HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-08-28, Page 11WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28;1963
•N .
Bruce County EMO Aims AT Self -Help
By Lloyd Jasper; 'Co ordinator
Lf any emergency operation is
to ,be successful; it. is. necessary
' for all activities to .be conducted
with .singleness, of purpose. bCo=•.
ordinsation' : and. "Co-operation,' •i'S
required ,amongst 'all the civil de-
fence' se.rvices
efence'.se:rvic.es at each level, of
operation. :
, • In order to p;rovde the evac
uees with' the ' five emergency
welfare services; the ,assistance
of all. the 'other civil. ••defence
services would +be required . at.
some time. ;For examnple;. sup
plies .of all types would, be need
ed; Fire prevention An co'ngre
gate '' lodging . .centres would be
• essential; ' Police direction and
control of crowds. would 'be' red
quired; ',trarisportat'ionwould be.
• .needed., to , move' worker; sup
andevacuees; war ens
would • assist • with emergency,
• lodging; the engineers' would be
'needed for sani;tation', problems,
buildings and •equipment; *corn-
• munications • ..and information
would. sbe .required; and '. there
would be a very close ' interde
,pendence 'between emergency
health and .Welfare services: •
• ]mergen.Cy ' welfare ' services
must assume responsibility for'
maintaining an effective public
• education program in reflation ' to
welfare 'self-help' preparations.,
E•a:ch !person, ` must :be aware of
his own." responsibility for . know-
ing 'What- to do to save alis own
life and that . of` his faintly, in
the ::event of ,an enemy' :attack. ,
Each person .'or' ;family.•should
have. .,at least ;'a seven-day, em-
ergency 'food
m-ergency'food supply, warm,' clo-•
thing and :blankets, and •.personal
.re uitements such asinsulin,
-ready--to ..take ,withh them . at 4
moment's :notice; • :They s oa7
keep -their' car's .gas tank at.)leas:t''
half .'• 'full' at all times; • they.
should . `decide :'upon a •:hfamily
meeting place; •and they: should
know-how 'to protect themselves
from fallout. •
• :Mental preparation,,is as Man -
portant 'aa ,'these material self-
he+lp.:•• preparations, . •,as• wrong
Mental. :attitudes scan Cause loss
' :These are thebasic needs that
•would exist;' and 'the services:
:that would;' be' -required: follow:
irig 'a ' national emergency.
'To achieve our emergency'
welfare' service objective, care-
ful .. and reali`s'tic +planning .:.arid
.organization :must be done now
in b,otb 'target. .and' . reception:
Leader of a 'flock 'of geese to
thebird following: "Stop 'that
infernal. honking .:if you Want'.
'to;:,pass,' pass!
Whenit comes to home heating, there's
nothing quite as carefree and comfort=
able as safe, depej(dabIe Esso Qii' heat.
We shave a wide rangee`of oil heating
equipment to suit every budget.
Up To Five Years To . Pay
lIumbrng And .. Heating 'Phone 528.-30°12 LuckfoW'
HOME HEAT . •SERVICE' 4444444•444~,44,44444.;p044,
Bruce JuniorN• . •• N.. •. . ..
e ..farmer Activities dd
. & A 0 0
• '
• .
Oar -man . 'Fullerton. . of Paisley.'•
.and Betty Jehan. • MacDonald of •
Teeswaiter • will 'represent Bruce • '
Coumty'.?at the •Provincial Junior" • I "
Farmer Leadership' Camp, Sep-
tember 2nce to •9th, The c.arnp
will...be 'held at Geneva Park
sonLake Couchiching, 90. miles
'north sof Taronto.
Each delegate wil'1 , particip+ate
in a• generalprogramme • of
'music, social reeresation, • -piro-
gramme planning, swimming and
Water safety, There will. also (be
•discus.siion 'groups ori such: ptopics
as etiquette, . th sic, self expres-
sion, forestry; courtship, . marr-
iage and ; ,home... 'There w:iil , be
+approximately 70' . delegates at
ithe. camp sponsored 'by the Jun-
ar` Farmers' As-sociation. of. On=
Mario; ..
• .
