The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-07-03, Page 9• •W!EDNESDAZ. •JULY 3rd,, '1983 THE LUCKNQW P SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ROY .N. BENTLEY PUBLIC TA �'�. ACCOUNT :.,_ N °G.ODERICH, ONTARIO' Box 478 , Phoi ,e o JAckson 4-9521 A. M.IARPER: AND COMPANY . Chartered Accountants • 55-5.7 South • Street, «ODERICH, .ONTARIO Telephone JA 4-7562. JOH NSTON E'S FUNERAL '..HOME Modern and .Convenient' Lucknow, Phone '528-3013 Day . or Night `Serving All Faiths According to • Their Wishes Moderate, Prices Established 1894 �►.R.DUVAL.. D.C., , Sp.C.' : ::` Chiropractor. 1, d n. 05 re :h ,ts • : • Physio: and Electro Therapist • 'Phone 800 (Office' located ' on John St. W. next to Torontto Dominion Bank) 1 NSU.RANC FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY' • ' •AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect• Your Jack,` :Insure "With "Jack Today. J., A. McDONAGH .Lucknow, 'Phone 528=3423 STATE FARM .MUTUAL • AUTOMOBILE:. INSURANCE - Investigate Before 'Investing;' REUBEN WILSON R.R., 3,• •Goderich . • Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor L.ISTOWEL, ONTARIO :IN LUCKNOW Every -Wednesday : ' and Saturday Afternoon. Office in the Jo int . Block O c y Telephone.: ' ..,1�.-„•'u�. � �s�'o5rid@�ii'CE� t�i7�= ''-+t�4'f �c'b 139':�' • • . : R. S. 'HETHERTNGTON, Q.C:' .Barrister., Etc • Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Monday and Wedneday. 'Located . in Kilpatrick Block • 'Phone Wingham • Office 48 .' .• ' Residence 97 IMPERIAL OI'L' 'PRODUCTS for .prompt service, and, quality products, h , w contact ,;GRANT. 'CIILSHOLM Phone collect •Dungannoili. 72Lr-1 rp.. or 1,0' Lucknow ;its• . �� "Ai .ays . Look To Imperial A Ott y• lilt'' For The Best” DUPLICATOR' • supplies, bond. Paper,' mimeo paper,' typewriter paper: in pads and quantity, ink; and master sheets,, duplicator fluid, hectograph 'machines and. supplies, if we don't: stock .your requirements, we will be glad toorder for you. The Luckn0* Sentinel, Mackenzie M'rn�rial C ha eL , FUNERAL . SERVICE - Services • conducted, "accord- ' ing to your wishes at °Your. Home, • yuur . Church,' or at „ our ' Memorial, • Chapel . at no " additional- eharge; • Lucknow, Phone 528=3432 Day' or Night WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP•, We Have Been . Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven • Years,. Always Using• THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert 'Designing and Workmanship. Prices . Most "Reasonable 'Cemetery . Lettering:'`'a Specialty It A. SPOTTON 4. Phone .256, Wingham,Qntario.. ALANWIL.LIAMS Optometrist Office ` On • Patrick St., just ;off the Main. St: in ;WINGHAM Eye." xarnination Professional • Ir I Optical Services For.appointment ' Please Phone ., 770, Wingham E �ZIE• 0.1� .:�:K.•J.•MacK N .. Optornetris RIPLEY CLOSED FOR VACATION. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 R. W' ,.BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH F. T,. Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square (Phone JAckson 4-7661) ° LUCKN•O V DI' LC' ` CO-OPERATIVE INC. Lucknow; ' Phone 528-2125 TED COILYER • Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL: CONTRACTOR Specializing. in - . ' Electric Heating, Electric Wiring. � 9th Canadian Field Regiment To #{old Reunion At Wingham This Week end 'Veteran members of .the Wor- .ld War hI 10th Canadian Field Regiment . K4-• who reside' in Wi•nghaan 'and district are ready.- ing for a. full-scale invasion, of the territory. Action; 'will Ecom- mence on Friday of this' • week .when members. of the unit from all • Canadian Provinces and:. some from abroad ivirill-begin to pour in fora reunion Some 40U•. ve .terans and their wives. are ex- pected for. the :reunion :which will° be held in' 'Wirilgharn, With the main 'activi'ty 'on Friday;' Saturday; and: Sunday. ' This reunion is :an''interesting event for ithe many Lucknow district men Who 'Served in .the: 19th throughout 'the second world war. Made •up of three batteries; •..the 99bh : came from the . Wingham.. idistrict, the 55th was from . the London area .and. thee 63rd from" 'Guelph. The. reeg iment was mobilized in" 1940, 'and after initial training .of 'officers and NC•O's, concentration of the unit .began at. Camp Borden in Deceemiber of last year. The first orders issued in :the' unit .were: by 'Captain,V. G. Spittal of Wiri,gham, who was acting corn-. man'dng ' officer • at •• : the< time. Later -in 'that month. Lt.