HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-12, Page 73 WEDNESDAY, JUNE l2th, 1963 14, 1 Brownie News 1344 PACK BROWNIES; The 2nd Pack Brc wnies met on Tuesday when Patty Handl- ton was chosen 'Fairy Queen. After an active game the Brownies ' divided, into • their sixes and .:we> it for -•a, "bearing walk, In ten; •minutesthey re_ corded ona cardboard ear the :different sounds Sheard. . After Fairy Ring the Tween_ ies •Made a paper toadstool on unhidh she wrote 'her Promise, Law .and '..motto. Several junior. Brownies Passed .their knots. test while: the'', seniors practised THE LUCKNOW SENTINTIL, LUCKNOW . ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN semaphore. Patricia Connon, was Present- ed with her Golden Bar in a ceremony during which she walked a golden, path and an- swered. question's •as she advan ced,. • • Happy Birthday was sung to. Donna Leader in 'pow -wow and a " bi'rthccay 'card signed by all for :Tawny Owl Who was. absent, The ,squeeze, ,taps and; ' the smile song closed the meeting. a HAVING an anniversary, special get-together? Record ypur. guests in .a'°guest book available at The. Lucdrrow .Sentinel,' �. TH.E .GO =' .OR:TAKING. HOLIDAYING -IS FUN •/• Relax in refreshing Ontario.'Yau'11 enjoy the magnificent.variety of, good beaches, shimmering 'lakes and resorts to,suit• every '• taste.'.Artd for the excitement' of�city vacations,: Ontario's fine: cities: offer entertainment andinterest-toeall visitors. Start plan • ningl.your Ontario vacation, now.: ' SEND FOR PAGE; FULL COLOUR ''E BOOKLET ROAD MAP; ETC FRS P l ONTARIO TRAVEL A ENT , 2.70 ' PARLIAMENT .BUILDINGS, TORONTO , ONTARIO • 1. NAMF y ADDRESS '• 1 1 CITY - PROV. 1 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY •..�O ' _. 1 C22-63Hoi. Brian LC fhcart, Minister .i K NOW ONTARIO BETTER PURPLE GROVE Purple Grove .Institute met 'at' the school, ion Wedn'esday 'night. witlh ;Lisiburn Institutes as. guests. A representative' of Hem -Tone Paint Company spoke on color .blending,, after : which he gave door :prizes, Mrs. Donald McCosh and Mrs. Victor Gawley were the ducky ladies. Mrs. George Emerson had the motto, Mrs. Burton Collins 'gave a reading. A • trio of 'lilts. 'Francis. Boyle, 1Miss Margaret. Rolbertson and •Mrs. Frank Dore 'Sang two ,numbers with Mrs. ' Morford MacKay at the piano, It .was 'decided to have the picnic at the school.: Some attended 'the' .funeral, of .Mrs: Ebner Reavie, J ucknow,• on Friday. while Mr. Joseph Em erson, Miss Geraldine Emerson and .Mrs. Frank Dore attended Miss 'Vine Guests funeral "in Kincardine -oh Saturday., Miss Margaret Robertson end Mr, Donald • : Rabertson. spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. 'Bruce ' Raynar•d and;,Marion. Mrs. Dorn. Dore, Jimmie,. Cathy, Vickie andFrankie spent' •Fri- day ' with. Mr. ,arid' Mrs. Bill Wood, Port. Severn. • • •A' benefit. ,d•anee was held. in •Bervie on 'Friday for 'Mr. Wil- fred •McCarthy. Miss: Janice' Boak• arid Miss .Mary' .Anne, • McCosh;.'• Toronto, :spent the week -end. with :•M - & Mrs.. Donald ,MrdCosh: —Mrs.Frank Dore and Miss Mairgaret Robertson: •spent Mon day, everirrg' With' .Mrs. Don .Dore: Miss 'Carolyn,. Forster visited Mr, and Mrs.,—Gordon—Patterson. Mrs. Pete Peterson spent ;the week viivth Mrs, Helen 'Swann.' ',Mrs. Hugh Jansen visited Mrs.., Alex: Percy Miss Annie McLeod `spent. Sat= urday;with,. Miss Margaret •Ro- hertson:. Mr.: and 'Mrs. Lloyd /:1VIoCGlure and Lawrence ` of Paisley. were Sunday. guests • of ,Mr. ' and Mrs. Gordon "MacDonald,: • Purple Greve ' W I. Mrs Morford. MacKay acted as. hostess for the June ' meeting of, Purple Grove Women's In-: sti�tute, which was':.held in the Purple Pu:rp;le. Grove School. The meet ing was • in • charge, of Mrs. 'George Harkness and Mks. „Mor-, ford MacKay,' :Many. interesting facts were revealed when the members :atswered the Roll Cai1: with Did you ;know The'. report of • the District '.Annual held `et• Reids 'Cornersn• .Ma Y, y was • given. by Mrs: Allan •'Co•11=. ing and, IMrs. Donald Crr.11ies: Mrs'., Frank Currie was appointed oto, -send a 'reportLon United -Nations study ,and • on Cultural Actiivi • Combine • .Low Co-op. Appliance Pz4ces With This Flair: ,Dryer Bonusand you have . ties. Purple ;Grove Vit.h. will act as hostesses at the Log`Cabin in Southampton. MI . August, 30 Five members will 'go .to G-uelph on. June • 20,, to`, hear Mrs:, Var. Beekhof, ','President of It . will be 'a., rare privilege to see and ••hear the World ' Presi- dent Those ,in charge . of the annual Picnic, are . Mrs, Frank Currie, Mrs, . Alwin B1ackwell• and Mrs. •iEcIburt Bushell. Stan-` ding, committee , reports were given by Mrs. Don •MoCosh . and Mrs. Wirt.,—Arnold. The new=pro= rams were ctistrilbzted .and re Yva favourable comment. rs' •. '."