The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-07-03, Page 8r.' • • t�• PE,' BIDS Tag ' LUCKNOWSENTLNEL,: LUCKNOW. ONTARIO wgD zirsnAY; JULY 3rd,, :1963. Mrs.. sand 'Mrs. Clair MacDou- 8`al. of Owen Sound R visited- Fri- Y apt ••the home of Mr; and Lloyd MacDougall,' Claire vans fon 'the C.K.N,X, Focus pro- . gz<'amnie that evening, .and , Mrs. Gordon ' Monk man and Mrs. John Morning of Mount . Hope visite recently• . With, Mr. and Mrs '.Eldon Welsh - and Emily. Jack : Lockhart':af' Burlington • is assisting withthe farms work f qr his uncle and aunt, • Mr: • and Mrs.. George .Lockhart for bhe ausnzner, and Mrs.. Merle Middleton of Burlington_ visited. at • the home of Mr, and 4Vlrs.• Fraser MacKRnnon ilast week; Mr: and ,Mrs Allan Graham and family •vusited, with Mr. •and' Mrs:: Hartley Barton and faintly.' of ,Fergus on Sunday. Congratulations to Bill Buck for . ;su+ceesafully comuplee Ing' is .year . in medicine it Toronto niversiity, Neighb�urs Held Bee ' Haying.. (LOCHALSH NEWS) Mrs, . Jack Ellphick,, • 1VIr, and Mrs,; Harold Eiph 'ok• Wn i fam- ily, Mr. sand Mrs. Kenneth Eip- hiek and family and' Mr. and 'Mrs„ David Eiphilck and Donna attended - +thee Elphick .reunion : onn Sunday in Pinkerton. ' Dlunlcan MacLean, son of Mr. and • Mrs:' Allan "MacLean of C•odllingw Sod, •is spending the siuminer holidays with. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ewan MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McChar- les and John. Were in Toronto on Saturday where they artten+d- ed. the iMacTavish-Chambers wedding : ` Mrs. i Annie 'MacDonald is vry n n n ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF BRUCE COUNTY ENRO. TUR1 EALJH INSURANC THAT PAYS ', Doctor' ,Bills at Home, Office or in .Hospital from:. the 'very; Firat • Call! including Specialist Fee THAT PAYS' . '. .` Medical Surgiccd including Surgeon, Assistant'` and ,Anaesthetist Fees ' THAT.PAYS' .. ,. . Maernity Benefits. . • - dependent.. `children .covered:' from ,' biri THAT PAYS Chir�patoiand' Osteo at Visits .,and ..X -Ray.'. charges :THAT PAYS. Doctor' ,Fees according to the 1962 • ONTARIO MEDICAL"- . ASSOCIATION Fee Book THAT . PAYS diagnostic Expenses including X -Ray and Laboratory NO AGE LIMIT!' . NO MEDICAL. • EXAMINATION! iO 'CLAIM FORMS! Your claims are paid At 'once•! Completely. ..handled by - the the Doctor• of .! your. 'choice a . . 1 `o red tape!. § ENROLL TODAY If zyou... have not been contacted J. A, Mc ,..�.. _,. ,.,..._.._. w�:�...._ . w coli• -..n. Oonagh Insurance Agency p1iione 528 342 " . :. - Toi r' • 'last opportunity, Don't wait Until it's too late. • (.A N A D A H7E L T H d Corp. Solid Ca tdian Cotnpany • 1. f 1 L 1• L. I LLL. L L L L 1 • JurW.ecIdifl.:. aAt St. Peters Church GRAAAM -- . At,NOI.D. A lovely ' wedding was solem- nized in . St. • Peters Anglilcan Oluirch,Lucknoiw, on Saturday, June' 22nd, when. Karen Lillian. Arnold,„daughter • of • Mr, and Mrs. .Jz R. Arnold, '•R.R. 2, Luck - now, became: the ibnide of Mr. Stephen Graham, .of Cold, Lake, Alberta, son” of Mr; Alan Gra-. (ham . of . London -and "..the• :late Mrs. ' Graham. The 'ceremony was ' performed ' by Rev. J. R'' King. . The organist 'was: Mrs.. Fret 1V1 cQuillin: ' • The !bride' was. givenin mar- riage by cher father and chase a floor" length gown iof ro.sepoint • lace over peau -do• so+ie •fihe fit- ted bodice . with shallow scoop neckline sprinkled• with seed-' pearls was . styled wrath -long lily point ,sleeves. The bopffairt,'skirt out onclassic lines, fell :fio a chapel ' gain. A :dainty • era,*: of seed..pearls !held her .sil+k illusion veil, ,and she ' carried a' 'white prayer 'book crested. , with . red. rose buds and . white streamers: Miss Ann Arnold, sister, of the . bride, ' .'was. .maid -of -honor. She .hose a street -length dress ' of French : blue . peau-de=soie with white. pill • box hat and white .gloves and carried'a nosegay'of white uI uxris ' Miss Susan Arnold.: sister of the bride, • and Miss Joanne Hunter,• cousin of the bide