HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-07-03, Page 11•
WEDNESpAY, JULY 3rd, 1903
0MIF1,011,15.1M0'...11• ,I1M91Mr'r7r447-1=4=,,
THE riumorow sornmp .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO
••••••,.• :
• • • .
111111.011110•11•111011111.10101111111PliellialliglIMINISSIMPIIII011ooll MORTGAtE
• • * • .6 DECLARES 15c DIVIDEND
• -
• it ' •
The Board of Directors ' Of
• 111, *British Mortgage & Trust, C
I: orn-
, • :Pam, has 'declared a quarterly
• dividend.Pf. 1-5C per share on the
• ,paid-up capital stock • of the
c Ito
• •
6:90.. to: 7i0ap.
• •
• ■
• funds entrusted ' to British Mort-
■ gage continue to expand
COmPanY, 'Mr, W. H. Gregory,
President, has announced. -"The
'dividend was payable .on. Tues-
day, July grid, to shareholders
Of record at the -close of 'bus-
iness on Friday, June -14th.
The Board , also • declared, 'a
dividend of 16c per' share which
will. be paid on October 715.t,
net,. .to shareholders. 'of...record
at the close •Of business On ,Fri-
day, September ,13th.. •
In making- the announceinent,
Mr., Gregory stated that 1pulblic
.11 volume This fact, he .said sug- ' '
r ' • g esti
and. Mrs, ifragh McWhinney
were called hOme 'due , the
illness, of his father, •
GUests • on Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. Reive were Mr.' and
Mrs. Ralph (Reive of Kingsville
and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Reive and
.family of authven.
• Jr. and (Mrs, Ray Stanley and
'faintly of .St. Thomas were. week
end, visitors ' ,with her Mother
Mrs. Edna Black, Mrs, Stanley•
and children are remaining don-
Shackleton, who
'spent' the •wihter with his •rie-
p,hew at *Sicarboro; • is back ' ,to
thee• ports and is staying with
Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon:Col-1gram.
..Mrs. Abner Morris .last week
visited at ithe horne Of her son
Mr. Ken Morris, Benrniller, and
her sdaUghterMrs. Douglas -Free-
man, Clinton.. •
thai the Copany's earn-
• : ings at the end of the year will
NI •agalnr show a . satisifactory in-
• .•
• • • create..
• e eviston = C.
Jemetery Service
• • • •E Held At 1Dungannon
C hannel .8. . • (DuNGANNoN NEws)
. . ,Visitors with Mr.. Brown
■ • . • . • „/ ' .11 •Stnythes home • over . the week
itillilialuimillsoliamillinallmalloallassillimilkluollskato■■■1 end were Mrs. Muriel • Smythe,
14)11/ fia
• • 'Elko' richly fragrant roses :have.
•, just -been .narned as Winners Of.
• North Arnerica's highest garden
-award •. •
The All:American 'Rose Seleer
tions :hOniour for 1964 Will be
shared, GRAN -ADA .blair
ing re,d-pink-yelloW hybrid tea;
and •SARATOGA, .a - pure white
• floribunda.- : • '
Pure white has always been
'n elusive • ccelour • With . rose
'breeders . 'the world. over. Sari -
toga •was bred by E. S. Soerner
of Jackson l& Perkins. .For Many
• Years; Gene .had: 'been trying to
• lath .
ed the •perfe:dt white rose..
;For • reasons still •lAilkri0Why a•
pure •'white • variety with frag-
rance, disease' resistance, vigor-.
ous growth' and free flowering
•habit, seems to be much more
dkffieult. to 'Obtain than an other
colour. , • •
•This is one 'of- 'the -reasons we
,are ,still_growing•Frau'Karl
• Schki,' as the 'most satisfactorY
• white rose. It's. a • hybrid per-
• petual that /Was %introduced in
1901 and is/becoming .More and
nitre ..difficiilt to obtain. • For
aver sixity•years we. haven't, been
• able to improve greatly on this
• one variety., However, • having
seen Saratogaln the various Ml-
Arnerrea Trial Grounds', looks
as if WeLlinally hay.? a replace-
ment. for • Frau Karl • Drusgliki.
Gere Boerner is the man gen-
erally :reCognized- as 'the. father
•of• the .floribunda. One of his
earlier creations, is Fashion
• Which is still recognized as..the
'top floribunda SO tar intrioduced..
He's been a 'creator of champion
• on
for ' Most of seventy
• years and has •alinost always• .
worked with ;floribundas. He's
.,had more roses. patented Under
his name',than • anyone else in
history. .
Saratoga freely bears un,blem-
• ished white 'blooms zneaSuring
to 41/2 inehes , in clusters as
• well as on single stems. Its• gen-
tle; sweet • fragrance .h as • ' been
-described:- as--exactly,ithe---same
a§the. ' old. Damask roses, , 4
• Although it is a floribunda and
not a hybrid tea its flowers are-
as, large as those of,
Frau Karl
• If Aisbtidded, they ire
•lovely tor cutting 'and *ill last
•• 'horn six to eight days.- '
suppose that the popularflor
ist, 'rose 'Talis'maic is familiar to'
• peeple, chiefly ihecause of
. marVelOits dolouring) a blend
of ' hafturtitn'iredy scarlet and
• YOlkw, IV-USed to be et okl-atilte
Dr', and aVirS.. David Evan. and
!family .of Brantford • and: Miss
Jan Smythe of Toronto.
