HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-07-24, Page 4i• X44± • • • PAM roUR THE LUCKNO..W L �ENTINED, LUCKNOW. ` ONTARIO ..c WLI IsTEOD JMY ' 24, 1963 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGRATES ---. First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charges 50c. Repeat Insertions, !Vac per word, minimum •50c. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coining Events > minimum. 75c. In, Mm emorias: minimum; 1.00. -5c, extra for.- replies to The Sentinel,. Billing charge of 10c for each bi17 'rendered. OR SAL GRAVEL': FOR SALE - Now available, choice cement . gravel at Treasonable rates. Bruce Mac- 1Millan FOR SALE -- : strawberry plants, Sparkle; Redcoat, and Jumbo, $2. • per 100: avf rs. Len Chisholm,. phone "I3 -r-2,. Dungannon. FREE:PUPS ,collie -pups mo- ther . good cattle dog. Gordon Morrison,' • R.R. '1, Lucknow. • phone !N8 '6290. FOR ,SALE Landrace Boort, of serviceable age; . $345°90 Govern- • Ment, premum Apply . Milton • Foers'ter, RR 3 Mildmay, phone. 2817.2533; DESIt FOR • SAS suitable :• for Thome or office. ,Phone .528- '5353, Lucknow. f 'OR SALE - 200 'bushel grain box for wagon; complete with FOR SALE. Building FOR SALE -- Broadloom $4.54 square yard; larger 'Chesterfield suite by `Kroehleer ; 2 -piece, .suite' $.1.99;00 7 -piece +bedroain group,. $1r1i9.00• Prompt delivery fro i large stock . of furniture •on hand. G. 'E. .SCHUETT 'SHOWROOMS • ('East side Main, 'Street) • MI LDMAY' . :For Sale . d3uilding for sale in • Lueknow, known as the former• United Church 'shed, .133�r53> .ft.;: steel! clad, .steel • roofed,. wooden trus- ses, no , .posts, Suitable for• bowling ,alley; small industrial plant, ' etc:. Situate. in the ` • Village , . of Lucknow on the corner of Have- lock and Campbell St: '(Highway 86). For further particulars 'contact: Sills. Alvin Alton, ,R; 7, Lucknow, E. H. ' AGNEW, Clerk phone Dungannon 67-14. • B tt 'steel � — 14 ea e F R SALE . Oy stanchions Contact Albert Tay- lora R.R; 2, Lucknow, phone 528-132: . SCHOIOL BUILDING For Sale— former S.S. NO. 7, Kinloss , (2nd Concession), lumber suitable for 'cottage "'or • dwelling, 4btxi1d ng must •! a removed, Allan Mac- Intyre, phone 5218-'5304, , I uc�know MOBILE:, 1VlILLING void,. Grain ror • Sale • ;Ful -ton CONCENTRATES .and' FEEDS,. GORDON,- J:OHNSTON . • .-:. Lucknow, Phone 5284719% Box,' 40,, Lucknow; Ontario NOTICES BOt To Niagara .Fa Is Sunday July8 Phone Your Reservation' , Today tot ' ALLAN. REED, .Lucknow. 628-9913 or 5528-3007 CO VENTS .. NEW CASH 'BINGO, .' • Legion Hall, , Lucknow, every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.rh .15 regular ,games' $10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth , . games with jackpot included in each game: Jackpot this week ;$60.00"- on 55 calls. •ANDREW LANE PICNIC' The Andrew -Lane picnic :will be .held at the Ashfield Park ori Saturday;, August. 3rd. AU mem- bers of the clan consider this as 'their invitation: and p�please in-• form all members of "their tfam- iiies who • may not take . "The Sentinel", of the, date 'and place, WALKERTON LONGsO� WaPkerton Kinrsmen Bingo . at 'the. Walkerton Curling Club,, Wednesday,; . July 31st .at 8x:30 ,p.m.. ;and every, second Wednes- day ,until August..; 28th, 15 regu- lar games for $25:, •1 $20!00 special; :2 $1'00 • specials; 1 . share' the wealth; iadmisaion ' $1;; special & !extra. cards 25c each or 5 for "$1: :RECEPTION FRIDAYS A reception will Ile held in. the Legion:. Ha11, Iuckn`ow, . on 'Friday,.July 26th, in�',honour:. Of Mr. and Mrs.''