HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-08-14, Page 7• 1 • WEDNESDAY, AUG; 14th, 1963' *•• LUCKNOw sENTThrEi4, LUcKNOvr. ONTA,RIO • PAGE SEVEN • SUGAR andi PICE ammo By Bill Smiley • What a aiffererrce a generation or so. • has Wrought in the .9xice.- joyous art of summer cottaging! About 30 years ago,' it was a gypSy sort •of existence, based. on the idea 'that people should enjoyrlife, Today it, is a corn- bination Of status seeking, nerve wrecking and organized horror; like most of the other facets of society in • the Sixties. :In those days, the cottage was, a:cottage, not a palatial "sumaner lime. Today, the sarrie struc ture Would . be called. a shack,. and they'd run you right out of • the• sub -division: (Nyhich bould • be the ibesi thing that ever hap-• • pened •to you); , • Can you'imagine One ofthese young married couples, the 'kW. •who ir kin and. wink, feverishly on :the beer einnineteials, with their children,: to place away •off • noWhete; with icOal-Oil lamps and • t*O-hoier • Out iback and no oulionnatket within: 60' Gan you: imagine Mummy go- ing all summer Without Ven one . single car? Can you imagine Dad with, .just •ont- lousy 'little...MAW.' boat? Can You imagine children • who 'cOuld 'possibly exist. with- , • 'Out water, skiv and transisitc ra- dios' It's pretty 'appalling, 'isn't- • • • . *, * *`" " • And . yet, ,suihrner cottaging. was,, within •rnenfory, a simple almost pioneer existence, with• . its own: very ssPecialpleasures, its deep delights, 'itssubtle' joys. It Was a wonderful, golden tw�. months each year in. the lives Of many youngsters, a tithe they still remember with savage re-• gretTfor what they have become, •.For one thing, Father did not have bo thurider up a highway. with thousands .of other' zariiacs, eac.h and every:.one intent • on getting, there in :the shortest pos- sible time .and taking .nothin' off:: a nobody in the process. Father wag a ,surnrher ibachelor, land he loved every. minute' of it. . When school .ended; he loaded. down the old car ' to the .groan- ing point,' piled the kids in. the h. • NewI$,�ds TO Reside' _Af.Kitilest:. 1 CAMPSELiii — •WALSH . . • . . • Attendants wearing turquoise gowns / preceded. Mist Eleanor Ann Walsh as she entered -Knox I -United Church, Tifelgraye,, where she ;exchanged marriage „vows with puritan .Ro.ss Campbell ' of Kinloss. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Walsh of Belgrave are the par. ents q the bride and the grooin is the son Of Mrs.,Normari Camp. bell Of Kinloss and •the late Mr. Campbell, • ., ' • . . . , • Rev. W. J. • Carson •of •Bervie officiated, at the double4ing ceremony in a.setting of. 'baskets of White gladioli and candelabra. Organist, Mrs John Nixon of, tBelgrave, • played traditional we- dding. music and accompanied the soloist, Gordon 'Leggatt of Wingharn, who sang ',This Is Our. "Wedding Prayer" and ."0 Perfect. Love.".. •The bride, !given in marriage by hex...father, Chose •a floor - length gown • of white , nylon sheer over taffeta. The 'fitted bo-, •dice was styled With -a scoop .tieckline.and lilypoirit sleeves. A jewelled embroidered seroll..a.Cr cented the skirt, Which swept • into/ a 'bustle .back :and fell into •a chapel train from a back boW. Her !bouffant ..elbOwjlerigth .veil of nylon tulle was held -by a 'floret wax crown. She: .carried .a Cascade of white gardenias and white gladioli, florets. , .. Maid of.horiour was MS's Mar- • lene Walsh .. of, Waterloo, sister of the, bride; Who wore a • tur- qUoise 'sheath dress with Match- ing overskirt in ',silk ',bbrobaiine..• A 'turquoise circlet and veil and White •shoes and gioves complet ed 'her ensemble. She :carried a cascade: • Of •white ' shasta.• muses and tiny ,:turquoise ,pihnochio back, took the whole fartilly to the cottage, dumped them, and ;went sensibly back to town,, where all the: other sensible la- thers spent the summer. • • . He got a rest from his wife and., Children and spent the ev- enings quietly, and happily at the howling green, or pottering. among, the raspberry bushes, or running around. With the local grass widow.' • And what was Mother doing? Don't worry. She was kept busy, and therefore ;happy, taking sliv- ers .out of feet, keeping !bowels :Open, !taking the kids. 