HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-07-10, Page 4PAGE ;rolls Tom; LTJ QW, LYICfc , ow. oNTAIUO W'I ESD+A.Y, JULY 10„ '1963" NT ADS si • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES --- First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 1 /2,c per word,rminimum5 Oc. Notices, Cards of s and Coming Thanks Than . . , � E;vents,r minimum '75c. ' In. Memorials, minimum. .$1,00.` 25c ezfra for, replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c for each bill rendered. ' FOR SALE . •IGARRY OATS • ?OR. SALE. W. J. Arnold, R.R: 3, Ripley. FOR SALE ---,Baled hay, .Lorne Wall, R.R. 1, O.ucknow; OATS FOR xS &ALE=`0 bush- els.: Lane Garotter, Phone: 69-18. Dungannon. OR SALE — three young ler- sey cows, • one ;freshened, other' two dire.' ' Pat Irwin; phone 5.28-2122, Lucknow. FPR- SALE — good' . 'size lbox' 'stove • in good condition, suitable tor 'cottage. Apply 'Russell IP lir.: Tips, Rpt. 2, Lucknow, one half mile south of Belfast. . I • _SALE ... LE.:... bersol <rain • rowe and r 40 feet of, . ipe, • or .th w r . iP,. . would ex�ahan�ge:..for 'grain gauger., Charles Anderson, . It; .•3 . Luck now; :' phone 6945 'Dungannon.', NEW • and USED bulk • or can types of .milkcoolers. and Bream separators: Irving' Keyes, . Glam- anis, phole' Paisley .1144-4.. • BEST PRICES on ' tractor Mires cement, and fertilizer, q'uantities. • in stock at all times. Contact Bruce:' ; MacMillan, • Lueknow:' SPECIAL 'PRICE on 2 -inch in sulation baits; used •frigs : for' sale and 4, 6 and ' 8-inch'°'transirte ,pipe' in stock PIOLLOCK EIEC - TRIC, ;,:phone 190, RipI;ey. ;' FOR SALE„--,t;tWo heifers, one {blue, will freshen in four weeks • and one Holstein with oalf.:Con-•' tact'; `:'Geert• ' Guikema,•' R.R.. Lucknow; Phone 11 ' r 'Ripley. NO.ICES: FOUNDATION. GARMENTS.. STYLIST ` for Lucknow and district for Charis, Betty Dear $F Smart ;form,` foundation•;garments and •'brassieres^ Elastic" • control and . full , support ' garments. Mrs. William • Kennedy, . Patrick St., Wingham, . Ontario; phone 3577 2115. NOTICE' Willy 'be inconvienced by. hav-' Ing to pay your 'Ontario Hospi- tal. 'Insurance Premiums every'' three :months? Pay once •a year through the Huron County, , Cao' Operative .,Medical. Services, • the only official • collecting , agency. for this insurance in 'the. county: We also. offer ,:to all the resi- dents of the county a plan for 'prepaid medical health nsur-' ante which ;provides greater benefits than '. any • other plan in .operation.' Family rates as low as $5.40 'a month. • • For . further ' information, con tact Gordon . Kirkland; Dungan- non 69-15 • ' for: CATTLErLE 'BACK OILERS ;demonstration...• of 'the. Little Scotchman Back Oiler, contact G.• borscht, Rpt: 2, : Luck ow, Phone' .p128:500.1„. FOUND (FOUND L. key ;chain and :.sum • 'of ,money. Owner may. have Same . by proving property and, paying for : this' .advertisement,, The Z ixcknow Sentinel: FOR RENT COTTAGE FOR. AEN(. at , 'Point , Clark from ., August ,.,llbh to 25th. Modern conveniences Water on tap approved . 1by ,Health Unit: Ken IMurdie, phone 5128-2006 or :528-3311, , Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home Member: i ASSOCIATED NURSIN.G'. 'HOMES " of Ontario 24 -Hour Supervision of • • • A Registered. Nurse. Considerate Personal Attention For Elderly and. Convalescent Persons. '' ' Excellent Home -Cooked . Meals bone 52 Box 220, . P 8-2186 , LUCKNOW; ONT. NOTICE:. CLOSING . FOR HOLIDAYS .Beryl's BeautySalon in :Luc :. k- now will ibe closed for holidays, COMING EVENTS NEW CASH . BINGO - Legion .Hall; Lucknow, every" Thursday. evening, 8;95 p;m., 15 'regular .games -. $1'.0,00 each.: 4 'Share -The -Wealth games With jackpot included in each gime; Jackpot, tghis ,week• .