The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-11, Page 51 • WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1083 THE I.,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LVCENOW, ONTARIO- - •‘• Lochalsh Resident's Life Span Covered Era From Ox Cart To Jet Plane A 0. • • 241101c1 Alexander macDopi4d, lifelong resident orf he Loc., halsh district, 'Wive Was in hiS 90ftli year, passed away in Kin- . • sardine Hospital ion 'Saturday, vices 'rendered in that so° ietY. Au•gost .31st. '; His. • wen , of life covered an Held. in <the highest regard as a•n era which saw 'transportation exeM1PlarY citizen there was develop frOm traVel hY ox-oart none 'but 'who spoke :well of Dan 'to jet aircraft. He tilled the MacDonald, affectionately known -soil with thi.s first tractor after by Many as "Uncle Dan," No, reaching he age of 70 lancl had finer tribute could ibe paid than his ffirst Plane ride on hi.s 81)th the comment Ofone friend !who IbirtActaY• • . , said, "He was one of the most He wild be remembered ,as a • completely, honest men I ever good father, a good neighbour • knew.". < and for his iwOrk in the. church •.Don•ald Alexander ,MacDonald be served, 0 well. was a on ,of Finlay'MacDonald It was ',,fitting that the 'lait <who !was born in 'Scotland and tribute of respect land. estteern. Sarah._ Halliday Whose ,ibirthplace should be ',paid, him at Ashfield Was Prinee Edward Island.. lig, Presibryt6ran.icaripott .riwilvere <the Was the 'eldest 'son, of this pion- funeral' *service'was held on • eer • family and • was born in Tuesday, SePteMber 3rd, Con. Ashflelcl Township on February ducted by his Pastor, "Ftev, Neil '21Eith, .1.8-74, on the, farm now ,McCombie. owned hY. his nePhew; David interment was in Kintair Cern-- MacDonald., , etery thedpallbearers being John 'He spent <all bit life in the Finlay 'MacDonald, David May= Lochalsh Commuriity, most of it Donald, Emade MaciLennan„ Frank on 'the farm presently Owned MacLennan, D. A. 'MacLennan, by Ewan MaCI,,ean, and froin Wim . Ross. Which' <he and Mrs. MacDonald/ W. 'MacDonald is. survived by • retired in '1950. • four daugihters, Louise and Sel- . • In .1905 he was ordained an ina flVlac1Doriald of Windsor,, dVirs. elder in the A.shifield resbyter- ian In 1933 he „ was 'made • a • life inemlber of ,the Upper Canada Bible Society . for ser - CARS - TRUCKS- T ACTORS: LAWN OWERS -WELDING PAGE rnri son), 'Clifford •Canneil txf fornia. ' • , Survivling els° are tWo IlYro- thers, Thomas of Ashfield, .Rod- erick of Excelsior„ Minnesota; ItWO, Sisters, Mrs. John B. Cam1:0- be11 i(Isabelle) of Hamilton and Mrs. Donald MadDonaki (Annie) of Lochalsth. •• He as predeceased by his first wife; Salem Grant, his late Wife, . Barbara- MacLennan !and one son, Donald .Kenzie Donald; also by othree sisters, Mrs. • D: MacDonald, Kintail; Mrs. Duncan MacKenzie, • Ash- • field; <IVIrs. David 'Stertvert,.. Loc- halsh; :'and four '<brothers 'Jim of Montana, Kenny • .of California, Jack • of • Alberta and Alex. off Ashfield. •• . • EEDY 'HEREFORDS WERE WINNERS AT THE C.N.E. • H. J, Eedy and Sona' Dun,; gannon, won finSt prize fof their summer yearling bull entry in the Hereford competibion at the Can- adian. National. :Exhibition- Wed- nesday, August 128th:. . • • Eedy !entries • (also *On. first.: R. C. 'Cowie ((Isobel) -of London,- place .fin the ,senior heifer calf Mrs. j. D. Fondle • (Elizabeth) of claSs, and second in the breeder's. Blenhein4 one on, Finlay 'aVkac- herd class,' an entry composed of Donald of •Cliatharn .and step- bull and thiree ,fefmales. • . . '• . • . _ • '_ • ri • • rrr•r•.• rr. •r • . • rr ...• • "":' "' • ''•*" ``We needed it now, the 1pank saidyes, so... • Many a household purchase like this starts with a batik loan.People find that the simple, natural' thing to do js to borrow 'where they: save— at the iocaibank..n fact the Chartered banks are are the largest.single source of consumer credit loans, both in number and value. Through the years the chartered banks have made it increasingly easy for people to borrow, at ‘son- • able rates for almost any worthwhile purpOse:, the • pUrchae of 'a car...a new home heating system. , . a son's or daughter's echication.,,, „a family, vacation - Three out of four' bank loans are to individuals for their personal -credit needs. And" the total aMpurre of such 'Clans has almost -doubled in the past five • lyears,....further evideriCe �f the way bank customers are rel Tore and.more on