were, dressed'similarly to.' thet-•maid of �hraior. Miss• Betty Ann :Hunter, cou : gin of the 'bride was flower girl in a, 'white:. fully skirt :ipeau de. soie 'dress: with bluebeltand ibow; and carried a basket',; of mums. ••iMaster , Jim Stevenson of London rocas` firing 'bearer dressed it wh+iibe short pants and a bine blazer. Alfred ,Adams Of London ••was best ` 'mans : Ushers were • Don Poole: of told' Lake, and; Ron:' Pickles of >London., • ' Folilriwing the ceremony' a. din,• nes was served - on *he ''lawn ,at, the ibride's home, The bride's, mother receiived, dressed in a light,' blue embroidered Linen ,dress with +white ; accessories 'and corsage of wrhate znunris.. -For travelling,the bride chose'. a light ibinue; ;'white :trimmed lin en • suit- with white a i ccessor es. and red rose corsage.: Beloved, Lifelong' Kintail Lady Died MRS. FLORA' SIMPSON' Mrs. Flora. Simpson, a, resident for 85 years, passed Of Kintail away in Goderich Alexandra & Marine Hospital', She had been a patient there for the past. eighteen ..months, ',and ibore . her Fong . illness with great Patience, i1mt the year;'' 'had;. •taken gtlh'eir• 1toll • .arid on Saturday evening, June '• 22nd . she passed peacefully Mrs. Sinnpson, Whose • r maiden name wtas. Flora 14acLeod, was born . at Kintail on June Mrd, 1878 on .the. farmnow owned Iby her son,, Robert. She • was:: the youngest daughter ::of Duncan; MacLeod and • iMargaret MacDon- ald ,and ' was the • last surviving Ilse/fiber of Ther family, having been , , .predeceased ; by- her fibro-; =tiers John, Donald and Murdoch and :by her •sisters, Annie, Mary and Sadie.• '• ' She, received her early •educa- •tion at Goderich ,'Collegiate and, London Normal School and fol= lowed her (profession' as •a . �tea- Cher most .successfully !in differ- ent schools throughout. -the dis- trict. , In 119111 she was Married • to' A. A, J Simpson' who. was ,the, beloved physician of the Kintail community for 37 years and as his wife . shared. the joys -and sorrows of a country : doctor., She was a ineniber , of the Ashfield Presbyterian • Orogen;: an honorary meaiiiber of `the Mr M.'S.. and:.-iwas deeply interest, - ed -in • the work. of the. Church and seldom was absent from : her: Place . ;on the Sabbath or from the Sunday School where she taught for in+any : years,' 'She: had lived , a' .1good • long , selflesslife and her/ ':generosity knew • 710•'. bouncds; norher : Wi'llixgnessto: help others:• Left with precious memories. of a loving -mother are her four sons,. Artthair, :Duncan: Robert I&• Donatld, all of • Kintail, .gas: 'well as 19. grandchildren. , ; She was greatly saddened by the death. 'of her only daughter, • 'Margaret in 1942 The Funeral service which was, held in •.Ashfield. Presbyter ian Chur• h was' eloquent �i- ce q. .test mony to the esteem Min: which she !:was held by .all. It was, •con- ducted' +by, her (pastor, the ':.Rev: Neil IMcComlbie,: assisted Iby the Rev.. D .':J;;. Lane, D,D: of Clin- (ton. Her remains • were laid ' to rest in the : rfarnily plot . m the After the toast .;to the.bride by - befit!: uncle,', Vernon '::Hunter, a : te(le+gram ` was read from.. her sister':in Cailgary. • • They left; amid showers of confetti for !points in Ontario. &• the • States before leaving for Cola Lake, . Alberta,: where 'Ste- phen is statibned with the RCAF: : Out of:itown guests were Mr. and Mrs J. Till of . Stratford, Mr. ,and Mrs. John Adams, Mr.• and Mrs. Gallagher,: ' Mr, 'and Mrs. Alfred Adams, - Mr. Alan Graham,- Mrs ' Perser, Mr. and Mrs.: Stanton • 'Stevenson, ,a11 of London, Mr:: Pete Martin of, Ethel, spending 'a few days in • London and. Hainiltcm. Several neighbours . of Mr, and Mrs: George Monicrief ..had a haying ,bee' 'dor George during the „past' week, when they took .off the . hay'• crop. Mr. and • Mrs. Bruce Millar `of Palmerston spent the holiday Week end with Mr, and , r1VLrs. .Einitle ,:MacLennan, Mr: and Mrs. ,Gordon Finlay- son spent the' week end in Tor,. .onto where, they were .guests at ';a.. wedding, CHURCH NEWS. South :Kinloss T1he s i Helpers' • al Horne He e s p ,meeting -of - the --Societyawlas...heti in the . church on • "Wednesday, June 26 ' and the directors were Mrs P. • S+teer, Mrs: C, Downey, Mrs. J. 