HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-07-03, Page 4• t�. • • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 20 per50c. RepeatInsertions,:1. 44c paf• word,. minimum• charge: word, minimum 50c. Notices, Cards. of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum `756. In Memoriams, minimum $11.00, 25c extra • for replies to The *Sentinel. Billing charge ' 1 Qc for each bill rendered, FOR SALE FOR. SALE --used Thor: "wrier washer, good.condition: ' Contact Mrs. Norman-' Taylor, Looknow, Phone '528-3216: •• 40 PIGS FOR. SALE --- J. die Jong, RR. : 6, ' Lucknow, „phone 26-11, Rpley. • FOR. SALE—'20 acres of stand- • ing 'hay. Jahn . Gaunt, White- clairoh: ` GARRY OATS FOR SALE — `iV. J, Arnold, R.E..3, ,Ripley: 'FOR SALE —. Jibersol grain thrower and 40 feet of 'ipipe, or would exchange .for grain,auger. Charles ; Anderson, R. 3,' Luck siow, phone .60-15 Dungannon. ,§111-1DEP: ' (FOR,- SALE twelve Suffolk -Leicester ewes ' and • a Sutffiolk'ra+m.. Frank Alton, phone Dungannon .67-r-15:. • , • SALE - ,Lucknow Public FOR • , • ' S•ehool has for •satle until. July 113th, desks . at $1.00 each with .a. ,reduction if a quantity;:`pur- chased. (Mrs.` R. C. ilVlacKezizie, .Seeretary HAY FOR: SALE — about :17 acres af., clean istanding 'Timothy NOTICES NOTICE The office of G. A W,illiama, Opii:ome,trist W ngham,: will be closed for alterations •from.July 2nd to July 13th, inclusive. • NOTICE ' • All ipersons heaving sewing at ,the -'late. QMrs... Bert Wand's are urgently requested . to ,pick, ',up sane by July' lath,' after 4which time everything will 1,e aposed Phone 528 2390 eveni • : for Of. . g arrangements and identificat:iori.• NOTICE Bandsmen'. and Majorettes / A ;blas . will be leaving : ,roan'. the . Lucknow . High, School .: at '5:15 p.an. • on Thursday, .• July 4th for the • •band, ' tattoo. at ;AX•r. Transportation • Dost $1;U0. , ' FOUNDATION GARMENTS STYLIST for' Lucknow and district for Charis Betty Dear Smart fora faundation•.,garinenta and ' ibrassieres. ''Elastic, control NEW .CA$11 *UNOO. , Legion ion :att, Lttekttt�w, :t vel',1y Thtir day .oveningi 8:4. pati, i5 •regular• moo VOA eueli..., 4 Phe.Wt a: Share tth . ttilult�.s with. jackpot included • in each POW, Jackpot ' this .+reek $70,00 on .57 cath,'. ••., w }4. :moi r 'Come' to the itiake Sale., to ,ht'!. held by St. Helena Womens It1- :stitute•• in the afore. adjoining .Murdie's Hardware, on. Friday evening of this'- week; July &bh at 9':00 pini, TEESWATER BINGO ` :�. w•a Lions Club, Ringo, teS Arena,- 'Friday, July ' St�h . (Note change • ,of Date)., �1i2 .regular' .games, $.40:00; ,1, .Special, $500000; 2 •.Specials, $100.00. Admission $1.00; Special' and 'Extra 'cards,, 25c or 5 for $1.09. Time, 9. 0.+m.. ORANGE 'CHURCH PARADE Maple Grove 'Orange, Lrodge,• No. 1044;„ will' held '!their 'anrnual church +piarade and' attend -war- Ship ; at ;Zion United Church on Sunday, July 7th, at '14:00 a.m. M 'TEN T .FOR PAINTING '114“, - exterior tet South KiniosS Pres. •hytcriee ,.CiVtait •h 'will be 'recoiv- *d'iby Cut'rk ,CO twole, Chairman, • 3u;n'd' oI Mattiwers, up. to July '64th, .i 013•x ,.' Contractor •to apply t,wo el7ats .ot ,good krcttanl and°. yup 1a11 eiwi crluilament and all mai. to ria.l, ' • ' W.L' 50th •ANNIVERSARY The , Holyrood Women's Instil- , is..celebrating its, 50th an- niversary 'at Halyrood Hall this and full support garments. Mrs. Thursday, July 4th ',at: 1,2:30 p.m. William Kennedy, Patrick St., Anyone who : is . interested;.. is Wingham, . • Ontario,. 