The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-04, Page 12( !a, :1> 4 iY F?t r.# • s, r. F1 14': Tt�l' LVy FOR; ration udtQx`s 1 X'EA1H-. ENDED :DECEMBER 31st, .1962 , THE° .WCKNowmama. Lu KNOW, oNTAI iio • �ship of West' VkIwafloSb inanGal Statements A M. ;HARPER. & CO., Auditor ' AUDITOR'S; REPORT July 25, 1083 The Reeve, Conrnrairllors and- Ratepaprers. 11he Corporation; of the Township. of West Wawan .- • Dungann o Ontaardo' Gentlemen:, • , ` We havre and itexl, theax000unifs a'nd records Of the :Township'. at. Wet . Wa Wlanolsh for the year ended 'December 31, 196.2• and have prepared therefrom the statements and Schedules'.lisited in • thea index accompanying tbhlio. report. • . • LANCE . SDEET CASK .1N . BOK • ' 101 'bank Ibalanees' have been eo�¢�oiled' with:amounts Con- firmed: directly (to• us. I y yotar Ik ank:ers .Due frown Province of ,Ontario — $3,515.09 This. balance. ce. tis made. up of ,the .uandeavote l 11962 . suib.saidies received in' 1963,: ,• • ' • . 73iigthaway ?�Iarnprovernenrt,l , $, 3;4x01.207 . • Welfare .., 1.1,1.37 Grant. in 'lieu'' of taxes ' 2,46:: $ 35516.:09 Taxes: Receivable -- $22,086.07 • • Wegativ e. rbax v'erifiicartioans were • .m!aaled to all tax payers in aarreart as atDecember 31, 1962, All replies have been`satisfaacterily •': . dealt rwth h, • OPERATIONS; -Thee a`peeraatiio_nis fi a T.tth:e� •year �re1ted .:in a deficit of '.'$1,9x74.04 after p ovd mag for a •deficit of • $3,i8a62.12 far the ; year ended. Decxearnbxer 31, 1961 • presented • herewith is. a .eomtdean,sed, • comparative statement of Revenue and Expenditure for e 'three years 'ended Deeemtber 31, 11962, • 11961. amid 1960. .„- REVENUE.• taxation $ SSubsiadie• =—Province ' of • Onn tlario 'Litecrrses and • permitts Interest •aaanid coax 'penalties Other revenue' r Year ' ended December 31, 1962 • : 1961 1960 82,6'77.!54.:$ .80,281.58 $' 74,562:45 16,613.72 . . 26,3001.53 10,613.91 :: a5GOEO0 492 00, 484.00. 996,83 ` . 801.80 `. • 634.47 373,70 ' "• : 538.42 892.52. • $101,161.79 $'1.08,4)1154 33 ;'$ .96,187.35 \' EXPENDITITRE Gin! Sl. govterninent $ 3,015«50 Protection' ..to person and preperty 1,692,58 Public Works -.—roads' 202,8x66.41: Sanitation and waste." rennovxarl' 60.00. „Social 'welfare ' .~1,616.85. Education 40,797,08 'Recreation, eo27flirnium'ityt service ' ' •225.00' Debt .c charges ' • 1,4917.34 Caapi(tal expenditure ' out of • (revenue • 1500.00 County routes ' •25,0: p:.10 Police 1Vil'lage . rites : . 771.60 "Deficit from, previous year A; 3;862,1p2. Miscellaneous 123:30 $14 136.183 'Spmpltus or ..(deficit.) for year ''$ 1(1;914.4) • The 'operaatiaoans • ',of 'the - Other Boards.; _Police Village .'.of- tester • : ' .Atibuarn Cominunity 1VIemolai,aa1 Hay] West . Wawariosh ' Townahrip • • • Sxohool •Area R.IC.S.S. No. .1, . West. Waawanosah, • GENERAL '$ 3,40&31 • 980.26 18046.66 3y344:44 38,3350515 225 00 1096.88 20,455:00 •'.: 25;11104 ' p• 707+5,x80 196.60 :3,29010; 645.54 •24,891.82 6,2>97..76 3'4,560.93 .425.00 1,290:15 • 24,905.46 738.90 112.68 1.12,277':.45$$ 96,048.34 $ - .. 2. 