'swimming twice a ` day,. and filling 'their greedy little • guts with unPas-• teuriZed milk; ungraded eggs, and uninspected meat. • • . *, *.:. " • Nowadays my .heart aches 'for cottage parents. The •day • they arrive, Dad charges. around like • a bull moose,hooking up the pressure system, 'blowing •fOge.s in. the- hy•dro system, trYing .to get his dirty, great boat in the water; and running in '01 direc. :thins lugging vast cans of gas, brutally.• heavy • outboards, and back -breaking, cases of beer. ' When everything is operating, hehas to .dash 'off to, the vil- lage to get someindisPensables, such. as a .;box of' tissues, a bot- tle Of '•olives • and some mixer for the gin. When' he. gets back, he learns that he is to take the kids for a swlin, set Up the bar- becue. for the .party they're ,giv- ing that night and ;,go' backto the . village • for some cigarettes • • for, Mum; - • • •:What :are thekids doing, on that glorious • first 'day at the cottage?. They're sitting around whining because - there's '''17.0 TV: and "Nothing to dO".• And what is • Mummy dOing? She :his Swi,t- ch•ed on her electric' stove, flopp- ed :some ftOzen : dinners in the oven, afid is sitting with a drink, loolgrig at the lake with bored disdain: No 'slivers to take out; no vegetables, :to prepare, 00 drinkingwater to fetch. 'She's unhappy. •. Sunday night, or Monday vier-, 6.111? • THAT WONDERFUL WORLD •• , . 1 When it comes to home heating, there's nothing quite as carefree and comfort' able as safe, dependable Esso Oil heat. • We have a wide range of oil 'heating equipment to suit every budget. LOW BUDGET TERMS Up TO Five Years To :Tay : • ROY HAVENS • Plumbing And Heating • Phone 528.3012 Lucknow ESSO OIL BURNER SALES And SERVICE HOME HEAT SERVICE • . In eriSembles ideritiCal to that. of. the ,maid ;Of honour; Were bridesmaids, Mrs. 'ken Alton of Lucknow, UVIrs. Peter Harrison; of Harris:ton, and Mrs, Mel Me- Arter of Brussels.' ',. - Best min was rpougald •Camp - %bell of ListOWel, twin' brother of the groom. ,The •gueStS •weite ushered bY,-LarrY Carter. of Bar- rie, • James . Fritz' •of • .Listowel, cp1.1Sill'S of the groom, and Char- les Black Of Newark, New. Jer-, sey, Cousin of the ::ibride. -. '.• The reception was Irelcf. in the church: basement, which . was' decorated' with pink' and ,White. streaMers ,and 'bells. The ,bride's mother received the guests, wear- ing a * sherbet pink street -length gewn of cut organzain a tulip ip,attern .over taffeta . and a •mat• chin:g hat with white ,accessorie.S... • Her.•.:cOrSage .Was white feather • ning if he's a real nut, Pad hits the 'highway again .and 'arrives 'back onthe job Creased, cross 1.and sorry for :himself: But the horrible,Part of it is that he has to. be at the cottage every 'Week end plus . his three -weeks -with - pay in ,AUgust. •• a• • At least . twice '11. Week, hat* in, tOwn, he . gets a: phone . call from .51um, and :401 'better be, home tO take it, not Mit, "roar.- ing around and having yourself a big' thne." • Her call • reveals. that she is bored,that the kids ate :giving her .. a bad'Iiine, that the septictank isn't working, and that.sOme ./people are going to *"drop • over" on Saturday night aitid.be sure to hrhig hits.a likker; • • • •• ' • '. • ' Sure, they have inariyAhings the old-timei • ,eottagers 'didn't haVe.,--lightS, water, indoor plum-: ibing. Bit today's cottager, in his frantic „search :for ea ie and con- venience, has created a Frank- enstein monster. He's a slrave to all that 'machinery; and a captive of all thatsocial life, ' and he hates his wife, ' who'd he much. happier taking out sliVers with •a 'needle .ithan wondering if it is',..tob. early to 'have her first. gin and tOnic, . , • Mr. •and'' Mrs. Rudy Sieloff of Detroit recently ,enjoyedl a 'three weekholiday by train .tei: Chi- cago, Denver, San DiegO, San.. Francisco, Seattle, •SpOkarte.1.4-... turning aerates the noith,wegiern states to Detroit. - . , • • • 4 ESSO VICE FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS B./iiTTERIES. . . , DUNLOP , TIRES .(Most Size's hi Stock). AT V REASONABLE: Pimp!, Repairs to All Makes df Cars and .Tractors „ •. 