$7'5.00 on, 58 calls; ' TOWN AND COUNTRY DAY at Kin'aardine on July 13, .De- licious Bar -B -Q chicken with all •the •'trimnnings. Bruce County Dairy Princess competitions +with Caroline (Murray, • 1962 Ontario Dairy• .P•rincess . 'commentating; Free• pony. rides for 'the k cidies:. Pip. eating contest, Kincardine Scottish Pipe..Band. Free• •odd. time street dance. Don'st miss this exciting day. • Town and Country Day Kiri Kincar,d'ine, Sat- urday, • July 13. • ::: WALKERTON 'BINGO' Walkerton„ Kinsmen Bingo ';at the. Walkerton. Curling . 'Club,. Wednesday, July llith at . 8:30 p:m 'arid ' every -second Wednes- day luntil :August 2&bh. 15 regu- lar g{arnes for $25.; 11-200 ;special; 2 $100 spec'ial's;' 1 share ' the Wealth; admission, $14. special Sz extra . cards • 2.5c each: or ;5 for ''$ ... urday, ,July .20th, inclusiVe, re -1i i opening on Monday, July 22nd... WANTED ; . WANTED .' :',Cleaning °woman• for Office. - ' Apply. ,.Lucknow Wood products,, Lucknow:. • WANTED 'TO' .NiENT: — 'up ,to 600, acres of` `land suitable ifor' Fall: wheat, will pay. good' Cash, rent, phone Mike .'Penich, 14-i-4,1 Dungannon. • • • .WANTED live • poultry; also" new and used,: *duck 'and goose feathers ' Best' prices at your door. Phone or write A.. Brown, 181 Kincardine: WANTED- 100 acres • timothy hay, suitable for .seed Will buy or. `!harvest : on fpr Anderson Flax ., Products ' Iitd:,,• Lucknow, phone 5284026. • Salesman ' Wanted„ To sell stocks and investments: Two: openings available. ' Some farm •''background preferred, but .not ssential. Small amount • of . drivrfiig involved: : Good` ,chance for 'ambitious inen to' work up { in :a : fast. growing . company. Ap-. +'ply:' to Box iF.A", Lucknow Sen- 'tinel. 1 APPLICATIONS :' .. 1 . . . . ..... , .1. . _--.,-, IeY X8. • KEY.TURN Mechanical and Body "Re- pairs, Wheel Aligliiment and • Balance, Winddw Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs, Protect •against rust with .:, Unda-Spray - Davidson's. Texaco Service 'No. 8 Highway, Ciodericb Phtme IA 44231 • TROUSSEAU TEA • . •• • Mrs.Alvin Irwin .will"enter- tain at•' a trousseautea in honour of her . daughter; Nancy, :1o3 .Sa- turday, July ''13Th, , 3 to. 6 p.m. and 1:30 to 10 p.m. - WHITECAURCH RECEPTION :A: reception will he held Fill.- day,. iu-day,:' July 12 iri. `Whitechurch Hall • irihonour of Wt. -and Mrs. Donnie iiwffman nee Dorris Moffat). Ladies ,please' bring lunch.•` ,Everybody welcome.. . . Notice To. Cr�diturs . A11:-. persons having ; claims a� .8'ainst 'the, estate Of WHAT -IAM JOHN TOB, late of the Town- ship of Wa'wanosh, in the 'County of (Huron, retired, who died on Or 'about 'the, 30th • day of died 1063, area required 'tq 'fide the Barrie ' with full particulars with The .• undersigned by 'the'.3•rd day of • August, .1963, : `as 'after that date th'e assets of 'the estate will be ',distributed, • ' DATED at. Goderic'h, Ontario, this 8thday• of .-July, 1963: ' HAYS; PREST •& HAYS, Barristers, etc,, • 33 Montreal, St., .GoderiCh, .Ontario. ANDREW -LANE' CM - The :Andrew -Lane • :picnic will beheld at bhe shfieldPark on Saturday, August 3ird.. • All bers of . the clan consider this as your invitation ' and please in- form all members,of your �fam flies ,Who may not' • take "The AUCTION SAL • AUQTION SALE' CL'E'ARING AUCTION SALE .of livestock and modern farm inn.