. 'Ray Thomson, newly 'weds; .C,arru,thers .orches-. .tra. Everyone 'welcome. • Notice To Creditors Allpersons having claims against the estate of WILIJIAM JOH1V ROBB,. late of the Town- ship oa ship of Wawanesh, in bhe County of Turan, retired, who died on or ;,about the 30th •da:y of June, 1963, ...are required,. to file the same with full .particulars. with the undersigned by the 3rd day • of August, 1963, ,as: •'after that. date the assets of the estate 'w'ill be ',d istrIbuted. • • • • • DATED at ' Goderieh, . Ontario,. this .Sth day of July, 1963. HAYS, PREST •&, HAYS, . ''Barristers, etc,, 33 Montreal St., • Godeizich, Ontario. FOR RENT. COTTAGE FOR, .RENT at Point Clark from August: ll:th, to,. 25th. Modern . conveniences.. Water on• . tap• • approved Eby Health Unit. ,Ken sMurdie; 'phone . 5l28-2906 . or 52$' 3311, TRAILERS FOR RENT • for the :best ;and cheapest holiday,, :rent:.. a trailer.. The •. Home" sleeps .4 adults and has a ..crirb,• at $25:00 weekly...The new "Shamrock"' :,sleeps 6,'. at . ;$35 0O . Both' fully efl,u;ipped;" insurance," wiring and axle hitch',su'pplied, both'rese'nt1y, rented until; Au g g ANTED p LADY, WANTED — •;to take hull charge of . ,: household ;for. ' week ]PSeptemberber :16th to 21st in .Luck now. ' Apply stating ,Salary, . etc: to ,Mrs. Ronald :Forster, ; phone :528.3002' or write li,:R. •1,; • Lwck WAN,rEU . A reliable woman .to.: care for two small children five'. days a week. Apply Mrs. Harold. •Elphick,`' QTR 3 'Lucknow, • .phone ,.1164-r 118: Ripley.• SALE 1-b'�r : all : cropNOTICE WANTED' TO • RENT. :..up • ' to •FOR/ A meet in , •, of the:L _. no . . Ii�arvester witli:: motor' pickwp t g wck w .b00 :acres • of land •suitable.for reader H:S,C. ' 1Vlorle . Agricultural :Society will 'be 'held. Fall `;'wheat, . Will pay . goad cash. straw sp y, on Monday., July' 29th at. 8:30 rent,+ honeMike Penick' 14-.r-4 .Johnston,, phone 79-14 Dungan -p.m •in the . Town Hall. Finializ Dungannon. '. non. . int prize list', and other Fall Fair FOR SALE •; 1051 Meteor se= ' dan, good .mechanical.• condition, 5 :, good tires; body rusted but.. headlights firm. $85 cash: D: Fraser, phone Ripley 55R. NEW and USED •,bul+k .: or can types of milk coolers':and cream separators. Irving Keyes, ` Ghana - anis,. phone Paisley '1144-4. BEST PRICES ' on tractor, tires, cementand-fertrlizer, quantities • in stock at . all times. Contact •Bruce MacMillan, .`Lucknoo.y.' •SPECIAL . PRICE on 2 -inch in- sulation hatts used frigs for sale. and 4, 6 :and 8 -inch tran site pipe in stock. POLLOCK'. ELEC= ,,TRIC, phone 190, Ripley. HOUSE FOR • SALE' 6 robin insul -brick house .with hydroa Can rbc, moved to another' :lova= • lion, priced at , $o15U. Contact'Ken' Thompson, Glare s, phone .107-16 Paisley. - ° PROTECT ,YOUR TOES — with the Wing. aid• steel toe. .'shoe. More' : protection ,ineans o fewer accidents. On sale' at the Luck - now. District `Co-op, phone `528- - 2125. , • • SIGN' PAINTING • `Sign' painting done „quickly '& efficiently right at home" Spec-. aalizing in ,ottt door signs and' truck -door name , plates. ROY. ,plans: • FOUNDATION GARMENTS STYLIST for Lucknow -.and district for Charis, Betty Dear. & Smart form' foundation .garments and brassieres. Elastic control and full. •support; garments. Mrs. William Kennedy, .'Patrick St.,° Wir gham, Ontario,. phone 357-.: 211'5. �NOTIC>F. Why be inconvienced 'by hav- ing to 'pay your Ontario Hospi- tal Insurance' Premiums every three, months? ;Pay (Mee a year through' the Huron County Co-• Operative