HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-08-28, Page 10t1
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28,.1063'
Pee Weei Wore � group Title
Lucknow .Pee Wees ;are iscitt-
biall champions of their' group,
• nd ;are now elwaiiIdng� +the° Win`
altelt Of the .n�exit hseri,es lin; the
Lucknow won ;the tittle by 3
wins. against one loss 'to ` wthe
Drussels : dds. •'They dropped the
first• game • 11 to 4, ;and ' then
swept the set In 'f three straight
wins. The seoond game was' a.
1O-6 •Ide•aiei,on.
Last Wednesday' . night •in
Brussels ithey,toak • aln, early lead`
and. then held...'off the•final +inn-
inig efforts of',th:e Brus+seliites, to
challk 'up 'a '7-6 s+qleakeir ,
Here was !{,he score by ;inmings
Lucknow'J0)3:1' 201 q�7;
13russels-',310+0. '0021 .'1`,,—'G
Orr, Friday,: nighlt finLucknow,.
there wasn't 'Much +to. tit, as a
Hood icrowd of rloca►l .ifanrLs•. saw'
,the local .kids '. sweep t a 10-0 •
.,victory' and :Viife, `.,group ahamnp
p;on Ship, • - .
• In.. the .final' two ,.!game.• Bon
nie• .Stanley . was • •on ' the mound,,
ins BIazer; As.
Best Mulitia an
A ibi+t oaf , ' holiday news . that
ways "rounded up". !this: 'week is
'that aim •. MacDonald.' of Asihtield
Township, a !student .at Lucknow,
D!istiriotHigh • School, Won . theaward. • for. ' the 'best ' : student
Militiaman in a five-week studen:t
rnyli�ti,a 'training program held at
Winfglham :, , July 'anld, winding
up on Thursday evening, August
,Studentsrom Olfinftork ;CGode-
rich Kinoarcline, Wring lama' . a=
forth and Lucknow werejinn the
group. Jim: was -,pres+ented; wiJth
a. navy `(blazer, With, �aln, artiller3
creot. The ;rade- for . 1ih+e :award
was Close . with the judges !eli-
minating .011' ' but three, yup . until
'the eleventh '(hour: Because • ` of
.their inabiliity to' pick 'the- best
of ' the 41 -nee, ee, the : three names
were : +puit nn . a . bat, . With Jim's`
:Tim served as. ,troop "leader for
the. .Passing .out.. parade ori cbhe
finial night; with David ' "nhomp-
soon of .'Lucknow' !serving as. . !bat-
ibery Commander. :. .irig, ,diem .for "pceterity.'•'
with Murray . ' McWhinney be-
'hdn,d the plate. •
Score by innrings:
Brussels 000 ,000.0 0
Lucknow-301 303 x-!--10
• Miter the .game' Bill 'Stanley
'treated the:boys at C'owhan's Log:
Cabin Resfiauraant,.
Membersof the 'team are'
Murray McWhinney;, . catcher;;
Ronvi.e Stanley, , piitcher; Gordon
,Mauer, is t; Kenny ,Raulston;
tvcl; Bob Mullin, . ss,;' Donnie
MacKinnon, 3rd Desmond Court-
ney, • if:; .Ronnie. N,iandlson, ..cf;..
David Button, rf; ' Jiin Button,
Doug McWhnnney, -Bobby Gram
' wsfton; John 'M'acKenzie, Roddie
After, some : delay The .See-
,tinei.mai;1ing list .wiais reVisea
'on Friday, . and • ;payments
made in !Peewit weeks, new
'subscriptions and., ' address
'' changes • have , all been
.brought. up • to, . date.
'A glance at the'label date
On: ,this +issu+e Win ,show of
proper credit ;hays been given.
If ' 'not, please advise 'Thee
Sentinel last .once. ,
And, by the :way,' if your
subscription is' +dime, ` door ;past
due, !prompt attention.oto this .•
matter is .:always +apprecii:alt
If. it's. good luck fto . find�a
4 -leaf clover,' La''`+oouplle,. ofAsch'
fdeld:•'. •girl>s should: have a double,
. mneasure ;of good fortune. They
have found +a :variety of 'Clover
specimens;• • which ° had 4, 15i, ;6,
7 .,and 8 'ieaves.'
The .girls are Charlene Ander
son, 10, Nand :Joan: Aniderson 8
daughters; io(f', Mm' and Mrs.. Chas.
Anderson. of Zion. .
