HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-04, Page 16• PAM ARMOZT Tax L e IVO% ONTARIO WEED!NE. , AY,..sEP syn. 444, 193: 1 sk d• it' i« ti ¥oung ftorn, This. • ►mmunity. Get Swimming Awards, Fibs. To, Be Available On Saturday Fort4yfrouir • youngsters f. o gin; coanannnAci aye Rtia ad es.bay- ::.s1u'hoe. sfiully passed :bite swim. bets .at due Teesw�aten pond. ' i!Nice weelkly. • swixnma. etruction was v 'under the Sponsorship c ..4:10. L'uckne Dos tract. Lions .b, aided: f nenaial- ]>ar •. the L aeknow•:.Legion and know. Depatetanent Aaz,.dnc +ased fee: year Q Jp- ed Materials - With' in+atruebion ctransportaiaon.coSts, .witlh: the '09ive IgrauPS and gr+ irTitim* the T1imm . oattaaie• of the RedCrow ' W`a- .. y Piro o so Jar as ieSting us cooncar ed,, The .thief lOremitier was. Jaye` • S *10. of Torronba, rvisoar' for• Western 'Omit, He .Was tied by Lan 41a: Lung Of Hamilton and g h tou.. o't MilVe cton,. :The beginners •were tested .by • %Cal . awnrBg �eginnnasit�erau'sctors andthe. fnNlo w .. uave been with -awaaxks; • TnhYne Jahn- Ken, Johnston,.. Bdb b e : HaU, Joan$eccy, Ann rashram; Alban Zher reran, Kin! • =Routh Ba'ootaQ, Savoan Hall, ' Margaret 44OffttigOanery, Edith W+hubbrA c nai 'Clolaiminti .BUsheld; Brent Beasley. Kevin Abkert, Christine ri Terry •TaY Or,:. Narnov Corrin, Donna . aCoTr#nt. Siem C — iEl1iot. Whi Misr- on ` Iolit bra CHAPEL DEDICATED.: (Continued from page• :1) • In sprite af the 'bridle of.. life We may be v ictorlaus even over: deavth. We give. thanks to God who o gives !us ,the victory through , our Lord Jesus Christ and look ' forward Ib His second looming as promised. _ . t 'Rev. It lidaeLeod spoke words of' dedication, setting . apart, the Chapel end Mortuary to it's sacred use for the bodies of those of .all .faiths departthg :+this. life. He :tumth'her dedicated .it tO, the glory of 'G'od by prayer. The service ' closed , with the Singing of Psalm 74,; "O God Our Help. Iri• Ages Past, Our Hope ' For' Years To Come, ' Our Shelter Fromm • The Stormy ; Blast, And. Our Eternal Home ' Following.. the service,therewere manyhappy ,reunions of •friends long, Separated and :mcaasny took ,the occasion to inspect .ithe Chapel and oto Visit thecieanoterr..• which ..,:a besubi"fwl, resting; pike. .Several •retnark on •. tihe' Eine condition of ,tihe. Church ,and it's sur oundings ' Pins Avaibibie . Sa tufa y: The. Members .Of. the Oernerterry A'eramd; :' for the' ZtiniOrtai "Board bre cieeii'1y 'grater& 'graterto. all .ToteiMediates and Senioas, as• who:i have ...supported \ the . erec- fo can lie,;Obtained..tat Thetion {ntf. the G 1'by+pu►blie sub Sentinel. • Office en `Saiturde Y. , ser' "ion and give thanks • anew mioonmg at 11 .+o'clock to God, for lit's succ+essf ul 'deli-, JUnd ohrs Donald Elliott, .;El- . Cation; • mer ..Ackert, ' Brenda Hewitt, El- len O'Donnell; • Brenda :.'Bushrel'1, • Visitors and aal1� ' Teae stly. Lynda :•Chris+holzn, Brian Mac= .with Mrrs.. netts ElUsh: were .Donald, John Ackert, Peter Obis- Mr. and Mals: Robert on'and :bolrn, •Lima. Boyle, Hemmer Re- family Of 'Minta! il<, Mr, . _ ,Vlrs.. Witt Ann, Ackert, Rays! of El- Donald McC'oah of Pimple Ofiave, . UAL '" ` Mi. 