2 139.01 were as follows:: . d►eteklirt '663.89 sou iplaus.. • • 4,1i90'.46 .. '' deficit 269,63 ideficit $ 512.90' . . We have not coram ned the fidelity boned for tehe • Treasurer . of R C.rSS. No, 1, West Wawanosh and therefore, tit as assumed that ,the is hat bonded. . ,• • • • No budget* was presented for our ekemdnaa0taa'on, •Alli• (by -slaws have not beim 'signed by the reeve as -rexginrecl We '•rwotuld suggest 'that duplicate receipts tliraenumtbered by the (printer•' be assueda•.for all money received- AIJDDITOR'S• OPINION Subject to -the 'foregoing qualifications tions we hereby. repast that 1,) The • financial transactions ,svv(hndh have come under aur.. notice 'h a'I been aw'ithnn The powers of the municipality. 1(2) The .audit hats• •.been ;Conducted n ,accordance With the •instructions .af the Deapart'merrit of Municipal ' ;.. ' Affairs. fairs (3) Tuefinancral • sbatonevtg presentfairly the financial position of the municipality as at December 31, 62 and. The repaints aaf lilts (operations. for !liar year ended +oil that date. . Signature: A, U. HARPER & CO. Date '-of filing: ling.: July 29, 11963 License number '2386 Capital.: and Loan .Fund 'Balance S eet • Dec mbxer 31, '1962 , ASSETS General •,Ftixed (as.per Schedule' 18) ;Due •from Schaal§ '(for Debentures) Collegiate and High • •a ,Deficits or Extraordiinrary • Expenses Capitalized $ 83,881.02 LIABILITIES • • Debenture.Debt Issued and ° 1r dnatured • General' . • : NbspLba'is. , • • ., Due _ o Othr Mtinii iPalit%ea t( ;b4r Delbert'ttureas. Assrurned—.$ch.edaJu1'e 2) I•nVestn•neint . it Capital Assets $ .. Zoo0.00. $ 15,150.00 $ 83,684.02 $ 2,000.00 $100,83.1;02 $ 2',()00„49 ' $ 83:,681.02, 16,160.00 $100,83,1402 Revenue.d Balance Sheet' December 31, 1962 • ASSETS • Cash on Hared • • $ ' • 688:30. : $ . • Cash in Bank , . 4,9,06.99 • 45, 598:29 Fun' Accounts. Receivable • Sundry Ag reernemts—flrains 3178,03 296:08-. . Total $. Daae from •Province of Ontaario Due . from. Schoalis • ' • Taxes Receivable. .(Schedule 5)' • WEDNESDAY, X45 PT:. 01),' 1963 $ 5,50.Z9 $ 22,086.07. .;Property •Acyquired for Taxes (Schedule: 6.) '$• . 60.04 Total Assets Meauntas Payable Huse : to Other Municiapali'ties Due •xto Schools •' Due .to 'Other Local Boards and •Comrrr'issi Pollee Village of Manchester . Dungannon Street Lights • . 1N Otther IJiiabilities • ' Deferred Revenue.: '(Sched:ile By LIABILITIES Surplus. (Form ' .C) Total. Liabilities and ' Surplus • ons '•(specify) $:. '1,,805.63 77.72 • • 2,047.01. 623.11 3,515.09 7:18. 22,086.07 •'Bo.00 $ 31,876.74, :$ 2,478.93 ,104.55 1.00 $ • 1,883.36 27.01 215,36;041..90 $ 31,876.74 Revenue :. Fund SupIus Account December 31, .:1962 Debit • •Credit Balance $ 23;473.8.2 3,862.12- $ ,862.12-$ 27,335..94 $ y27,,335.94. Balance at' 'beginning of . year Deficit'' included in Current •Bund! .et. Ballance. wafter• above !acljtii&trnents Deficit ,for. the ,yearli(Fara n D) $ 1,974.04.. • •Totals of Daibit and Credit columns 197404 " 27 335.94 ' Ballance of .Sumpl us at .yeiar. end; $ 25,361,90 .:(Forin B) AMBERLEY • incer!e sympathy is