'phone 357- cordiallyinvited td'' attend; 2115,.' NOTICE T Kincardine on July: 13. De- ■ Wh.be inconvienced by •hair • y a't • 1101 ous Bara and Aifaifa. shay. Apply to Lane • -1,4g+png t�o y you , Q t H sp or. Henry Gardner,` ,phone ; 69-18, tal Insurance Premiiims 'every Doman Dungannon. three months? ' Pay• once. a ' year • through the Huron •County NEW and . USED „bulk : or can Operatrive Medical Services, the types of milk coolers and cream only official collecting agency. the Dair Dai •�trimnrr.rn�gs. Bruce Counrty; ■ y 'Princess ; cornPetiti;ons .+with �' ..Car OWN AND COUNTRY; DAY, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George 'Fisher 'wishes ,to acknowledge with sincere thanks the n`iany' lovely gifts ,presented•' her by .the, students of St. Jo, seph's. Seh' dl; ' Kingabridge, and. by 'the {4c, rd,' > on• (behalf .'of S.S. 2,' ghfield. CHISH L4M -• ''We wish to ex-: ;prey's our .sincere thanks to rel.: 5ati'ves,. `ma'oy' • kind friends and neighbors .,fo • their itahaughbful •`tress, sympathy, ,floral. tributes and mass *cards during our' re- cent sa'd'bereavement. Special th5annk% to 5Dr. Corrin :and •M.rs.• Jean .Paperniok, R.N. of Gode-. :rich.: These acts.of kindness were deeply apprecated. ' Mrs. Jack ,Chisholm • and family, .Mrs. • $am. Reid . iwashes to think fall ,-,those who ' sent cards. and .treats,, also those Mho visit- ed her while. in Wingham Hos-- • pltal: Special thanks ' to .the n ur. es of the hospital and 'to our Doctors, Corrin: and McKim, We wish to. express our. thanks to • neighbours,, friends and •rela ties, n*rhb remeniberedus' in our recent sad ®bereavement, the death of oirr` :sister, Mrs.. Jean A. Quigley.. ' ' • Ralph and Maria Hill: . Our .heartfelt thanks is ex- tended'. to all for tlie. Many cards of, sympathy `sent ' us :at- the time of the :,death of our dear • grandchild. Sincerely, • Mr. . and ..Mrs. •'Simon de Boer The ' family ; • of the • late Mrs. Flora 'Simpson ' of Kintaii wish to thank all those iwho remem- bered them .sin 'various ,ways'. at the time of their recent bereave-. merit.- All ' these kindnesses .were very much appreciated.' BIRTHS •a•■wsa■iia >.■a•■a eopea L,QWRY --- . At Wingrand District; .•Hospital, on. Satur,day,°. ■ r (tD C ®® a .June.. 22nd,. :1963, to Mr: • : and ;II Mrs.. Perrin Lowry,'Bi,SR. 1, Kin,- ■ P A U U s • ■ (cardine, , a daughter. 1,MacKENZIE ,- at • University k • ■ I hospital Edinorrton,, on. Monday, ' :• June 24th., .1963, to, Mr."and. Mrs,.,.. _0; . ran Fk •MadKenz e '. (Margaret et ■-• Trelea•ien) of Edmonton; a son Coin •• Bruce. ■ Fr trying. •Keyes;::Gly for this insurance ;in ;the county.. separators. • . Scot1rian Pi e' Band. Fre ■id: ■. p � , GERALD (Jerry) WALTER ..■ an15, phone Paisley 114 r 4 •` We ` also , offer to •• all the res'- d Don't ! ■ -J ■ B Q chicken with all ■ .Murray, • 1962. Ontario n' �. ■ ■. ■ Princess ''icommen�tatin �a '.Offite g , •1Ning Fre pony ,rides forthe kiddies, e ■ ■ Wife: ' The world ■ Phone 357-3840 ■ is . full ' of. .eating . ;contest; '; :Kincardine' ■ . , rasoalls. This morning, the Milkman gave me' .a counterfeit 'half -dollar, •" • Hubby: (Where .is . it, my dear? Wife: Oh, ,I've already. got rid' of it luckily the butcher took it. . C •. •. 