their local branches.fOr borrowing; as well as. for 01 other. financial • • THE CHARTERED. BANKS SERVING YOUR b9M1YIUNTIT through,full-range banking reisiVWSIVe to growing, changing needs • '" • • 1', toTICKNOW VMS. MEETING • The' September meeting of the .Afternoon W.M.S, of the Luck - now Presbyterian Church was !held in the 'school room of the church on Wednesday, Sept. *4th. Mrs, C. Finlayson• was in the chair; and all repeated, the :Ainik and Purpose 'of the. W.M.S., fol- lowed by 'the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Finlayson read:the Scripture. Mrs. Robtalt Reid gave the Mis,, sion Study, which centred on Hong Kong, • a .rugged and: mountainous cam/Min:illy, consist.; ing of 398 square miles, !with 249 islands. , Prayer followed the Study by Mrs. Finlayson, and a hymn was mug. exthe coil can, a verse Efrain the BOok 'Iof was answered tby about thirty -;lad- les, Miss Nellie Malcolm read the Minutes of ;the last meeting. Sev- eral ' offices merevacant on the executive and, nominations: were. asked "to fill !these, by Sept. 15. The 'collection !Was taken: and prayer was ,given by Mrs. Ander- son. A , speaker for the Thank - offering meeting in October disou.ssecl. 'Clothing for the hale ;was asked to ibe in by SePt. 12 and consisting mostly of, children's - ' clothing or money. Mrs. H. Nixon gave • the ' 'Bible Study On the seventh Beatitude on:Peace The Prayer .Cirole was' taken by Mrs. Little, Mrs. C. Agnew and Mrs.. M. Sherwood. The .singing .of inn <and pr•ayer by ' Mrs. C. Finlayson closed .the meeting. i Blakes IJCW, • • . • The 'September inting Of tihe BlakeU.C.W. was lheld tcm 'Mors- daY,:•Sept. 5, at the home Of Mrs. • Arnold. The !W:grain was in, charge: of r& L. 34:m1Ru'. The. • Scripture . was read by 'M r, s • Arnold,. irs. Bert • Alton, the: Re-. • .• •t giOrialtkPresident for the 'West sec- .. tion of ithe Huron PreSbYterial waithegliest speaker. She spOlie bri. • the. forthcoming . sectional. Meeting to be .held at Benaniller :(:)tot: 9tdi and .also their get, Delniante Dais. of Ber. •• muds; whom they had•the eXper- ience of haVing in their home this Siimaner. ,She .staid- "We mtivi . be broader in Our Mind and consider : :it a privilege to have Someone from 'another; count17 as a guest for -We are tall. God's children,. • no matter .Wthat cdlor. »al& Mrs:. • jack 'Curran gave the :"Word," • , ..:ancl The, Way." Mrs. 'Wan. Irvin, the herald for .temperance had a ;•• reading "Ts ACohOl a Disease?" Thestudy bOok ' "On Asia' s Rim"• • • • • • Was 4.-ead by .Mrs.'Jack Irvin. The •• .• IldieS, were reniiricled., of the „ Mversary service in B-1 a k • • church., On.: Sept. 15th. The clos- ing. prayer was .offfered by Mrs: L. • Menary and a delicious lundh Was • erect by Mrs. Herman Phi .and :Mrs. Arnold: . • • • _ • . South Kinloss WM.& - •The regular trionthdy meeting. , • - lot ,< • of Sauth3Kiriloss :Was held On Wecinesdar..afteindon, ',Sept. 4 . • at the home of Mrs. Douglai .2; • ,•• 441.•!"'N, • • IP,'t ' • ft'•,`r,o •t • • 143 • • • '• //e • • . . i• 4,k 1 It • 'lt 'and Mrs : Leonard ,MACInnes ,G.,,,ati.a,m with Unt. Harold camip- be: - ., , , . : ,:•:1'.!.......,,,:-:',,,:,,:.?.::: r r •ai directors; , . : : ,-: ../:-: .< 4 '•• mis. praiser :MacKinnon tare- -- sided and Mrs. r_dloycl!MqcD01-110:11 read rnimittes and 'correspondence. , •'. Mei:liters were ,,appointecl to loan - Vass . for the, Bible Society, Mrs.: '..Roiss' .MactMillan displaYed a fine. ' selection Of ,artioies donated' for/' .the Bale and :also items purehaST: . .• ed for. Hospital .gifts. .• • • • • 'The Bible Study' ,was Acts 11, and included 'Bible Geography with a Map. .The • roll call was • , answered .113Y a verse "Church". .• . : Mrs:. • Sandy MacLeod contributed ' a solo accorripartied by Mrs. Hughes and, readings in prose and . • Verse were given bY ;Miss 1Vbarklia • • • Suth.erland and Mrs. H. '-catrifp4 • ,: 4 ' bell. ,..1.11-1.6 chapter .on. !Taiwan" , •• ; • frOm Asia's,Rim Was presented by .. ' - '• . Mrs. A. Hughes.11VIns; 'rank Mac- Kenzie had )chane of the ;prtayer • circle. At the close of ;the meet -i.• / in the bostessand •clirectors serv, . '• • ed cake, an .1 ice 'cream. , " ' ' t •VICT• OR-McCASKEY, Smith Co- voria, Remington ,Rand typeWrit- • ers, adding • machines and. cash registers may be obtained through • • 'The Lucknow Sentinel - at best prices, • I •• The Best Week. To Advertise , Is Every -Week! t ' • ; *, -44.4 ••• •I ", .•• • ••, • . ,•••••e, A ,