HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-05, Page 15•
W.W1USUAli, TUNE 5th, 1963
,AFr-riFilik111•14,11.4•0.7?‘"le,- • - •
. • • •
, . .
LucKNow sznorlai, ixclusfow, =woo
Visited Here, Is flitch- ikirig :From.
West To East Coast On Way Overseas
*Paid Seale of Edmonton
llas been Visiting 'at the Ashfield
Manse With his 'grandparents,.
Rev. G. IC and Mrs, Kaiser.
Ronald. who graduated this
spring from the University of
Alberta.. With 'his B,A.. degree, is
an. nis way to Bavaria, West
Germany rwhere he; intends to
spend • the SuMmer •woricing,'
„studying, sight-seeing and moun-
tain cliMbing ,as time and ' fin-
ances Pennit. He bitch -hiked
,from Edmonton to. L'Ocknbw
reports en interesting trip and
good luck, making • the journey
in seven days, He tdtes a 50
John Loney, 'MR. for BrOce,
pOints out That Federal Project§
for .the riding aye listed the
estimatfts - for the 'fiscal year
ending. •IV1Irch .1904. in the
details of. the ,ettimates, stibject
to the approval of, the Treasury
Board, $60,006 is listed for har-
bour improvements,. - Sauble
Beach (Sauble Itiv•er);
000,90, 'listed ifor •wharf'. reeon-
struCtion at Tobermory.
110.n1.64.. On:
Mr. and Mrs. Williams G. Hun-
ter of Zion Were nonoured at
.a family gathering at the Log
Cabin Restaurant; Lacknow, on
Saturday evening, •Con the occa-
sion, of their 25th wedding an-
versarY. Fifteen of the irnmed-
•iate fani1y attended. • * •
Mr. and 'Mrs. Hunter (the for: -
mer Beryl Gardner) were, Mar-
ried on June 4th. They have a
family Of two, Marlene, a tea-
cher in London-, and Larry,
Attends Lucknow .13istrict High
School. After dinner the guests'
gathered • ..at. the. Hunter home
for .a social tixne, •
pound pack of. cooking itz' sleep- • • '
ing equipment. . •
tves an this area ROnald. plans
Foilowitig his visit'With reIa. Local Men J dge
: to go onto. St'. 'John's, New-
.- fOundland and from there by
freighter to 'Copenhagen: While.
in Germany he planson. doing a
bit :of studying. .
As a member of the' Canadian
Alpine club: he is also Jooking
. forward to some mountain climb.;
ing in •the French • Alps, Ronald
has done .considerable Mountain
• climbing, in. the, Canadian Rock-
ies and .'has even .attempted :the
highest 0„anadian. peak, . Mount
RobsOn, •13,000 feet high,...but not
with the 'intention of reaching
the fo.g enshrouded crest.
Having receiVed a• Canada
Council award of 44500,.:Ronald
• who is only. 21, i11 e. !back in
..Edrixorrton .next fall to ; do
graduate -work at the 1.1niver
• sity fin ecOnoynit geography, ;
Dept. Of„elfareH.
ReeVe' George Joynt of Luck-.
-now, •chairman of the Brucelea
Haven , coinmittee of county.
council, announced the .,first of
the week that final appointment
•Of H, D Thompson of Lucknow
(as supetinte•nddra of •Bruceaea
Haven •had been .made by the
County. committee. • :
Mr. Thompson, 4he was •assis-
,iant Superintendent,' recently
was ...appointed 'acting superin-
tendent.Of the county residence
for senior citizens.. : •
'A .communication received re-.,
1Cently by the ',C(,?mmittee*: from.
N. PreW„ director.. of homes for
the .agedi Department •af
fire, Toronto, read in part, "We
are pleased. to 'inform you , that.
H. D Thompson hat successfully
COmpleted, an, apProved..cOurse of
instruction with. this 'branCh and
has' obtained a mark of 86% On
the • written, ekamination. We,
&insider, •Mr. Thornriton'..an • ex-
cellept candidate .and he. should
:prove to. be above average .111;a7
.terial for • superintendent”,
3110k 'MacRae is in charge d
the s repair, shop at Charles Me:
• son's Central Garage in. Duck -.
now, , having assumed his ditties.
the first- of the 'week. •
•„. • : took to judging, and now
. to*****Imiomings•••0011110011‘00111111•11Mmilliell. illineleislim . . tattendshntrnany fairs. in this 'ea.,, .. •
.. : ,,, • •• ... : .
41 'pacity. - • • . ., Not by bread. alone...
a ,. . ,.
•0 ine fairs •signed, tup for this:sea-.
, .
n .. .,
. . . MILDMAY ROTARY' . - .. . Be alteady has some eight or , • •
• .
_ , '
•-. is. son; commencing at the Clinton
, - 111 Spring S'.show. Ambrig, 'the fairs
• .
B 1 N G ' . . . iii, . a s year . is a irs - une .engage-
• b ' f t t ' * ,
• • •
Ment at the Western 'Fair Lon- • '
At C inton Show
Two area gentlemen were jud-
ges at the Clinton. Spring Show
on., Saturday. :. Elmo Pritchard
ju•dge.d• the • heavy horse classes
and .George Kennedy was.• the.
beef cattle iudge. °
It 'was George's first time, as
jtOge... at the Clinton show,
where in other years he had !fre-
q.uently .,been an ,exhibitor.
