HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-26, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1963 xF`i..', IfUCKNOW SENTINEL., THE LUCKNO*, ONTARIO. '. . fE' 1•. :PAGE:PINTO for Mils, one -hand grease o erated p with each carton of 60 ' Lsso MP Grease Cartridges• SSoPISTOLMATI A high-quality, one -hand operated grease gun, complete with 12' 'flexible extension Hose. , Low Esso retail . price of $8.21, Yours'now at a saving of 85.25'whe�? ;�a you purchase one carton . of 60 Esso;2ViPGrease Cartridges Ph ge sure, economical way to keep your equipment in top working . . condition. Get 'one. soon from your Imperial Esso. Agent.• NEW Esso CHAINSAW TWINLUBE_ The first andonly dual purpose chem. saw oil in Canadathat will do both lobs in your chainsaw l NT CHI;SHOLM, .LUCKNOiA one Collect Dungannon 72r- •.YOUR AGENT IS RIGHT W1TH THE TIMES IMP' .RIAL' OI.L' LI;IIA.iTED I- TRACTOR' *CLUB' : MET ' with , the roll'' call .arid 4:=H •TOM •HACKETT'S. The second ;Meeting of the Juck.now..Lions 4-H Tractor Club, vas ,,held• Tuesday, June • .18th at i ;30 , p"m. • at Thornas H.ackett's rnplement . shop. . -The Meeting' . was . opened •'by. he vice-president Barry'. 1VIenary; pone pledge.. 'He then—'handed : 'the Meeting • over to the new Huron County , °Agricultural engineer, 'Bert M.oggach who , :intended to shove slides' on . the importance of air cleaners, but due . to ;the 'projector ' breaking this feature of .:the meeting. had •to ".-be'"post- r When, it comes to hOme.heating,`there`s • nothing.quiteas carefree and comfort ab,le.as safe, dependable Esso Oil -heat. We have a wide range of oil heating equilirrierit to. suit,every budget., • G: LOW ,BUDGET TERMS Up . •To Five Years . To Pay ROY •• Plumbing. And Heating .Phdne 28,:301.<2 Lucknow' i ESSO OIL' BURNER SALES And SERV CE HOME HEAT SERVICE Jury F s Ashfield Youth's Death ResuIted.From. SeIfI'nfIict�d: Woun.d, (Goderich ` SignalaStar). Evidence . at ,the 'caroner'•s in.- quest, in-quest, • last week; into the death may lath. of Ronald James ,Petrie,, Ashfield township,. disc, Closed. that Petrie, 17, .,had drunk four or five ip�ints• of beer ,on, the day . he was found' fatally shot with a..22. rifle . in an • implement shed 'oaf his ,farm(;horne . 'on, the 4th. concession: • Testimony v was. g.iwen: ,as to . a quarrel With his -girl ;friend, Janet Riseborough, ,over ,an ,abandoned i visit to the drive-in. ,theatre; There a was • no' evidence .P.f,--fartl play, and the jury, of Which ,Cecil. Blake, ex reeve' of Ashfield, was:,foreman,, 'found that the deceased "came to lids death. :between 6:30 and 8, p.m. on the 19th of May, -cans- ed by a • 'ruptured heart 'due' to a .self inflicted wound:" 'Ten witnesses'' were ex,anrined by drown Attorney.' W. G, ,Coch- rane ' ?before Dr. N. ,,C.. Jackson; H.urcin County coroner; 'who, in summing up to`sthe jury: said: The Evidence •• •"We. • have evidence that at the farmhouse ' •there, was, drinking . g on • that .day Ronald Petrie ,a;ibeen ;using', firearms 'during t,h.e'. d'ay. 'We ,haye' :evidence that he had •. 8,onie beer, ..not.. enough' to Make him '.intoxicated thug.' the: equivalent , of three , to five:'toot, ''"We' have. " ev,idence ,that the had had "a ,quarrel. with'' his girl friend arid this• ,had. uipset• him We. . have evidence ',:that • .this young: -.man on various. 'oceasions had threatened' to: commit • sui c:de. That ', is not; very',good evi- dence that he .'did, because peo- ple do not often threaten if• they., intend." Ito; do it; but still 'he had threatened that if his girl 'friend ever stopped going With .hint he would end`s his• life, This may.. show an :irnrnature ° outlo;ok • :on life,: a • little bit mental im ibalarce t`We have evidence-a.nd think this' is .prabaibiy .'most im- portant of '611 -.