'a Plan JUL .tune street ianice. ons, in .■ ,dents: of -the ounty p a• ■ hi dia T d PRICES on tractor fires, t 'this . exciting y. owhn. �arid $•,900 :,FULL PRICE for ■ BESTprepaid medical health • incur- _ $ ■ Cement and fertilizer, : uantitiesCountry .Day in Iincardine, Sat ■ ce � 4• ._ , ince .which provides .greater. • •''his years. Special. Priced ■, in stet at. all•times. Contactiirday, , July 13.. ■ for ick' sale arid im¢ned ■: . kbenefits than any other plan 'in■ ' r qu■ Bruce MacMillan,' Lucknow. o ration Tamil rates as low ■ ,alts' •posses'sion.` ..100 core ■; Pe Y as $5.40 • a, month ■• o N WANTED: otice.To Creditors ■ farm near Lucknow, Bank .:HELP :WANTED' =° femmhlse. far Part-time :,evernng 'work at Pim- • , crest ' Manor, iLucknow, phone • 528-2186. . For further information; con-: ■.•lrarr 38x42 in good condi- ■• . ■ tion. 17 _acres , :of : mixed ' ■ c , : spring fgraiin; 15 acres Mixed .■ us. tact ' Gordon Kirkland,, •Dungan-: nen' 69 11 . NOTICE TO' CREDITORS .In . the EState. of AVE TIME AND EXPENSE:.— JOHN ROY MaeLEOD Have, buyers•. "comingg to. you. Deceased..' Use Sentinel' "Want Ads." All persons having claims against' the estate -of Jahn Roy MacLeod, late of ,the Township of Huron, in the County• of Bruce : Farmer, deceased, who died on orabout the 1st day of December, 1962, are ;nearby notified to send full 'pa'rticulars of • their claims to the undersigned."' •Administrator .for the Estate, on or before the 20th day; of : July, < 1963, ; after which ' date the estate will be distributed amongst !those entitled thereto +having regard: only to the claims ofwhich, the' 'Ardariin� WORK • WsANTED :— of any kind in this area:: Dennis 'Morningstar Lucia/ow. IN.ME!W,RIA WANTED RITCHIR - in .loving ' memory. OLD CAR, preferably earlier than 1x330:.: Reply 'stating model, condition and price ,to R. C. .. Joiner,. Air berley Beach, RA. 1 Kincardine: ; of.: Mrs. ' John Ritchie who Spas. .sed array July 3rd., ,19611: • Our lips cannot tell how we ,miss:. her Our •heal t .' cannot .tell. what �•to .T saY.,:• / WANTED live .poultry also God . alone :knows how we `miss' • hardw.do i ibush vviith con- `•. ■6 si�deraible ,amount of sale-'!: • able timber • Balance of:.•. ■ land in- lush growth of ■ hay and pasture, ;much of ■ ''it' new Seeding ' in 1962.IF ■ ■ Plentiful, water supply ■ ■ from 3 springs and 2 : ■ -spring fed wells, all fences : • • in top shape.'Hy,dro''power ■ is already on the farm. This • ■ :property, including the 17. ■ • acres. of :spring • grain, the • • hay and . pasture :plus 'the. • • ■ valuable bush, lot can Abe ■ m iyours'for only $3,900. Terms r. are.' available . so-'• :see it ';■ new ::and :,uses! duck'and goose het „ , „ 1 tr ■ soon, :agree '■: + n, and you ' will :agr home that . is. lonesome,.' 'is�.trator shall then , havea` notice:t■ .a.■•'1y, the out- ■ feathers.' ,Best' 'pT1Ce5_.'..'at ..youx •n � . .... , .. door. Phone or write A. Brown, • may. Dated ,at• Lucknow,. Ontario, .this •■,, thattandiry he •; this 'is :truly a bargain .. of � the • 181 Kincardine: • • Sradly. missed by: ;husband acid .26th . day of June, 1963. 