HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-08-28, Page 2t
. �AGr.� o .• .'
yT ': LUCKNOV,; SENTINEL., LUCKrm%'cormiuo
WEDNESDAY, • AUG. 28 1953;
The tremendous public response to.
the ' Rathwell Shoe removal sale is indic-
ative o. f what could be done: ion a corn
munity basis if business men and...women
would" :'4get their heads. togetherfor a
few hours periodically and develop some
'ales promotions
Ther -h -'u 3!in8Public !are . ever .alert for
bargains . and would make Lucknow their
buying centre if given reason to do so.
The village has : a progressive, modern
group of stores that enjoy a favourable
share of patronage, but as a group, they
do little to stimulate business and bring
the shopper to town.,
The only' function of the business
men's association for many years has been
to give, the kids. a treat at Christmas • time ..:
irtntl set store hours. For this a small per-
centage of business. -people get together
for a few hours a, year.. These . same bus-
iness people spend, dozens and dozens of .
hours : a year promoting many community
projects, but when it comes to promoting
their • own business on a community. basis
they ; appear indifferent,
The ;Sentinel has long maintained . that=,
it is : not the man down , thestreet,' or•
across the 'road, who ' is .the biggest " oppo-
sition to the Lucknow merchant. : It' is ' the
man in the towns and : cities for' . miles
around ' who are constantly luring =• • the
buying; public,
A • shop- in; Lucknow community
draw"' •'being romoted by the
is currently
Luck ow, Sentinel and an; outside adver- ' .
' �` salesman. ''is : hoped that it. will
• tismg sales=; � p • .
provide a start . in community, sales pro
motions that will be followed':. by new
ideas . in the ' future. It is maybe not the
entire ' answer, but we think it is a step in
the right direction.
SC i D iL.:M+ NG:E tS .
(Newmarket Era ' and Express)
As a newspaper we wish that some-
thing could 'be done to rid the . world of
gossipers ' and scandal mongers. But ap
parently "this is • impossible.• In, any cornnmu-
there is always at; least; one • person: who,
r Y.�•,.
insists' that he:oz she knows about ,every-`°
thin that ''is going ; ' on. As far as they are
g -g g ., .
concerned `:everything .• and '•everybody : is
"fixed." They ` 'say . local politicians are
fixed;" newspapermen tire fixed,,.,,sports
are "fixed" -' ., and the police are "fixed."'
Their list of garbled "inside information"
is hair-raising and the majority of it's highly
improbable. .
These people, while cgrtainly a men-
are' also to be pitied. They fall victims
togullibility and; becometheir
enmeshed in+
own everlasting• search for an "angle." This
type really believes that truth does not
exist and . that beneath the veneer, of verac-
tity lies the murk and mireof doubt and
double-dealing. These people refuse to ac
`cept the fact that a social .conscience. still •..
exists. Their opinions . are, influencea
anyone with a chip on . their shoulder, . they
fall for any tall yarn and are an easy mark
for any rumor. The wilder : the " allegation
the more eager they are to spread it
T h e pressures and tensions ° of modern.
day business, and how we face them, have
a very definite bearing on one's physical
and mental well being. •
, Most ' every occupaton . willhave its
pressures in varying degrees and likewise.
in varying. -ways., Certainly the newspaper
business,, with its never ending deadlines,, is
among the high pressure groups, and as.
such the following "solutions" on reliev-
ing tension interested us. Wefeel it will
be of interest and: merits reproduction. In
part, . it 'is from the Royal Bank . of Canada's
monthly letter:
We.. cannot, by mere act of, will;
banish injurious tension, but wecan get rid
of it by constructive thought and action.
"Always givein when the situation'
does not matter much . to you. Go into neu-
eu-tral." Decide. in this' restful mood whether.
the problem is worth gnawing your nails
about. Or • try the expulsive power of a
new affection, a • new interest, a new . pur-
pose. in life. Take a dose of . healing laugh-
ter. •
'Harmful' tension' islurking around
every, ;corner of.our lives; at home,: in the
office, in the ,factory,, in traffic, in the ele
vator. When we allow our common sense `.
.to take over we give way. in the face of ,•
the irresistable and ' cease banging our heads
against the immoveable;
° "No lullaby will ease, the tense mind.
We must uncover 'the - cause and do, some-
thing aboutit, or;;. reconcile ourselves 'to.
things as they are. ~ The true : expertness in
handling life is to keep a ' proper balance
between tension and energy. .
'.'Rest from harmful 'tension is';•a°-har-
monious adjustment of: the necessities and
accidents and opportunities and hopes and
actions of life. Ir' results : in the calm supre-
macy circumstances."
of our'spirit over'.: its .
You Will never get ahead- of . anyone
as long .as :you" are trying to •.get, even with,
him. :•�
The, time , .to get primed for ' the, future
is :'when you're 'still' in your: prime.
