HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-09-04, Page 5WEDN• DAX `' ►h, 19663: POURED CONCRETE •'POOR: IN C'AESLEY • ARENA • .:Bec'a'use of the fact that the ,question of a permanent floOrin +Ghee Luc, knOW arena 'bas; yet.. to be settled, the 10110Wicntg item from ;the Chesiley Entte+rpris will be of interest; "The eoai rote ,flogr Sn Ole t wn arena *as poured yesterday, end igoRnimittee extpecrtetd 'that ,the work • would '!be complete by 6 a'cl'ack. , The ,plastic pipes had been placed in. tine,, grena, along with reinforcing, rand • ill that • fir. LU ZNow sora EL, wows*, ONTARIO �r���'>l�.��"'��w��i�s� asp..•,., PAS, . Fly rema;ixtsis to palish; the floor afrkr the cement has set. "Tfhe. artificial 'ice system :,is now, ctptmple'be, except for ,,the iee- making ;unit i4self. The commit ,bee ,i5• working on thris and 'gutting .primes ront such units, ' us expected. !thatthe funds. on hand .of some $22,00Q +wti1'1 the sUfflelent'paiy for all the work now 'done; but but another t 10 00 or sO, will be needed: t� buy, the iiee-. makitntg ,equipment and .instal ,it. int the. !buitldtng• which, has ;been Provided." CUL.'.ROSS. CORNEI Murray Hackett, P. ••arramra nt, spent a 'few Oatys with Donnie Wa11:' ' • :Mr. and Mrs..1ob' Green r••1.i't e�d at Browns ton Tuesday evening. ,Miss. S'ha'ron Stanley . spent 1;ast week gat camp. let •Author., • Mr.. rantd Mrs. Keith . Hackett and ,cihtl�dren, . Is'lin'gton, spent Tlhurstd•ay evening. wwith; • Mr. and 1VIrs.; Mi'dford Wall and Donnie. Niro: Frank Brown ' and : were Thursday evening • visitors • • F 1V1 NTR:FAL• and and DISTRICT Olivet Pupils At New Huron School wd Vh ,Mr •, and Mrs.. Harvey N o1 Aon and fatmily and Mrs. Hugh Nicholson, Btervie. :Several from the oomniun uty attended the Centennial serrnnioes in the 'Presby or •an ahrurah.. at K ntlough on'Sund'ay. • "So your .'uncle-- is deraid Did he 'leave anuoh?" • . ' "Only thtis old! clock." "Well, There won't be ,much bother Winding up. his. estate." sp��a.al message :to all parents ,o£ boys, and girls rOW • in, high school (ou can guaranfee dour yotmgster's College education in parfrsrAip TO 3 MILLION CANADIANS A comprehensive, ;life-insiered •Plan for fin dncing a college education for, boys and girls now in high school :If you are like most parentswith children in high .sdiool, you are , probably wondering how you. 'are going , to meet the costs ' of financ-: ins your youngster's. College edu- cation.' To d•ucation.'.To. help parents solve tin's' Problem, the Bank of Montreal has introduced its; University Educa • :tion Programme --the first life - insured plan ife-insu'red;plan o£ its hind in.€ in' td�t. ' Under this comprehensive pro gramme, parents, guardians and: • sponsors' of • high-school :students , On Spread the. cost of a University' education ,,over . periods Of , up to nine ye trs, thus keeli,ing monthly • payments to' amounts they rrtn .�if- ..fdrd without 'la2dsltp:: Anrl .tlit' ' 'cost ' to. the parent only a ft:•rtCtiri?i of the .interest void on rt' straight loan ft•ohi•tt »111.2r: , HOW THE PROGRAMME Vt7oRkg • tinder the basic, plan, the parent agrees to ,MAe-nionthly p iym 'tit to the Bank stlrtitlg, say, t«o ,.fore the student 0i1er8 Iltti'l e1 cif y, and, terminating one year titftel t.Yiiid. nation. In tett, n .;the p;Ir'tt,t ,1'(t(t'it"es' ..• .AIT ann dal sum • froni't'h(' Hank atthe. start of each of,.the four= tun et sit ' ' years:. • VARIANTS -OF THE :PLAN •HOW TO JOIN'THE .PROGRAMME Several optional plans are .available Seethe people at your=rfeighbour- under the programme,. and these vary as to. the number of years in. which t'he:• parent wishes to • make ' nioonthly pay merttS,• as well as..to the .amount .requiredannually :ter university ex - pease';. 