HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-26, Page 9nA • ,... nXES :?6, 1'963 0 WENE3AAY J TSlr LUCKNOW 8ENTINEL, LVCKNOW, :ONTARIO It costs. 80 little tO :hone b With Bell's .reduced rates calls. between; '. points in The• day rates are low there 'are. bargain rates after 6• and all daySunday I enjoy yourself all the way -call ahead for reservations - ahead .and make sure On STATION -TO -STATION Ontario and Quebec. .L LPCI'JM.Ski •01Ir, ' and . Mrs. . Donald,; , Mac' Kenzie were : in' Kitchener . on • Tuesday where they • visited with • Mr, ' -MacKenzie's ' • sister' who is in hospital there. :• ' Many .from the •community. +attended a . shower 'for Shirley;. Brooks. on Saturday evening in ' ' Clover Valley School: Finlay •'Macl:'en+nan has . been • tholidaay°ing in Q:iondlVl on. r... and Mrs. D. , A.' 'MacLennanmotored: there ion; : Saturday and `Finlay returned'' home with :there.' •• The 'Legion; and Auxiliary . to ..the ..Legion of Ripley _attended" service atAshfield" Presbyterian Church' ,on.' Sunday. • Mr. '':•and' ''Mrs. Dan. MacLean Spent . the :week -end in •Coiling wood' 'with Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacLean M�aen and family. Sympathy is , ex'tended to the Simpson . families in the passing. of Mrs. A. A. 'J. Simpson ,in Croderidi Hospital on Sunda. A 'ball game .between North Ashfield :School and Kings- ibridge ';School . drug a ' large •crowd• on 'Thursday '.eveningr• :at. North Ashfield School,. The score was 14-3 • in favour of •.North' Ashfield; . Mr. and Mrs:. Emile MaoLen- nan ',motored to TobermOry. on • Monday. . .• The.' VJ,NI.S. meeting of . .Ash '1 ma. 'Presbyterian Chuleh was held on .Tuesday. '..afternoon • in the church with Mrs. Dick West in charge•. Is: Your' Subscription' Rerewed?, By JOHN BRADSHAW PESTICIDES • All the •furor caused by •Rachei. 'Carson's book TheSilent Spring, has, re‘ul1ted in an 'in-, crease, • in de'rnand dor certain Old-time . pesticides, many of which are .now Obsolete. De,aler's; haves 'discovered that these-- are wanted because they :are • • sup.- posedly 'less `Spoisonous" ;than the modern chemicals which have replaced ''them.• K In Amy''opinion, sand:that of. many leading. scientists, so niuoh' of this thinking.. is wrong. Suppose we examine : the ,rela- tive toxicity or -poisonous .:rat-: ings of chemicals 'oldt' and: new. In comparing them, • it's :dm - portant to understand the mean-. Mg ''of ••LD -50• value. ' This ;is. 'a figure that shows the •. nu'mber of milligrams of ,a given . chem- ical needed. to every :1,0O60 gratis of 'body.. weight ilk) kill ',half the test animals. The More 'poisonT ou,s, the lower .the • index num- beg, Of the old-fashioned ChemiCals, sold everywhere,.. ,perhaps . lead arsenate: is . the .most ,to*ic with a' rating of 15. Slightly below. :it is calcium: . arsenate with • a rat- ing at �ing.�of 20,::�and• parrs green with a rating Of. 22./Rernember••.we said earlier; the ;: lowerthe.' figure, ,:the 'more' poisonous.: The ::fourth. 'Most :poiionous ohernical sold ,widely, ; is Dieldrin; :which is only a third • as ',poisonous. as• arsien atie 'o'f :lead, with a .,mating of .46. It is, of co•urse, a , modern ma- terial. • 5 • •A spray used ,by Our' grand= mothers was nicotine sulpha'te,, rated at 55, . with .diazinon;~ a better insect: 'killer, rating 92. ILindan•e, is •rated at- ,125, only slighrtly more toxic than .grate-. none' and pyrethrum. 'Incidental- ly, the Latter twno chei iicals are recommended - by ,• Rachel Car- son •nor use iri•'place'of "poison-: oda DDT;•' which has • :a rating of 2150, far lbelow any . natural onganie pestiFide. The weed 'killer 2,, 4-D ''is .so mild lt's. not even" sated, being, less .:poisonous than common: table salt ' Another' whipping (boy (f, Rachel„ 'Carson's ; *as `"dangerous.:' Chlordane," rated 383, or one half ..to pie third .as toxic as rotenone and pyreth- rum. Another interesting ..Com- 'parison .is the ratMgs •'of Mala- •thion and. Methoxyohlor, which are •1500 and .600Q respectively. .These are so low that toxicity' test animals.. refused,. to eat enough to, show. toxic symptoms,, .but' must be • forced ':fed in .order • to test •there•. • • As .' to .the. 