'Burt and Miss ' Anni+e 1 MacLeod, Mrs., Fraser MacKin- non . ;presided and Mrs,. A: Hughes .introduced he ,,guest sneaker, ,Mrs. Andrew Gaunt of Wrhitec'T a2roh, who took as her topic "The Cost of :Drisciplesihip#,. based on Luke .14, 27, , za, She stressed the fact that each di;s- cipae Of. Christ should,,give proof • '•'0.,9.. -...re*** ♦140.9n • . •. !r F • -. • ' • 0 � •.. 411* ' • LATEX PA/Nr . • i ,quiet'. old, graveyard at Kintail, ;amid the scenes' where she had. spent' her ' . girl+h'ood ' days.- The 'zpallrbearers were - longtime :neighbours ;` and friends, Bill t MacDonald, . Bill Collinson; � 'Joe' , O'Keefe, John S. -Dalton, Jack• Gould and. . Bruce MacDonald. The many.: beautiful floral tri- butes were Carried by the grand ' chil=dren: :ice . .vtar�tl�fu►rikih` tie Master: Each should be .a mi"s= sionary - to those 'around, . and taking a definite .:.stand for truth. sihould .cost_ in time, effort and resourcesS. She dealt : with the: present wave of j'uv'enile delin- qu.ency.and• •tthe. need 'dor !firm- ness on the ...Part 'Of parents • in dealing :with it. The: familiar sl,og:an . 4EVery?bady's: doing . itt",. must be met by Ghristian young people of courage who,can say;. "Everybody', isn't, for we are sorneibodies•.an.d Jwe acre ,not: do ing .fit" Mrs Ted Collyer •ex-• ,pressed the thanks :of the o= Cti.ety' .,tto' • Mrs.'Gaunt for her timely address which gave much food f'or. •• thought. Mrs' Sandy !MacLeod •contributed ;a soilgwith Mrs, Nl Rod MacLeod at the. organ: Dean MacLeod gave' 'a reading alatd's. ` IJoiigl'as Graham: 'lis- trib,utecl missionary letters reg ceived,• among the audience. Af- ter the meeting the directors Served' .a delicious lunch., '"The monthly meeting for July will be held o'n ; the :10.th at the Thome ;of • Mrs, '!;veal 'Keith. Although man has, through evolution, Jlearned' to walk up,. right, .his• eyes ,'still swing ft6iri littib' to litivb, • q • • . • •a• Drissin tas"llian ail have • •• Onoia rp Minh soapy water • • • No Odor. " Posh' , ! •' , • • • •: .: ... KU 0 yore - • MURDIE ON LLucknow , Phone '528-2906 Kairshea .1. Made morial:;' Donation The... Heart, fund •:Mrs', Currie Colwell was host- ess • to the J nee ' g u meetin of. the Kairshea 'Women's Institute which Was 'held at the Kairshei hail, ,Mrs, ' Frank MacKenzie & cond'ucted` tiu meeting : Mrs. ' Harvey I oustoi read 'the scripture and the, ,role call was answered by `4Canadiai Women in the News:" A' donation to the Nations Heart Fund . Was made .in mem ,cry : of a past ,member, Urs. Er land .Keane and a m:ornents sir encu 'abserved i Donations were 'also ' made .fo the support ..of ,the. Korean chi. sponsored by '.South';Bruce'"Di: trict and' to, the 'National cor verition Fund Another •quilting will be hef Tuesday •evening, July : 2nd: 1 finis "oiar ",llre`c 'Crosrq,uilts, • Kairshea ladies will agai canvass for the ,Salvation • Arm and. •fornns we're 'passed .out ' canassers: ' ' • Mrs: Ted` Collyer gave a 'vel full' report of, the District • Ai nual held, . ,at Reids, Cornet which had been prepared lby t•1 District Director, Mrs, Tari, Moffat.. S,taiiding committee repoi' were .!given •,>;y conveners. M: Ira Dickie ,gave a very inhere Ing • repert of • her two clays the Officers'' Conference Guelph, Miss Ilene Burt fagot ed.' with an'. accordion solo a Mrs. .Cliff Roulstan' g,av,e • a re.. ing. " Mrs: Lockhart. thanked .M ColwleIl and 1those. Who took p: in the p'•ogram. and' Mrs,' Co.l fittingly replied ., - A • social time fol c w•ed lunch served. by the hostess conveners, .Mrs. Harvey Ho:ugl and Mrs George Lockhart. Dace • -to ' various, activities our regular meeting day in In our Grrieetingwill be he1d Ta day, July id+th at 8:30 sha. Please note ,this is an even meeting ani rose‘would were'; all 'visx.tors; '