HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-07-03, Page 12,44
Pisz LUOKNOW sE TU !I .:LUc now, QrrrARcO
WEDNESDAY, AMY., 3r.4, 11983
White,; Bone, Black, Brown
A wonderful -selection' from vihi r' to .choose..
Prices beginning at,
4, y,
• •
. •
•Lada' 'and Men'. Wear
THAT scattered showers . in this
. vicinity, even .though they miss:
sed the village, ;brought re-
freshing, cooler breezes after
a 'blistering: 90 -degree week-
1 THAT Joan Anderson, dawghter
•. of ,Mr. and • Mrs. Chas, An
• ,derson of Zion, entertained
•• • Ther friends last Wednesday on
• the occasion• oaf iher• 8tih ,•biart�h-
• •day.
•• THAT 'the Harrisston Review . re-
fearrirg last week to the. aap-
• ipointment ,of • Joseph Balzer " as
•, • Police Chief in'• Lucknow,
states' 'that he had served as
• . chief . in .Hariston. 'before going
• to .St Catharines.
• THAT Ross 'Hamilton son. of• 'LVIr:
,• and Mrs. • Crilb Hamilton, left.
• : ..;on Friday for Sudbury *here
he w.il] spend the sunnier with
• the Department •nf. Lands and
• }'Forests.`•as a junior forest ran-::
•, • ger.
• • THAT Duncan McKay of Au-
• ' • . iburn and ff or, merly of Kintail
. Was (honored iby the Huron.
• Branch of the Ontario 4Public •
School iMen. Teachers' .Federa-
•' , �oawahshe asi . (past
• aparetionsidenf t. iiitir ich Mel{ay has ac-
• ' • cepted' a teaching' "position, in. a
•. ' secondary school in Sault Ste.
THAT • Mrs.. Harry Wall: came
• home ,froni iotoria Hospital
on Tuesday of st we&. She
': has :progressed 'to ' +a (point . that
. :she can. get .about: on cruatcahes
and • was ,clown town' in. the
car on' Friday. for ,.the first.
She has to return to .the hos-
: 'pita about .the middle of. Au-
THAT holidays at The :Sentinel.
office this year will be dur-
ing' the last week of July and
the first ,week of. August We
▪ would appreciate . if those .re=
�e Tick .0 : `and Lidivery Monday • and ;Thursday
• THAT Miss' Betty Hamilton. .• of.
Niagara,Falls, daughter of Ma..
' and 'Mrs.' . Gib Hamilton is tak-
ing a summer. course ' at Lon-°•
don. Att the conclusion sof the
course elle will join a group
of °` eigiht teachers 'on •"a two
'Weeks Carih!bean ..cruise. They.
will fly to and from the point.;
of ernrbarkation,
'THAT -here were about one
hundred ' at the Elliott .picnic
at ". Kincardine on Sunday.
They were there from Ottawa,
Toronto, .Uw'en Sound, ' ,Clin
ton,' Hamilton, Teeswraater and
°the I a cardiae=Ripley Hiol+y-.
,rood-Lucknow.' area.
THAT ' John Carter had close
• . call ` on. Friday morning vvahen
lightning struck the: chimney
• less ;than ten .feet. from where
he was sleeping. The. 'television
;was also damaged by the bolt,
and : $brink' which !tuinabled.
from the chimney did ` sonne
damage; :to his car.
THAT examination results i's-
sued by Stratford Teachers';
College <contiained the namess.
of Eleanor •.McNay, ; ,Patricia
'Thompson, Blair Redmond &
Nancy Forster.
THAT Mr. and'iMrs. Brian How
• lett moved from their Havelock
Str _home to . Gravenhurst ° last
Friday.:' Mr:' and Mrs: L: E.'.
Goyette and family, of Am-
,' ,prior; moved into ` the ; same_
• home -on Monde*. Mi. Goyette
'has . ac : ted . the position as
prinoipal of Lucknow •',DDis+trict
High 'School.
