HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-08-14, Page 9u. WEDNESDAY,: AUG.. .14th, 1963• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ::ONTARIO PAGE NINE • WANTED ' OLD FIREARMS :MUSKETS, PISTOLS, REVOLVERS ,. POWDER and, SHOT FLASKS, GORDON ' McDONALD, Phone JA -4-9043 Godericlt Or Leave Inform,tion At Lucknow Sentinel •• "Lectured' .W. • OnCreditUse.. Of (KINLOUGH NEWS) August 15th Mr. Earl Percy ,of Matheson, Ont. vi$1ted over theweek=end with relativ.ehere and in Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Fletcher, Bobby ' and Betty of Paisley .visit- "ed en Sunday, with' Mr. ,arid Mrs. Bert Nicholson. Mr. and. Mrs. .A. F. Cooper,' New York,' Mr .and Mrs. Frank Fair' and. Miks'.' Edna Scott of Ripley were', recent visitors With .. William: •Cox and Rev. B son Cox: •. ' r.and Mrs–Harold H l enb ..Mr. and Mrs.' Donv,Gillespie spent • • ' the week -end _at. Algonquin Park. • Miss Sharon Stanley '*as .. a recen t •with Mr. and Mrs: 'arid. ��, an - a •r •'Larr St ley at Walkerton. . 'The Holyrood Women's •Inst- �tute •amet in 'the. hall on Thurs-' day evening, .Augustlst.. with' Mrs..L,ymnan Sutton 'in the chair. The ' •meeting. opened. •with ,the singing of' the .Ode and •repeat-. ing the Mary Stewart Collect: in unison,` Comrn,uniCations, . were. read including'a tetter' of thanks Vern Rev. •Benson Cox. A Salva- tion ,Army. 'canvass will' be made later. • ion: A stand 'is .to. be made. for the '4-H ipos'ters, The "roll c�al'l`., was `"Ari improvement ..1 Would. like `to See in Consumers •goods." Standing Comrnittee re- ports. Were. given Iby :Mrs, Jack Hewitt oi1 ' Aspiri i ' and ;' Mrs. Lorne Eadie on Chemicals. Plans' were made :to entertain:the Tees water and Wh'itechurch••insti.tutes:. • at :the';Septem'be:r• meeting; Mrs,• Pioneer Of 'West WawanOsh....'Passes: THOMAS INGLIS Thomas Inglis, 'a lifelong re- si,dent sof .West Waw•anosh, ,pas- sed away at this. home on Satur- day afternoon, July, 27th, follow.- ling. an 'illness over the past three months. He was in his 37th Year, Mr. Inglis 'was as soil of John Inglis and Agnes ;,MacLaren and. was the last member of a family of ten children, He' was born on Jack Hewitt 'convened the pro=, Deceinber 126th, 118775, on the•farm grarn.:and read a poem "My Kit across •the; road, from where° he ehen,Prayer andSome'. thoughts 'd1ed., • Heaving spent .his lifetime on food, ,Recipes were sold. Mrs,'; in the 'community, Tom was well William Kempyn gave. the, mot- to, "Success depends onbackbone not wish ybone. Mrs. P. A.. Mur -- ,ray demonstrated the making of. a salad. 1Miss Brenda • Hewitt played, two num. bers on the pi and widely known.. On- September 2nd,'_ 1:962, Mr. and Mrs.'.Ingl'is celebrated their 69th' wedding • anniversary... Mrs. Inglis is the former Jennie Mac- Kenzie,. -laughter of the. late Mr. ano. The guest speaker was Mr. and Mrs.. Alexander 'MacKenzie Milt .• Rayner, 'manager‘ of 'the Bank of -Montreal in Lucknow. - •He explained the . use of credit, sand' concluded ,' his .talk.. •with a of Kinloss. They were married at South: Kinloss Church `by. Rev: Finlay MacLennan. ' Mrs. •.Inglis survives with: • two • • • • ••: • • • • • •• •. i REMEMBE WEDDING.,: FC.R.EVER OUR. ' Record ,the • happiest' moments • of your life between the "page. s • , of: one of our albums_ !THE...