--that there is no. ,bullet .hole ,through this man's Shir.t Even .if he had. three but • tong 'of. 'his shirtopen, if -anyone were going to. shoot :°him it .Would ,be very ` hard without ibullets` penetrating the shirt, .-,butif . he is' going •.to shoot"himse,lf Lt' is !almost /a .'nat'ural thing to the , shirt out Of the way and put, the :,gun .',against ,his.:ohest:- There. •is ,. only one person who could have been present •at the time ' 'of the shooting, ';Lloyd •Wolff. ' His . testimony , was • straight -forward." e . '• •D" ofStrates • em :OPP.. Constable Alex Twa'd .dle, ;. at request of ":•>the. Crown' Attorney, dere nstrated that it would the '• "quite • • eiasy" for ' 6 person . of .Petrie's rbuiJd to,Shoot himself . w•i'thh ,blie muzzle . of 'a' _::; W.irithester • • rifle against lir •ches•t.. •.._'. ' Dr: J '.L',: Pens4tan, •pathorhgist; of ;SStratfard, had interpreted ,the reports ' from'. ,the laboratory of the Attorney Gen.eral's' ... depart- • �" •+hent,: ,s'aying 'that the: evidence "shows the. muzzle of the ;gun Was aitmos:t certainly ; against" .the.. Wall. of the'chest.'' * ' ..w With Mr:: `Biak,e on the Bury were Ross ' ,Shields, • .Norman • O'Connor, Carman •. ,Hayden, Chester Hackett. all ' of Dunigan-• non area.' .• • ' The Witnesses Witnesses ..we're Mrs,' :Norman ..'Petrie, sister-in-law of deceased; Lenore Petrie,, 1.5, sister; • Mrs. William ;\/!•eli,ck , Goderich, • sis= iter; Janet • I •iseborbugh, Who had been "going with" Ronald for the past year; Carman Brind- , ley, ,R.,R, 6, Goderich, Douglas, •Brown, 15, farm 'worker;.. Lloyd Wa:lff, ,of•'' Nile, employed.' by Ron,'ald's .father;. Charles Petrie; Dr . , °Penistan; : OPP Constables ;Garnet Wray arid Meg Twad-. 'die of Goderich,.. Corporal 1-$, Snell' was in charge 0f,,th.e ,court arrangements, • . • ' ''' Lloyd Wa1'ff •. told of target' practice on ' .the afternllon ,of l ` ay 19. He andRonald had. fired at clothespins with 2.2 rifles :at 30 or 40 feet, There w,a.s.'som.e amnunitiori, left when they stop'-. ped; ;and Wa:lff said he 7gave it •to Ronald— Then they drove to Port Albert for cigarettes•. He had• sat' in' -tile car.when the a'- gusnent with Janet took place. Ronald said he was "not going to take• her' to, the... .drive -id: They went into •,the house .and there was 'an ,argurnent there, Ronald came ' out ,to ,the shed; arid' when •wvitness. went in after about :five 'minutes ,Ronald was ,pacing up and down., ' .' "H'e. , told ',me," •witless said, ",to. go , out and. wait in the. car and •he would out in 'a few minutes; 'Ro'nald was• feux d :lying in :the shed .two to ` five minutes later ,by . Brown. ' He . was ,taken • 'to Alexandria Hospital, . Goderich, but..pronoun•ce'd ,dead on arrival, Dr, Penistan testified as to to cation. and. nature ; of -thee bullet wound.,The bullet passed through the' base 'of 't.he' heart and struck the, right-hand side of .the spine: Part • of it was, found in the. right lung. ' Not Soher , The quantity of abcohol found in•. the iboy's blood... was 0.76..parts, per thousand, indicating ..in a person of 'his weight ,around .four or perhaps fisvepints' of • )beer or shots of : hard .liquor, "It . might not ,''affect ',Ms appearance ' 'to 'other people,. but he would not' be • strictly • •sober," ' ;:the witness said. MRS.' JEAN QUIGLEY DIED IN LONDON • Mrs x T,homas • W R "Qtfi;gley the 'f• ormer'•'Je.an ;Long' sof' Ashfield Township; • passed.:,away- in • Vic toria ,Hospital, London, . 