-!Qol. C. D.,. Crowe iw,as appointed to the command •of the' regiment; ibe-.` ing' replaced the :following : Year by L. • G. aClarke:. Overseas' in 1943 The unit' embarked.. at Halifax on July 23, 1943 ''on the ?Queeri' Elizabeth ;and ,,landed ' at "•Green ock, ' +Scot1annd . on July :27. After •a• period of :intensive training in England :the.. 19th landed on. ;the:. beaches' ..France.•on` D Dray. To say slimily that the regi- inent landed' .is. :a wast' under- statement, Men, guns and ve- h�icles went through , `s,or ie frantic hours aafter they reaehei :the beach. arid' before. gall units were me ved into 'the.. comparative. safety. of �onshaore• , positions. Their guns, firing .from, al'anding craft, were . - usedd, to cover. the forward 'tunits :.of 'infan•try which were the First ashore: Major 'A. ;S...' • Hetherington.. of ,Wingham. was landing officer for•ible unit. The •19Vh was • abased' ` for time at Basly, with the. a French town's Of Boron, . •Grouchie . and Authie as targets. Carpiiquet' Was the 'next .big ••.action for •the reg- iment aiid' one: of the. prime tar- ,gets' was the .. airfield at ..�L'Or• - gueilleuse: Gun 'barrels were red 'hot that .day. as. 525' rounds; per...gun were ,pumped' pinto the German/ •. field. • . Advancing to Caen on the' 'heels' • of the in- Pantry., the 10th set . lip 'shop 'at' St. ; Gerimaine. .in full view of the•;',German ' :for+ces' hidden on. the far ibank of the Orrie• River: Barrages'. 'wer•e ; .land, 'down cover the' British crossing .of ' the Orne and +the .Canadian 'Capture' of Vaucelles. After St. -Germaine caane Cormellas, Which'men_ .of_ the 'regiment still remember as •it t 'itlffrlY+ t'test pots aof the' and Repairs . arid 'All electrical A antes. Lucknow, Phone: 52a-5182 440#— Qauiller, McIntosh: and Ward tally drove the Germansout of the country south' of the Maas River. . By the end of •the war the 19th Field Regt was, r Ger- •mean , territory., . Noted Band • Coming Such experiences'.Will be the lsubjeot of a hundred conversa- tions" as old buddies gather . to relive ,those exciting and . dan- gerousdays. Registration. will start ,at 1 p.m' Friday, July 5th :and that ev- ening there will he a •diance at ,the armouries. One of the big jobs • tieing. :the committee, of• saurse, is :billeting the +visitor; s. nanous harries yin the..-, eozn-- n unity. "On Saturday there . will be golfing for .the .men at 10 'aan, and the ladies *i11 enjoy a tour of CKNX: One, of (the 'major 'events of the reunion will take place ' on Saturday afternoon *hen the famed "Flying Dutchmen" Drum and. Bugle Corps Band, of Kit- chener -Waterloo . will. present a concert And .,,precision drill' in the 'park at a:30,• to be '.followed by .a :.service,, at the Cenotaph at . 4:30.. The:. public . is Cordially invited . to • takie in both: these events and it •is 'hoped , 'there will be :a big crowd on hand. On Saturday evening the re- union 'banquet will 'be held in' the. hew ligrave arena at sev- en' o'clock, ,followed• by a social evening, in the asrniouries:.• On . 'S'unjclay the ' veterans' of : the, :19th will attend service at the B.luaevale _ Uniited.:. Church•. where the speaker will be -Bev.. Callum Thompson, of .. West-' mottnt, . Quebec; the wartime pa- dre' of .the regiment.; Rev.. Tliornp- son ' will also be the • speaker . at the '•'Cenotaph . ,service on. Satur== day, The Harmony Men •of Wang-' ham will form ,the choir ifor the 'Sunday 'service. . ' • Following lihe , cluirch service a ''bairbecue Luncheon will'- be served 'fait A1e:x Cor'rigan's farm east ' of. •Bluevale Continuous ' Action. After 56 days' oaf continuous' action the /19th was given four days of rest. 'Then, came •the Meat drive ,for the ;Fala.ise Gap. At Les 1Vlonts.d'Erarnes 52,,pris- overs were taken, the Germans surrendering to.. •what they ,called. the 'panzers."' .'Ilhey. were ,escor, ted to .'the rear aby Regimental Se.rgearit-Major Alex Corrigan,.' of Wingham, who- turned them • over' :to the infantry, The regiment moved • on' through. ithd thick of the, fight- ing to •Trun, Bayeaux, .Brugge, Eecloo ,and Ma.ideigem and, took' Part, in the •assaullt of the' .Selby elde 'pocket ---all. well-reinemiber- ed ' names to . Canadian soldiers.; They 10,th ••owas: the ,first • Canadian artillery unit ,to ,fire its..g ins , from Dutch soil., After, sitting tight • and hold• at Caprycke the' regiment became part of. ,the