'Kenneth ,i: year.:: g is' family. D. MacLeod, RIR. 3, Lueknow, ■ • 9, r,WN . taTr Administrate R.V. '$2,000 DO for 1 year .■ . . .. . Andrew, Lisegyvel, Ontario, .So- ■ ■ III HIJNTEI In. ` loving 'memory; Arrdrr ; ■ .old bumg'alow, 3 •bedrom�s, . '�; Pinecrest; ,Manor licito for the 'Estate. oi' a dear` father and, husband, 3; -piece bath plus •all' con- A Nursing Home Member: ASSOCIATED' NURSING HOMES of Ontario 24 -Hour . Supervision of: ' A Registered Nurse Considerate Personal Attention For Elderly and Convalescent Persons. • Excellent Home -Cooked Meals; SDR ..220` .. " Phone- 528`-2'180 LUCKNOW, ONT •Jacob Hunter,' :who passed away ■ veniences, 2 'blocks from' ■i July 9th,1959. Joe Was the sboss angry .when a Lucknow' Main St:. Full s .It's •lsonesome here without you you. said; you were quitting next Dad, week SaSm:I'll say. He thought it ay ' : was , this :week. Our • home is not . .the same • Since you: dere • called••.away. • 'So -those :who have fattier, Cherish him with care, • !For -you'll never .kiiow • ,the • hearta'dhe • , ; • Till you see the vacant chair. " Beloved and ever remember by wife and family, • FARRLSH — 'In loving memory' Farri§h; who passed away •July. of Be trice' Stein, wife of : ;Lorne Mechanical and Body Re-" ., pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- meats, Radiator Repairs; Protect against rust with' Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco, Service. Nor 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 5th; .1902. • The depths Of sorrow wecan not tell;' Of' the loss cif rine vte loved. ,so well And while, she sleeps a Peaceful sleep • ' • net memory we shatl always keep • • Ever remembered by .her hits-- band, hos=•band, family'. and "grandchildren. SERVICES • •CUSTOM • BUTCHERING''. Beef • and pork . sold 'in any quantity,. Custom. butchering in Government licensed abattoir Pit 's--•every-Tuesday:•:Beef from; Monday. through' Thursday, BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic 'tanks, cess pools, etc:, pumped end 'cleaned with mod- ern equipment, tall work guar. anteed, Louis Blake, R. 2 .frust 'sels, phone 442.44. AtvCTIONrr SALE Allan Maeintyre i ensed: A.uctiGer Lucknow Phots 52845364. ■ ' price. Drily ' $8,5000, ✓ siJ. Everett Pennington • i . R.R' 2 Teeswater, ■: ' Phone 392-6064 ■ Local Agent For,:,, ' •' • , ▪ Paul S. Starr & . Co. Ltd,,. 11. A' Hanover Phone 870 ■: i amai■si■aa■■■/■n■taaaaisi Dead: Stock Removal service • We are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm i ,animals for sanitary .disposal.' GORDON YOUNG, . Elmira Phone Collect to: MRS. GORDO • TA YLOR 528-5960 •L' Lucknow•'... •24-hour ierike 'Licence: Nos. • 215C63 and .221163 Dead -Animal Removal For Dead or Disabled Animals 'Call Collect: Darling. and • Company of Canada 'Ltd.' Clinton • HU -2-7269 ;'Dead Animal License No. 262,C-63. • ATTENTION CATTLEMEN !:• COUPON . WORTH:.$1,00 • On the purchase of a LITTLE SCOTCHMAN BACK OILER It Will ,reduce your, 1}sses from arasite• damage, P g .. at a rn nimutn ofcost on at least. 75" head of'„ cattle • for : approximately • one: ;month , without refilling', ' Minimum Maintenance, Efficiency Proven, • Low "Coat, Only $29,95. • For Demonstration' Oh Your Farm, hone' $28-5681 or write, G.. D.ORSCHT, • R.R. 2 Lucknbw.: 6,440