THAT an athletic trophy, as
well as ,musical trophy awards•
won by.Florence MaeLennaz
• of • aI:ooltalsh at, the Ashfield
Central Siehool have teen, on'
dislilay at, the S+entinel'. • Of in-
terest•', is the, fact' that the
wooden' base , of the athletic
'trophy .is •.,.a' • product.: of the
Lucknow Wood Products 'plant
• TH ERE WILL BE .. .•
• •.
•` •
m' to 5•
.00 a.• .
Lucknow 1=lydro Electric Comilnission • at (the southerly' :approach rto
the • village tb Mr. and ,Mrs,
all•••••••••••••••11is•••••••••• •iemei • 1 W11:?, 'ViTliarry, ;
• '.
is T6ursdag iluli:•4th
quiring commercial printing
done 'prior: to the "holidays,
would •: shave .,thework in our
hands . at an'. early date.
THAT Mr. and Mrs. Palmer
Kilpatrick were visitors in the
ctoinmunity. Palmer is princi-
rinci-pal• of . the North Agincourt,
P ,ibldc' School in Scarboro. Mr.
: and Mrs. Kilpatrick^ °will motor
' West 'this monthand will be
' joined iby their daughter,`
Cheryl, who is talking a course
• ra't Iowa State University. They.
'twill. visit at Vernon, •B.'C., with
their son Brian,.,. a student 'at
'the Unliversity of y ;British Col-
umbia who is , employed: .at
Vernon with a firm. of •archi-,
�tects . for the sumimer. '
THAT : the Lawrence. name :has
been mu,oh in the' news Gately,
• ,which is natural,' as, one coini
ci4dence leads to another. Most.
recently we received a, print-
ped folder tarrying ' Thomas
Lawrence's ,picture ,and • New
s'Year^s (greeting frail this Luck --
',now hardware
uck',nowhardware • merchant. 'LTn- :
der the caption A Happy New
• Year, the greeting. read: "May
prosperity .of . every kind at-
tend you during • the coming'
;year and may you be willing
and. able to ''pass it along."
THAT Miss M ngaret . Pickering'
'became a residenat of Brucelea
Haven on Thursday of last
Thomeweek, when 'she vacated the in `L eknorw''wahere she
'Shad resided ..for 63 years. The
Pickering home has been fpur-.
chased by Hugh •Sutherland.
and 'his' sister Miss 'Maratha
Sutherland, who will , reside
there; having moved from the
"MacDonald 'shouse" on Ham -
Mon street by Vhe mill 'pond.
They have tenanted •this res-
idence since selling their borne
M�rg.arlfleSuper Sae.: 5..:s..
Delmar, 'For , Al! Houshold Ike. Feature..
Hih1afld Pride Coffee, ib..:
"OUR Exclusive Top. Seller. TOUR Best Puy.
{tike Mix: Sale , ;. 3;pkgs....$1.
Duncan Hines,, 9 Varieties. Save 29c. •
Fluff° Shoriening. 'Sale 3 Ib tin 89c
' 8c Off •Label: Save To 10G, ;'
Cheez Whiz Sate, jar 59c•
Kraft's Top Cheese Spread. 16. oz. Save 1Oc Or More.
Phone Lucknow
5283420. .
Values '' Effective
July.:4, 5, : 6.
Ofltario i�
aster Seal:
ReachedMiUion dollar Mark
Ah an ekecutive comunittee of ,the '. ptwblic at large.:
mneetin.g of the: Ontaario. Society It was pointed''' Out by 1
for Criapapxed Children ;held '•'at •Smythe• that by reaching the
jective, the , mored bhaan 16,4
crippled children . .receiving;
help Of . the Society and the laic
thousands' of volunteers of.
