe throughout the convention from ;Subdivision 14, 'which is Grey, .north; Grey, east; ;,Grey, centre. The convention ;corritinittee: 'also c o me • r.om this subdivision and will 'be in charge •of registration. WitOEi a trophy eing :awarded • to the Dis- trict with the larger attendance for the 'two days, it is very irnz-4 portant that .everyone -register. Official , voting delegates should oh•eck with the regist,ration com- mittee 'for/ the second day of atten•dance. • • • •'Complacent Husband: Well, my dear, I've carried you safely, over all. the . 'rough . places in life, haven't 1? •• ' • • Wife: . Yes. Arid you hairen't missed one of them. • , • •. I • • • incinna i Cream Lager Beer • • . . . • . . • TKE SMOOT. '1...13RE,WED,.. BY ....CARI4LNG.- LIGHT.13tER • •• .'• C63:46* • PAGE NINE Passed Away After Lengthy Illness • KM. CLARENcE DUNLOP After a lengthy illness Mrs. Clarence Dunlop, • passed Wlay. 7111.0SdaY evening, $e0eimber - 3, 1963, in Kincardine Gen.(4141 119s Pital-in flier '511.lith year. Born on Ndveinber 25tir; 1805 in Ashfield Township, she was the former. Lavina Mae Bla,ck, ,daulghter of Johtn and tlVlargaret he. attended GOclerich High SehOol and Stratford 'Teachers.' College" before .teaching .tong year near Durham ,ancl two Years at No. 9, school Huron TOwnshiP., On. October 22, 1.930, she mar ried Clarenge Dunlop , of Huron. rPownship, (arid took LIP/ residence on the 4t# ;concession ,wiliere they spent, their married life-. •'Both, were Members of Pine River United Church, and iMrs, Dunlop had 'taken an active part in the cornmunity. Never neglectful at .her ;home Ate was a devoted •Wife ,arid mother and gave' herself 'freely to .11 eMilipa;*nly4enfrsillienled(Ws,svillS.leitIdedt.1;e Me - Lerman Funeral Home in Kin- cardirie ,where the, remains ret - ed Until 'Friday: • On Friday afternoon the fun- eral. servite was - conducted by DOnaid Madcentie, paid 'tribute to her life of service and Rev. ;John Hutton assisted:in. Prilryi:Lni.. exit was in incardin. e cemetery. Pallbearerswere six, former pupils of . No. 9 school; Donald Courtney, Murrayi Ma- poriadd, Leonard Reid, Cecil 1-Itifin-" phrey, Lesiter Ferguson ;and Leon- ard 1Codirtney., F1'o'wer b'earers were ;close' neighbours.. Mfrs. Diunlop.,iS Survive.d'IbY'her hitsb'and; five daughters, Donna, Mrs, Frank • Maloney of Preston.; Norma,. Mrs. Russell •Perider of ;Micltland;, 1Margaret, •Mrs..'Herb' • ;Johnson .of ;Preston; DorothY of Midlan4;1 and Dianne :ITOnie.,' Two .Sons, B1i Of Port Elgin 'arid' Eugene' of Iron ToWnshiiiP; nine grandchildren. Als� slurviiing are five sisters, 'Melinda ' •of Dungan.: non; Little,Mrs. Bill Petrie of Dungannon; • Margareti. Mrs. GeorgeGlenn :of Goderich,; Olive; Mrs i Allan Watson' ...of the Nile; Ruth, Mrs.. HOward 'Johnston, of Port Albert; six ;brothers, LlOyd,: Victor and Eliner Of Port Albert, Cecil. of 'Britton, Case Of Kit- thener, and. „Roy LuckrioW. Two . *others' Wallace and Ho- ard ipredeceased her. . OBITUARY ARNIM MATTHEVVS., Henry H.'ilVfattihpOs,. 1 of field -TOwriShip, died Friday in Alexandra IA/feline and General Hospital, Gaderich. Born in Ash- field; he was•sonof late -Mr: arid Mrs. Henry Matthews, and liVed and farmed in Ashfield ihilife. MattliewS. Wes a member of the ;Nile 1.Jiiited Church. • He leaves his wife, the former Ruby Kerr; three daughters, Mrs. 'Henry (Bernice) Drennan,. Ash field; Mrs. Raymond (Lois) flag -7 git, SheppardtOn,.'..& Mi Ss Joyce 'at ie;'two sons, Gordon, Prince George, R.C,, and Ralph, Nile; and 21 grandchildren. , • • The body ,reSted at the Stiles funeral home Gederich where a service waS held Monday at,, 2:00 P.m., Rev,. J. A. Veldt of Nile United •Church offici.ate,d,,, Burial Was in Dungannon aeine.tery. • In thisbedroom,. wedlike to mention, One thing merits.• • special attentkn. • saves you ivoriy, • .•Runninll ant Orly: Its the convenient • -sEbRoom EXTEAISIONI • ,F YOUR flomElses ENOUth IN, ITS 1116VOEIGII FOR A • 134011001$ EXTENSION TO YOURS.JU3TCALL . .• OLIVtT .NEWS -The •Olivet .U.C,W.„ 'met on Thursday afternoon in the church. The president 'Mrs. ,Os-. car. White 'ape,fied with ,a to Worship "Conic Ye' . Thank - u1 People Dime." Eleven mtettn- , answered the roll :call .with a verse. on Harvest. Mrs. JOI.n. aVlacClharlez coridLicted the • ;wor- ship service .Scriptdre and co-; inents :based on ;the Beatitudes was .given thy .Mis. Melvin Col- ytt • 44 40.t.1. 33 cio ling.. Miss : 1Viary Roritistori led ' in prayer,... kid a .sermon. by Peter arshall, was read ,by Mrs.. John MacCharles. Mrs. Caging • gave '4 report of. :the Hamilttm • COnfererice , at the,. U.C.W. Mrs. MacCharleS and Miss Mary Raul- ston sang a duet accompanied at the organ iy Mrs. Sandy Mac- • Pharles, Mrs. Robert , Osborne -1-gave the • courtesy remarks. Lunch was served after WhiCh a sale' of caokties twith .recipes enelostid. addedtd the. treasury. Mrs: Herb OlaytOnasSisted by Mrs. john. MacCharies are plani- ning a 4-H project for ',thegirds:, • this fall. • • • • • •Mr,"and'aVir:s. Tom ..M,oP,46e ' • :and Harvey of AubLirn gifted recently with Ir„ and ' • ter IDexter, • • • Mr. and 3M. W. T. Roulston • 'arid Jack and Mrs. MseHam, • ikon' Visited recently with M,,r; • and Mrs. 'Orville Guy. and Lin:, da in iMitchele , • • Miss ' Sharon Coltling was or— ganist during the Sunday Scheel . session ,on Sunday. : •.. Mr. and Mrs. • George Hart- ' well of. Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs., Henry Farrell ;were Callers • at the ;home' of Mrs.'4.VI..ae , Thm- • ;Employee: "But, sir, I ,think1 - deserVe to raise." .' .Boss:. "Perhaps you do. Speak to Me in a few ,days—if .you're still With lis." • ' Simday evepdn.g. • MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on r, monument correctly designed from quality) material, rely on • SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat OWagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Ye?ts.,, Wa4seirton * Phoma 881.0234 Ontario is,••••44.#40,04 '41 • 111 cr. •I; • rr ' • • 3. -:" • ' . .• •••.*:'• ' • 1 r . // , 4:r • cr,