The girls! :ibraught'"'' eann:plets ofnn
these• multiple -leaved Clover
p1'anits .to, The S.emitinel .Office
last' week. They were . well form-
ed • .plants and he '.leaf .,strut
,tune ' ranged. from 4 to .8 well
formed . 'ire avec. They are p eSs-
• •
• •
Notice Of Application
The Corporation of the
borne W.acDong Id Former Lucl�nowite
Takes Over Seaforth Shoe Business
Lorne MacDonald, a Lucknow
'native, who • formerly operated
a shoe, -business 'in '•the Murd,ie
Plock in Lucknow, has returned
to the retail . sho.e hus:iness this
time. in •Seaforth.
In connection 'with the ,official
opening on Thursday ;the Sea,
(forth Expositor carried' the fol-
lowing story .about. 1VIr. Mac-
Doonalld,'and-h'as loaned the Sen-
tinel the above out;
"A new shoe store will' :o.Pen
this , week to serve • :the... Seaforth
.distri"ct. The store is.',be+ing ' op-
erated by ,Lorne MaoDonalii.
• •,
To:Dispe.flse With A:1.�teqfEet(r$
1: The' Council of the Corporation of the Village of
• Lucknow intends. `to apply to .The Ontario 1Vlunigipal •
• . Board for approval of the construction of a -new bridge . •
1 on Willoughby Street ,,a t an estimated cost . of $16, 300, of •'
• which amount $3,000' shall be raised by the sale of de-
• bentures pay
:.• able. out..of the general rate over a period' •
• not exceeding ten years.,, .,
O.2.. Application will be made. to The Ontario. Municipal, 4,
• Board :for an order"to dispense with''the assent of. the
• electors to the undertaking of: the said work• Any' rate- •
4 "payer, may, within twenty-one days after the first pub-
ub •
• ithis notice, send. by post prepaid to the Clerk'
• ' lication. ; of'
• of the. Village of Lucknow at the address given below, •
then citing stating his objection to such approval •
• . grounds of such objection, '•
"Located in the ;.former Willis
Shoe Store ori' Main. Street, M.
MacDonald, says 'the ..new !busi-
ness will ' operate• in the tradi
tion' built `up over nearly 1100
years 'in business. In • Seaforth -by
the Willis farnily. •
"Born in 'Luck-now,,�he• 'began
his Career ',ln. shoes in 1920,
when: she served: with R:, Neill
Ltd., a': pioneer ".:firm in ;estab
fishiChain-,ng . a of shoe- stores
across Canada.: Alt ' that time
.newconcepts in .shoe fitting
• , tetahatMhniassel B,ofrthe elector's shall not
• .
• 3: The O
• n
• to the,.statute statu t e
• " be required and . may ;approve of the' said undertaking, •'
•I but before,„doing so it may. appoint a 'time and place •'
,for a public hearing when any objections will• be con-
• + DATOD at the Village' -of : Lucknow
this 22nd day of
August, 1963. •
• •
E. 1-I:, AGNEW -- Clerk. �•
• • . Lucknow, Ontario'.
Plane Landing
At Bruce Bach
.dust Missed •Barn
A light plane . 'attempting to
land :at Bruce Beacih narrawl'y
missed Striking the !barn on . the
farm . 'of W. A.. :Collins, Lake
Shore .Road. ♦ No serious injury
wa•s sustained. by ;either . +pa'ssen-
gems• aril a'damage ..to the plane
was light Atruck, which moved
oft •• 'm'i'nutes before !the 'plane
landed might have' been •inv,ol
wed in a. serious. 'accidenft,
Mir, and Mrs, William :Blue of,
.. Detroit called called 'on Amberley rel-
atives 'On. Friday of last .week.
Mr,...and .Mrs, Chester gaunter -
ton accompanied by. Mr, • and
Mrs. William . Wilkins ;attended'
the Anglican Congress; at Mapie
Leaf. Gardens, Taronto on Sun-:
day, August 18', A most impres-
sive 'service was 'held,'
Mrs. 1Ve11iie Wehwood of Kin,.
c,ardirie vs:vted ,on • Tliursd,ay
With. Mr. Ja,nd +Mrs. Archie Cou it, ;
ney enroute • to . Goderich where
She visited her sister Mrs! Wil
.1i.ain S.al+lows.an,d other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs.• Thomas Bell. and
.John spent a few days vacati+on
in. Todront¢ ia'st week.