Medical.. Services, the only ,official collecting agency fors iisuranee ` in' the county. We also offer to all .!the regi- dents ; of the county a plan. for prepaid Medical' health insur- ance ` , which ,provides greater benefits than any other •iplan operation. Fainly . rates 'as glow. as $540 a month. For further information, eon tact Gordon . Kirkland, Dungan7.. non 6.9-11: • , CONGRATULATIONS ' . • Ri h Ann Taylor, ,Wingham; Betty -Jo Howe, Teeswater, • Mares lenge Gawley and Catherine God- ,,frey, Ripley recently ,completed their courses 'at: the Canada Business College, Toronto, and 'have •'accepted secretarial poli- tions. GARDNER, - " •Lucknow, • phone ; ' • 528-2160; Mechanical and Body Re- `pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window . Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs;..' . Protect against rust with • UndoSpray Davldson's, Texaco • Service No. 8 ,Highway,' Goderich ' Ph 9nne JA 47231 TEACHER WANTED TEACHER REQUIREDfor. T 'in-' sardine and District hoot for Retarded Children. Duties to commence . September 3, 1963. Morning `classes: only. Salary to, be'x negotiated. Apply to Bruce Threndyle,, Box, 571,' ''Kincardine, Ontario before July 26, 1963. •WANTED -..live poultry; also new •and used duck and goose feathers.'' Best • prices ` at your. 'door. Phone 'or write, A. Brown, 181 'Kincardine. BOOKKEEPER • WANTED for Treleavens. •.Luck4pw Feed : Mill 'Ltd.: Apply at the WORK WANTED — any kind in this .area.• :Contact Dennis Mor-. ningstar,. LucknoW. Earetak�r�lllant�d' APPLIICATIONaS for ' the position of caretaker at the Bruce .Coun- ty Buildings,•' Walkerton, ,will be `received : in .the County • Treas- pr'a office up to '12:00—noon,' Wednesday, August 7th, 1963. Applicants ,to state age, ex- perience 'and furnish 'references: House, flight. and heat, .included' in• salary, which. will .'bee based ! G , ■ on experience•. • i■ )W•ALTER. ■ ■ . ERALD (Jerry, IS Apply, to T. •,Ii Alton, County; 2 , . 2 Treasurer, ,"Post ; Office Boit '70, ■ . %• • i Walkerton, Ont,-. • NEW CATALOGUE la P . Deadline for Our, new cata- . ■ argue is July 31st. Anyone ■ wishing to sell their farm, ■ •home; business, cottage, i ■ acreage, etc., contact this a :, office, now to ,iis'u,re 'that' •: • your property will :appear ■ ■ in this issue. There will be ,i Is over 20,,000 .ci pies` ,distri�bu •0, ted +throughout •• Canada ,& a • the U.S.A. This • catalogue •.r ■ does bring „in good' sub- A • , genital buyers and we re -k" III .a ciilirc a .large number ' of a ■ ,properties, ■ 1 ■■' al 'J. Everett Pe'i tiington . ■ a R.l, 2,, Teesrwater, •• ■ P>rione 39,2.6064 •■ i ". 'Local Agent For: i • Paul S. Starr 8i' Co. Ltd., • ILI , Hanover, .,Phone 870 i n iiiiiiiiiialiiiiintiananainoiminiia ust .10th. 'T C.:,Anderson, ..'phone 62-r-22, Dungannon.:. Firsthunter: "Hey; Joe, you all right?''" •. • Second hunter ;`Yeah; fine.". • First hunter "Good, then I've shot a .bear,"• SERVICES CUSTOM BUTCAERING ' Beef and ` pork . sold in • • anjf quantity. Custom butchering in Government • licensed abattoir.. Piga' every . Tuesday. Beef from Monday' 'through iThUrsdai BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET AUCTION SALE • Allan, Maelntyre • d Licensed Auctioneer Luoknow 'phone :528-5304 SEPTIC • TANKS CLEANED Septic_`tanks, cess, pools, etc., pumped and cleanedwith mod- ern equipment. "`All work guar- anteed. Louis ,Blake, ,R. 2. Brus- sels; phone. 442-w-6. • iii■■inanisismi■Anismisuib 1 ■ a ■ i ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ▪ Wingham .Office ■ CLEARING AUCTION' SALE.' of . choice Holstein cows, .young cat.