;Mr: Ross Rivett 'left last week
with the larrilaoree musical •
troupe for'northern •Ontario and
later in the •YukOn•.' "
-and Mrs. John. Wilson,
Steven and 4tith Ann of Toronto • ,
are 'spending this week with/
• Mrs.;, Rivett and With Mr.
• ••• •ancragr,i4rein WilS,On; Goderich.
widelY ii7a girder; rOse-becaUse• During the week aVIr. John Wil-
. '
. • ,
of its striking • colour even' "Sim is ,being sent on .bu
• though, it .• lacked Many of the bUSineSs trip..dOwn East,
qualities such as form, fragrance
and disease 'resistance which 'we
dernand in a modern rose. PRA -
NADA, the 1964 IlYbrid ' Tea A,I1-
America • Nivinner, I predid will
make 'everyone :forget that Tal-
isman ever eEisted. Abotit • the
only difference in colour. is".its.
clear lernon Yellow, which re- son Bill visited o Sunday ' with
relatiVes at Hamilton' & Dundas.
plees• the golden yellow of Tad -
Miss. Dianne, •King, their niece
toisman. I find that this seems
Of, Ira:Milton 'Beach returned
brilliance.give the flower even more
, With them to visit for part of
Unjik• ' • the siumner • '
e however, •
' '
GRANADA is • a really .healtify; ---Visitors on Saturdaywith
Mrs ,'Chisholm Were her
vigorous plant that will produce cousins', Mrs. Myles Moir, Wing -
twice as 'many flOwers. find •
ha in .and iher daughter Miss;
Winnifred Moir, London, 1Vlissi•
Ada Brophy and her nephew.
Mr. Edward Brophy 'Of Wing -
hair, and for the week end vis,
King, Was her daughter and, hus-
Pects to •ibe back again forthe
:week.. end. ;
• Mr. and ,Mrs:„HarveY Congram,
;and daughter Barbara 'of kit-
chenei visited '-hLs aunt, and ; un -
...Cie Mr. and Mrs:. Lorne Lvers
at the week 'end, -
•.Mr. and aVirs. Fred King and
that they are much (better sforrn-.,-,
ed and that. theyhave a• rich,
• lasting 'fragrance' -a quality' al.-
••mOst completely. lacking in
' .
• •
Granada is the creation . of band Mr. and Mrs.. Murray Oke,
Robert .Lindquist Who • repre- 'Steven 'and t.,*4rk of Windsor,
cents the resolute, ',younger mem ,sixty-six descendants of the
who are now vigorously at Work date ;Mr. and Mrs. D. S; .Errizw-
scienitifieally producing newer ton met on Sunday for a:family
and ibetter rsAes,. Bob Lindquist, reunion and pay respects in the
. .
• s •
despite his youth' ha's already afternoon at the' merriorial,
ser -
produced two .,outstanding rosesvice • at;: the. Dunganrinon,
His 'first One was in 1904 wit'h. tery and later gathered 'at. the.
his floribunda Lilibet, Which Agricultural Hall for a picnic
won A11 -America % honours that supper. Th•ose at a distancecame/
froin. Comber,' St. Helens,
t6n,- Goderich, j1Vlarkdale, Brus-
sels, Grand Bend; Wirigharn and
frorn the 4th and '611i con. 'of
West ',Wawanosh, St., Helens and
Pert A%ert. Nine_ of them i),,rere+
dinner guests at. the: home of
Tom,'. and Mary. Rivett. •
year. One -year later he intro-
duced still(' another' impressive
champion' the !famously.' fragrant
orchid-pinkybrid tea Tiffany)
which- Wag a, 1956 Alf -America
winner.' Bob Lindquist told ,nie•
that the sweet..fragrance arid
quisite flower form of GRAN,
ADA Carrie from Tiffany, .He be " A visitor with Mr. and 'Mrs.
lievesr,that every gardener will Cecil•'',Blake. and Harold was
be enraptured by the shape and their sister Mrs, ;D. S. _Fines of
forin f. Granada's .buds.,'" Toronto. . •* '
The tilOwers. •are serni-clotible 'On SaturdaY, Mr. and Mrs.
and clasitc.ally formed with Cecil Blakeattended the wed,
ding' • of their nephew Douglas
khaand n
Delmer +Maize, returned
to Toronto on Tuesday • after
spendin the week end With 'his •, '
parents Mr. and'. Mrs. ;Bert Maize,
is -taking a course. id Science
and Business-Nat.-Torentir---tlni.1--7
versify, this', surn,mer..
gracefully rounded petals. They.
average four inches in size, butthe, 'first show of bloom' often
grows five to six inchesii
ameter-in Some 'areas. The sub-
stance of the petals 'enable8 the
blOoins to resist wind and, rain
damage, lengthening the show
-in-the :garden-- Considerably.,
Plants of GRANADA. and
SARATOGA Will be available'
for the first 'time • 't'his fall.
