HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-26, Page 6PAGE 'Six THE latICKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO' • WEDNESDAY, JUN& 2A 1963. Former Resident Died . In Calgary The death of R. Simpson West of Elbow, ,Sask.,. and a former. resident of Lneknow, oecurred decently at ,Calgary -hc pital ;where he ,,lad been Via. patient .for 'three tnonths. 'Mrs. West, .the, former Tena' Lawrence • of Lucknaw, was also Teturing.. hospitalized •for ; +time 1d /ring' her husbands .tllness. Mr, and Mins. West observed their 6ilat wedding •anniversary last J antkary, They have one soon, Lawrence West of, :Elbow. IMr ,and, Mrs, West were 'at San Franstisco iat the time of the earthquake ,• yin which (they. 1lost +their. possessi'ons. They 'returned to Granada. and established , a general , store business • at EFbow Which Mr. West operated until :Photo by Ontario Dept. of Health, Cupboards at .Summer Cottages, like in 'home, should. he locked to detract 'children from eit'ploring. Dymond Discusses. Health ..in. CDntario i ty e Cottage MaHthew.B. Dymond., Mei CIA.' ,Ontario' Minister.;`of Hea!th As 'thousands of families this province' have begun, or will 'soon begin, ;•'.their :summer boli days at the '. cottage,. it seems timel•y' to review , .some special factors whish ,affect our •safety in • • the cottage environm,ent. First of all, most cottages ' are usually' less well . equipped,.;than our .homes. This may mean open shelves. rather than cupboards, so that'.medicines, insecticides, flan- :. mable and explosive liquids are all•. stored' in open • view..:This condition is` an especially dan- gerous an- arcus onewhenthere young- sters under six years of age ' in the famil'woo .love to ;exTore' Y+ p and taste;: new discoveries.' ' • '• Camp stoves using' pressurized gas often, substitute for the ;mod- ern range, and they require very careful handling.."Similarly, where, kerosene -lanterns replace electric light, die, additional fire ,hazard must.' be taken into 'aicofnt: • Outboard • motorit; gasoline and motor ; oil are Present- al, many cottages,- and- 'safe -storage cake " a problem. They should at all, events he kept away from sources of heat;' the•outdoor barbeque, the space heater, stove or oil 1amp.. Best of all, a separate out- building;should,beUsed for stor- ing such items, away .from living ,quarters. Such 'a storage building could .also house sharp saws, axes, picW and shovels, and potential poisons, such'' as .paints; ', turpen- tine,.rodenticides and insecticides:• A . good first aid kit is•essentiail at a cottage, and if there are tiny'. children, it should ' be stored along with any medicines, in: a hocked 'cupboard; even-'•, if once must be; built for the purpose. 'Children should .be taught, to swim' at as early an •age as ,'pos sible, for their. •own''protection•' and .&s • a healthful recreation. Such. safe ,practices •as°wearing a' ,tifejatket .when out in a boat, never . .. changing places ing. n a .boat .', g g when- far' from shore,. and carry_ • ing only - a moderate . road; ,should: • be .• followed at 'all'. times. Much'. valuable '• 'information •: , regarding safe boating practices, safe' water, skiing, etc.. is available ori re- quest from such groups as• the Ontario' Safety League. At the:. cottage young children need . even more supervision than they do at home. For • their health and safety, aqd so that', the whole family - :may shave; ' a '• happy and • • :satisfying holiday, your Ontario Department. of ,,Health reminds you to 'think of the things: that, nay affect your, family's health and safety., Remember "Preven- tion, is always better, than cure". • 24/6/63 • Any questions. on the work of. the Department of Health in this field; or suggested topics' for these columns, should lie sent to the Director .' o/ Information and ' Publicity, 'Ontario; Department .'p/ Health, Queen's ' Park, Toronto.' RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering' Mondays' • Hogs, $2.00 in by 4:00 ''p. -Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound, , CATTLE, CALVES and LAMB'S EVERY ' DAY, EXCEPT SATUAtDAY • WDoCuring Whole And Smoking . . Beef, Pork/and Lamb.• We ' e, .Half .'or Quarter; . For Better Service, And Lower Prices - Call Ripley '100, Chas,, .Hooisniat Prop:` 1•■••••••••u••■■••■fid.•■t/t■••t••■•■■■•••/I■■■•al®■■owY■•■s/mm■■IM■■o11■■ ; ■: ■. ■ , ■ • T• ■ ■PLANNING• �• : T ti : •■ 1. • k ,YOUR: . ... II IS .. SI i 4J'tf. ■: • • . ..y ,,•"'ar'ir.,r..:r;:.,.:^:�r.•il7:iiii'ia:y:7`r•l:::r�r,U - ;.. Yfi(.WEDDING?■. LJ, • ■ ■ . r., ` ` A com tete selection of . all in ■ NI our'we ing requitemellts I. . T4: . . . . ■ : ,, r ::::::.:::: z. is .available at The .LoCknowl . . ,. ■.... .■ r Sentinel. . 111 111. ■ 40.1.0./..4,....:0,....0..... /41110.041.1.0N,4/M0f,41..o00.t.,..Pn4..(, uib4.0u41,OWnr1....o.M.o.M.o40.1,ii, I ■ :' li n �' FREE. FREE. • FREE ,.. N■ ' 111: •■ ei ■. ■.. . ■ • • • • ■. To each bride ordering, invitat• ions . • . ! 'announcements at The L'ucknow Sentinel, to rthe 0� e year's FREE SIJSCRIPTION aper plus I ■ FREE ENGAGEMEN`T• ANNOUNcEMENI ■ 0 . inthepaper. ... M. • ... ■1, ■ ■ ■ - - - ��,• 5.,,oaii.:00.10i, ,r ,err bpi>40/9.b.i•NININIPii4I/1.rr*,1,411W r41/00ii,4.1.5,4111111r >41.0 1 cif ..�' . ,: III ■ ■•. ■ COMPLETE WEDDING NEEDS 1.1. , ■,' us ':�:;r;''s'';'•.�i`::•:::: •: '•:>::;• :}}, }� ai•,••::>:'� • moi::.. .. frr. ,: }� ; • <•>: ,:••. ' .. ■ v HATIONS, ■:.fir• .€:f IN 1T TIONS s is '�i ::.....■ 1.0./..4,....: ■A f, ■ A ■ THN'K- XOU NOTES, ■ .■ SERVIETTES • ■ ■• ( plain' or Printed), • ' ■.. ■ PLACE CAR o . .• BRIDE'S ', BOOKS, .is GUEST . BOOKS,IF ■ WEDDING TABLECLOTHS, sr •■ • PAPER ' PLATES, : WEDDING "CAKE BOXES, SHOW • IN`TN, • j SHOWERER' SEVITARVIETTES,S, CONFETTI.' , ■■ w. es; 7111 •■' ■ ■ • ■ .■- •t'. . A' ■ • ■'. ■ ■ ■ • :. ■' 'i . ■ ■• • ■ ■ • • 6 • ■ ,e. • ■: er ■ • s • PHONE►28- .Y 4 • • LUCKNOW' i a . u•. 1���■`n■�Mlr■■• ■1■la* ■■M fir■'■■•Mill ■■■ Mil ■1Nr•11■S■■■■MM.■rMill1■■Iri x.. You are"welcometo see our sample books in our theni' • overnight to your Name::.. ■ • •11