HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-12, Page 5W'FI.. ESD!AX, avn I2th, 1953 hied* from ••carefully selected blonds of hard Aber uniform r• • • from end to .end :. no bunches or thin' spots..: ' • • SMOOTHER•• Prevents delays' by running through knotter without tangling or breaking. Protected ppainst insects, rodents and rot. Topqual. ity .twin•of a low • Co=op price., • Lucknow District Co-op Phone ''528-21.25 :; Lucknow KiNLQSS 'The Ladies' in the community. pin to , quilt three •Red 'Cross, quilts on Thursday afternoon;. June 13th 'at the •K,airshea Hall: Donald Hamilton of ; Dorset was:home for 'the .week -end; Mr.and .Mrs. Bert', M• Corvie of Toronto were week lend �gue.sts with: -Mr:.; and: Mrs,'.., Jim :Burt and family • Mr. • ani ;Mrs Phil' P Steer & Peter were in' London on Satur day for the ` wedding of ,Miss •Phyllis Steer, and . Mr. ;'Eon Wal- Mrs. : Lloyd MacDougall' at- tended anniversary .services. at Ashfield ,Presbyterian. Church on Sunday; Miss ,Carol Stanley, of.,Strat- ford spent :the :fweek:-end at . the '••!home of her parents, Mr. and 'Ors. Harold Stanley:.' • ' THE LUCKNOW . SENTIN x, LUCKNOW, .ONTARI° CHURCH'NEWS: South. Kinloss W.1VLS., The June meeting , of ;South Kinloss W.M'.S. • .was . 'held 'on Wednesday afternoon, June 5.th at the home of Mrs. 'Donald •C Macintyre with Mrs.. Sandy MacLeod and Mrs.• Harry Lavis as ` directors. Mrs. Fraser. Mac- Kinnon !presided, and the • secre- tary,. Mrs, •L; MacDougall • read correspondence and:' .brought, up matters to be discussed. A grant of money .was_,imad'e to the Sun- shine committee and a date 1 -Was set ,for the 'Special Horne Help- ers ,mieeting".at the last .of June: The scripture was' read by, Mrs. Currie •' Colwell and the study was, 1 • Corinthians, , chapter 3;. telling of. the early church at work in aheathen .environment and ' the problems ` connected •tlerewith.. Rol'1 'call' was 'a verse with :the . word "temple". Mrs. Ross MacMillan 'had charge 'of' the Prayer C rcle and Mrs. Rod Erick MacLeod accompanied the singing of missionary h•y'mns:. Mrs.. W. iMac•D•onaid had -the study from "The 'Rim, .of East Asia" with itsnumerous- is lands . `and dense .population. Mrs.. Douglas Graham -gave : a report on the . Presbyterial :.held in K:incardine. . .and. Mrs. Sandy MacLeod read an inspiring ,poem:, Hostess • and directors • .served lunch: . ' Pre b terian $• Y The ladies of, the afternoon auxiliary. ;of ` the ' W:M.S. ;net in the , Sunday School• ',room ..•on Wednesday, June 5th.:' A : goodly number Were present.: Mrs. C. Cook was •iii t'harge and opened the meeting `,by . repeating. the. Aim • and Purpose of the Society:. The 'scripture was read by Mrs. _Cook, followed by the Bible Study, •by,':.Mrs... Sherwood; name-. ly ''the fifth Beatitude'4131es- led'•are 'they:who :s'h`ow ,mercy.''. Miss . Nei'lie' .1Vlalcolm read: let-` •ters of .correspondence ,from• Mrs.. Neil '.McKenzie. '•and Mrs. McGill and • also a letter from Miss Dorothy Douglas, thanking the ''Society'.: for the . numerous Christmas 'cards sent -her.. The'. offeringw.as taken and. Miss, 'Mary McLeod gave the prayer.. The roll call .'consisted . of a verse taken from :the :Gospel' of St. John. ' Mrs. P. Stewart, ored with'. •a :solo. Mrs: C. Agnew and ' Mrs. Cameron ;took the Prayer. "Circle. Mrs. W Porteous; gave the Mission .Study which, was . a continuation :of the study • on Formosa, a country .of • ten' rn'illi.oi people; • and ..• many re- ligions. The christians Con:siste.d When it..comes to home, heating, there's . •nothing,q, uite as carefree and ,conifort able.as,safe, dependable Esso Oal heat.: • We have a vide range of oil heating. • equipment to' suit every budget: LOW ' BUDGE T T Up- To : Five Years.Pay Rol( HAVENS Plumbing . And He,alIng • Phone 528,3012 ' Lucknow."; ESSO OIL BURNED SALES AndoERVICE 1.10ME •1.1CAT.' SPR.-..'1t10E • . of a' small percent, but she stressed that rium!ber . mean lit- tle, ' you. ;'niust 'have •• the quality. 'The' 'Most iinporbal t help- came Eby • Eya gelistic teaching and .by Christian literature, also • by (broadcasting, •• The population being so rnumerous,, th.e' • people are scarcely 'able. to igro'w enough food for then selves, Hymn 582 closed. the •meetifg, with prayer ,by Mrs. Cook, Kingsbridge St. Joseph's C.W.L., Kings !bridge held their monthly meet- ing.June 3rd at the .horne of Mrs. Cyril Austin with an at- tendance of 29 members. The meeting. 