3 Licensed Mechanics • eel Alignment and Balancing MOTORCADE DEALER carnations and pink • roses. She was assisted by the groom's mo- icttik ther, wear" • an Italian' floral organza s ea less . in • Dior. blue, *ith w i e accessories. She wore a corsage of pink feather carnations: . • , * i*For travelling the bride chang- ed to a three piece 'pink linen suit with black accessories and a . corsage Of white feather car- nationa. and pink sweetheart roses. Following their trip:. the young couple will reside at Kiri- • The bride a ,•graduate ,, of . .Stratford Teather's :College • and fOr the past three yearShas been. on the teaching staff .% • of .'•• the Courtland Avenue public &hoot, 'in . Kitthener.. The grown •hasbeen active In Junior Farmer "and 441 Club work: , • Prior • to het •marriage the ,bride was honored at 'tWt; show- ers • at c.iitch:ener • including 'a staff and Home and •Sehool As. sociation ;presentatiOn. : • , • Mrs'. Ken Alt6r4.4' M4.14'131111 Coultes and Mrs. John Nixon also held 'a !shower and .a troii. sSeau :tea. Washeld by the Airide's mother. , .• • ••'• • Putple Grove W.I. . , • . .To..Sponsor. Course Mrs. George Harkness ',and Mrs: Morford 'Mackay presided for the 'August meeting of Pur- ple Groye- Women's Institute' Which was held in . the school. The, roll call was answeredby naming' a .country and 'its char- acteristic food or Don - aid .Gillies' read -the,. Seripture' lesson. •Th e ..course "Home Care Of the • Sick", which', was can. celled last. fall owing to the ill- ness of .the instructor will 'be held 'in NoVernber of this year. All mothers andfriends are in- vited • to • the Garden Club .Achievement ay in Kincardine on August 20. Mrs. George Hark- ness and Mrs. ',Gordon Patterson Were appointed to attend a nieet- ing to plan booths for, Ripley's Centennial Fair.. The committee/ to plan a 'fleet for the fair."will be Mrs. Donald Gillies :Mrs. Al- lah ,Colling, *Mrs, Peter Leeson,. Mrs, Frank Currie and Mrs. Ce - oil. Sutton, Leadersfor the next 4.11 ,Homemaking Club will be George, Harkness and Mrs,, Donald Gillie& Leaders for the Senior course On block -printing • Mrs. Frank,Cuprie. Purple Groire W.I. will be hostesses at the Log •Cabin On August 30: Anyone who is able to go -is • aiked to contact 'Mrs.. Frank Dore. • The September • meeting. of Purple Grove W.I. Will be in,. the . eVening—,at—MiK-Donaid •• Gillies• home at 8:30 P.m. Mrs. Edburt Bushell gave cur- rent :events. 'Mrs. Don.-Mccosh, al. iitCa)'14d • J Arnold of the e..,,e' Mrs a 7irb 1 e:ta- ken to Tobermory .when' , the. Bruce -Historical SOciety had met, there on July liBtji. .Ther had enjoyed ,the scenery along the 'way,. a boat trip .around Flower. ' , • Pot Island, seeing parts of "The Griffin!' salvaged. Orrie and:hearing its story. ThreeIn- dians of Cape. Croker. answered .• many questions 'and 'invited eryone to go there nqct. year.. Mrs. Herb .Farrell acted.- as Program • Convener. . Eyeryope. 'sang 'O. Canada and 'enjoyed 'a historical contest.. Mrs, Don ,..slidee••;,:of • •-,local events .and i Iplaces.. Mrs: Alvin •Blackwell and Mrs. Aurel Ari- strongacted as hostesses : .Lunch was ,prOvidecl by Mrs. .MOrford Mackay; 'Mrs. Cecil ,;Sutton and Mrs. .Alvin BlackWell. Singing of the Queen closed a very . plea- sant Meeting:. • DISTRICT HOSPITAL • HEADS MET:A. AT WINGHAM • Administrators and 'directors of : nursing from Huron County .hospitals••and hospitalsin Listor., • wel and Kincardine,'met at .Wingham -and District Hospital to discuss a post of subjects. • On, the 'agenda Were discus- si�ns uniforrri. salaries In the district, staff nursing 'problems; future hospital management- On, a regional and district basis,, con- valescent hospitals, emergency7 hospital service. and out-patient., services. • • • •• , • - • • Preparing to give a Small boy an aptitude test, • a psychiatrist told, his nurse to put a pitchfork, wrench and hanurier on a table. "If he ,grabs the pitchfork,he'll be . a farmer. If he grabs • the wrench, he'll be 'a mechanic; If he grabs: the 'hammer, •he'.11 be car.Penter.". But the kid fooled , • everyone, He ,grabbed the nurse, • One reason why the, girls of today are such live wires is that will be Mrs. Peter. LeesOn and they wear. At? little insulation. • RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering IsIondays 1-- Hogs, $2.O0 ih. by 4:00 p.m. Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound • CATTLE: CALVES and ,LAMBS EVERY DAY, , EXCEPT SATVRDAY We Do. Curing and Smoking . . ,Beef,"Pork and Lainh, Sold Whole, Half or Quarter . . . For Better Service, •. And Lower Prices Call Ripley 100, • Chas. Hootnna, Prop. •• • . . • • • ' • • •