'Plans are :ba.sed on objectives. ranging 1 from . $1;Q00 to ;:$3,000' Pay- able. to •the parent in •four. annual II'::talmen f/./Tei:s i.v;•e,rninp'e. of hr'li: one.'of alae. bnt,•ic p.ia n; cern be. i<aried to suit. .• t'lgt.,1 cT1VEs S4;0.00•:. • To be pard to the parent in fey ennual amounts of s4;000 each • o tuaNs YOU i'.;Y PERIODS OF YOUR PAYMENTS: T ' NEON, 2 year s Mote umve,s+ty •3 years before un vftisity 4 `eats. .before unrversrfy. MO THLY' PAYMEN Plaf1 :1 i',41',):55 f 7 years P1itn 111'..19,.78 8 Years +I''lan ; :37.56 19 Years • LIFE.1NSURANCE FEATURE T f? 1.11 .parent concerned should 'dib after `the: start,. •ot , th,c pi ogi'amme, the fu ds 'for ethwition spec;'- tied in the agreement will l>f,. itch•Olrecl 11;1- the ' Bank. each year 'v', out. any ho 1. payments being made lythe family or the estate. BANK CFMONTREA'L' alga 9 ' Ee 9 WORKING WITH ..0"ANADIA.NS iN Es hood 13 of M`.branch. You will re- ceive a warm welcome .from 'a staff who will . be pleased to .� . give`you, further .details and to help you'''select a plan suite::cl•to; your needs..Ask• foryoucioy. of the kink of Montreal "A`. ^a�•,..•m" \1G'1'i• • University Education. Programme folder. P.S. If you '•need help' in financing a student already .in. University-'--• or planning to register this 'year =talk to your B of M ,Manager. Chances are he. can •arrange , a tuition • loam with extended payments .,adaptedtoyour•' circumstances. • ft Si .WALK• 'OP LIFI SINCE 1817 SP"' 1865 (OLIVET NEWS) Mrs. Norval Stewart stand 'Mrs. Oscar White 'attended a meet, ting of •the ' Ripley Duron Fall • Flair officers ont' Thursday, even- ing when final plans were dis- cussed for the 'Cenbenn'itall r!e- union week -end this ',September. Ripley and •district .Hortic'ul 1;ur01Society held a very : sue- oressfuti flower show and brake safe on Wednesday, .'afternoon in the Legion Hall, Ripley, ' It •ils.sbaok• 'to Schooll thiS week,• but witt13 a slight-dtiifferentcoe for ;Olivet young 1eotple. They will be +attending the new. Ripley .andd. 'district public - !school. ' Among, the +beginners Are Nancy i1Vlc. Guire land Teddy • Henry. M'r. and 'Mrs. Louis • Staacy and. Derri'l . of • London' visited at the week. -end with Mr. !and Mrs; Ray HaiYi.li1ton ,ar'id fain ly, • Mr. and Mrs, Ronald' Gory of Stt;, Thomas spent +thee week -end. with Mr. ,arid Mrs.. Norval Stew- artt. 'Mr. 'and +Mrs: Folin 'MacClharles and San'd'ra ,spent 'a few .days TOronrto, • Miss .Hel•en White, •rcomvrrienced duty. :in 'the Sunbeam Horne, Waterloo on . Monday: ' ' Mr.,' Ronald ,iVM.atcC+harl'es re- turned, to Hag iti1ton Genera Hos- pital after la months :vacation to enter his final year, of training as a lab. 'tecrhriieian. • Mis's'es Patsy; Mary and ';Lau- rie .MacOhatrles' spent •a rw+eek's, htodlitday. at ,Boiler: Beach ' with Mr. .4nd Jack ROWers and f an -illy. • rMrs ' John MacCharles was soloist •onSunday` in Olivet Un :Lied. Church. A VALUABLE .RECORD •. The• .Se•nrtinel tis . ,appreciative . of .a'corntplimentarycopy Of the •1963 etdi tionrof •` Britannica "Book .of 'the Year," an 'itlusst'rated. cfactural, ' record ;of great event+s Of 1862, .published by En�cyclaprae�dra -:>Btri ,tannyoa.. The '4196 :;page voixvrne record's' the' !principal vents :of: 1962 in a.;out 1,000 rami les' cif: more than 1,000;000 'words • and mpre ;than 1r0p. photograpths,: charts, .maps, graphhs, eartcxn s_rarrrd irables. : • ' OIL BURNER ,:BRINGS • TO YOUR 'FURNACE Maybe your old furnace does not;perform the way it should? Let'uslook over your equipment' before you decide to buy.a new furnace. Chances are that all you need is a •new, efficient Esso;Oil burner. ' Low Bvd9et Terms. Up .' 'o rive. Years To Pay ROY HAVENS Plumbing Anil Heating ESSO OIL •BURNER. Sales and Service HOME HEAT` SERVICE 5 • e a} •P- o- 3e is ..ad rit ly: rig ,ly :'ol:. ng an be ed 5. Ale ing • at rht ,,ten af. ay. 4 die,. rrt- '