- plements will be; held for Ewart' McPherson,- S.H., Lots 33 and 34, Con, 1, Kinloss •Township,, 33/4 miles east of Lucknow': on ,High way 86 on Tuesday, July 23.` at 1 t30" See 'bilis for list and 'terms. " Allan MaeIntyre,, Auc. • • AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION 'SALE. sof' farm Machinery, shouse hold items. and Pontiac sedan, will be held. for ,the .estate of 'Duncan A. MacKenzie at Loehalsl on Sat- urday,. July • 120th, -.at .2:00, Farrn •, will be offered ''siubj•ect; , to' . re • •serve bird: • RD OF THANKS - George. '•Moncrief wishes • to sincerely -thank his neighbours and • member's of the Amberiey: Orange Lodge ,for,,'their'help and assistance during the haying.bee. Ail their kiyidnesses have been indeed, appreciated. LUTZ -: We wish Ito express our sincere .thanks to.;. all Our friends: • and neighbours for. I their •. help .and; Many expressions of sympathy ,during our hours of William,, Lutz . and "an -illy. L; Mrs. Peter Campbell wishes to sincerely thank neighbors and other :friends.. who "remembered herwith cards, : flowers and visits . while in the .lhospital, and also• ,,to acknowledge : the kind nesses to Mr 'Campbell while she was hospitalized Mrs. J D. Anderson would l k o h 1l tho e:. h ik: t 'Ithank a s Who. e, n re- mernbered her with cards, treats and visits -.while •convaleacing ` at Pinecrest Manor,• with special thanks ,'to :•the 'doctors; and, nur- ses. This thot'ghtfulness was very ,mucch .appzeciated.. • Emile • MacLennan, Arc. PRIVATE SALE HOUSEHOLD 'EFFECTS of Mr. and MrsThomas : Blake will (be sold privatelyat' the• farm, Con:: 9;' • Ashfield Township . on Tues- day •next, July, lfith, consisting of:: -bureau • (7 :' drawers), '.-wood. heater, Frigidaire frig, (7 •cu.;ft.), rocking• chair„ Wardrobes- (2), beds- and Mattresses,...linoleurns;• electric cream separator, ,eaten- • sion table, chairs,. dressers, stand, stretcher.. Thomas +Blake prop TOWNSHIP SCHOOL. AREA RIPLEY-HURON S'iIe�f -er Pr es . � •. � tfi SATURDAY, :J[ILYo 20 S.S.12> — 2 p.m. part of the • - West •half •of Lot 9; Con. 3 -Huron • T:Op. 'consisting of •1 acre ;(ibuii ding. and .land). ' • S+S: 11 3 .pmi = ••part•: Lot 10 Cori": '2, , Huron Twp. ' consisting 1/2 acre. (.building .and land).. 4 p.m.: -= Riipley ,Pu'blic' School and • ;property suitable for resi- dential' •building lots consisting i• Lots, 174,'. 236,: •Parts Lots 1665,.• :173. ,and the '. Southerly ; 7+5; .feet Sentinel"` of : the date .and :pl'ace.. '. lot 235 Village of • Ripley. Notice To Creditors NOTICE TO CREDITORS• In the Estate of • JOHN •ROY: MacLEOD ' ■ Deceased: ■ All 'persons 'having claims against the : estate of John Roy ' MacLeod; • late Of the Township ;of Huron, - in the County .of Bruce, .Farmer,' 1 deceased, who died on . or about t'h'e lst day- of December, .1962, are herby notified .to send lull particulars. of their claims ' . • to the undersigned Administrator ■ for the Estate,: on or. before.. the 20th day. Of . July, • 1963, after which date :the •estate will ' be. distributed amongst those: entitled.. thereto' having regard only to `the ::claims. ,of which t'he : Admi'n., istrator• shall :then have notice.. Dated , at' Lucknow,. Ontario, This 26th day of June, 1963: Kenneth D.' .MacLeod,. R.R. 3, Lucknow, Ontario, - Administrator, R. • W. Andrew,. Listowel; ‘Ontario, So- licitor for the' Estate.. SERVICES FOR 1 IRON COUNTY .Applications for the • position of. Turnkey �Must . ibe• 'Submitted -._ .. and --may. _. be_ on , forms 1pra�ided a xri y secured from the. Governor of the jail ,or the •undersigned. Applications to 'close .at 5:00 p.m: D.S.T ; Wednesday; July 24th, 11963. . • Salary • range ...... $2,600' $3;400 per annum. • • Lowest or any: applicatioxt: -dot' necessarily- accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of £ urori, Court House, 'Goderich, Ont., CUSTOr1VI BUTCHERING • Beef and, . pork sold'in anyr quantity. Custom htitchering in :Government licensed ' abattoir. ,Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday- thr-ough-Thu»rsday-w- - -- BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET, • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, cess. pools, etc., pumped and,, cleaned with mod ern equipment Al) work'guar- anteed, guar- anteed.. Louis Blake, "R. 2 Bruus sels, phaite ,442-w-6. • • AUCTION SALE ,Allan .Machityre Licensed Auctioneer • , Luc•know .' . Phone 528-5304 FOR SALE ■ in. ■• w g Ph o] GERALD" $2,000 DOWN for coma- • ■ •.. pletely. 'modern " 6 -room 1- • year ,old 'bungalow. 3 bed..., • ■ . rooms, 3 -piece bath,.ibuilt•- .�. • in •cupboards, • oil furnace • and . many more • modern,"M■i IN conveniences - Situated close. ■ ■ to Main : St. of Lucknow. ■ i' Full price is °•only $8,000. • ■ Easy terms, are available • n ▪ ' 1,000 1)OW1N- for 1.1/z stor- • /ey .modernized:'.home situ- • • ated in 'the' ...village of ■ m. ,Office -3840 ) WALTER: • • • • ▪ grhitechuroh. Loads of ■ built-in cupboards, a new ■ 4 -piece bath With, tiled ■ o ' . ,floor,.'sun room.;'. Fall base- ▪ ' ment • and a . good': sized • ■ ■ garage 'Priced' for ,a quick ■ sale : ° at : only : $4,500 • full;. ■ ..prl,ce. • ■ ■ GEENTLEMA.N wishes ' to its' --•purchase• 100 to 200- acre ,■ O '. farm , • with good set of • Buildings.. .Must be on high= I Way ay' or within 1 mile"•of,',�. highway. ` ■ • • r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ,J, • Everett Pennington Tot.. 2, iTeesivater,. • Phone 392-6064 • .'Local Agent For; Paul •S. Starr & ,'Co. Ltd.,' Hariov'er • Phone 870 imosilliomminsmisimissma 4 it • All equipment and furnishings will be' sold separately includ- ing pumping equipment,' light. fixtures, iwashr.00m fixtures, pianos, desks; ' blackboards, cup- boards, etc.' William McCreath, .Chairman, Mrs. John; C.. MacDonald,'' Sec. CATTLE BACK OILERS for demonstration of th'e •Little • Scotchm'an ":Back ' Oiler, .contact G. -'borscht, R R 2, Lucknow,• phone • 528.56181. Tenders TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA •..: RIPLEY-HUEONt., TENiDERS will be . receiired to p.m.:July •July 1'5, ..for • .busroytle' •COMM'ENOING : at Gerald Col lings THENCE ..Southerly til Doug Henry's; THENCE North- 'erly to Con. 2; . THENCE easterly to sideroad 10; • THENCE North 1/2 mile; THENCE :South 1/2 mile •to Con. 2 THENCE 'Easterly to Huron -Kinloss • Boundary; THENCE Northerly . to Con.; • 4 THENCE Westerly to Don Pa-. quettes;, THENCE Easterly to sideroad 15 ,TIfEN,CE', Northerly to Ripley., '.. .Approximately 38 Public School and .7 High School `students. Lowest or • any ' tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. _,J:ohn_, C—MacD.onaTd,Sec=L--- re tary': -.._retary': Treasurer. • • . ` • SINGLE COPIES of the S'entine'l are available: in Lucknow at George's Billiards, 'J: bach-'3' Drug Store and at the Sentitie Office: Single copy 'price, .10c; ,HAVING an anniversary, special get-together? Record, your guests in a guest book available at The. Lucknow Sentinel, I •