extended bo 'Mrs, Jaeksan and "rel- atiVes in the paassing of her hus-' band • on Thursday, Aust 29, at Kincardine ne pGeneral Hoasapital. Foraner' residents ' of the Pyne River eani xurAity, Mr and Mrs, J,adksaonhave sided in Ripley where .they enjoyed J:if for 'the pa IpaHosi es�froa�nof rs R,en,d'�s': Corners, W.I. at Southampton ,on Wednes day of Last 'week were, — 1VIrs, Cecil Holland, . Mrs. Icellvin, Hen- demon, Mars. Chester ,1, ,.. erton, Mrs. Howard Holland and. Miss • Koleen Hollati,d. The (ladies sere; ed tea (dead cookies aite"L'ag Cahi ' w►hene tourists visited during ,the afternoon. Mrs. John, (McGaw• of F ramkilin, Mich., visited on 'Tuesday with `•Mrs. W. J. Courtney, . . .M;is+s. Mary Ellen Shields. supplying as organist at Ashfield �reslby�terian Church while Miss arbar.a Juan• M)cKenzie.is at- tending lt-°tend nlg Camp at ' Goforth .near .Niagara. Faallis. ` • • • . . • Ower twenty school mates were entertained at ,a birthday, party on -Thursday': afternoon of last week 'for • ,Patsy land ' Joan Hen- derson .at ' the . 'home : aof . their gran,dpar°ents, Mr. ,and Mrs'. Nor- val .Nesbitt. An enjoyiabale time •was spenttin piaay,img :gam'es .and afterwards a !delicious supper was, 'a#ement of, Revenue and Expenditure For. ?the year. ended ;Deceainber 31, .1962: REVENUE Total Rievenue from. Taxation (.Sehxedule 3) • C.ontribu°tiims; Grants , and Subsidies. Governimenat,s: ' . ° Ontario-- • Chi dren?s ' Protectioin $ ' ' 508.70 Diree°t •Re!lie ,• Health: 1,226.65 Highway •l mprove m'en't 11,130.11 P,aymetnts in Ilii' of municipaaal. (taxes • 2.45. Unconditioned. :Per • Capita Grants Warble '11:y. • Other • Municipalities Licenses and Permits • (include dog;tax) Interest, Tax ,Penalties, .eta , Other .' Revenues— . • • - Rents, ' 'Concessions and Franchises Vines ' Service charges Gross Total Revenue:. Deficit'. 'for : the :.Year: . Total .Revenue Seotioiu' • EXPENDITURE c enteral Government FAXecutive `.and .Legislative ' . , • Admnainii strative Gather i • Prateabiori ►to Persons. 'amid Propiertiy • , Eire • Protective' Inaspe�ction, Warble ;1♦'Iy Barberryy and,abucktbhorn Livestock Claim's ' Maitland Valley conservation• At thority • 3,531.00 • ,214:81 147.918 Actual $' 82,677:54 ,served . aby 'Mrs, . •Kelvin Hender- son .aid Mars. Nesbitt. • . Guests of ,Mr. and Mrs, Archie Couwrtney on Weadnesday -!of. oast week w'thre Mr. 'and 'Mrs. William. Reliud' ;Qf S•trat'hroy, ,,Mr.' and: Mrs.. Kenneth •Malthouse "(Mary..Ne1' sion)• of Vancouver :and -Mrs,. Car m'an McLeod, Gary arid 'Randy of Kincardine. .. . . iGuesits of IMr, .and Mrs. Waalter Brown at ; r.the holiday .•waeek-end. :Were. • Mr. and Mrs. Pat. e harutl& ,arid Mr. ,and' Mrs. Robert Ea i,lds' of Leaamirigton, • Mr. and riVtrs. Robert Steele, of 'Detroit visited over the week- end .with relati nes .. ' • The MacDonald reunion :, was 1:hexld :at. Rexid'e ,Corners, Comnwra.n- ity, ' .Hall . on ,Friday, August. 