Rotary; Lions, . Kiwanii,
men and other serviceclubs ti
joined . together ho :conduct
campaign . in 238 ''communities
'tie apr"avince:.are :-once again
mired. that they will cantina(
'receive .thecare and rehabl:
tion needed to ''helip; ' them
wards ', 'independency.
the Society's Lakewood Camp,'
located on - Lake Erie,. . nearPort
Colborne,' 'C:trnn l .Smytihae, treas-
urerof the Society, 'announced
that the 1963 Easter Seal cam
vital objective of ` one :;million
dollars his ibeen reacted. ' This.
is tl e'.'1,Jth consecutive year that,tie Campaign has met...its' ab
jective. ,Mr. Smythe. stated that
these final' results are • hearten-
heartenging' .proof. ,that the Society's work
has...the; confidence and siip'.port
THAT 'Mary °Murdie, Beverley
: :'Rathawell. and :Beveraley, ac-:
Kenzie.' of, the `United
xi -e group are, attending •a
young' Feople's 1 -week leader
ship 'camp at, Ryerson 'Beach
Rev. H. W. Strapp took the
girls icarrip on Friday. At
.tile end of July, Laurine Mor-'
.rison. and Penny Reid will it -
tend a U4 -day' 'camp at Mi,ri-
'• ;rnachai" . .
TH+A(I' the local',weather record-
. er, J: iM.' Greer, reports the.
high : „temperature .: for June
was 89, :and, this was the first
Of ' 'Tait .week.- The first day of
July, ::howl ver, athie-:heat'_soar-,
ed to. .92... Phe low `far the
• month. was 37 degrees, i,it: 'mjd•
June. •A .little over 2 • aincihes'.
':of rain, fell1 during 'tike Month.'
• THAT :.,among the. teachers • in
this area taking ' suanmer coir
ses,, ;we. ,are ° aware of : the fol-
lowainag :Marion ••• Rteavie; • and
Floyd•. -•Stanley, 'second year.
;,physical education and Elean-
or and. JoyceMcNay, 'first year
physical ' education :a at Guelph;
tMiss. Helen Thomipson,•and Mrs.
:James ` MdTavislh, •audio-visual
methods ,course. at' Kiitc(hener.
THAT..an, interesatin�g caller at
• The Senstinel Office last Week
*as Doug . Young, wsho recent-
ly .'sold his weektl°y newspaper
and printing 'business • at Nia.
gara-on-the-Hake, and is Visit-
ing in .the lAMbersley. and Kin-.
cardine Area. He is 'a son -yin-
law of Mr. and Mrs. John
•Campbell of Anberley; Mr. tsi
_Mrs. _Young are heaving
,motor tripto,,.the 'Maritimes: to
;visit ;with: members 'of their
ifamil'y. Doug has 'long been
associated with ,Scouting, . and
first irst :knew; ahiri many years
gags when he,was leader of the
(Kincardine troop, and ,when
Lucknow and Kincardine
Scouats.'comrpeted�' regularly in
summer sport meets and in
hockey during the winter. It
is. 't irty years since Doug felt
Kincardine, . r•0 ,
• In glancing over •,a :copy of
Daily Mail and Empire of ail
sixty years ago, we find.
news has a• familiar •°r.ing of
tragedy, robbery and sordid:
The ,paper, • dated . • Satui
May '7th, 1904, gave,.. dexter
coverage to' the Russian Japa
war.. At.'" that date the Japa
has •aificted.' an attackt by
and land :'to,' eat • off Port Ai
harbor, ' vital to the Rusks
The Tibetans had :.attack,
Br.itish.. mission at 'Gyangsti
,; A .Bracebrid°ge resident
accidentally ally ' killed- by elf
Two Hamilton - .youing
werehorse' and • arrest,braedggyfor ' stealir
A• • New Yonk.:"professor"
advertising for Canadian gi
do pal'rxiistry work at St.,
World's a fair,, with a solar
ducement of ;$2!0. a ,week`' al
experience • necessary. the'
charged in -'veiled )language
this appeared like a 'ocher
entice girls across the •bord.
jinni:oral 'purposes.
A. new wing was ibeing o
.at . Toronto's Isolation ho
and adhere was a hassle ova
vexation to extend +A
Lions s. ' Plain Gar
and earn
Fosters Wwalie u�
week -end announcing
Lucknow and District 1
Club garden party and c
ival, wvhieah includes bi
games anddancing;
Watch for the posters
,. further details newt V
The garden party will
tore meats,. salads;'
cakes, etc.' sint'lar to•
• year's feast which ,prow
npopula•r, •