The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-08-28, Page 12•
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28, 1$63
• Kitchener
Ph. •744-3539
• Secretarial
a euanss
• Courses
'Enroll Now!: Fall Term 'Be
ins September 3
„lipll11111 'ipr :
:By the t}me.• this appears in Then , wooed' by dozens of
pri 't, .1 :hope .o Abe : lolling . ar-
rogantly. beside the saltwater
m g pool. at ' the MVIanioir
• Richelieu one laf Canada's . most
lush ,hideaways -for Worn-out
xn llior sires ,and tired out weekly,
newspaper editors;
Both • Will • ilk gathered •Ahere
this week, the, 'fosmer: trying . to
regain .their lost .health;
'rter trying to r.ui; i theirs,' at their
annual- convention._: _ • •
At. the moment of writing, it's
Merely A hope. Between here
and 'there lies : a nightmare of
ear, rail. and boat travel, with
a :wife ,and two -`children '
I have no doubt iinhatever (that
the : journey : wilt be. an: 'lunfor
getable 'horror comrposled of car
trouble, . anissed: trains, ' sleasick
ness, forgotten brassieres, anises
1a"` baggage. checks,.': furious
'Wife, 'and.' lost children. This is
r• : ithe .way we always . 'travel.
:As •usual at our place, : the kids
:and I '.have taken the prepar-
ations for • attending this conven-
tion with ` admirable :calm, while
.my • wife has; ' +been sewing and
. ironing sand ;swearing softly since
:the first, of July. I swear she'd
need three s years' •advance notice
Should we ever decide to go. -:to
'Europe tor.. as 'month.
What • really 'I baffles°'her •.is: the
unpredictarbilirty of .the good old;
Canadian weather. Late: August,
can be 'reeking hot, " cold and
cllaxniny, or, brisk and (breezy;
Figure •three .changes Neff o1othes
• a dayrfor, .three, possible climates,.
for four people, 'for seven days,.
• and you have the measure of
Flier . misery. `
handsome, young public rela-
tions , men who: Want: 1us Ito sit
at 'their table, we 'shall 'proceed
in stately style" to !the .. Lobster.
Therrnidor and the Baked' Al -
Ashfield N�t�ve
D're� In `Toronto
Wilfrid. D. Bradley
On urday, August 10,
frid Daniel Bradley passed' away
suddenly front 'a heart seizure at
his home,, 9515 Millwood Road,
Toronto, in IhLs 6'&th year.
. ,He' rwas, the son of • the late
James land IMlary klVitNain) Brad-
ley and wase n an Ashfield
Townshrp. • .
For many years .he Operated a
thriving -chopping mill in Ambler-.
ley but rl3or the last few years
has dived in •Toronto,
' "The funeral ..aerKice was held
from the Humphries Funeral
Horne on Tuesday, Aug•, 13th, In-
terment was in York' .Cemetery,
W�illowdalle, the ,pallbearers 'lyelirvg,
six nephews Eldon, Jim, .•David,,
Peter, Ronald and John Bradley,.
Mr. Bradley is survived by
his Wife, ,Pearl (Barger,) a •daug1 -
ter., Marian, son ,George; 2::,grand-
children,OE ary Anne and Cathy;
Things, weren't- quite like 'that
at my firstmeal at the 'teachers'
gather ng. My dinner ,,companion
was pleasant, but not exactly.
• exciting sand by no .stretch:, -of
the :.'imagi ation ' beautiful: He,
didn'.;t even get a, new hair -do
:for the convention He Was my
roommate,. 'idireetor of the °tech-
nieal .: wing in a !high School . .
None of this decadent sclining':
at, seven. • ;Driimer was at ` ,five -
.thirty. WO. ; washed our hands.
and went down to weiners: and,
beans, followed owed :. by a :palat alble; .
but not quite exotic, 'dessert ..o f
canned . cherries. , •
This week, . while she stews
at home, gettingready, . I'm at.
a slightly different type of ••eon-
vention, It's a gathering of
schoolteachers. :Oh, • there are,
sini<larities. You: 'wear' a name
badge at each. You -eat meals
at each. There are receptions' at
each` Each has a key word:.
