HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-04, Page 9r WEDNESDAY,, SEPT.,nth, ,1 83 yh ,kms„..... . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1.4.1CKNOa ONTARIO I"ACrE NINE: • . I,f you shear tarry rude' .noises while you're reading this !col= uriin, pay. no attention. It will rnerelty be my stomach trying to. remind me that 1 am 'not tthe Emperor: Ne, ro. • • Fdr 't the pastt couple of ' weeks,* I've been trying to convince .the, old grocery -chute, through one . orgy after &Other, that in could handle !anything I chose to throw into it; half -raw steak on 'torp of skunky +beer, raspberries and rice. cream on tap' of gin 'and tlerrvon. AN . I'm' trying to .say, is tthat. we .spoor people, siMply. because ' w, a have some suanmer holidays; shouldn't slant 'acting as ,thb' ug h Life Were just a gay, mad whirl, a big howl of caviar. It's more like a • blind stagger,,. " a bowl Cornflakes. • As our Most ;recent ;catiloacr of old -friend visitors : fades: into the exbaustt fumes, . and, I wave • a slhtaky. 'farewell; 1. 'can't .Ihel+p. tahinkking...nostagically 'of ,those good ;old Oaks' When I was weekly. editor, and had , one week's., vacation' a year. Every- thing 'Was . so simigle. You went to the editors annual oontven- tion,: tottered 'home looking and feeling 'like A skele.ton, and went .happily ' 'back.. to, _ work for :•a other fifty-one weeks: Now that 1 have ,alose longerholida s that.ttLs�ed 'to' 'look so golden, I realize that iron' is a creature of: hail, 'and is happier and '. better When, he has his • 'nose to the olid: grindstone, this shout-, der to the good oltd 11th/eel, and his feet .„plantted ecstatically in that good,' old, familiar > rut. Lengthy summer holidays, and I say. it with with deliberation,: are a . menace . to . health, - wealth, morale . and marriage. • Take health. 'When `.any hell- , days eli;'days -begatn, I ;was' in good shape.. Amt. 'the . usfual .smoker's hack,. crocked knee., .,bough of `'btursitis iii the sthtoulder, and . adhing back. But clear of ' mind,,steady of nerve;: Today, I'ai a wreck..: My • sunburnt is, tpee]drig,' my 'stomach is truanting like a Scalded cat,. and :'every tinea ear' stops ::out side :our plaice : I ' ruai. and nide in the attic. • Working, .you. can't spend mon- ey.. Whten you're 'not, you can't. 'Most people save up for their hoLitla,ys and. 'blow tthie lot on a. igtl oriousti .2 . weeks 'doinig +stointe- thing, ,or`stayitng somewhe,re,• tthe; . cart afford. Try ; doing 'this. for two months, Take morale,'. Frain:klly, alter six weeks off the job, ''1 have, become a total slob. Tit rhyrns but It doesn't . • reason, : My total accomplishment, on . ' proj,ects around the house,`' 'has 'been the erection of• a twenty -foot clothes- line. The hook I.: was going' to write this surnaner. . has • turned into a book: My wife laughs . every time 1` imen'tiotnt ,it. Children imitate. When the kids' see �tihieir; •:o14' man lolling in' a. lawn chair . looking at. the trees, they Elie; down on the uncut dawn and ' do.. the same. :* *;.* AS for •antarriage, ' you,. .can take it, too. Lengthy.' 1 olidays put more strain on a sotltid iriar�> riage than drink, •`gar-bling* or. 'other !omen. I won't go ,into. .td:�etaiis. But lady, how would you like , to run a rnatel wtiith- Out -rates • with :one hand; •and. try to direc:.t a. Lazy, unshaven brute• with -,the `other? Pad, how would you ilike' ,two • • Months ''of togetherness • with, the •olld 'bat-. tleaxte? I leave it . too your . im- agination. If; this .is what a ltong'. •holiday is like; I, .sure Mope, . ,bo dile be- fore, I retire My Wife. 