HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-08-14, Page 11• WEDNESDAY, AUG: 14th, .1903... x.t not aTemow itan-gam, wocnow„ ONTARIO .„. PAGE P.T.EVE/i/ • ... Huron Rate Up 4 ills;Reject Artificial Ice, To Resurface Road AidF $1.88.0; Morford 1VIcicay; or Toraglor repirs, $48.919; Polloelt, Electric., P/Pe, $98.710; Harry Col- 1Toa ling,' hauling- and loading, $240.- • I ••• • • : '.00; Kempt61173hapling and Huron' Township Council met care, $74.00. • • 19ading, *163.05; Ontario •Cul - ion • /1/2.4glis#t Gth With all Mein, TOwnship Kenn IVI D veils • culvert§ $1 '743.29'. 1Vlahood bers Present. • -ald,, care of hall, $24.00; Earl. Lumber, nal% $15.04, R. Icicohol- After the reading of the last Tout, postage ,auci blaajboard, Son, ditching, $128•00; Superior minutes the following Molt*" $12•00; Edgar'Watson, destroy PoParle, gas,. $1.261; W' Cr°- * .tions were passed ing dog and poultry grader rePaiist $116'16; That We consent to a group $17.60; G. E. McLennan, ivalu- Q11 Ltd*, fuel $1156* - of Bruce peach cottage owners ator, $3050; Lucknow gentinel, 02; 14; N. Howe,. calcium, $420426; Pinning a water laiPe on. the 'envelopes and tax, $11.43; Trans- Elmer Courtney, 'bolts, $26..15; leased land; . ferred to CemeterY aecount, Cook, dozer, $130.00; Dave labour, $10.00; Lloyd That We re -Surface tile .Ash- $100.00; Donald •MacKay, fire in- -31.10Ore, field Boundary from Arn)berleY surance on' hall, -$23.75; Village Wyld, 'autting grass, $427.50. west to the lake; , ", of • Ripley; snow plowing and Council- adjourned to meet on That we•Call for tenders for fire .• calls, • .$575.05; •Agricultural September 3rd. " • " a new ,furnaee for the..Township Society, .fail fair grant, $200.00; • ' EARL TOUT, Clerk. Bruce *Beach Assodiation,‘ grant. - * • hall: - • - . y ac pzi.- • , . • • '4 • That we set the • Townshrn. for hills? $.300,00; R. Nicholson, — • mills and the Industrial and Roads -,•.'-' Steve Irwin, Super- OLIVET NEWS farm and re.sidential rate at 22 digging in dump, $154.00. Commercial rate at 23.0 mills. intendent, $325,00; Wayne Low These rates ibeing up by four ry, grader, $286.90; Joe Forster; . mills from last year. ' labour, $10.00; Lloyd Lamont,, ° A rnotiotthat ' we help Put labour, $19.00; H. Hodge, grader i.,0 artificial ' - the Ripley, arena repairs, $712•.66; Ken McKenzie', was de reated. / , dozer; $135.00; McArthur .Tire The following •accounts , were Service, -tires and tubes, --4463.50; ordered paid by the treasurer: J. Harris & Son, bridge steel, Cemetery . -I- Ivan Pollock, $6,046,00; Pedlar People, ,eul- - •Holiday visitors with Mrs. W. T. Rotliston* and Jack were: 'Mrs. R. E.. Frid, Mr. and. Mrs. AlexMacKinnon' and Lois and • Sandra of Hamilton ,Mrs. Evelyn Barkwell and Mrs. W.,• R.• Hamilton ,of Lucknow,' Mr. and Mrs.: Robert EarkWell and Mur- r • . ' • • h Cincinnati • eani La • •. • •••••••• ' , • , . • , Enjoy yourself all, the way. ahead for reservatiorisl It costs so little 'to phone ahead and. make sure— With Bell's reduced rates on STATION -TO -STATION calls between points in Ontario and Quebec. The, .dayrates are low... there are bargain rates after 6 and all day Sunday • ray.of•Dundas, Mr. J. Fisher, Mr. and • Mrs. ;Robert 1VIcCormick, •Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Wallace of ;Kincardine. . , • Miss' . Sharon Colling'visited recently with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bushell 'cof Scarboro.. • • •,; Master: Allen toiit of 'Kincar- dineinspent he ipast week with Mr. .and. Mrs. Raymond: Harnil-, ton, Miss Patty Tout is visiting at the Hamilton borne this .week. Mi.: and IVIrsv. • Oscar White, Evelyn- Ruth ,.and May visited On. Sunday. Mary. White ,‚.at •Grefid Bend. • • •:: • • Miss • Helen. 'White has accep- ted .'d nursing „position rn the Sunbeam Horne,• Kitchener. IVir. and. Mrs. Gary Blackwell and family visited on ,Sunday in Cooksville with 'Mr. and Mrs. StanleY• Blackwell:-; Steven • re- turned home after .sending hol- idays with his grandparents. • The Olivet held , their. Auglist meeting in the ••chaircli, with the children . as special guests. Mfg. Ray 'Haniilton op- ened the worship ; service with. a • Ppern "followed by; a hymn With Mrs.' Sandy. Macdharles at the organ. •Ruth White read the Scripture, Mary MacCharlis of- fered prayer, Sandra: MacCharles and. Joanne •Hamilton • gae read-. itigs,-EYelYn White. sang . "Tell me. the s•tories of •Jesus' and Mrs. .Walter'Black 'told a :story Of .an incident in Helen. Keller's life.