'and,1VLrs Jams Rliicha tta of '. Io ns'- • , =ties*Verb' -Mac- Flesh too, ' M a I elvil.le of Donald; *ter, DoiaAbasliin, Mr•and alts';RO•Me MU'yin,...NWBrace -Lman andW,ronto,' Mr Colwell, Andy -Ander -aces, Muur. Edna Munn and cher sitter Erma: nay Ma'nsoar, ;illyd maxim- of Ripley • fl Satiorda Anil* :Steni LAST CHANCE.. fatties,. les,, -etc Reg. To ;311.95. Ladies' Shaer Broken. Size $3.98 . . Kedettes $1.881 Large Selection! $4.95 Back -To -School .. Shoes. Reg. To ;8.85 ladies` 'Shoes: $5.77 Vl5m US AT OUR tiEVir LOCATION ]AF'1'ER, SEPTEMBER 16th! Ree. i4.95 • Men's Canvas Keds, ` $2.22 ATH.LL.SHOE, Lucknow SEE By Tffe Sentinel l<AT in renewing his subs+emip- Wm . D. Good . Wag - °hope, Sask., is he bas been receivi g 'the Sentinel in .the West since 105._ THAT..a Western .Fair. advertise- meprb in; paper tarries a coupon for convenient reser- vation of grand -"Stand ' seats. The . Londe show 'comm:Ic on FridaY,. continuing through a :week from Satumday.. TEAT Lucknow,ites have been fairly 'consistent win at distract' bingos. Art the ` last Mildmay, bingo . 1Vf... Ernie` Lewis. .was yin . 'on a 3 -way split : of a $500 jackpat. MTs. George. Tiffin halved a $40 'prime add 1VIrs.Solomon, shar- ed a 5,wway ' split sof regular '' ' 0 THAT the second West :Region - meeting Region -°nee ting .of Huron' Presby- .. teriiad'' United'' Church Women 1 s : been set ,for Wednesday'; • 0etober 9tih in Henanilrler Un- .ited..• Church. Mrs. 'Bert Alton r • of Astfiibed is Regional Presi- dent THAT • ,Mrs. Elin*a Ptinniigan' commenced 'work : rat . .11411.'s Reid and White Food ,Stone . the first of the week. THAT Mrs. Wellington Render. soon' of .Lucknow. judged baa- ., nnrg at the . over Fag Mair iiaiat woes; THAT • Ted Rice .+of . St. leziirs, is proud of a„deep rose' OQ!y- santheernuan bush, 30” in dia. Meter,: one of .:: f ty five .that he; • has around hit'., Thome. •THAT. a .Sentinel want • rod :.is the • answer !i f • you have. arti- ''tiles for sale. One , week's • in- tertian sold practically all . sthe household 'items' ..lilted by Mrs. Jack' mon, of Ashfield 'Powis. ,ship : .. THAT majorette 'clessee .will ,be • 'resumed at the •Lueknow Dis- s ` tricot.:High' School, >conimenc�ung this Saturdayafternoon. There were :'same . thirty baton 'twirl- era sfiiiU 'actively -participating with ' 'the . group at vacation time. 1Vtany of these are ex-. peote d to ' continue the 'tui- tion sand: as well a will .tie a class 'for .berginnere.who would .tike fro'$art , YOUR MAIN INTERSECTION FOODLAND Choice .Peas On Sale 4 tins 6 Nature's Best. 20 oz. Bargain. Save 9c, Javex Liquid Bleach,, .bottle 23c. For. All Your Washing. & Cleaning. 32 oz. Save. 4c.. Margarine Super Sale Delmar For Table Use & A► . Money, Saver. Highland Pride Cof fee, psound •. 65c Our Exclusive Top Seller. Low Feature Price. 5 16s. 9� Marshmallos On 'Sale, pound 39c Angelous •pr .Weston. Regularly 49c.. Save .lOc. THIS IS WHERE YOU SHOP FOR THE LUCKNOW .COMMUNITY DRAW • We Sell For Less. Phone, Lucknow 528-34211 Vidues Effective' . Septenmber 5, :6, 7. r t Of : e. • lad. � p PatS s. Tire death of HeMy George Mi7ngay oaf' Marbly= .0vcraneid.'' at the ' Brieri'busth 1190i:tali Stouff viii'1e,, on Sunday,.'August . 