secret 'force,. which moved up • to Hawk to assist in 'the sealborne was"saint. When .the issue had ,been de- tidied at Breskens .the 19th was sent • out ,to the Antwerp area where the Canadian, army • was poised for thb push Which fin- CHARTERED, ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner,; J, E'.' Kennedy,, C;A. O//� :' Pont Office pposi�e Phone 881-3471 • Walkerton CULROSS CORNERS School;:is out ,arid.I ' think- both children and parents are •happy, especially , with ' the weather ; so hot. : Miss Sharon • Stanley spenta few days With '•Mr. and Mrs. R. Kaake ,and . her :;brother, Larry ••Stanley, W , ertoni. - S • Our teacher; IMrs. • Armstrong tr,eate > the senior girls •.' to an overnight ',Stay ,at her home near Bervie: • Mr. . and !Mrs., ;Morley Wall, Beverley •and, 'Doris accorrivparked :by Miss Karen I Wall; North Bruce,' Miss .Diane Hewitt, .Kin - lough Kuir-lough and• Miss Marlin]; . rihac- ker,K+in•loss, motored to 'Dwight; h' r - LLumtsvi'iiie 'an Wednesday. Beyerileyr--remainedv,matlawight. where she .will spend ithe • sum- mer :working in .a lodge: . PA..E NINE aMr. and' Mrs., Elmer Benedict, Martin and 'Virginia, spent the holiday week -end with her fir- ents at Wallacebuzg. Little Lois, Kenneth and Linda Wall, spent . a couple of 'days •with Mr, and Mrs.,Grant Wall and: family, North ,Bruce. Our a 'ual.. school • picnic was held on the school, grounds on Thursday afternoon with ` several. ladies of .,the section {attending, Mrs. Armstrong, was presented with a. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hodgins, Con. 12, and Miss Sharon Hod - tins • hof the, staff of Wingham. Hospital, spent • Friday' evening with 1Mr., and Mrs. Art Hodgins. IM'r. and iMrs. Dan .Toilefson, �slirigton ' spent y the • holiday eek -end • with Mr. and ' Mrs. Ezra Stanley and ,family. iMiss Elda canon, spen .: the' holiday , week -end at her, . home here ' Miss . Sharon `tHodgins, Wing - ham,. visited over' the. week -end with her,. parents, Mr. 'and MTs. Perry :Hodgins.. • • Leonard Stanley, I itchener, was . at ;the •home of his parents, Mr, ,and. Mrs. Ezra Stanley over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. James Wraith, Lucknow, spent, Sunday :evening with Mr. and :Mrs. Art _ Hodgins. 11VIr. Floyd Stanley . has gone to Guelph' '-Where he will attend simmer sdhool.':: Mr. and Mr's. 6,ary ,E.dwards; 'Toronto, were . hoaliday visitors with her patents, Mr. and Mrs Everett •' Parker .and �fami'1y... ° LAC. ''and 'Mrs. John Stewart "and :family who:• • have .been stn-, tn,oned : at ,Portage la Prairie are ,holidaying .. in Kincardine. and with: his parents, 'M.r. and 'Mrs. Tom Stewart:. At the 'end. of his . • .,\ leave . they will be posted , to Gr ' ,• .Rgoseonald$ayPaT.ker . has gone' to London . ¶wihere he will ;attend Summer school, . Mr. and Mrs :'Gerald :Stewart of ',.Kincardine, LAX.. and. Mrs. .. John ':Stewart and (family -:spent the holuiday,. with Mir:` and Mrs Tom ' :Stewart. And.boys. . . Mr.. and . Mrs. Tenn Stewart ,and': . Harold 'spent 'Sunday in Kincar , dine 'with. members of their •fa- milt'. Haying is :: the :order.. of the day • . . Mr and '.Mrs. Raymond iSchu i'n.acher and 'Jim and. Mrs, Irene Schumacher.,. all of Windsor; were holiday . visitors with Mr. :arid' .!Mrs. ;Frank • Schumacher &' girls. NAPKINS, Coaste ns,•' Mathes; playing Cards, personalized printed'. Writing paper '.and 'enn ebopes. Ask. `to see Our sarnp1:es - No • obligation. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134 SINGLE COPIES of the :Sentinel ate available in Lucknow at George's '• Billiards, Umbach'a Drug Store: and 'at- 'the Sentinel Office.. Single. copy•, 'price,; 10c. HAVING fan 'anniversary,' special M? n+t^RtsxL e. ;. to es..,._„RecoacL.. our-. �.: �.g. �.� Beth y sue �4�;�. �-•- in. a guest book available at The Lucknow Sentinel, : /. EDLAR kGEHCI( �QR PICK-UP DEPOT EARTIIBIRD:'.TI'LLERS:T': Barb Wire .Requirenients•W. No Order Too Large No Order.. To'o' Small Dairy Ioclde 1pdine • disinfectant, detergent ,and 'sanitizer rxlent. ,Just' for .cleaning your • milking.equip, 1 oz: to 4'. gallons water. If' the milk grade la'. low and you wish. it, Wouldonly, coi'ne up, considerably, try IOCID'E arise:' P`ast results have proven° you will ' not be a without it. • Baby or Started Chick Orders Taken Thruwt The, Summer, KNI CHTEL and SON �LTD Ltic snow Branch, Phone' 528.3014 ., There's' A New Life sEeed.. For Every: . Need” .«n • �h,