.: Record the happiest moments
, of your life, between' the pages
�: of one of our 'albums'
• :THE . ,'a; •
Alex Thornibu;rn! •of RR 4, •
Pai(ley, hand 'Miss Islay ,McComb . ,•,
Phone . 41 --Kincardine
• ,
, . .
. •
• •.
• ,
• •
• -
• •
• ..
• •
• •
•• •
of Hanover returned Saturday••••••••.••••..••••••.•.!i•.••••••O.•••••!••••#_ -.
from. ,a • week ,Long Junior Far-
mer '•bus trip to. Eastern., Ontario,
and Quebec. They 'were, chosen
as' delegates 'to represent the
Bruce County Junior Pal -mem
Ib.ecau'se of their. active 'partiici-
pation in Junior "Farmer iactivi-• Mlitc'hell,: eldest . son of: Mr, and
ties; They. ' visited: suc.l points Mrs. Raymond 'Occur-
occur. -.as. Kiihnhgistohn, 'Upper` Canda ViQ red, August 13th :at St. Joseph's
1,age, (the St. Lawrence Seaway,' Hospital,`: London im, his• sixteen-
M,ontre.a1, Quebec 'City, Ottawa. th year. °
Elmer had • 'been;; hh» ;cgxnpa.ra-.
tively good',health until +a month..
before This passing. At ;that •bi¢ne,
was admitted- rto.. ` th-tear-din e.
Church Service . General Hospital and , later
The Brucetransbferred• ° to' .London. ,Even
• •moi arty. Junio+r. Far-
thhen, leis conhdi+io+n Seethed to,
mers and' : Junior � Ins+ti�ttUties , are : '.•
•uLsy ,makingplans.for the.re-.improve'for•'a ti'm'e, 'bust a .reeur-
union ,and. +annu•al '. Church' Ser- ring, ailmervt was no�re than blas.
v'ee to be held :at ,'Champ :Atari_weakened condition' could with-
m�iooh ' on.4a/cc I•i on. There. stand; hand', Elmer'hs' •death caused'
rrow to a !hhost sof relativesrelatives'&
will be the' 'reunion and•a�ee-' Sofriends t'hrou hotit Huron. Toon-, inhthh'e afternoon with g
a lank sou �er. :at .-5s:00 : o'clock.
p Ap The outh .first attended :public_
The church service will ,hbegin; , y
,with a sing -son„, led Eby: ,the
school at S S:;. No, -13 Huron,: l+a='.
Teesvv�ater Junior Farmer uar-` ter Pine River Central .School
tette. The service will. be Vicon- 'andthe last year of his-educe-
was takenti hat R>,pley D�istnict;,
ducted •by, present an+cl nest Jun
for •Fariner •:-Inemibers with the Hagh- 'Sc.haohl
i iie.st ,speaker ake;r' R,ev. • R:. J Mc- He. was• °: a member of . -Pine
I, g • pe.• .River United Church ;-Sundha
Kinney '..of.•T•eeswate:r. S
•School and . in May• of ,this:. year;
D�th Mourned red By y Man � In Huron
ELMER. MITCHELL mother;' Mrs; Frank {Murtohel'l and-'
' The death of E1me--Raymond his maternal :gran'd+paremts, .Mc.
and . Mrs.. Emil Buhtchie, all of
,an,d', Peterboroti. There,' were
•4U delegates %hon. the :, trip .•w�hmch
was sponsored' ' by,.�the ; Ontario
'De+pahrtznerut of :Agricu'lttire.
Huron Township:
R.C.M.P. Musical
Ride At Western
Western Fair at• London; :.Sep-
Member 6th to ..1:4+tih, promises an
exciting, fascinating eight: clays
'of 'entertainment .rnorning, moon
-and . night. •
The fair ,also provides tithe
greatest ^liVeStock Show ;in On-
:tario,. with a m+ibliazih; 'do1Lar
worth of cattle, horses, sheep ,• ; •
swine, 'goats .and ,poniltry ..on hdis-
play,.. plus'+the',hltarges+t farm mew.
chnery show Of any ;Baur in Can-: •
a•da. • . • .