'is in even worse condition. when `ihollitdays. began; • she was pale :but •tperky..To!day,_ she is (brown on 'the outside,. but a wthimperi g • shadow , within, And no wonder: Justs dihe Other day, for eamaniple, she was abut : to • step ' from a dock 'onto. ' the deck'; of ,a, a ni'Llrionaire's cruiser... •The gentleman, ” ;who can run • eight , companies with 'one' hand ',behind' '!`viii, can't run this `boat;. As• she stepped, he .pint. it . in •reverse; : 'by accident. •. . And, there was the ' Old •Goirl, with. !only ten' feet Of. ,air be- tween her,., .and . fourteen feet of water, 'Lt way like one, Of, those; cartoon co ne+dies� dm' wlhich the hero. runs 'off the edge •of a ' cliff and lkeerps+ running, 'in' air for Ja .second. until. the • l=ooks dowanti I'might, ' add that, she, dtd'n'.t have her tvCniiirning :attire blit. • • . . S+he'ii1 aiever Ibe the same girl, ;the way to. her watery wel- come, she hit the 'd'ock a couple of tgOod• 'ones,. ']►using about a d'o't of '.skin off her anti; and Piekrng yap a bruise • .on her nice tanned 'leg the size ofta grape- fruit and, next 'day; 'the •calor of a baboiOn's •l ottom. She's 'Off millionaire boat drivers for life. Take wealth. When We began these holidays, ' I had ' 2,` months' salary to put., me through the suhvner. At the end of one month, I. had 'no mprith's and a session with the bank Manager;. , 1.66enit that when. ykYasie' 7000, At Scotus Games At Fergus; r:. There '-rwas an attendance . of about 7,900 people 'et the Fergus Scottish Ga'mess wtith. 25 hands in competition, petitio nirieteenn of,which joined lin the massed hand tparade. later in the afternoon: ' Such; no doubt, was the scene before the ttiarn. of the . century when Luckruow was noted inter- nationally : for The:,Gaines. Those who .actually reinenbeer ,the hey - .day of these, Scottish competitions dormer Teachey Back From MIdeast "Seventy 'por ,cenit of Lebanon's 1,500 000n people are Christians„" said Miss Audrey Fiederlein, , a teacher at. Waterloo -Oxford Dis- trict Hugh Scthool and formerly:or. +thte I,ue'lnitoww District High School! staff. , Miss Fiederlein arrived home', lest 'week from a. month's trip .to . the. Roily Land, Turkey; Egypt, I taIy. and other countries. She was the ,Drily :Canadian with. the 42-rnemtbers, of the Fellowship Tour, . condueeted tby ,the Inner-' national 'Society of Christian En-. tdea.vor; . ' The Beka Valley +in 'Lebanon; which 'tis' considered to be I'm most fertile 'valley in the vODI''' d, :Was described iby 11Rtists WFiedetr- lei+n as the greatest -sight sight .of the` entire trip. There sh'e• saw .a 300-- year-old 00-year-+old •cedar,'orchards of 'a1- monds, olives and grapes, with sthepertcls Watching 'their flocks nearby. Her most thriii+ling' ex-. tperience '. was. attending, an out: door communion. service at the Garden Tomb 'in..Jerusatlem 'The people . were Very friend-. ply 'everywthei e,". she said as she. •recatlletd her visits to both Arab sand Jewish homes... ' The Arab countries of, Iaeiba-i- on,, Syria, Egypt and Jordan were 'visited first,' forafter pass- ing. through ' the .Mentdel,baum Gane . in ' Jerusalem to Israel, ,there was no `gaoling (back. Mall oalnntot • be stent :froth . Israel to any sof ;the Arab aountrlies: • `iTihe. Kibbutz ' Colony '1.that'. I saw on: the way' to Haifa.where Jewish people live 'On a eoingnun- itty farm, appealed tto me," said Mis ' ,Fiederlein. ' In sharp con- trast were the mefugee camps 'in Jordan where thousands of 'People live in . tents or small 'houses 'they hive built four'the¢nsel'ves. . The 'hottest ,plaoes'visited were, J•erriehto, .and .the Dead . Sea where 'the .