...., A c e ' d f bl . M .. I1•■1•R■■■■itRRi■RR■u■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■N■■■■•BRi■■■h,■f•i••••11•■■RItR■R■uunt Gorge .Emerson. •.gave ' :a fine motto on "As time, i draws 'pen . ••04 on the money youinvest at 'British .. Mortgage,. from 4 to 10 ' years. authorized for trust' funds $100 or Morebt �uaranteed InvestmentCertificates' $ince 1877 TIS ;T6AGE Telephone IA 4'-•7381. r R= . Rowlands, Manager. •the Stoplight , Goderch / . ■ i. ■ .cil lines about the ,aging -.face,•' let us 'growin virtue,. kindness and: grace." ' Eight•.members dist played their,. +wedding gowns. They showed a wide variety of styles. Mrs Francis Boyle look: ed very bride -like ,all evening iv •. in , her • beautiful, • ,gown. Some ■ others just wished 'they .Could • get into • theirs. A sing -song was ■ led; by !Mrs. Francis., Boyle sand • Mrs. Burton. 'Collins ' gave a ■ ■ ■ ' ■. ■ : ■ rri w r . r i awI'�rN■■gyre■eM�ii�■imwnN■Nu®■me■ir ii1■I:BAg�■li1■■■�■■Il�■■■■�■■■■��■I*Ii�i�l�■�■■� y l reading. "My •get,up and .go, has get tup ,and..,went." iMrs:' Frank Dore,' Miss Margaret :Robertson, Mrs. Francis Boyle, accompan- ied .by Mrs. .Morford . MacKay added to the,program .with two Songs. M,ts Benson of R.'•a,.- then 'introduced ' two guests' '�o had come as `representatives. of Sherwin Williams Paints to talk about, Colour, to the large group •of W.I.members.., Lisburn ladies, had joined • Purple Grove. for this occasi•on.';Mr. Welly Dent - worth; assisted - by Mr. -Verne. Woodley said we are surround- ed by colour...' There are . ,two, basic schemes --a-• 'warm ` colioprs- and cool colours.' By u»'ing swag l ches • of drapery tnaterials !and, ,rug aam,ples, ,they, showed . +how we can ohbOse harmonizing and beautiful colour schemes to 'make our homes ibeautiful and. still use the•pfurtiiture and basic items we already 'have, A 'touch of. •deep t olour adds accent. Blues and greens: are now used a lot. 'together, They demoristrated the way to use the Colour ,Guides available 'at stores,� how, to use' a • roller properly and also ' a brush and showed . coloured • .9' Slides .:of rooms; . with various .colour ,combinations. Mgrs.. Dori 1VMcCo h and. !Mrs Victor Gawley ,were (lucky'',' winn•ers., in "a draw for . a gallon. and' -,a quart of. Kemntone: The speakers, were •: thanked•',by Mrs: MoCosh. After •the Queen :' and Grace, . 'lunch was served by:Mrs: MacKay as sisted by Mrs Alvan . Calling, • .Miss Edith .'Collins, Mrs. Alvin Blackwell,.,Mrs. Howard Thome son,':• Miss 'Margaret Robertson mid Mrs.. Dory McCosh. -Mrs. _Frank - Dore thanked -all -who had taken part. The tine •prc.gram: was. ' arranged : • +by Mrs. Claude.. Dore.. Mrs.' R bt,.• MVtars!hall . •of'• Lisburn expressed the' thanks of. the . ladies 'from Lisburn for such. a pleasant evening. AMBERLEY Mr and Mrs. ,Gordon Lyons of $t. Helens:-, were guests of Mr and Mrs John ' Emmerton on. Sunday .- Bob1ry��. cott of the fourth coni , cession! who ,has ibeeh •a patient in Wingham :hospital'' returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs: Walter Brown of Amtberley . ••visited • with, relatives in .Forest • recently.. • Reeve iChester 4Ernmert•on Mrs: Enimerton spent a fe*. days at." Toibermory fast week. Members of the Council attend- ed meetings while : there. • Rev.Gordon .Kaiser of Luck, now conducted service at Pirt River United: Church on. Sunday: Rev. •D, A: McKenzie was: guest speaker at Zi'on..• Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. 'Flyrner Reavie and fain ily in the passing of Mrs. Rea- vie. A:. former, resident 'of the. Pine' River ecmrnunit�?, she was ,heldin .1 ig.h� e,stc.em.• A large • number. of fiiends'from this "vi- cinity attended the funeral which was held on Friday last: • Mrs. John ,Scott visited ,with Bill ScOtt to St Joseph's •= "' petal,' London, on ' Saturday where Bill is receiving treatment for .a' leg ailment, Mrs. Archie ;Courtney. who .is. a patient in Vittoria Ho'spital in London, 'is progressing favarr ably d p t'eturn hon•1e • ' �ex, actsto Shortly, , •