HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-07-10, Page 3• WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1963 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LYJCKNOW,; ONTARIO, •PAG( THREE • . • i,Uig■amielI*UUII.IU!UU$UIOU UIP( III8I INTI 6uI.sillii ttwri•signilillUUrUIRUI ... , • •, shower' Hel 111 '■ ■ •a ■. i• ▪ , ■ • ' SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY Strawberry Jam 4 ; Tea Bags .• New pack, ' Wagstaffe; . with .• ▪ Tomato Juice i Lib'by's fancy quality, 48 pectin 3 for or.. tins' 2 - Kam LuncheonMeat, • r2 oz. tips [Lux TolIet Soap ▪ lOc off pack, bath size, 3 bar pack. �. EvaporatedMiIk Red & White, tall tins • ■ ia■nnumumnonsmessanaeesimmeeeaaia anuaroimumma auaa raa■mimPli'asin ansuosi° Miss 'Mina Graham of.. Chil'. Elmer Alton of Ashfield is a licothe, Ohio, 'is 'a visitor with, patient in i 'a hospital.' Locai 'and :'General ..� P e W ngh m h spital.' ' Miss, ..Emma McCluskey. Mr# : and . Mrs. . Earl. Wightrnari Miss •Joan Leddy of Goderich ' Mr: • and iMrs. •, Allan Hunter of Lucknow .are ' on a...•trip to 7 :Hall ,..y Saturday Bride Prior to her; Marriage on S,at:-. ■ urday, . June •29(th; friends and 1 relatives of Miss Joe -Anne •Coin- ■ ley gathered at the Anglican • Parish Hall to honor her with a • shower of miscellaneous, gifts. Mrs. Leddy and Mrs. Kenny • Btoargerthe wstrainselcomedof •thethe guestswedding, the bride -elect entered. the 'hall ■ . • a▪ ; march. grayed lby Linda °Ton- Mother Parkers,, .'Tinykin "Lad n611. Y • and the . ■. A recitation was given by iMrs. N. Tramp", figurines inside,,* pkg. of : 60's Albert McQuillin and a° ling •• • • song was .led., +b Mrs. .onalda ■, F• Scott aunt of the roride rench Fries. .• .•. ;49c • ..Mrs.. Leddy ,addressed the a bride and the .lovely gifts were • Supreme Brand fresh frozen,' . .■ opened iby the'. bride as Miss 2:.Ib., econ, bog 1' +Mary Lou .Collison read ' the u verses. At bhe close .• a • lovely .lunch was.' served. • Joe -Anne ' thanked them for their lovely Ifor 69c': . ■ gifts and invited :anyone wish . ■ ing to see her trousseau to'coaneN.' II to 'her 'Nome on- !the Friday be- ll fore cher'.. marriage. . '" :Rev: H. W.' Strap will con- ■ duct the open air service. at Bruce. Beach this ..Sunday • after-. • noon at ' 4:00 ,o'clock •. ■ Mr:: and iMrs. , John Keith . of • Livonia; . 11VIiohigan, spent the ,;• week end with '. Mr. and Mrs. PHONE 5284001 ,' ■ AppkJuke Aliens' fancy, 48 OZ.. trans Instant : Coffee Red &' White, 8 . oz.jar 6 John;Adams. • • Mrs.' 'Jaynes' MacDonald from town,: NIrs. ` .Robert :Scott, Mrs. Harvey 'MeQuillin visited With: ,friends and relatives , in " Gode- rich on 'Saturday. G• , Mr.' and ' . Mrs. Angus . Dickson of *Listowel were • week -end •ms's•- itors ' with their 'daughter; Mrs. E1•win•Hall 'and iMr. ' Hall..' Mrs. Ella .De: Coo from Florida is visiting with her sister,' 'Mrs.: James MacDonald: Mrs., De Coo lived . in 'LuCknow .a" few ''years ago. , spent the ..week -end •. 'with (her and family' of ' Strd°bury -were re the. ,West. cousin.' • cent,' visitors with relatives . here.' Mr. and :,Mrs. Joseph ' Leddy ' Clara of London visited the Raymond: Leddy :family recently. Buss Middleton, who • has been at '. :Pirieerest . `Manor: Nursing• Home, suffered a '`seizure` on, Main' St, on Thursday Morning: about ten . o'clock and .was'' taken by ambulance' :to Wingham : hos Pi'tal.. Allan Miller of West Wawan- osh •who took suddenlyill. while` haying on July ls•t, , is still a patient in: Wingham •hospital,; convalesciing nicely, froth what visiting liv th Mrs. Lane'ssister was diagnosed ..as .a serious ah= town, Ne• York, visited : with.. . Mrs. Stewartaniieson and'Mr; /' tack of .pneumonia:., phis . sister .Mrs:. Neil. J. MacKen- Jamieson. zie for the' ' •past week. . J..