"grass-roots if the newspaper.
dedication at Allis one .
one. There are interminable, up-
']lifting speeches at each.
Rut what a•difference in the
.'.details'• At. our first evening at
the Nlana r, k .shall :le,ad down,
,to cocktails my, 'beautiful Wife,
enhanced by 'a smashing hairdo.
and new gown. We shall'. sip
• and exchange bons
mots with' old friends, 'while a
white -.gloved.. waiter passes •the
hors , d'oevres.
At the Manoir, great : plublie
institutions like finance compan-
ies will vie 'with one another
to provide .pre inaler •receptions.
and past -dinner, convivialities ; for
the editors.
At :this convention; the only•.
reception was. a coffee-aid=cook-'
ies affair at 9 3•U',,p.m., . and the
guests paid :for the grub.
.At the Manoir, each .evening
will produce its siriita11 parties,
followed by .dancing and enter
tainlrne'nt'i in the handsome "cas-
n1b. At• this' lone;,, evening ' enter
taininent consists of ' a :walk
around the. grounds,. followed by
a'couple Of hundred other lonely
teachers who miss their families,
'and 4 ends !with a coffee from
the • 'automat in the .basement.
Teachers ; and, weekly editors
are ,good ; :and useful rpea Ile;. and
have much an ':con%mon;• thoug i
they -often hate.'eaeh ;others° an
nards.: 'Both try .to inform, edu-
cate and raise .the•.standards of
society,. But when it 'tomes .to.
'conventions,' though I'lrl proba-
bly :be • healthier after the ;teach-
ers' affair, •I'll have • a lot more
Om with the '.editors. 4
No. Principal,: School Closes
Failure :to ;obtain. a ;principal.
has forced the closing ..sof a h e
21- room Allenford Continuation
School, Twenty-eight students
from. Grades 9 to 12 will:attenid,
Owen Sound Collegiate.
He: When I Marry,. I' shall, lead.
a beautiful girl and a Wonderful
She: ��nHeavensthe ! That. ,wo
uld be
Recent visitors, with Mr. °and
Mrs: Dan Wylds were Mr, and.
Mrs. Jack Cowan, Mr, and Mrs',
Dave Cowan and children of
:Mr, and IMrs,. John MacRae and
children spent a day at +the C.N.E.
Mr, Torn. MacDonald returned
home from hospital .in London,.
much'; improved an health.
,+Services, at. Ashfield Presby-
reslby terian Church will be at 2:30 p'm.
for ,:the next six months.
Mrs. Dave. Mac.Donalldspent a.
.few ihol'idays in. Toronto,
Several .from • this. ;district at=..
tended • the :Highland •games' a.t;
Fergus 'won'Saturday. .
' :Miss Audrey .Ross .of London
sp&it.. a few . days with her par::
ents' Mr, and Mrs, Bill Ross: •
Mr. .Neil MacKenzie let on
one brother, Elnielr all of Toronto.
He was predeceased: by his
parents; asister ..Mary Bradley,
,Reg. N., three brotht"ers, Jack, Sam
,and 'Marshall, •
Monday 'for Western Canada.
Mrs. Annie MacDonald has re-
turned hoarse from, hospital. ir>,
London, •
John McCharles and Ian. .Mac-
Rae spent .a few• days in Tor-
onto : where they attended' the
C.N,E.. •
Miss Barbara Finlayson has
returned home from the 'Mus-
koka district where ,she has been'`
employed all su mer,
Miss MableMacDonald of
Windsor has been holidaying.
with her mother Mrs, Alex Mae=
The,dog howled while the
youngster scratched 'away on his .
violin. Finally,' the fathercalled
."can't you play, something that.
dog ;doesn't •know?,',
Pretty girl: May I, try on the
two-piece'• dress ih the Window?
Store' manager: • Go •ahead,' it
might help this slow summer
�othy Seed
We` are buyers of ' new crop Timothy Seed. ' For hitt
formation on handling; and inarkets contact your Local'
J. M. dealer or representative or
Jones MacNaughton "deeds
. e3
know wi
ack Label... and.., you'll.
it s• Canada's best-selling beer