Women are like baseball umpires
they make quick decisions, refuse ,to re-
verse themand don't think• a man is safe
when . he's out
People cannot be judged by what
other people say , about • them, but they,
can hejudged by what they say : about.
Children.. would be more easy to.
handle . if : you . pretended.' they ::were ` the
nei ' bout s everyone knows .'how to
rillb ' u othe� eo le s children.
g P r P P.
Hard work andigtility are as ,nuc
the :Prerequisites— , �. of : success they always
were, but they'. ate less and less .'likely' to
be enough in themselves In today's world
they meed, to . be .rooted' in 'a finished:ed-
ucation to pay full, dividends
Lions Aid C.N.l.B. Camp Where
• A chance meeting, a Shy intro-
duction and romance. These were
.the three steps • which • led to 'a
happy nianitage of ttwo. blind .per-
sons vacationing' at the CNIB
,Lake Joseph !adjustment training
crid holiday Centre, for the !blind
last year, :Clara Downey, ndw.
Mrs: Albert GGuy • of London; 'met
her future husband 'last sturminer•
while orn'an ,organized hike. /The •
couple met quare : iby chances' ear-
ly one morning when Clara's es -
:tort companion' could not make
the ,activity' at the last moment.
A blind man .arid; hist partially
seeing partner Invited her to join
.then for a stroll, 'Ars the . holiday
progressed, Clara and Albert
.found'that they had many" things
an camnion, . They enjoyed .the
out of .doors and the tspaprri=e games
and 'before , long !this casual
.friendship suggested a• .life iitsng
Mrs. Guy has 'been visually
handicapped since 12 years of
age 'and her husband 'h'as been
totally' blind since 1954.. After.
their vacation "las=t year the . Ot-
tawa man ipu:rsued his courtship
and the two of them were mar=
tied in early October:, . They' re-
tturned to • Lake Joseph this year
where ,they are.spending a se-
Gond honeymoon. •
The CNIB °sualmer centre, . de-,
signed & built especially for the •
blind Celebrated its "3rd anniver-
sary :ari''the July 21.. Its location.
on Lake Joseph 'on the 'Muskoka
n ideal :holiday
fruasge'. makes it , !a
centre,. The 18V2 acre' site is a
World in • itself. Blind persons
from Ontario torte here rto spend
a week -end, ,week. ' or 14 days.
Specially selected and trained
staff, • guide a !unique prograi n
including such things as paddle
!boating, 'swimming, ling, :shuffleboard
Mr. and ,Mrs: Ernie • Crawford.
and family moved to Port Al-
bert, •
• • •The nine 'McIntosh '' °sisters,
whose parental home was in the
.Luekriow ` district were all.'`to-
gether. ,for, a, family' gathering
prior to the return of Dr, and.
Mrs, . Hugh MacMillan to For-
mosa. . The ,gathering was : at
Meadowvale at th;e .home of Mrs,
T. W. Reeve !(Beatrice). The oth-
er • 'sisters are, iVirs, P. H. Tor-
rance ('Eunice), •Mrs. .Torrance
Anderson !(Hazel), Mrs, Waliter
Rowand (Nina.) ;Gertrude, ,Mrs,
Livingston Brown ,(Ruth), Mrs, •
James sGodibold (Ruth), Grace,
Mrs. Hugh 'MacMillan (Donalda).
Talk- of organizing a Lions
Clutt to succeed The Clansmen,.
-brought a letter from Rae Wat-
son of London, Jiboosting the . pro-
Dr: Helen: Salkeld • accepted a
position with the Department—of
Entomology. at ;Ottawa:
• Mrs, Charles Cooke succeeded
;Mrs, J R. Johz sterie as president •
-of. the . Women's Institute: .
76 Gideon Bibles . were' Pre-
sented to students of the higher
grades at Lucknow Public
School.. :, .
.Mr; `rand .Mrs. Bill Campbell
moved frown" Amberley to Kin=
cardine: •
Hackett's W.A, received a gift
of $100 ,from iMrs W. A. Hackett
of Detroit. ...
Rev .Canon' `,T.,• H. Georghegan.
of Woodstock was given ;,a leave •:
of absence' due to ill,'health.
Mrs, Jessie .McInnes underwent
an operation in Wingh•am • for
,;amputation, of a leg: ;=
• Dianne Swan, 11 -months' -old
daughter of• Mr: and Mrs. Herry
Swan, tell from her pram and
suffered a double fracture' of the
left.: arra.` ,
Betty • -Johnston, . 1O -year-old
daughter of Mr: and :'!Mrs: Gord-
on: 'Johnston,: drowned :When she
'fell into the Trent ,Canal, She
was a niece:of Mrs: Russell Ro
tbertson, of " town. ,.
