HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-05, Page 11t ■ - - ▪ • ▪ • ■ ,. ■. ■ . ▪ • ■. ■ ■ ■ , ■ . ■ • ■ ■ . ■ ■ . ' ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■▪ • ■ '' ■� ■ ,: ■ ■ , ■ , ■ ■ ■ . ■ . ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ • .• ., ■. . ■ : ' • • ■ ■ , Y • ■▪ • • ■ ■ ■ , ■ ■ . • ■ • ■ . ■ ■ .. • ■ .' ■ , .. 1 ■ , ▪ " • . r' ■ : ■', • ■ , ■ ,. ■ . ■ • . • ■• ■ ' ■ ■ ■ .' . • ■ ; ■ • ■ ■ ,, i ■ .• • • ■ ■ ■• • ■ • ■ :` ■ . ■ • ■ . w ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■•' ■ 11 ■ 11, ' L .. 1. ▪ <. 1 - • 1 1 •. • ■ . • • 1 •. 1. 1 1 1 1 1 • • r ' 1 . • WEO•NESD•A` , •JUNE 5th,, 0.63 i • • a • • o • • THE DLUCKNOW ,SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTAR Q • • •• ••• s- o " !nlroducing The. •OMMODoRE TYPEWRITER • • 41 ta4i, a 4. • ; x! 4:1.040' • new Portoble Typewriter At New Price - $54.95 (including carrying .case) • •, •' • . • •. •: • • • •. • • • • • i • • A new lightweight portable typewriters, only 9 pounds in 'weight, under . 3" in height. This standard model incorporates all • the standard 'features • of . a large : :' machine, quick -set . margin,. paper' holder; 'half spacing • . s• • and 84 . character . keyboard • • •• •. • • • • • See On LUCKNOW Display SENTINEL • • •.• • • • • M••••• • . . . Mrs': . Neil G:1VlaeKftnz'ie •Who has been,, visiting her daughter, Mrs: ;John- Collinson, has . gone to Ripley to stay.. 4with her other •daughter, •Mrs. ';Donald, Blue. Mrs ,!George Kitson, Mr.` and Mrs. ..Sandy' lVaeDon:a].d and. ars. Colin, . Ho'we' attended'' the. funeral sof Mrs. Kitson'.s• daugh- ter,' "1Vlabel Mrs.' ,Dell Avery, . St. -`.Thomas .Last Wednesday ,' `Dr. and LMrs. Wenzc�ll of De- troit • s,perit 'thee . week -end ' at,, their...cottage at, '.Kintail Beath. ~: John West .Of Toronto visited` last,week • with . his i brother, Rich= • ard. West. ' Miss A•l'lie N':elson : who has been., i11 for Some 'weeks .is• much improved. • Mr. and Mrs,. ' George Foster' and:: Donna of Rodney visited with Mrs Kitson • on Thursday: The death • ocou.rred suddenly on Saturday *ni<ght. in. Chicago of Emile Nougaard H.e is survived by. -hiswife, the former: -Isabel MacDonald of ,Kintail.• .1, •REAL, . 'ESTATE .`BOARD ' • MEMBERS MET • AT HANOOVER The , May dinner. .meeting of. the: Grey Bru•ce. Real Estate' Board ...was held in •Hanove.r on May •29th;. . • The .president, William Craw- ford spoke . on • particip'ation' in., the. Ontario .Association-of'..Rea1. Estate: Boards. The' highlight ' of • his .speech was On eduCational system under the auspices of the•. Ontario Board for 'the benefit of the members of al) Real'' Estate. B.oard,s; •By, the end of 19'63 all future brokers and salesmen Bruce ENDO Personal Services. .. By Lloyd. Jaciper., Co-ordinator; Bruce County EMO The personal services. section is 'Planned so, that the , indiviid' ua1 can , receive specialiked care and assiGtance to meet his part icular 'di. fi,culties • The ,re•reptiori of "evacuees at bus d'enots and tivafare <centres. will. irkresent rvvelfare • ' 'workers with an' inimense task. The need for providing symmathetie, effiei- ent reception services is obvious:. The staff would .answ,er que,s tions., tank to poorile ile briefly, .waive them come reassurance & make the first rough assessment of their: needs. . Unattach.e4•, Children ]14nrt't mothers . with their ^hildren,. . and other priority e-rouins would : ev.acuate from riroballle target areas. The ex= tent of such .evacuation •'wou'ld r.7n^end u'pnn 'many . ;faictors The lrriost- important' one . being, the amount -off warning tjme. Even 'under t,h•e' best.. of 'circum- stances many children 'and 'de- nend,er t adults' would 'be seipar- r.tecl from their :far•iily grouo. • In ' a reception' area, tAtis B"reau is 'responsible for plan n,,h� for the reception and care of . inhabitants and staff of .the target area's :welfare institution' whic'h' it is •vlanned would' eva- cuate: into .' the f area: Arrange- ments rrust be' made for pro- vidincall essential services to the incomiing.group ineludirng ,ihel4er arrangements, Emergency Aid. The •maiority • of'' people coin- ing eoming ' to . this ,bureau. 'Would have queries ; and'. *.problems • that. would . require both. 