R.0 M P. Musical Ride
The' grandstand: hshbw, is head- •
'ed by the :wonderful; sand olour
fu�I •R: C: M: P. ' nius ileal ride ands
those popular y,{oun,g• ladies of
song, the Chordettes, who first
amidst. a group , of ;,ten ' young • gained . rrsus�c,al flame with "'`the
people,. Elmer .-was ,admitted°', a Arthur • Godfrey show', ' The '• Sue
full , anember of . Pine :River Un- Charles dancers and either. top
' ited Church: • notch variety acts are• all hgranhd-,
'ri e • remains rested at Mac.: stand features.- The August.m+eeting ' of the Un- Lerman ` fiunerhal home', •Ri ple & Write now . 'to .Western; 'Fair
ited ,Church Women was held iii: the 'serVce •was ,held Thursday . L,on!don, ;for ",best ',selection of
the 'ch'urchh•. on ALfgtislt. 2Otih with afternoon, August 15thh at,. the grandstandd..seats $2.00, and $1..5.0:
tw�enty ladies lan�swerin!g•the ' roll `fuhn�er�all home, �conduot�ed hby ,the Hubert Castle :Circus
Rev. ., Donhald Mac,enzie:: . •
Pallbearers were former :pub-
lic 'schdol, ',friends.' namely, Jim
scan; : a scripture . verse . with •the
word "teaching'. The theme Was
Christian Education; Mrs.. 'Fred
Young read the donations and:'Emmerton, :Ernie, Irwin : Lynn
.Mi s.. Esther Rivett hs+howed•. a 'very:.Fergusan;'''Murray Ferguson; Al
interesting elm. The 'bazaar 'date, hlhen' MacDonald .and Bob 'Stott
Was 'set' for November 13th. '.Mrs. • Flowenbearers 'weresotitic school
•McWhinn!ey . reported..:.'±thie bale
:weighwing• 171 lbs;. had been sent:
bunch : was 'convened by ; Mrs.
Gordon Finnigrarn. •. .survived by •tlhree •'brat'hens • and •
Mr:' Wilmer Errington, teacher, 1 four sisters namely ., Donald; ;Brilliant people talk about :
returned to his school .at. Minni- Thomas " and Maurice, Lillian, -ideas:;•Average :people talk about •
take in the Kenai% sdis+triictt. ' His Ella,. MMargaret .and Elaine,, ,all ,things.' Small ,people- talk atbouht.
mother, 'Mrs.. ,Mary • Erringiton, ,i at home, also his paternal ,grand other; people,
.clerk at,.D:awsones General, SStore
on vacation ,motored back„ with
him for vacation. • They Made the
trip on Tuesday morning '
lilisses"Janice' and Judah
twin sd:auglpters 'sof Mr. and
Mrs.,. Jim Million; ..Stratford,
spent last week :'Waith their 'aunt,-
Mrs,Lorne [vers: Also visiting
last week-encl was their Sister;
)110ss Patsy Mil bicol a teadhier near
Mr;.:and•'Mrs. Ray Stanley and.
two . daughters,: Laurie.: and Les-
lie .St. Thomas ,spent :the 'week
end. with 'her mother, Mrs. 'dna
Black.• sand .•w'ere. present ' fan ,the
dance reception for Mrs. Stan:
ley's ,'brother and Wife on Fri-
day night.
Mr:. and Mrs. Bill Black, nee
1Ma'rlene a Cousins, were tendered
a dance reception .Friday' night
at the Agricultural I3,a'l],, earru•-
;thhers orchestra provided inu+sia
and ..during the revernng .an, ,ad-
drewns of 'best '+Wishes 1. was read
by Mrs Nelson Pearson arid Mt,
ichaxd Stewait made the pre,'
senhtation of ,a ipurse of mOney,
Mrs, Will. Alton,. Wingham, vis.
'ted Wm. Minnie Jones •on •Sun-
• 81
n r
friends, • IMerrnemt mwaa m aide 'in
Besides his -parents; Elmer is
Last two:days of the fair the
grandstand attraction: w.ial be the
fast. moving and autptanding'.Hu-
bert .'Castl;e ,Circus:.Twenty tihrill
ling nobs from, loons and iiigers'
to rib -ticking, claw* and daring
trapeze 'artists.
See Western Fair, .the fair .+that'
hes ' ,something' for every; 'mem
•ber of the family..
(Most Sizes In, Stock)
Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors
3 Licensed Mechanics
heel Alignment and,Balancing