Mrs • deorge . H. Douglas, the
former Isabel Carrick of- Kin
to .1, died -at : her, !home .in Luck -
now. .
Transient relief •accounts pas.-
sed": by the . Village Council ' for
the month of April' amounted
$19.00;; These . expenditures • for'
the e
"humgrY 30's were assumedumedby
various municipalities for • a
Ilengtthy period: The menu was
elaborate' of course.. meals'
were cheap. The April exipen-
d.iture represented "38 meals Fart
30c, go b'eds. ` at: 40c.. and to
At 25c:" • • .
The ,+dea=th, 'of R, D. Cameron
occurred 'at. hit home., here ::at
the age of 76 .& "climaxed a long
life of ,influence andpurpose in
the' promotion .of ,.all :that was •
wonthwhile, in ch.urch,Jraternal,.
politswal and patriotic circles,"
The Village • Council set the
rate for miscellaneous village
Work. at. 20c ,an ,"hour, after dis-
cussing reducing . the rate to ..
17% and d15c an .hour..: '
Fifteen carloads . of ' 'district
residents motored to Varna for.
,abarn raising at the farm of
Robert Webster, who f oranerly
farsne.d west 'of' Lucknow.
The Lucknow ,.'Continuation'•
School was. being enlarged With •
a three -teacher staff, Miss F .E.
MacLean, principal, ' Malcolm
Armstrong of Seaforth and. Miss
Gertrude • Fowler of Clinton:,
• Entrance ' results at •Luoknaw
public : school• listed: honor stu-
dents in:: order of standing . 'and
pass; students alphabetically as •
follows.: Honors,. Belle Anderson,.
Gordon Johnston; Jessie : .Stew-
Stewart, 1VLatlry Douglas,. Grant : Mac-.
Kenzie;, Rena MacDonald, • .Mar-
ion StiiWart, Morgan pHenderson,
Drennan McIntosh. •Pass, Willena
Chesnut, Mary '• Cook; Winniifred
Douglas,- ` Norine ..••Hodgins, Bill
Henderson, '•Robeiit MacCallaim,
Margaret Macintyre, Annie ` Mc-
Leod, 'Ethel Martin, Harold '.Mc-'`'
Inito•sh,, Fred Martin, . Winnifred
Percy, Kenneth Thompson
Egg .' grading regulations came
into effect.
• Dr, A. G. Elliott,•of Lucknow,
age 81, died of ' a heart attack..
Kincaidine following a base
bail `,game >obetween Lucknow
and Kincardine. '
The congregation . of South
Kinloss :Presbyterian Church
honored Rev. F. A. McLennan ' '
' on . has 25th anniversary in the
tinistry fourteen years of
which had thenbeen at South
Kinloss; The address which -ac-
companied a`purse of money
was signed by .Alex' Nicholson,.,
Alex Gollan and John McDou-
'James G. ",Smith, conductor of
atimber train; • in Minnesota, was •
..in' a railway accident at
'Fibbing; Minn: The body wase:
brought here for. ,burial' from the'.
family homestead, con.- 14,, West
.. was. •a movement.' on •.
oot''•to petition the Legislature
to. Prohibit themanufacture, sale,
and .'importation ' ' of , .cigarettes:,
Pipe & cigar smokers had ",thor-
ough contempt" for 'the cigarette: f
The habit was becoming "ter-
riblyprevalent among the:''youth
of • the country." ' '•
and. 'hiking, More ,than a mile'
of railguarded nature trails en-
courage the .newly =blind to strold.
casually. with an :eScont :or en
their :own, =along sa"hidy beaches,
rocky. terrain or �throu�gl flhe
small forest of '.evergreens. Even
the buildings have been con-.
structed tto reduce Mobility prob.,
,!.ems: 'Ten bedroom units con -
fleeted by a central corridor and
flanking .: a large recreation'
lounge and dining -room, are in -
div idUally
n-cbivid+ually 'identified by , raised
numbers and 'letters readable at 1
a "touch of a finger. . .. "
' Six of the:More than '5000 blind
vacationers holidaying at M;us-
kokra's• CNIB 'Centre for the blind,
are, frontHuron:County:
The .Lucknow and District
Lions Olttb has given ..financial
assistance from ' time tto time to
the Lake/ joSenh. Camp project,
w .
The Dedication Of South Kinloss:
Memorial Chapel and Mortuary
.will be held 'on
Sunday, .September 1 s
at • 3:30' p.m.
• The r ice of dedication will be in charge of`'
local and Visiting g clergy.
In case of inclement weather service will be held in
.South' Kinloss' Church
Everyone ' Welcome!
This buildin 'has been , Ki
g erected by the. South. Kinloss
Cemetery Corporation to provide a 'much needed
service for, the .surrounding 'communities and the use of •'
all faiths. It is being financed entirely by "..., u`blicr sub