• HARRIS STUDIO • Phone 41. ,-= Kinearcline • • • PORTRAITS ,: * WEDDINGS • . • - CAMERAS e . . .. * PHOTO . SUPPLIES humorous poem' on ,banking. He ,daughters and five sons, Mrs, wooair•••••••••i was presented with a gift in ap-• Jack (Betty) Flannigan of To - • , .••, . i• •.. • ••, s, •: • , • • e • • • • •T • •: • • •• • • predation. The meeting closed Milt° and 'Mrs. Robert (Pauline) Fer •ur of Lisdal :Sask. Mrs. , Week' with • her parents, iMr,; b e past h p e , with the. singing of God 'Save the 'Ad -arils of :'Kinloss MacLaren of 11 enjoyed the lane?.,t•.i 1 L . , L, Gi espie •e l y. .. p r p and Mrs. �Bill.'veab e Qu'een • and . the Institute G'rrace,.I Highgate. Alex ,and, Thomas of- 'both ways . 'Rev. •Jellin and Mrs.'Helmus after w hick •l unch was. serv,ed by •• West • W wa2 osh Ro derick : of A reception was held ,Friday and family of Castlewood, South the hostesses, • MrsOrville El- V/atford sand' John. of For^dwich. evening in Whitechurch: Com- Dakota spent : the • week -end at • '•• liott and Mrs.• P. A. Murray; The 'A. daughter;. , Chrissie (Mrs, munity Memorial. Hall .'for; the the manse with' Mr; and Mrs. newl'Y', W eds• Mr:. and Mrs:- Ross Jacob : Kull er.. : F MacGregor, . During the..eVe,ning they were presented' with a gift; of money. Mr:, Bill Purdon read`' the . address and Mr: Walter Ars- coat snide• :the presentation. Ross replied .expressing thanks to all direectors •. were.. M.S.. Jack -Hew- itt Hewitt.and Mrs. .William' K,emlyn. :who were• in charge of the prog- ram. The '-next 'meeting 'will •be held •. an Septembber ' 5th. I-lestes- ses,, Mrs. Harold Ha1deriby• and Mrs. .Mark Johnston. Directors, ;Mrs.' Jim Smith and; Mrs. Sam': •Farmner, Bruce Township.residents willI The' *as 'held. on 'Tues - have° the opportunity on'Septern I: day, July 30th from:. the. Mac- ber 4th tovote ori,\the' questionienzi�e • Meriiorial'' Chapel . in � p C'hristena Simmons), died in 1944 and a , son Allan in 'child -7 hood: -• • . . . • He is also •. • survived :by 17 grandchildren. During . the laSt three. weeks, Mr., Inglis, had ,been '!cared • for at his' home ' on the farm.by Mrs. Flannigan, Mrs. , Mae Inglis ' and Mrs:- Ale, ea{ Inglis, all trained nurses. J The U.C.W. heeled• their • meet- ing last Wednesday, • August 7th at the , home of Mrs. Russel Gaunt. The. Worship service was in . charge 'of -Mrs. man 7iiffin. Call .. to: ' Wora!hip •aiid' scripture for thinking -of :them in this mann reading• was given by Mrs:. ner. Tiffi�n's; orchestra supplied Claude Coffin. After a .�hyanny' .. the• +music for dancing MTs. Aubert. Collates led.' in• -+pray-' Mrs.. Jack Gillespie, Barry and er: Mrs. Ezra' Scholtz gave .anpin-' Lorraine s of Sarnia spent • the. "strumental, . Mrs: Dan Tiffin :and past week 'here • ;with. Mr. and Mrs. ;.Carl Weber • gave readings. • ,Mrs. Garnet `Farrier and:, 'her The.,, of . dining lounge licences and Lucknow. with interment in 'mother, Mrs. • W. R. Farrier ,and l•ounge' licences'wit�hin,the muni Greenhill Cemetery: yMiss Winnifred' Farrier:: • cipality, ; + Y Honorary pallbearers w re Arthur . Moore; NLrs: Ann• ie , Lott .was able to' '*' 'Walter Inglis, ' Sandy Purdon, return • home- this :week to • her !! Roy Colvin:. Ae�tive' pallbearers own'' apartment 'after being phos Andrew Todd, son of Mr.. and I p p g Were Ed:'MacKenzie, David' Ing- I pitalized '.'and remaining,. • for a 'Nils Stanley Todd of Southa•mpµ lis,, Kenneth ton, has `.been awarded `.onorable-Alfred MacKenzie, Ab time with. Mr. and Mrs: earl •x h • Coulter- Alfred Patterson, 'Elroy.; Lo�t1t', mention ;for his art.. He did a. L char:coa1 lands.ca''e which aidlaw,. ZVtr .nnd Mrs 'Arbil Fischer Wh•o served lunch to. I+8 "mem"kiers. stud.y book .on.'Hi to fy,: 0111 tune ••and, Importance .