'long , term, delayed effects, of such ,chemicals,,I'. referyou to . the' statements of !the 'American Medical' Association, which, find.s. no. ibasis:. for • such. exaggerated claims'. Since every chemical •sold . must the ;tested;' in massive doses on animals. be:. fore: it ':can be offered ,obviously ct asap :.an ac's best-sellin now beer. ,.7 • • PAGE ' NIDE if it .is not, dangerous sn..' such.. huge doses; it just isn't poison-. ous if given in •snail doses 'over a' a dlon 1period of time. . • -As a final comment, let me point out 4th,at a ,million .people' pre • reputed to have`" died in., Ireland 'during the famine caus ed ' iby the ;fungus disease :late .,blight, which destroyed :all' the potatoes. No chemical had ' been developed at ,that time. 'to con- trol this disease Nowadays late blight .is .easily kept under con-'• trol by fungicides. • ST.HELENS Mr. and Mrs ' Edwiri••Pinkwood and family of 'Arnold,. Maryland . were` recent visitors with Mr, & , Mrs. John Cameron and . Mr, & Mrs. Dori Cameron74 • Mr. and Mrs. Jahn .Burns and family of ••Edmonton and Mr. & :Mrs, Warner Smyth of Teeswa- •ter. , were recent visitors, . With Mr. an Mrs, Ross . Errington +& Mrs. . James .Little.' . ' • >VL. rs.., Frank McQ uillin" attend- ed • ,the secretary's •conferenoe an •. Guelph this ..w•eek'. . • . • r Over the. • week=end ' visitors with Mr:. ,amid• iMrs. Harvey Webb :were 'Mr. and Mrs..:Dan Rose ,and David of ' Newmarket land Mr. and Mrs David Gilmour &' Jeffrey of Toronto. • . Sympathy of the comn(tit y goes: to the family Of the late• 1VLr. ,Colin .McDonald "..anal ' to Mr. is and, Mrs, Simon De B•oer in the loss. ' of ,their. grandson. ,Mrs. William cPherson• :and baby Larry. GMordon , returned home from 'Victoria •;Hospital, London.. on Wednesday;. '. Several ladies of. the St. Hel- en's W.I ' joined' Dungannon & Kintail W.I.•.'abds, trip A'Guelph. on Thursday. At ,the' conference Mrs. Geer -11a . Van : Beikhoff of Holland, . the president :of; the A,C:W.W. was `guest ' speaker. 1 On' . Thursday, July • 4th the Children's , Dray • Bionic will ,. be held • at tl}+e' •hall.'. All 'ladies • and children: in the comm unity • :are: invited. Picnic lunch: Games in charge' of ' `4-H 'girl's. ' Short. busi ness .meeting: .. Mr. and ` Mrs. Tom Salkerld spent ..the past' .week. with their. daughter, :. •Dr. Helen Salkeld,: near. Ottawa.: 2nd MEETING OF DAIRY CLUB HELD • LAST. WEDNESDAY . The 2nd .meeting: • of the' Luck-'' naw 4=H :dairy' calf • .cluibwas held Wednesday, June. •19th at the, farm of Vernon Hunter.: • The regular. . •business •' was completed 'before . 2 classesof Milking • cows were judged. After: everyone had given:rea sons On the classes;' a lesson was given ' by. Mel Chamberlain, and, then •a short quiz was given to., : the mern+bers • concerning,. -the- • 'When themeeting . was over the leaders and •members were served refreshments at ithe Hun= ter home. Before .leaving, •' :Vernie was thanked' 'fol. a pleaSent and worthwhile :evening.. Daughter :."Mother, can't you get • Dad •o stop !calling fertilizer — .manixre?" : 2Vlother • "Don't .push it, dear, • it took me tvuo years to get him ' t6 call 'it manure.'.' GARAGE,,, CARS ;TRUCKS ; TRACTORS. LAWNMOWERS-WELDI 528-3428 LUCKNOW Page*. -End: john Ding, ;. MAC - Oe and G • Doug .Jhed, to time. 'at will •e.union, zee 'gen- see, is march,. Ingham Dy the t Band • •y been ' ernoon. nd has many raarely.. r cein:t- ' .at u: [form Dkl+tch= '`1 Cerin- • • ee. ' at `the' wIhich to the ,d dug'- wall . ibe, •player.: e tic- lade .. it con-•. of the e vet ch • at . will be arplain; • eon gf •., picnic: cton ntro- Pres- .'.:near-: eld' in. lg. He . rdwk k and zmkton ire he idrew's. with. orti in: Un-. • 3. with.' Knot, e was. • tarried; ull..of' iidr:n,• ,' E, Mir- • first, Dun - then 4, iterian." n he ?vas-, ,as in. guso7: :.ur•ray steps., Rev:.. ressect. liste r tWOOd' the euiben er on Tames f the , ••mrs. lcome ' "John on • .home es,lie t at: xl on tun.