HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-12, Page 6'ja
;lar •l! """
Ward A. Shantz, Presidentof
the Ontario Association' of Art-
ificial Breeders recentlyannoun
ted ttheappointment o air. Roy
G. ' Snyder to the position of
Secretary4lanager • of , that or-
ganization. Mr, Snyder will cbn1
meaiee his duties August. ,ist,
''making his headquarters at the.
Breeders ' 'Service ;Butiding noir.
'under construction ' at Ghe : `ed-,
erated Colleges, Guelph. • Mr.
Snyder will direct all Phases . of
the work ' of .the . Association`
throughout ."Canada. •
Mr. 'Snyder has them manager
oEf the. . Waterloo . Cattle Breeding'
Association;, icor, the . past fourteen
Mabel.' MacDonald of
Windsor spent the : ►weelt-end'
.with her ' mother, ._ Mrs. •Alex
The. . . Children of 2 the . Church
held the LOA ,meeting .till Sep-'
r tehber. on Monday , afternoon.
:` Anniverrsary. ; 'services ''in Ash
field;' Presbyterian Church. drew;
capacity• congregation in :;the
morning., The .choir samg two
. anthems and Miss Bertha RLue
'of Ripley 'sanga solo. +Mrs. 'Dun.,.
can :Simpson •was' organist: Rev.
David 'J.. Lane of Clinton : ,was
•; guest .:preacher. In the •evening,
.Mrs. ;Clayton. Edwards: of Gode-
rich' was soloist.
Need Integrated Ashfield Native,
Co Welfare 'Former Shaw
wCasenn ppte l denomnsta
Principal Dies
tistical information on. 1962 wel-
fare costs ;for Bruce Tnunicipali-
ties,. Bruce County. Council yes-
terdlay deferred until •its Nov-
'ember session Factionon a mat-
on.y:�hieh would'set up ,this
county) as a • pilot project for 'On-
tario 4n •a county • welfare unit.
This • would embrace the' Child-
ren's . Aid Society, •
Child care figures: in Bruce
have, 'increased dramatically ov-
er the ,past , •.thr a , years, 11,
Congdon, 'direcitor of. the CAS;
said, This :undesirable situation
points' • to the conclusions;
continued, . r that . either the ;pre-,
sent board and staff are not •do.
ingtheir !work, or the. system
under which they _operate needs
an overhaul. • ..
Favoring the 'setting up of 4
county Welfare ' unit. ;from :the
CAS standpoint,.She said it 'wolld
deal �wibh. •welfare problems • at
the ;grass. roots level when :feeds
first ',become apparent with a
family group or an individual:
"F.req+uently as anany as one,.
two, or fi'v'e years elapsed. )before,
.these cases :were. !brought to: the
attention : of trained personnel,
and at ;the end Of such a period
effective _casework and' ; rehab-
ilitation: measures • were almost
impossible to .effect," he ,said.
, People. 'in such circumstances
:need .guidance, treatment': and
training; -slot 'punisthment. • They
will continue to the .nothing more
withoutt the ' help . and.: irispira,
tion :of their fellow' men, 'he..said.
"The voucher ,for groceries or
rent, cheque .or the cheq ue' far a 'ffewv'
dollars 'we have 'given •inn 'the
past: is not enough ....e true:.
purpose Alf any welfare program
should:. be to makeLpeople .se'lf-
sustaining ..and useful. citizens.'':I
be1ieke that'.:only f ulltime, fully
Mr. and Mrs. D, R, MacKen--
zie of Lochalsh attended the
funeral of .Miss Mary MacKenzie
in .. Toronto last Thnirsday'
June 6th. She was the Slaughter
of .the late Neil Mao'Kenzie and
Grlor a Fletcher ,and was* -barn
in the ' Lothian district in, Ash-,
field. ' She is ' survived by one
sister; Mrs, (Rev.). Oscar, John-
ston, Bethany, Onttario.
She was ,principal of a •Sh•aw
Business College in Toronto for
'm;any` years and ;taught. quite a
nums'ber from . this .community,
Dr. Mustard Sr; ' conducted the
funeral service. Interment was
made: in. Prospect Cemetery, the
pallbearers ' . ;being six H cousins,
.Duncan MacRae. of London. Jas.
MacRae,; r Toronto; Me1vLlle
Scott, Kincardine;' David Alnner
Scott, Toronto; Henry. MacKen-
z+ie, Ashfield and. Donald . R..
MacKenzie, .Lochalsh..
Dungannon Area
farmer Passes
Richard• -West Park .:of Anil=
field Tow,nship, and :a well and
widely ',known farmer of the.
Duungannn district•'; add' his life,
passed . away in , Wingiham, hos-'
pital'. on 'Wednesday,: June 5th,
as', the result. of . a stroke, He
was 03 years of ;age.
• Mr. . Park was ,a ..son of ` John
Park' and Mary . West and was
born' in• West Waw,anosh. Town-
shiip 'on .November 14th, ,1079.•
On March 18th, 1908, he mar-
ried Margaret, Annieid of
:West: Wawanosh' .who predeeeas-.
trained: personnel can .attempt to .:The remains , ,rested.. at the
offer such.:servic•es.•" r'
Mr. Congdon: said he agreed'
with the description of ' the 'OAS.
Of : this county as ,"a catch !basin
for • all, 'the.•' s'a cials ills coif the
county : at the present -time."
He' said he .felt an. integrated
county' welfare •urmt is the' need
,if progress is to: be made •in/.thea
future: •
MacKenzie 1VIemorial. Chapel.. ' in
Lueknow," (where many paid.