•. and'Mrs :•Bob Mowbray Recen�t visitors' iwith Ur."' and' and two�'sons ::Danny and ;Brad, Mr.. and: .Mrs. Frank Shoults Mrs, William 'Hogan were: Miss. of London were week -end • vis - of . `La pier, Michigan; visited with: ;aVlagaret Kelly ucan; Mrs.. hors with his paren,ts; 'Mr. ,arid Mr. and Mrs,/ Harold Tanner, :Q'Graily,, Mr. and. Jerry Rose :Street, last. Week, Mrs. Ken.+Mow>'lray. They moved 'Kelly, Mr: and Mrs. E ward •Kel- recently:..from Kitchener' -to, Lon - ay and'David:' ,all of `.St:' Clair,' Mrs J; '.D.•.Ariderson, who has don.' Michigan ' ' • been convalescing.' from a tract 0 :` Miss ,Monica Leddy . of Gode- : Mr.' and Mrs; ,Stuart . Collyer rich. is ,.spending' a ; two.weeks and Tim and John lVLacKenzie of ry cation ',' at: her, - home here., Luck'now •••• and . Ros'emary • Roth Veil ` of 'Norwood are Visitin Mr. and 'Mrs. Van der;. Lay "of a g • Whitby ; t ,n this,week in. ' Ottawa. , Whi by and An. a Van der Lay of Kitchener ' were callers in. • Mr. and +Mrs. Lloyd •.Ashton &•• tawny last week. Don 'Thompson attended the ' Ferguson .'Reunion in 'Stratford. ,IVIr. and Mrs. William., °Hogan, last: Wednesday:: , .Mrs. Conn :H.ogan and daughter, last Mrs., ?eter Campbell` of West Fay: visited in Strathroy 1 .,, Wawartosh returned• home .last week.• 4 . . week after ' •two weeks. 'in Wing Mr. and Mrs: Roy Lane . and ham hospital. . • family of Orlando, Florida are Mr. D L°. +McDiarinid, of Jairnes 104R.yi .�. 01.:...11-7 ..wn n44Y ..w• Lucknow. Presbyterian Church r Rear :Roderick 'MacLeod Minister SUNDAY, ': JULY 14 10:a0 a.m.': Sunday School 11:00' a.m. •Morning Worship - Mr and :Mrs 'William Cii+ir tired 'wrist at -P•ineerest, 1Vlanor, '• ruin // a f returned to her home in• • Luck -,g end ` l urn y o Owen T d Sound spent the week end here !. . LUCKNOVIr UNITED CHURC Rev.„ Howard W. Strapp • Minister. ' SUNDA` t, ` JULY • 14 . 10:00 a.m. Sunday : `School. • 11:aQ a°.rrt. Morning Wo,rshtp , "SURE FOUND.EITIO,NS"" THIS Luer ow.�hri�t Reformed: churchI •t Rev. S. rerpstra; Listowel, Ont.,, Pastor SERVICES • 10:30 a.m.: in Dutch 2:30 p.m. in 1nglish • 3:30 p.rr. Sunday School' �. • ...•o•N••o•••No••••••• ••••••••••o••••NNo•••0!� Ficnic. Ila Held Thursday I ucknow . Women''s," . Ins.titute held' their- ,annual, picnic Thurs. • . day, July 4th. •With 24 members. and • three +visitors, present. Mrs. P; S. Stewart was hostess, for, the. , +picnic and • entertained. the • •ladies • on .the :lovely' grounds at. her home She was assisted, by Mrs. A:: J. Wilson 'w+ho con&u,cted several con�tes•ts which .were en- .• joyed l y everyone. • .• The ladies were pleased 'to have Mrs. Russel Robertson and • Mrs,• Annie.• Struthers present. :Mars.. A, Wilson ,gave °an; excel- lent report • -on ;the secretaries • convention' •held at the" O.A:C. June. Plans' were made. to attend , the Area' Convention 'i;n Meaford� in, Sept'emlber. .. •' • Everyone enjoyed a' :bountiful picnic supper:. Courtesy. remarks,, were , extended +by Mrs.. Robert,. son.. • .BORN RRICHARDS•= to 14...0. and :Mrs. ,George Richards, a son, James' Donald,. at Portage • La. Prairie, Manitoba., ' Mt. Tennant Henderson . visit- ed with ,his sister, Mrs. -Marg- aret Wicks for the past ten days at Port 'Credit i1Vir. , and Mrs: Roy Crimgle. 'of Detroit• have been, visiting .with her sister,' Mrs. iOharles .Cooke. '. Mr. and• Mrs. Alfred Martin, Jack and Dianne of Newmarket, • 'Mrs. Alfred. ;Martin'' of Shannon, Sask., ` Miss ,Mary Lou MacDon- ald of Listowel''spent the week- end with. Mr. and Mrs. ' Robert icIonald• ' • Mrs ' ` : (Harvey` , . M•dQuiilin and.. children': from St. Catharines: vis- ited .with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. 'Robert Scott. 'Brenda. and. Ricky :are: remaining' for la 'cou . ple of weeks. . AT 'THEATRE: '' i GODERICH' ..!ThEPARK • , Skowtuoe ?:30 •: • ••.'L`Air-conditioned For Your• .Comfort* •' .1. • • Thur., : Fri., Sat.:, Jul 11 12, 13 Double Bill • • "JACK THE GIANT•, :KILLER" ` : In'' Technicolor ''.