Units 1 and 2 held a -joint
meeting g '' in ; Pine d.' River United
Church an Tuesday evening. of
last • week with ..Mrs. Leonard
Iawin and' Mrs. Murray Walden
presiding.. ; The scripture reading
was . given 'by Mrs. E.. Lowry,
,followed with • :conments.:by .Mrs.
Gordon" Fry. larayer Was •.given.
by Mrs. George Wightman an ,after
'which Mrs:. Leonard; '•Reid 'gave
,an interesting : •.reading. An aad-
dress .Which was ' do ;havebeen
.given 'by (Mrs. Bent Walden,' but
who Was linable to •at'tend , Was
given by Mrs. Leonard Courtney.
A !trio ;by MaryElizabeth Wald',
en,. Brenda Henry ,and Shirley
Reiid` accompanied by 1VLrs. ' Mur-
ray Walden twain enj•oyedi.` Affiter
the •closing whyrrine''anvd ibenfedie-:
tilon, Un ilt 2 !served ,a wbbiintifu 1
tea.' ,Mfrs Sarni Ghibson.. gave : .the
courtesy remarks,
Thee sunny ,der 'o�re�ath�er of !the
past week• was a ,baonm• to fart
ens .who lorked :.late to �h�a�rvest.
their grain and to finish ihay�ing
operahtioris. .: .
Mrs. ' Henry. McKenzie of :Ah -
field pis assisting.. in Roses Shiell,
store during the busy season.
joined ,the ,staffof the B. F.
Ackerman Co., of ''Peterboro, as
assistant manager bf shoes, rub-'
,''.:ers.: and Shoe :findings. When:
the fifth ' was absorbed by ,an-.
other company'•:some years lat-
ter, :Mr. Macponald r presented
it -in the .`field .and travelled
throug'hout Southwestern. Ontar-
io.. Seafarth . was the centre ;of',;
his territory, .and .'he .inoved 'here
about 10 years• ago.
Accident On ;Road;
"An accident: several years ;ago
while working Cxl the road re-
sulted 'in' a series ofoperations
and long, i�onths• of'hospitaliza-
tion. While -ultimately he was.
table to be 'about, he could not,
_ return !to Ih;is - former. occu,pati.on.
"Discussing' rehabilitation' with'
the, • Workmen's '. Compensation.
Board,.. Mr:•. +,1VIacDonald . decided
+to egin . ' 'his awn business.
When .J, K. Willis' : decided ' to
enter . another ,business, the
lis location became ; .available;
and Mr. MacDonald took advan
tage'.of 'the G+ppo_rtunity to again
enter . the .retail ' field."
;procedures were ..corning into •
Vogue, ,and: i; to .: fit himself to . SHOWER. AT. BRODHAG'EN
better serve.the; .public ''.he stu- (Shower /' for Mr 'and. ►NCrs.
died practipedits . =-- the:.•art. .of„ ,Marvin .M1cDonald, .Friday,'Aug.'f Mr, • and Mrs., =George Thomas
correcting foot troubles with3ioth, in Brodhagen ; Community.:and 'Shelley :of Toronto and. Mr ,
appliancesi and gr•aduated••, with, 'Centre. Dancing 'starts kart 10 .p.'ri'r'. and Mris :.Robert Galla'ugh,er and
;honors.: . Ladies please 'bring .lunch. Rel- famtly- of M�anIsfield ;visited' at '
•" - •n. -,in th'e • retail trade .atives • and. d. ri�en•d :: inl. Accept Mrs..
Con�inur gn . f . s: k, d1y ecept 'tare week -end wutth. Mr. and M �.
until. 19.4,8, Mr.. MacDonald then this invitation. : Donald Courtney 'and iamirly, •
• Having, been nomintated• 'as the Candidate:. for
the Liberal'. party in the riding of Huron -Bruce: in
theforthcoming' election,' I would like: to 'express''
my sincere' thanks' to you for the "courtesy and kind-
ness•'that I have received since I was elected n 1.962
as -your representative in •'the Government of
Ontario, '
While Il have. met many , of you, 1 .trust/ that
I may make the acquaintance,of as many as possible
» during the Campaign: • ' •
1 have enjoyed: my. work And 'feel with . this .'
past 'experience, more able to serve each of, you in
your problems .from' day to day.
I . solicit your continued support...'in this ;
Campaign and .your .Vote on September' 25th next;
Yours sincerely
Murray Gauflt
lit 'Sept. 25th.
Sponsored by the Bruce -Huron Liberal Asstociation.