,their' respects and extended. sym-
pathy to, the - bereaved. The ;fun-
eral': sertrice was ;field at. the
Chapel on Friday afternaoh at
1:30 pm.; .conducted by Rev. Red
MacLeod .of Erskine ' Presbyter-
ian ` ' Church, . ' Dungannon' o
which 'Mr. Park .'was a •member.
Photo by Ontario Pep. : of,. neon
O ationai therapy plays an important
�.. role vn, the ,, •
pp: treatment programme. Here a .patient, well on
overallP g
theway to recovery. weaves a •mat.
Discusses Health in Ontario
Dymond D><scu
o ccupational Therapy
Helps ;the •Mentally
Matthew B. Dymond, 146,. 044:.
Ontario' Minister of "Health
Ontario HP
os itals.. which` p are
operated by the; •Department' of
Health, are ' treatment centres
where. healthand`. hone • are
offered'. 'to• many, mentally
patients. There, 'MOO 'than ever:
before, work, play and rest which,
are all part and parcel' of our
everyday lives, are now ' recap-
' • nized•' as _important aspects of
total ..treatment' and are. a : factor
in recovery' and ultimate reha-
All -members 'f .�e.hospital'
staff participate • itt a, teeth effort
to:, help in'. the patient's •recovery.
• and: well-being. Along •with .,the
': doctor,. the :nurse, the 'psycholo-
gist and the. social . worker, the
:.occupational therapist '.plays an
important : role : in. ,:the overall
treatment prop -amine...
Part of. every mental hospital.
is an occupational; .therapy de-.
apartment, with work shops and
recreational,;facilities.' As in the
community, s large 'variety of
- activities go :, on.:There .pare „cre;
alive activities Such as . fine •arts,.
pottery- and—needlework.. -Activ
Mlles of an industrial ature
elude woodwork; ' dies aking
and typing. Other . programmes
involve sports, card clubs, dances, .'
,outings, 'etc, Patients . may edit '•
and publish : their own ' monthly
flews magazine, assist .'in the 'op•':
eration of their own library,' or
they may bi) 'employed in . maiitr '.
tenants; or . service • •departments
such . as the garden;:' the' ,kitchen `:
and the laundry.
All' these, 'activities not only •
help to bridge .the' gap between:
hospital and community , life;
but . are ,part of the overall treat
'mem, programme..' The : occupa.
tional therapist aids .in Creating
'and' maintaining. an environmentr
t, 4 whisk' im rovement is -More P
likely, For one " Patient. it . nna
y p Y.
mean an.:outler for bis need .;to
accomplish som,,ething, while, rol,
another: it: may: be' experience in
` .'•to along
people in.;aget small:activitwithy group;
Occupational therapy . is a . part:.
of the total treatmentprograinme..
Thusthe therapist works under
the :guidance . of the doctor, and,
along . with :other members of
the treatment team, : eontributei:
towards :maximum mental, physt.
-cal::-and-economic, rehabi isatiots-
of the mentally ill.
Any .: questions .on the work .. o/ the Department of Health in' this
field, or suggested topics for these columns . -should be :sent to the
• Director :e.of information. and Publicity, . Ontario ' Departinerst . • of
Health, Queen's . Park, Toronto.' '' •
iInterrnent was: in ' Dungannon
cemetery with six: grandsons.
acting as pallbearers, Paul .Cae-
Cae-sar, Ray.. Stanley, William. Black,.
Norman Stewart; Richard Ste-
wart and. Stanley Doherty. , ,
The 'flower bearers 'were••.five.
grandchildren, Rfekey. Park, '
gory Park; Clara . H.odges; Ron=
nie ;Black, Johnie :Stanibury and
great grandson, :Gary Caesar. .
Mr: Park is. survived iby Three
dauwghtera, ,Mrs.' Howard '(Edna)
Black, Mrs: Arthur (;Mary) Ste-
wart, Mrs. Ken ..(Beth) Hodges,
all 'of Ashfield Township; three
sons, Benson, John, both of Ash
field Township; ; Richard of Dun-
gannon; and a brother, Thomas
of Ashfield Township. .
Mr,. Park (was predeceased by
his Wife, two sisters arid . a • Ibro-
'Laura Sol:61. 0h of the Saugeen
Indian Reserve' was inthe
gradtra•ting class of Kitchener
Waterloo School. of N'ursirig, Miss
Solomon is the first resident of
Saugeeri Indian Village to grad
to as a ..;nurse. She will ori
the .staff of ',Southampton hospi-
tal,. •
• Death Barrie suddenly to ,Ent
E. Norgaard, Western Spring
I11,, on Saturday, June 41st: > .I
lie ;was' the '.;beloved• Inaba n
'of the , former Isabel Jane :'Ma
Doneid of Ashfield, .
The'body rested at. the Merk
Funeral Home, Western Spring
Funeral 'service was ',held
First Con+grregational Ohurc
with Dr. Kenneth E, Seim offic
ra'ti'ng. Pallbearers were ,,his err
mediate neighbours., In•terrrer
was in Chapel Hill .Garde
West, •
NAPKINS, Coasters, • Matches
Playing ; • Cards, personalize
,printed 'writing paper and. :en
velopes • Ask to see our • samp'le:
No obligation, The Lucknai
Sentinel, • phone 528-3139.
n Irishman , was telling' •
friend .:of `his narrow .escape
wart ire,.
"The bullet. went in me clues
and/came out me .; ac�k," he said
"But,": pro es'ted his. ' friend
"it •would. ha ,g e throug.
Ycur heart` and ed you."
"e .heart was'
in me nlciu'tl
AC the ,titt4."