TheStill :be we'a.ring the green'
and white 'oval tag that distill-
gitis.hes theril as the 1964 'All,
America •.yroses, • You'll ;be .able
to but the/xi from 'rriploz: eata•
logue rose -• specialist 'and lead-
irig nursery and' garderi. t,entres,
. • . ,
. • • • • • • - • •
mr, Robert tothers tame
home' Monday from ..Victoria
Hospital, London after a' .feycr•',
days of 'treatment and X -Ray,
-The Memorial service at'Dun
gannon Cemetery ,was held on
Sunday, June 30 at 4:26 p.zn, •
with 'a. good attendan,ce. The call
to worship and invocation was
given by Rev. 1,• R. King, the
address by Rev.. N. L, Gostonyi
and the prayer by Rev. R. Mac-
Leed, Mrs. Allan Beed arid Mrs.
Jack "Irwin •provided organ :and
vioUns accOmpaninient • for the
hymns. Mrs. Irwin and Larry
Pentland • favored with two,'
pleasing numbers on the trunk.
pet. Greers public address -ser-
vice helped to Make , a fitting
hour of '.worsfaip. and tribute to
'departed lOved ones. The col-
lection Of $132.70 is for.cerhetery
upkeep.. ••
Photo by Ontario'llept. of Fieolth
To,help avoid one of the nuisances of summer -flies and
biting insects7—garbage cans should be kept coVered.
Dymond Discusses Health in Ontario
his and Insects
et RicI of Them
• Matfitew EL Dymond, MD, CM.
Ontario Minister 1-teolth
it's Summer' and 'vacation *tie
• again, but this does not mean a
holiday from :good health, prac-
• ticet. One of ..the"noisaricea. inan
otherwise happy time of the year
may' be flies and biting insects.
. Besides being an annoyance, flies
can also: 'Contaminate :food • and
drink and 'May Cause For-
tunately, the biting insects of pit-
• tario 'have more of a nuisance
/Value than public health' import.
•`iinebill insect bites may some-
„ „.
Hines become rectea by scratch,
and so cause disability. •
” The more toinnicni' prevalent
• . biting insects , ate • mosquitos.
• Fortunately,. most -of the inns....
quitoes found in Ontario ,yar,a-
tiOn Area's are of early seasonal
oecorrence, sand eXCept at night
and • Usually' outdoors, are not
very significant late in the so&
• COttagers ca do'much to mini •
nuze the unp easant • e ects o
,flies' 'and insects. The ' first, Most
. "Obvious answer is to `.iscreen the
premises effectively. All" windows
and doors should be protected by
!insects from appreaching near
• buildings, insecticidal sprays can,
• be Used outdonis, Particular , at:
'4e0iiOn should given to the in-
side of the eaves and to the 'Walls"
for about one foot up from the
• Mr, Bert McWhinney is show-
•ing sone •improVernentAas 'a pa-
tient 'at 'Wiz -LOAM -Hospital after
suffering a • slight St/the Sunday
while he and Mrs. McWhinney
were' dlOW'n at -!farm where
.their son Hug. lives' and were •
keeping hOuse,. While lititgb, and
MtS aviewomney ; were a
'frit) to Ingleside, Mrs. tva
liotto, the latters' mn:
Other return
ft Vour ,SubScriptiOn Itenewerit ed to 4161. hen -.e with them. IlVit.
' • • •1,'s
., •
• •
ground. In addition, it is a good
idea :to cut tall grass in the im-
mediate vicinity of the cottage.'
Garbage: cans should be. kept.. •
well • cosfered as a measure to •
help control flies. 'Refuse should,
• be buried or burned -if there is. . •
no regular. piek-up service:. Out-.
door privies shoOld be made fly-.
proof with ventilators and win-
•*dows screened; and tight, Self,
cioSini doors.. Settcovers should,
• be provided and. the Privi
• tents covered after each use with ".
• chloride of lime, earth or a coal-- •
tar :disinfectant.• • °
• If flies kind insects do gel, into,
thehouse,-they can be:eliminated
by swatting or ;13y, special sprays... •
Dotueatie aerosol “bonibs" Should
• he 'used ,according to
torere directions, and never in
the vicinity of 'exposed food.: EX:.
cept. during actual use,: food. "
should be 'kept tightly covered.
. There are many goodrepellants •
available which cart be quite
effective if used s'srith ,discretion
on exposed skin surfaCes. Car
• slimild of course:be taken t� pr
tect the eyeti when any repellant , • •
• is used. " •
• Flies and insects an cause sick.,,
" and -they-
niiisance,, in isuinmer. Your On,
tario Department of Health rec-
Onnuends that you „get rid :of „-
thetill and. thus ensure yourselves .
a happy and healthy suninier. ,
1/7/6i '
Any questions on the work of the Department of Health in this,
'Add, or suggested, topics for these columns,should be' sent to the
• Director of infortitatihn and Publicity, 'Ontario Department of
• Health, Queen's Park, Toronto,