• with "War Hunt", : starring'John `Saxon, `Root. Redcord. •• • Monday,; -Tuesday, Wednesday, July 15,; 16, 17• • adult entertainment. =• • • ',Shirley ' Maclaine and .Robert `Mitchum . • •. Tell ' what happens when a Greenwich ': Village. .girl • • meets a slightly: square. lawyer' from Omaha: • j • • • navy .•on ties ay. week - end TWo Foil :..The Seesawwith her. mabher; Mrs. Jahn •. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salkeld, Hall: They. have recently moved ' j ' e Lu'cknow, and !Mi. and Mrs. to a new home in''O ven Sound' �. Fred Middleton,Clinton,visited � Thurso- Fr'• at , �5�6 5th .Ave.. West. y, Friday, Satetrday, 'July;, 18," 19y 20 • recently )with Dir. Helen•Salkeld • • ,. and .Miss. I. �CreeLman, Ottawa , On Monday,• July"1st, Mr. and ' • : f Mrs. Juni O'Donnell. attendedthe. •. • JERRY LEWIS .Mrs. James (Ritcohie • of town.60bh :anniversary... celebration., of • 'left by train on Wednesday of• with Jos• O'Brien, .Zachary.' Scott and Mae Questal. the. Saclred' . Heart '' Church at • last week'' for• amonth s visit 'Ken lrworth and the official .op- ' hi, his latest. and .zaniest . electronic riot : .. in: the' West with her sister at ening: ceremonies of the. new . • Edmonton Sacred 'Heart School by 'Monsig- j nor:'Haller. ' • • . Mr. and Mrs., Raymond Leddy attended - the ''Marsrnan,Da•lton. wedding' at St., 'Joseph's, church, Kingsbridge ,on Saturday `.morn Mrs: R•ubh 'Cale of • Guelph,. a sister , of . Mrs. Robert MacKen-' zie of Lii'ckno , r, was hospitalized: from' injuries :•receiived in a car William• :G.. Reed suffered a accident at Palmerston. thelat coronary' attack the. first ,of' last ter part' 'Of the Week.' She- was • week, and has Since been •hos....- enroute. .to Kincardine for . her' pitalized in °Wirngham, but is .Mother 's80th birthday. • novo 'a.ble, to 'be. tip .and., moving •Fisher of town suf- about, fer.ed a heart seizure on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Dick .Red and. night. of last week and is +hos- boys of ,,Detroit spent the week,-' pitalized in 129/n ham. He is end here, at the home of his par- making quite satisfactory grog ents, iNir. ' and. Mrs. W. G. •1Reed, ress and :on _Sunday, the word Dick's .father is in ' Winghani was he would •have • no further hospital. need , of • 'the oxygen ' i tent in. 'Mfrs.' Frank Johnston of kin - which which he was placed after :• his loss'.Tow,nship has been a • pat- admission . to hospital. reit. , iri..Wingh'ani`- Hospital for Mrs. Jake Hunter returned on the paSt four .'t reeks and at the Saturday korri a five week's vis; first of the week expected to it in Western \ anada at such • ' points as ' Winni,pe �; `Brandon Sr, get home 'in a couple of "days." Regina...She motored ..west with, •-'Mrs -•-,Herb • Milner; 'Nfx;° .Leo re,ia:t'ives •., and' ,'returned by -air tta +Ro� ' and ..Mrs, E landing landing at London ; on Saturda +bests visited• on Sunday With y Rev, • and ' Mrs. . W. Wright at Sarnia' and attended , church ser- vices there. . ,. w Mr, and Mrs. &Ted Best {F1len' evening where -,she wa's• met.•by iMr# and Mrs. Johan 'Haunter. , Mr, and Mrs, . Wesley Alton of London and George • .Alton of Sault Ste.' (Marie visited• relatives: To- friends' ,Aniiw),' Bob and David of and in ;t1ie , eammunity, ' from, g n•» recently ron�to were visitors: •in town the last are'returned eek. +�reor e Alton . t , of._ the week. They from California where .first camping at Inverhur.on • follow'- he ' apei t the .winter" , with :his ;mm.,,.s. t►..oo.. o ,,.. da »o...,s ing a motor trip .te. Que+bet: L8o11. . "It's "Only. Money" •4.. •• • • • Watch for • "H �►TA R I" Corning ;Soon! ,:. s•00410••0•00000sm `irfpm•m•e•N0*••iMN•NOOW auivaaramauu■amaamaztamo mapasaam•••••••••••■ziWin111111' ■ a.. unset; D�r��►e-Iri • ■ Highway 8-=- East •of Goderich i