- ,tle, implernents and ;some house- hold' effects, • will be held far Gordon Valad, ,South. Half, Lot 1,• Con; 6, Ashfield. : Township, '1 mile ;east of, .Blµewater Highway . at Kingsbridge, on Tuesday, •July. 30th at 1':00..p.m. gee ,'bills for list. No reserve.'•Gordon Valad, prop'„ Donald • B. 'Blue, auc, AUCTION SALE of household effects ;& antiques of the late Charlotte Maroney, Victoria St., a Kincardine, on Saturday, July 27th at 1;30 p.m: See bills'. . Allan IMaclntyre, auctioneer, 'phone 5284304: .• AUCTION - SALE 9. ;Clearing .Auetien Sale':of farrn Stock' and m:plements for Lorne,_ '. Brown,, Co.,n. A, Lakeshore Range, 1.'/z miles west of Blue- water . at . Corner of Con. 10, Huron : Township, ••, on!. Thursday, ' • July 25th at 1:00 p.m, See bills for :list and .. tern*, Stock ,includes • 3i9he•ad of.•'dairy, cattle and •mod- • ern . implements,: Lorne: • Brown;;". .prop,;. 'Emile 'MacLennan, .auc'.' AUCTION • .•SALE. 'CLEARING .AUCTION ;SALE of .livestock . and implements ..will • Abe held • for William John Pur- Edon, Lot `30; Con. 13, East Wa I wanosh,` this Thursday,: July. 25 I at 1 30 'pan. ' 8 •months..; redit•, • except tractor. and' harvester.: No ireserve: Wm.' John Pardon, prop , A1,1'an • Mac.Intyre, auc. Phone 357-3840 • i' Is ' Y'oi it Subscription Renewed? Pmecrest . Manor Nursing 'Home 'Member. ASSOCIATED NURSING HOMES of Ontario '.24 Hour Supervision of A Registered Nurse Considerate Personal` Attention For Elderly and Convalescent Persons., . • . • Excellent Home -Cooked Meals .Box` 220; ` Phone 528-2186 LUCKNOWt, CONT. v TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up ' to Wednes- day; .y da Jul ' 24th for bus Port `trans p: ration 'for.: pupils of . R.C. S.S. No. rr• 1, West Wawanosh. , Cyril ;Boyle,' R.R. 2, Auburn, Secretary -Trea- surer. surer • CARD -0F. THANKS 1 wish: to' tliank my., many friends 'and neighbours for the • lovely shower. gifts and'special thanks to•, the ones' who were •.r• e- sponsible : formaking the after noon so ' enjoyable. Sincerely, 'Georgina, Griffin. On behalf. of Kenneth; I .wish. to •, thank • all . who remembered hirri with. inquiries, • cards, • visits' and Ibirtki ay gifts _.also_for the' care of doctors and nurses while' • in Wingham and. the Sick Child reti's Hospital in London. Jack Ritchie, Wnllia;n G. wed wishes to ex= press • his most sincere thanks. • for cards, treats land 'visits .while he Was a ;patient ` in Wingham hospital, • and :'to' 'Doctors Corri:i and McKim and •thenurses. • Douglas Alton wishes to 'thank his 'many friends for. cards and fruit sent to' him while•he was in .London ,hospital. . • ;Mrs.. Jack' "Hewitt. wishes to .express her.. thanks for the kind— ness' shown at the ,time :of the! death of her; Mheri • Don Thoinipson ; would like, to thank all •those who remembered him with cards, visits and well wishes ..while ,a,patent iii Wing harm *Hospital' rand since.'return.• ingµ home:• • The Family, •Sister d Bro- thers of the late ,Mrs. M'ary' Jane Webster; wish to express 'the:r sincere thanks ' •to friends .and neighbours for the kindne,> hown 'at, the time of their .lie- reavement, Ali their though'tfu:- mess 'was deeply appreciated, Mrs,/Beryl Hunter wishes for say `many thanks" "tb friends 84 neighbours who remernrbered her; While in hospital and since• color-' ing horne. a far. l . S.. ito: T the Irby' an' Mr, at wh ret Ne. rec •IVa Lin wi. • Ber Nie wit heli Au 0o tut in /onl s obi w 0 Sol