+tnernperature 'was 100' degrees in .the shade, • She. Wag! impressed' by: the tact that fthetre were no Protestant churches' in Spain. . . Although 'the leturn trip !l y'.j'et took siix' t o urs' and 50 'minutes, sit was 0:30 'p.7n.: when they left Lison, and ' Only 6:34 p.m.. wthen ‘they 'reachetd Idlev,nild Airport in New 'York 'ion Tuesday., Arriv- imttg tarok :1n ' New Dundee alt 3; here, • are becoming fewter. and fewrelr. One who ,well r emeniibetrs." thein and ails the Huron -Biome clhaimp vont of .the' Meet • at one Milne, . is centenarian Thomas Ross, of;' Tar- I canto, and aa' ;native of Langside. • has a lOLI that will -meet the growing .derrmands of. our Economy in this Province , for FARMERS LABOUR' .INDUSTRY and BUSINESSMEN Alike • . A SQUARE' DEAL , FOR ALL! • In Huron , �. Bruce Riding, Sept,' 25 : 4 Huron - Bruce Liberal Association St, , Helens Once 'football Centre Football' is no new sport to theeSt. ,1f elteris" area and is well - the Sit Helenas district; William, •kntowtn,' to many . zn tbhi,5 ora; 'MacDionald' of arri'e sends• is a Just of the faobbalil 'players coni a Sit. 'Helens s team of .67 yerars • ago, in 11890. We believe that the -in:. :farmaation chine from. Wi111's brother,. Fraser MacDonald • of W+adren a, Saskatchewan,' who *as a • mvernb er: of the `team. Mr. land ::1Vlrs; Will MacDonald are .holding ain ,auction sale' of their ,' farm and .equuiprfeniat on• Tuesday iof next •week' and are moving: "from. Highway 67, "just 'wees•t of the Fordwich corner; to 'Brussels. Willi was A native of Thie football team was ,com- prised of; goal, ..John' 3; Mae-. D o'n a'.td; backs, : WWil!liam • `''Taylor, Mid: Huinipha'ey;. half backs;, Fraser 1VLacDontald, Wan, . Ruttlher- ' ford, •Collin'MacDonald; forwards,°' Ed Thorn; :Ro1}ert 1Vtiibler, ' Drank Todd, Isaac .Miller; Well Mc- Cro'stie. ' W,aiitetr: "1 would "alike; the dish that age ale ran •over, there : • • • is eating.":. • "Ver good' Sir; : I''ll ' cab1 'th mn• y to ' the telephone ' while snatch;`. his ,phos." WIN $1,000 A DAY :ATTENDANCE PRIZE 71 a:5h+.i�a,�i.+iaio�a. vkKaov6c�s JlK�„{�t,,cca�,. ti e GRAN Plus THE CHORDETTES and / SPECTACLE' '63. a` star studded stage extravaganza Sept.. 642 NAME THE Bill/DING: Win a $2,500'• Nutria. Stole Plus a Trip. for '2. to the New York .World's Fair' SEE the spectacle that never grows old—.the Fair'' ,that gives you all the fun, excitement and thrills your heart desires. • 3RINGCIRCUS Plus.1 C.M.P. Musical Ride' • Sept. 1:3 14.• 1'4 °Only' LONDON; ONTARIO ORDER YOUR GRANDSTAND SEATS BY`MAILf' Please send rite J.', -tickets to the evening. .grandstand• . performance 'on Sopt.,1.i..i" Enclosed i Evening Reserved 'Seats $2.00 or $1.50., Naive �.�...� Addreslr 464•1•ar. i•' HI,•i1.....1k. . . •••{Nii.••.bi•iU•.N 1 S.44. 444 •........Y a 1 •...1 of b..N.i... 1 4 •.44....•Y{.1. ii•..1 ......• 1••. i•.1. Moose Enclose A, Stamped Self Addressed' i:�ivelope , Mini inn aims t. m ar....r poem timbal momtt is is bt 1, . ••at • :d 1-. •)- •• 'ie a st a4 - 8s ;s of.:. ie• a. he� . rd, to. 'o- •• he. 's. rc- ils tld ant ttly tly. al, rig •. am td - 5;. en- #i 'ell, rst. ec- eir xs: • ng' Wee the ing. at ;ht en, of. ay. , .re. at- .rt