16, in tilts 7lst year, Mrs:, Peter;: ccaMon of Lucknow, . Whose .Qnuslband 'is a member •of. the LDH, teaching staff, is .a daughter. Mr. ' INItingey was well ..known in . the edutiationi field. ' He was Registrar r of the Deppa rt'metnt of Education of Manitoba' and Was with. Clarke . PubliiShers, Tomontlo ` • During': the. war, ,he. was :edu- catidns officer .." at Eastern Cioanmsanrd ands Western A i r Cow:tend and did mrueth in con- nection with rehabilitation. iedu- !°thin.. Later, :in the Depactirient of •: +Imnanigmaition..Supervised Indian Education in Ontario. • He held • this Masher's degree in .arts,lfrom the University of Man- itoba and a Bachelor of Pedagogy from 'Toronto ,Univers:Hy. In 1968 he retired rtio - farm `art Mark- ham butt - continued to .ado relief teaching :at district Ihigh'scthooli; untie last '.Christmas. During ::the first 'war he moved with .; ;the 'engits in France hav- ing :enlisted at the ronrtbraak of war while ile -at ' !the' Uni+veirsity of Toronto. • He is srvii* by his Wife;: tvtio THAT Emecaon' •Howard, sign oif Mr. and Wks.' ''WOr"den Howl. Of Lueknow,. has joined e: 'Royal Canadian Navy. He is. stationed at H.M.c..S. Corn- ' :wallis, Nova Scotia, for . 15 • weeks basic training. TRAfr Sam Gibson of Arnberley . and his sister, Susan : Gibson ' of Lucknow are having a dioln- day •!in : BC. They. will Visit relatives n n AAga s.s iz, ' Chilli- Ur ck, ,:Vancouver arid. Victoria THAT Mott tt Sandy ,,showed suis. ,a lusciows quart box of • ever bearing strawberries last week, but Cyril Brown ha priority on the mouth -Watering. !fruit. While the second . crop pis " not an abundant, one, .Mr. Sandy can taint an quart box about every other ,day: .. • THAT , .John Durn'in Wet • WWawaunosh was re-elected pre=y side:A of the Huron Progres- sive-Con rogres- ave -Cons r rwtiive Association at the annual meeting and nOmi'naition when Ontario Mi'n. dater of Highways, Charles MikeNaughton of Exeter, was'. the +urnannianous thoice of the convution. 'clatighters, MM. Catherine Shep- herd of W'iriicdscr,' MM. Made Conner .of Luella:ow and a son' • Paul, sof aVlarlahait.: Thi Other sono'wast kli�lled in D�oliriarld .NLimggay, action in ](!oily an 104i4• The d arsed had earlier queetedi :. a+t body s& ould be dionated;to soiernee. A private fam- ily service; 'was, heli :On • Sunday, August latch,' with ' a public Mem- morial servsirce • to • ibe c on uhate d • at a` date`ito rbe.Iamtouncect • ENGAGEMENTS Mr: a d Mrs. Ira Wali]:' of Whitechurch?, Ont., : wish to 'ran- noun: the 'engagement. of .their, daughter, • 'Donis,. Eliirrabetrh, . to. George .Pletcher Nom,;, swiss. Of Mr. and Mrs Ogle Needham, of Pinkerton,,Ont. 'The. wedding well !bake Oboe Saturday, piteai tiller .. 21st, at S. P.m. at Chalmers'Presbyterian • Church,. Whitechurch, Ont.. . Mr. and. -Mgrs.. Carl Shcheffer,' Dale" and :',Gary of • London and Mrs. Margaret" llloPhenson of Mil- verton were .guests • of. Mr: and Mrs. Bill McPherson of liolyrood on Sunday and attended the cen- tennial service at Ki tiourgh Pres- byterian; Gimrah . ANNOUNCEMENT. Mir. and : Mrk :Robert. Macln- t+osh .+announhoe • the +az+ rival of - their chosen soon, 4cohn' Itobent. IW OPEN 5 'o wit air Stylish fn Charge Having Taken Over BAILEY'S BEAUTY SALON We .respectfully solicit a, con- tinuance of your patronage, • • and '. extend a wfelcome to oldand new customers to visit us. APPOINTMENTS : Monday Through' Saturday Iircltsive s BEAUTY SALOL LUCKNOW -- Phone ,528-3.1 14 (Sgccessor to Bailey's Beauty Salon)