- Races: and games' were •en- foyed• on the lawn: Prize win- ners, Mary Ann Coning, Wendy Hamilton, Joyce Osborne, Nancy McGuire, Black, Rofinie ,McGuire, Mary (MacChat7. les, Mary. White, , Pats' Mac., Charles, . Joanne HainiltOn, Jan; ice ;Paeluette, 'Sandra MaeCharles,' Joyce Black,, Laurie MacChar- les, Ruth' White, Phiiip:.Paguette and Evelyn White: Lunch & ice -- dream cones, were enjoyed, pic- file • stYle' • s, CHURCH NEWS LneknoW' Presbyterian' . The ladies of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church-;;': held their Mid -summer meeting on Wed- nesday, July 31st. They gathered in the form of a ,Picnic ••group With neighbours and • relatives attending, on Mrs William Simi. psori's laWn. A missionary pro- graninie Ns conducted f with Mit. Philip Stewart -in the chair, •,•who.operieci the meeting by rea- ding psalms 95 and 96. She also gave the,?, Bible ' Study •on the Beatitude'Blessed ,are the. pure ' in heart, for •they Shall See God, stating that the only .waY to ,see ,j arid know, Him, was to wOrship Bim froth the heart, Thanks for sympathy. shown was tead„ The aim and purpose of the Society was given in ithison: MIS Dean McLeod chose as •her topic, "The' Challenge of the ,pre,sent world events to the Christian Faith", stressing the importanc•e of sho- wing' our religion, .through .our' Missionary work: Her' interest- ing Message was' Very well giv- en and. received with grateful- ness'. The Roll Call waS taken and the , rneeting closecr•with prayer by. missI'Maz.y McLeod. Everyone enjoyed ' the sumptu- ou 1±ich prepared by' the la - — ' -4 , 2.' •';• ' • , • • t • • '9:1? 3 • ;•44 ;42. ;401N, .9 : • dies of the Auxiliary. The wea- therwas perfect and all enjoyed a friendly, chat A highlight of ' the event was the presence of many' of ' the. ladies from Pi -m- erest Manor. who were able to join, in . the enjoyable get-to- gether. •• ' . • . •• • • • Zion .U.C.W. • The Zion U.C.W. .met at the. home of M5s.''..Allan Barger with an attendance ,of 18 members, 12 .children and two visitors.' • Mrs. Eldon Rithhie, took. the De- yotional period with the scripture., being read lby Mrs. Frank •Rit, • chie[The Bible' Study was taken. • by Mrs.Harvey Ritchie. ;Mrs. -Howard. 113arger, gave a reading • "The lquilt bug!? Mrs. 'Cummings of Lucknow gave a splendid taik on. her trip to Seattle, -and Mrs. ' LloYd Hunter thanked her, Mrs... Gordon Kirkland gave a reading • • and Elaine••Cook read the chap- ter' in ,the, study book. Tile Hymn "Wonderful Love.' ,was sung and , the president' Closed the meeting with prayer.' The hostess served lunch :assisted ,Mrs. Charles: Anderson. and Mrs. Harvey Rit- • • She: I, wonder if 'you'll :love , me ;when my hair .has turned He: Why, not? I've tloved. y.ou every time you'Ve cha.nged color so far. • • • • . • DAHMER BRECKLES On July 6th, 1963, a pretty Wedding was .soknenlied in Tees-.: water at the ppriticostal Manse, when Laiira Mary Breckles, • daughter of. Mr, and Mrs. Wal- ter BreckleS of Xinlough was 4. given in marriage by ther father. •to Douglas Me1vin Dahnier, soil, • • -,. • -...4•.t•.• • 4' . • 17. 2 • • • ‘4! ' 3.4 ; ' 41 • ' !'; of Mr.' and Mrs.' Melvin Dah- mer, Millerton..1•; • Rev. 'F:••A. Lowman officiated at: the double ring. ceremony. •' The bride wore 'a street length go*, n 4Of White lace. and nylon', -and. a, .shoulder Veil with crown of ;pearls, She carried a white Bible crested rwith red roses.; Her attendant was Miss. S,andra 'Percy, cousin of the bride. She • 'Wore a blue 'dress similar; to the bride's and also carried . a White Bibiecrested, with ':red . -roses;" • .. ' The best man., was Ray Hai- den'by, uncle of the groom. 'The bride's mother wore • a blue, dress with beige accetor- ies and •the 'groom's Mother wore ' a blue two-piece brocade dress with White' ;accessories, Both mothers wore a •corsage of red • .•,/ • •r '1 • . , •4, '''„1 • • • • 2• • • '•1, • • • . • • . , • • . 9.11 •, • . 1 " • . 1 • • , , • • 1.•:, •0 „ . The wedding",clitrier was held. 1• ....,;.„f„ . , at the ;Log, .Cabin Restaurant, • Lucknow. The4dining robin • was tastefully decorated; with wed- ding bells ;. arid basket's of pink and white peonies.. Red. roses , :;•; decorated the tables and •a three tiered;wedding cake, Ma•de by the • grandmother l centred the bride's table.' ••• • , ,FOr going :away the bride wore' a navy blue dress with whie , accessories. •, , • , The young couple are *residing • • . hi' Kincardine! 4 , • i• '4. 4 ri)