•of• :Hong Kong was .given •+by. Mrs. Dan-- Ti:ffin.. The Septeunber meeting.. will' ,be held at the home: of Mrs: Rev Mitchell' iBluevale The •closing prayer. was . given by Mrs; ,Elwood Groskorth A. •vote. thanks • was '• given the • -hostess' psketch. will +be •'included ' in, an : exhibition tour of, theDoxninion • •by the Canadian Society of Education through art. retirement Perhaps it seems far away now, but the years have a' habit of flying by. It's netier too early to plan for your retirement years And remember that Sun Life, one of the groat Life insurance ,companies of the world, has policy plains that will provide for these' years while at the same time protecting your family in case you should die' "prematurely.' • 1 am a total Sun L:f' .rcprescnialive, May l be of service? WILLIAM J. ' KINA AN :. R.R. 2, Lucknow Phone Winghain 351-1987 •. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY: OF•,CANADA .: • • Mr, Inglis :had :been •a fiber of ,the , Whitechurch • mem,, ,and:•family of Listowel • Spent. the and 2' visitors. United Church, ' arid the ' furierial and burial services were conducted iiby,. 'Rev; 'G.., C. tMitchell; • Lightning Struc Church Chimne (WHITECHURCH NEWS) During .the • electric storm on •Tuesday evening the • Chatrners Presbyterian Church chimney, I. was • struck Eb.y lightning ,and bricks• scattered for some des= tante .over the church lawn. No, :damage w.aS';done to the' interior.. 'Dave- Gibb's luck :'wasn't : all bad. He :resides ori a farm +pro. 'perty east Of Wingham acid fail- ed 'to .put his car iriri' the `shed. for the eveningbefore the storm stril'ck. Fortunately ;so„ for the, shed w'as struck, set on fire and. burned,. On .Tuesday,,; M;is' Alma Conn;' daughter 'of Mr, and 'Mrs. Wal lace Conn was taken to. '•Wang ham Hospital, where she under- went an appendectomy, opera- tion: Thin Conn -nullity wishes her a speedy: recovery, • Mr's: Har.ry Swan ss. a patient cin W inghani Hospital with a gall (attack. • Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Coultes & Debbie of Wailaceburg spent the, week -end. with: Mr. and Mr's. Al- bert Coultas and ori .Sunday Mr. and, Mrs: Mervin Pipe„ of Brus- sels 'visited 'at . the same On. Thursday, evening White chur4h and Cedar Valley Ban-, tam ;teams Played the 4th game of the/playoff series with White- church winning 8-5 score. Each team has -,won 2 garnes, • The 5th and. final • gairne wil be ,played. Tuesday evening ahtechurch at 7:60 ':pari,•' rMrs; Gibson Gillespie rettirned home Tuesday :everiing 'after .a, month's ' Nisit with her sister,. Miss Edith Peddle of Edmonton who accompanied her to Van-' cou'ver. •and • then to• her other sisters, Mrs. Fred Neighbour & Mr,. Neighbour and Mrs. I✓en'a : •, • For in' ` creased• farm income CQ -OP offers thin Fail .'Fertilizer Program .for the most economical yse of fertilizer'' on Our spring crops. practices and an analyses based on Department of Agriculture results. for cash and•the convenience of LOCAL SERVICE • FREE SOIL SAMPLING • RECOMMENDATIONS OF FALL FERTILIZER DISCOUNT For your fallfertilizer needs•,and;for FREE soil sampling contact .. • Telephone 52$4125