30: Gaimaes were held do •the park in the afternoon and a socialtime was spent Kiri' the ihall tin. �thae even- ing. The Raids Corners ' "Garden •C'1ub". tormpleted, • the'. tparej,ect "Preservation •!of Vergetables" • • MaryEl(iaabeth ' Waaltden W a s comamentator. ' for ' ,the . exihibi t.: "Vegetables' from. ' the Club :Gar- den" '. at Achievement Day ,held:, in Kincamdime 'on 'August '20.. Girls •v'h'o (received two year club cer- tificates :were: 'Shirley., Anil Reid;; • Mary.Elizabeth Walden, Brenda Ilkuirupthrey; ° and, .Janice Steele. Lindpa Reid, a clitb member froth Reids 'Coravers ' W.L: was 'chosen • to !preaside for the ,afternoon ses- Sion at Athhievemen.t. Day at Kin ac,ardine.'.I eardaers� for• the. project 'Were Mrs. !Gordon `Emant' t'on and Mrs, Herb Emmterton, •wj o''�have always been . Wilting to act las leaders, at different titmes. • Ala girls .cotmtple£img •their project re- Ceiveacl sterling •' silver ;'ttaeasFp.oans with the .441. crest engirarned, Mm: ,al/id , Mrs.: Arthur Messen- ger of ' the. fourth Concession of Huron township, were pleasantly surprised On 'Sunday', MSeipt,; • 1st; . . when friends and relatives from RLpbe, Daun,das 'and Burlington„ gathered at their ,home ,on, the roc-. ,caaasi(on, Of their 40th wedding an= rr,iver�siarry, ' •tiirkey dianner. was • prepared by their tardily for the event and 'a °lovealy, table damp was Presented to abhe: couple, Many • cards of 0congratrita;tixoris were re- ceived from friends ,and are'lat ivc ire Q iiebeic, Du;ndaaa and :the al e•y area. alheir many friends .in tth e . community join in Wisahung ,Mtr. and .lVLrs, Mesasenger many ' nll3rc haptpy antn.ivaeirs�aari•e5.• 16,6:1.3.72 :147,98 500.00• • 096.83. • 650.00 x13.98,' • ', 16:1:74 • $ ' ' ' 226:72 $1001,161.79 . 1,974.04 • $1o3:,136..83 674.24 2,298.89,, 742.50 • $ 3,715.50 1,0105.00 106.98; ° • 343.66 109.00 ,167.49 Publile . Worksa-•—Raaids, Highways and Streets, etc. Sanitaatiaon• and Waste }ten/oval - • Social Welfare r(Sxdhed ae ]:0)" ' Relief Assistance • , • Insatirtwtional Oare . Education,. usncbudin,g • debt Ofiarges ' • (Schedule. 9) Recreation and Community 'S,ervi>ees Debt . Charges • .. • . • M1 , . ; Lang -term debt 'charges (,Scth:edule ,11) $ 0,808:80 Less 'own ,shareoaf' •s h�oiol cleibt '•charges 8,683,8.4 , $ 1,892.53 $` 22;886.41 60,00 619.1°0 99,7.75 ,$ 1,616.85 $ 40,797.08 • • ,Short-term°a•rr interest and other' charges '37734 $' 1,120,00: D.iseoumt for' Taxes . Taxes refunded . Capital( Expenditures otiat of '.R,evenaue (Scaheidatiule• 13)' Joint or Special 'Ex°penlditures, i County Hates. ' P thice . Vill,atge Babe • . ' Provision tor deferred revenue Gross. Total ' EaOpenadixture Deficits from Previous Years Levied fart' Total Expenditure Section •. 225.00 • 1,497..34 23.57 ' TO EXHIBIT AT THE 600.00. 'WESTERN• FAI;E • • 25,188,10 771,,6.0 $ 25,059.70 • 09,73 • $ ' 90.73 $: 99,278.71 3,862:12' $103,136.83 A ,publicity release tram the Westtern, Fair, "Londion,' fists the following (livestock exhibitors from this ;disatfii.,et Herefords, 1•i: T. L: Edy and Son;. Holsteins, Nor- 'man Ktnpapp, Auburn; HarveY .Ackert and ,worts Kincardine; 'Eldon H. 'Bradley, Aniibe'ripey, heavy taorse , Aubrey T641, $playUh.