4,Repagitized. Senior, ;Judge'?
In 'recent year's Elmo has' gi-•
ven up ,the''•role .of exhibitor. .tO
take up horsejudging and he it
one of three' men judges in On-
tario who 'hold, a eard • as a "re-,
cogniied • senior. judge.": •
Elm.' holds /rneinbershiP:, in•
the Canadian Horse Shows
iociation of.the National Egnest7
• Han Federation Of Canada.• ,
Both George :and 'tamp were.
initiated _ into, 'the sho*:,rinig: at
LucknOW pail. Fair aS "boys". -
one' as a cattle exhibitor and;
.the other, as an exhibitor Of
horses. ' • • • ' •
.From. 1946. to '1958 • Elmo
amer,d professional exhibitor
• 'with his heavy :,horse teams and
Observed Their 66th Anniversary
• Mr: 'and: Mrs: Thotinat'. H.
Burns observed; their 66th 'Wed,,
ding ' anniversary ' on Sunday;
June : 2nd, .a:t Brucelea.
Each Marked.their 95th hirtIkr.
• -
day.. in .1Vlay.
Scores of: -friends in this Com-
miinity where they • have sPent-.
thek', long 'Ilfetiine, extend con,
gratulatiOnt an best ,Wishes.
Cut Courtesy KitcnnerKitchener Record
, don, ..fEerin 'September • 6 to .14.• • •
• ..
I •
., I .,,.-Community Centre Mildmay . 1 • /. ' LANGSIDE
• .o . .
nes ay • iune:-12:-• • .
• _ - -- 1. their meetmg during c itrc
: ., _Childien•
' ihe..church_.-held
We .
--.. - 7 — • - ' ' ' • ii ' service at • the school on' Sunday.
• • • • 9:00 p.m. -- • ' ;.
,.• ° Church 'services re at9.5 . • - ' -
mi • • mmer months Infant bap-
•. . .
. a . , • . •IN tism is to be held next Sunday.
1;30 in prizes - . , - . ,0:• Sunday, June •16th .',Is anniver-,
- . ' • . . • sail services at
•11 o'clock and
in . • . ...... • ..........2 8 00 p.m. Rev. Fish' of Win ham -
1101111112001100411111111moinigiessuliii".111!.."'"'"-•--- is to be special speaker. • ,
shower was held in the
*60. •••••0004••••••••••••00••••••••••••••••••
?I ••••
Ir% . . :. • • .4-i
• _ •
, •
, . .
. .
. .
'i 7'June, 110, August
• Tickets .With Every
111• Dominion Tire Puichase
• '
Gives Yon A -Chance
On The Superiest,
Monttify, DraW
I '• 100 Gallons: of Gas Fr
2 .Winners Each IVIontli
• Por.1)0iVIINION TIRES and .DRAW TiCKE,TS ,Visit:
•- •
.. • , stiPrgrest
..• . * • •
Phone .357. t 9
• 0
A tchOol • for Miss Lois Conley,,
briderto-be. A nicely arranged•
program was arranged by Mrs.
William Scott' & school children
.who sang cltiets, choruses and
played piano solos:, A reading &
contest was given by Ms. Ivan
aidlaw The ibride was escorted
to her chair by Mrs, • Clayton
1Leddy and.. M2r. Wan Laidlaw.
!Mrs, Led•dy read anaddrestcsf
good wishes. Lois received many
loVelY :uteful gifts and gracious-
ly thanked all.
• Mr: and Mrs. William. ,Evans
visited on • Sunday , with „ their'
Son, Mr.' and Mrs. BOili Evans
and. family. at 'llamiltcin. •
• Mr. and".1VIrs. Pat MacMillan:
and family visited 'on Sunday
lo ,
with ' relatives in Watero.
• iMr. and Mrs. Everett Whytock
and. .fainily Were SUnday even-
ing visitors with and Mrs.
'Frank Miller,
HOPPER — At Xincardine liosz
pital on :Wednesday, May 15th
• to •Mr., and .aVirs, :Kenneth ,}top-*
per's•of. 6,„ Lucknow,. a son,
'Keith Carl. `
MASON" — At 'Kincardine Hos
vital on• Wednesday, May 2dnd,
190, to Mr.. arid Mrso. Hugh Ma,
Son, /LA,. 1, 1ipiy a' daughter,
S:helley IA; tte.
lh t
. •
tittle Yuen Forsch, 10, has lived with her family oil her life On
• this pitiful,. crowded boat in the Hong Kong area. This it the
fate of thousands', some of whom actually never Set foot on
dry land. Now there is a ray of hope that bright, 4001190rd
Yuen 'Fong' will get the education that will permit het to escape
this life when she is grown, far she is one of 12 children in the
Far East arid Europe who have • been financially' "-adopted" •,
• through Foster.Parente Man, Montreal, by hundreds•of titliens
of Kingston, Ontario, who ,contribute to their support through
the' CKWS Happy Silo*, Club. Recently it became known that
/ Yuen Fong longed to play the organ in a crude thapel on, 0.
nearby boat andthe Kingston people were quick to ratite extra
rnettey needed to give her regular letioes. You tory, as an in-..
dividual or as a member of a Orr:A:ph:tan help to fulfIll the
• physicc*l. arid emotional needs of d Child oversease-and cpr.:
respond 'With them rlOgOlatly. Write: Foster 'Parents' Plan
,• Box 65, Station i,),• Montreal, *
• 1