'on • Tues day; . June's• her 518th' year: Requiem ,high mass' :was held in Blessed •S;acrarneht,. •Church on.: Thursday 'at 10`04 a.m: 'yvth interMent in. St.. .Peters ceme- tery; ' The rosary .4was recited 'on Wednesday • evening. at.,Killings- worth funeral: home.. 1VLrs: Quigley is Survived ,by %her Son Jimmy and two. sisters, Mrs: G":V. ' Towle: (Mildred) •'of Vancouver and , Mrs;'.: ;Ralph Hill (ilVLaria) of „Ripley: 'Iter . husband predeceased. her ' Vet:,What •'seems to a the' trouble? • ` Kangaroo:don't., know" It's just -that lately I don't feel jumpy !S. BRIEFS FROM NEARBY On Thursday, Jun e 27th the residents ' of Blyth will go to the. polls. to decide what ,has .been a very Cgntentious. 'issue. in the village •for the. past several weielkS-L-4whether the local -hotel will 'be licenced for beverage rooms and dining lounge or not. • * * The • funeral ,,of William ,Seb- .ben, age 36, if. R,R. 1,` Walden - stein was ,held: at .•Milverton. Fast week, Mr. 'S ebben,' operator of 1;000 • acres : •in • ' 'the . Linwood area; was drowned in the Not tawasaga 'River, near Wasaga Beach -white . •on a fishing trip.. He • is survived by his, wife ,and. .five children . ages 'ode to eleven • years, . "• * * Dennis Riggin, of I1,i;neardine, • '• a .sub -goalie for the Detroit ,Bled. Wings;' was !guest speaker. at ,the Clinton juvenile'�hockey banquet recently Dennis, who has suf.. fered• ,a,. couple of serious eye in- juries, completed. lastseason in the .'NNL. with IFittsburg.• * *. Wingham. Kinsmen expect •to net. more .,than , $2,000- from ,their trade fair: ;<. Russell . W. Treleaveen of Ham - Ilton, Grand'iMaster. of the• Grand' Lodge of, .Canada, ':offiCiaited . at. the: dedication °cerernony'of Har . riston. Lodgei„AE '& AM, No. 262 • The :most disillusioned girls :are, the ones :, who ,gat ` married because they 'Were tired 'of • working.. •. Caller: ."Ma:dame, I'•m the piano tuner. Pianist:. "I : didn't.. send for a ;tuner"• Caller "I know it lady, the neighbors did:" Attended Mitchell Wedding :. Mr.: and Mrs. Ewart •McPher. son and' 1VIr. ' and `TM,rs: Wililiarr R; aou.l were .•a't kitc+henl re-„ eently where -they ':attended 'the marriage of +Miss Ruth:: Ehaine P.ridbam, daughter,, of Dr" ' ,and;.. Mfs, W. H. Prid'ham of ,. MItchell arid Ronald ; ,Lames . Reid;• son. of ; Mr. and Mrs Jas. Reid of .'Mit 'hell, . in the United Church' there. They also attended' .the wedding • dinnerfor 110.'guests ,.; in the S.B. room of the 'church:. eA10 4,-.e.114,14.44.. .moo..-. 0 or The Best Buy .Used Car, dee Shorty 1961 ' FALCON • 4 -door 1957. DESOTO 4 -door, fully equipped ` ped 1957 DODGE ' 4 -door, fully: equip 1957 "' PLYMOUTH 2 -door hardtop, fully. equipped 1957 DODGE, coupe, fully equipped .. . 1955 PLYMOUTH STATION WAGON, new trotor .1954 METEOR 2,door, with radio' 1954 PONTIAC , 2 -door, ab. ove ' average ` condition 1953 • PONTIAC . 4 -door, $95.00 4 ALL THESE CARS HAVE BEEN COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED' SHORTY'S: B.A. STATION CLINTON, ONTARIO Phorne. Hunter 2-7661 or. Hunter 2-6608 `Pages End . . John- King, 'o+hn King, • M ? an,cl. Dig- ,ed to time: iv�rirl1. ulnion, gen- Re, is igham r 'the, •Ban'di, been, ' : moon. " d has. many . . r'areiy • cert an• at • orn Ceno- ce. • t the wih�h . a'the. • •l dur- Ibe' !layer. tic i'de z;t rf . the :hnen. •►. vet- at et- ast, be. • 'plain.; • )n of picnic::. • intro- .. Pres-. , near ;,1d in g.' He . . .dwick, and '6 %nkton re he;•. ire>w s• : ;. with. •;,. )rn in.,. n Un- ''1' with. e...: atried: •11 .:moi ' • .1dren, 1VIar- first. Durk- , .'alien terian. n,he pas 'as. in. , .guson [array •: .steps: Ret. ress•e:d.:. lister twood • n. ,Mie eu.ben kr on. James cf the Mrs. lcoirie John home Leslie • nsh-ip, ndue- sn.‘' at • el on 1