'Counselling: services ."and Emergency Aid. Initially,'. however,, e of the evacuees ": need ` help: with their anxieties : and personal problems' before the 'emergency ' aid pro- gram came into ,effect. Fp Iiow ing an attack, The :victims' most immediate. :and : ,•urgent . .needy 'for . ,food,' clothing arid lodging ,would. be 'net cby the 'mass are of ' Emergency . We:.fa: e' Services. • must pass, anexam._.ation set up qby the Ontario Board addition, to. the present 'examina- +ion;,required: ,by the `Department cif Insurance. ' Mr. 'Crawford ' .went ,,an to speak, of ebhics and arbitration a<mo.ng the ' real 'estate brokers. and .•.salesmen.. `lt SPRAY EARLY ENOUGH Crop losses can be kept to a minimum by • spraying when weeds are young. • *' USE THE: RECOMMENDED RATE Low rates control only susceptible weeds and .result' in unsatisfactory Control of more tesistant weeds: • RECOGNIZE THE WEED • PROBLEM Different •weeds require different rates., Some are more susceptible to ane chemical than to another. . SPRAY .IN DRY YEARS When moisture supplies are 'low, killing weeds leaves More moisture for' the crop. WEED KILLERS CAN INCREASE YOUR CROP YIELD)! Get your copy of this handy pocket sized„ Co•op•Agricuitural Weed 'Killer' Handbook now at' your Co-op. Con, tains instructions (n the use of Co-op weed killers, including rates of a pli• cation, how, when and whereto apply. and•oharts for correct mixing. 4 o- PAGE ELEVEN .cJhe Best Time TQC Viscount or, efr era Is Now. ,This $29.95 Hairryer Absolut,�lp Free ith Each Purchase Your : Co-op.' or COrnhine` :Low Co-op Appliance. Prices With . This Hair Dryer Bonus and you have Bargain ::and Bonus.* Wor#h Buying 11- Phoiie52-2!25 : Get the ' details. from :ri i -Lucknow' i REPORT INCREASED . AVERAGE 'NET INCOME, PPR )F'AlEt1VJiS. IN BRUCE ,Average farm *labor . income: in Bruce:.County' increased by More than 7G0•. to 42,747 in:' 1962; with` -favorable prices for beef ,and hogs the,: ;mail.. reason for the improved ,pictuxe: • G: It. Gear,.. agricuitura1 : re.p.- rese itati've, .:of Walkerton, • says the 'farm .:labor 'income is. the, amount the farmer: has aleft' for,. iaibOr: and ' manageineit- =after. paying all ; expenses and a'lilow ing for = •depreciation', on • his. equipment and: 'other 'ailow'an- ces. Th:e figures come'':fr.oni the. account (books .of the ;Bruce Farm., •iManagernent .Association. $nice '.County was:'the first. 'Canada to ' introduce a Manage - 'inept .plan, Capital, inVe'stmeiit 'for the year increased.' to ' an. •avrage of $4,500 'with''the,•:pur- chase of :new machinery . accouxit- ing.'.for 1,800 o•- Site ' farm_. g � ,8 f it.S :o, f Ibusiness ,the same, .but hog marketing was •up 'more than five Percent: The • average.. 'capital ..invest merit ' for farin „i .and. stock '.•in Bruce . County is between $38,090 and',.:,. $40.,0'00 4 Same •farcners, it. was pointed "out. by Mr., ;Gear,. have .$90,000 inxested.' The main ` . revenue producer' Was , in 'beef 'feeders, with 'aver- age • labor: inoozne oif $5,112 '.for - 34 farms. "Labor intorne's from 23 beef cow operations. .averag- • e0 $1,288 and 64 dairy operations averaged .$2,028.. Pounds of fert- ilizer' used per crop ',acre Were' up more. 'than five pe.rcent. £ULROSS {ORNERS Mr. and Mrs.' Earl Elliott and family, Detroit; spent • a few days 'with Mr and. .Mrs. Ezra Stanley . and. family. We are glad to :report .that Torri Hodgins• is home from `View toric Hospital,. London. . •;Miiss Elda Wall, London, 'spen't the week-endvw:it•h her ' parents, Mr; and Mrs., Morley. 'Wali Miss Mary Lou Thompson, having 'had her tonsils out ,rriis. sect a <few days af' school'. ,• 11VIr- arid ` Mrs Joe 'Dillion;":and family, Toronto, spent the week- . • • end with .Mr: and Mrs.'Albert. Harris. and. family. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Lane. and Hugh, K•iniough, were • Sunday e'vening'. visitors with. MMrs.Frank Brown '' and Reg:: ,• • i4 o0L BURNER BRINGS To YOUR -FURNACE.':... Maybe your old furnacedoes not perform the way it shotdd?• Let us look over your equipment' before You decide;to buy,a new furnace: Chances are that All you• need is a new, efficient' Esso Oil burner. • Low ,Budget Terms Up TO Five Years To Pay , ROY HAVENS Plumbing , niid , l leasing. ESSO OIL BURNER ✓ Sales ' and Servyce HOME HEAT : : SERVICE