'Opened with' the ,League Prayer • '•Ied° by , ' the • president;. Mrs; Mark 'Dalton.: The 'minutes Of. the May .trneet'ing were, !read by the ' ,Secretary, Mrs. .Cyril Austin.' Treasurer's.. report. was given !by Mrs. John'' Austin. .A spiritual bouquet was • present- ed to the 'pastor on the 'occasion. of -his .birthday. 'Rosaries. wer..e given to ,the children who made their first communion on Suri day, June 2nd.. • A spiritual 'read- ing was given 'by Mrs; Joe O'Keefe:. The •social :action Con- vener, Mrs...Dennis Hogan, .gave. her report.The penny sale 'was. .held and was ' . quite a`' success. The 'meeting ended ni•th prayer, afterwards' lunch ::woos, served. Blakes U.C.W. PAGE FIV • NEW LATEX FLOORENAMEL: • Lasting Beauty Inside and Outside. • Goes on quickly with brush, roller or spray • Painting tools clean in soapy water • Dries dust -free in one hour .. Resists acid,; grease, oil and gasoline Perfect for • Patio • Garage taundry • Breezeway • Porch" • Benjamin: cored WILLIAM MURDIE and SON Lucknow Phone .•5282906 'AMrs Kaiser opened her , home for the grandmother"'s, meeting.' of .:the ,•:Biakes United Church Women , on Thursday,.. June ''6'th. The' !president, Mrs. Chris .;C•ook was :in ?theechair. The, roll; ,call was ,answered ::.by the' wsnord.. "Father and . there. were 18- ladies'' and. 36hildren •, present. Mrs, Boak, was •'at the Piano for' the hymns: and several of the grandmother's, gave • humorous: readings. The study' book .was. .taken by Mrs. •3ack Curran ,and the `'`Word Arid the Way" 'by !Mrs.' Jack' Irwin., The ladies'.~ are invited •to St. Helens on` ,June. 25th at 2:30 -o'clock •to. 'a ,bake sake'' and tea:: The ,Rev..:Angtis •MeK.ay• is to be the guest speak- er.. A bus trip with the ladies• • of Zion ;and Hacketts was dis- cussed,; the: date ,Land :place to be decided . later. '.'Plans were' made: for': :'the •dedicatioxi. of the organ on. Sunday, June 30th at 2:30. ` The ,meeting closed ,'`with• prayer. by .M'rs.:Cooke and` lunch was served by the non -grand- mothers.. . is Your S•wbscrption" ' Renewed? CULROSS week end with Mrs. A4b7e '.Mc CORNERS Kague,Teeswater, Mr. arid Mrs.' Ralph •Goes I • The 'farmers had cattle over two years 'cid tested for 'TB last week The weather last•' week was very hot, for . June : •and everyone Welcomed the shower Thursday. afternoon. . •• .::The High School' studen,t§:. are, or have beer ;busy writing ex- ams depending on ;the grade 'they' are : in, .Good.. Luck: kids,. Little Stewart McPherson, 8th Corr: spent the ' • week -end with his • ;grandiparents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom: 'Stewart: • . Mr.. and `Mors. •Orval Wilsoru SE family and ' Mr.. and '1‘frs.: Wm. Kydd -.Mot•ored to. Toronto on Sunday; . Mr; .and'.Mrs: Kydd re-. main'ed, in the 'Queen: City for a'. visit. • • ' Mr' and :•}Mrs.:Erie' Hackett -& family; Paramount and MT,. Doug Hackett, • . Ashfield,, were.. Sunday Visitors:,. with' Mr.. • •and'. Mrs, Midford Wall • '.and. Donnie. Mrs. • 'Frank Brown spent : the nd. Susan, ..Kincardine,. spent . Saturday. evening with Mr. and Mrs. Torn Stewart: r Mr, and. Mrs. Midford Wall And Donnie were • recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.•:Tom Hackett and Doug, Ashfield, . Mr . Tom,.. Hodgins is a `pat- lent in Wingham: Hospital. • NEWS :BRIEFS FROM' NEARBY• Ross, .McKenzie,former, pu!b-; lis'her. of The Paisley Advocate, • who has been. on the staff' of the . Woodstock Sentinel'Review • since .1956; has been promoted to; county • editor. * * .Wilbert . Mullen !building con-, tractor.' of Walkerton, plans,.. to. build: a 14 -unit motel , with at-' tached living , quarters in 'the County. Town. * SPRAY EARLY ENOUGH Croplosses can be•keptto a minimum .by 'spraying when weeds are young... C USETHERECOMMENDED .RATE Low rates Control Ohly susceptible, weeds and.result. `'in unsatisfactory' control of more Kesistant weeds. • *'•RECOGNIZE THEMES) • PROBLEM Different weeds require different t'ates.' Some are more susceptible to one chemical than to another. • * SPRAY IN DRY YEARS When moisture supplies. are tow, killing weeds leaves more moisture for;'the crop. CAN INCREASE YOUR CROP YIELD! Get your copy of this handy pocket, StiedCoop Agricultural Weed Kilter' •tins 1nstrtict ons in the use Of Co• p. weed killers, Including, rates of aOpli .cation, how, "when and Where to apply, and charts for correct mixing. • • HG42•s2 • 1 •