HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-06-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR rCNoW SENTINEL, , .UCKNOW. ONTARIO. .„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5th, LASS1F1ED ADVERTISING. RATES First Insertion .2c per word, minimum charge 5Oc. Repeat Insertions, 1 12c ~per word,: minimum 50c. Notices, Cards 'of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum 75c. In Memoriams,. nunimum $1..00. 25c relies 'to The, Sentinel. Billing:.c'har of 10c for extra for replies _.,.. »e ._. each 'bill;. rendered. . FOR ..• SALE — ringer type• washer, good.. cond•ition,Contact 4+10: Norman Taylor,-Ludknow, phone .528-3216... FOR SALE—Boom set sprayers, spray 21' width, only $129, com- plete. See Lucknow •Co-op.. B,A;R.N FOR SALE -:•; 40' • x 60' barn.. Contact Rayimortd . Mitchell, phone Ripley; .12-r. 0.. SPECIAL : --- Plastic Magic Ny- o1ite for tile, Ilinoleurri or (wood. $1.70quart. William , Murdie ' and. Son, Lucknow. • : FOR TOP SOIL, gfavel and fi11. . --; phone 5.28-37.11., or, , contact • . .Jack, Farrisli; Lucknow FOR SALE', —; ;pure)bred • York - .'Shire boars,, nearing servrieeable ..ague, . also five-month-ol.d • ..gilts, '. ',Austin Martin, RR. 6, Lucknow, phone . Ri"pley 117-19; NEW and USED bulk or can types of milk .coolers •and cream separators. Irving Keyes, ,Glam- mis, phone . Paisley • BEST PRICES ,'on • tractor tire;, ,cement'oiand • fertilizer, quantities • in . stock at 'all " times. Contact Bruce .•,MacMillan ; :Lucknow. BOY'S BICYCLE WANTED -- .wish • to 'buy, used ;bicycle • suit- able for ••,0 ;to 10 age. .If you have 'one for sale, contact Mar - Old • ;Haldenby, Kinlough, phone Serve. 2400. APARTMENT WANTED — 3 or. 4 room . apartment -with in* Lucknow, Contact Charlie Ross, Wingham, 'phone 357-1635. WANTED --,- live .poultry; also new 'and used duck and goose. feathers. Best prices at/ your door. Phone or :walite. ; A. Brown, 181 Kincardine. • .'4HERE .,IT IS! 'Mealwith years . to.. call on local farms to aet1'`new ,,product: Farm necessity. ' : $1.65 per :hour, plus com.missions., Excellent' oppor tun,ity. Phone collect- EL ;22241; Chauhan Ontario SIF YO.0 ~ ARRE 'LOOKING ' FOR STEADY . WORK . :HERE.:IT Reliable: man : 'between :25 and 55; , married•:,,and 'with. car, ; want- ed immediately •to:.' sell ..Raw-: Aeirgh. Products in Bruce Co. 'No •experience nor _. capital .needed. We -will show you how .to. niake .:from $65 • to ' $125 ;or; more per week: This; is a .splen'did:oppor-. 'OR• SALE Nash• aluminum" •tuni for a .har • ,kin urian window doors •avenin's ..: and ,ty d wv $ g to ' establish a , good ,Ilrofitaible car :ports,' tree • estimate, :phone ibusiness: •Write nvmediately: 528-3723; ::Oliver Glenn,, Lucknow. the W' :T RAWLE7'GH CO IfrD EALHER OUSE FOR,. BALE _ 7 -room Dept.: F-2 �-�1,A�.. hiause:' dor•• sale iii R�p1ey 3: 4005 . Richelieu, Montreal 'bedrooms , arid ,bath upstairs, 3 .. rooms and toilet; , dawwnstairs, oil ° `�'' furnace large garden lot ideal 1 #E CHER COMING EVENTS NEW CASH BINGO' Legion. Hall; Lucknow, every Thursday evening, 8:45= p,m...15 regular games -.- $10.00 each, 4 Share The -Wealth games with- jackpo t included in each game. Jackpot • this week, $7000 on 57 GARDEN PARTY SUPPER The Lucknow .United Church. Women will' hold a , Gardexi 'Par- ty 'supper, featuring turkey, and ham,. on .Tuesday, 'June 11th in the Church, from 5:30 •to 8:00 p.m. Adults $1,25; Public School children, 75c. : TEA••• AND BAKE SALE A Lilac Tea'and Bake Sale • at St. Peter's Parish Hall ° on Sat- urday June . 8thfrom 3:00. to 5:00. 'Everyone welcome, Under sponsorship' of St,: Peters IW.A, . ANNIVERSARY SERVICES .:Hurvgannon United Church Sunday School will ,hold anni- versary :Services Sunday,:: June 9th, , at eleven o'clock.; ,Guest speaker, Rev. C. W. Lewis, ,Au- burn; special ` mlusic including Lucknow • District .' High ,School Band, • RECEPTION • A reception wivl•1 ;be. held • in the, Legion Hall,- Luaknow, on Friday, June 7 in ; honour of Dr.: and Mrs, Ken MacNay. Car- ruthers Orchestra. WEBSTER REUNION The .annual 'Webster reunion wild'.I be ,held on Saturday, June 1.5th at; the Bayfield Square: Ball game, three': o'clock ,sharp, north • against south. Supper • at five thirty, . NOTICES WANTED NOTICE I wishtothank all who were so kind . in many ways at ,the time of the death of my sister, 'Mrs.% J. W. :Colwell. ' Their thoughtfulness, .was deeply 'ap preciated.• N • Mrs. Wm;• 'Bushell. • •, . •Phe fiarnily .of .. the late ,Mrs. John' W . Colm: ell - wish to • ex- press their deepest .gratitude & sincere thanks to neighbours,. relatives; and friends. .for the. many acts of kindness .and ,beau- tiful ''flowers and for • tlhe .delic Taus Mood that was served • in the, Kinlough. Anglican church par- lors. Special • thanks ; •t'o Rev:. Canon. R.. W; Stump, ,the :Mac- Kenzie Funeral Hame and Wo- man's Auxiliary of the church, • This is',National ' Water Safety Week. Brush lugs: on water safer ty , kn. owledge now. Contact yogi. Red ,Cross for ,:Water :Safety in- formation. • • SERVICES CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef' and pork sold .• in any quantity. .Custom butchering : in. Government '` licensed • abattoir Pigs... every Tuesday. Beef front Monday through. 'Thursday: BL TTON' S MEAT MARKET • SEPTIC ,PINKS ,CLEANED Septic tanks, Cess. pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with `'mod- ern equipment.. All work ''guar- anteed.' Louis' Blake,. R. 2 Brus- sels,,, phone .442-w4; AUCTION SALE ,Allan Maclnte Licensed Auctioneer Lucknoniv ' Phone 528-5304 location. Apply.. to John Mac ;The Annual Comliniminissainiummumaseassa - Charles, R.R. .1, ' Riley, :phone ''Teacher:Wanted ,for iSJS: 'No, 1 •Huron Township; 1 -room school. • • SALE. -4- lot and;. shop on main- street Dungannon Shophas heavy ;wiring and furnace, consists of eileotric welder, hack- saw, idrill',several. other tools, some steel; also a ;home -built trailer 18' x 8' wired for hydro, 'insulated, oil 'stoveand propane 2 -plate stave. Contact Mrs, Mary Erririgton after 6 p.m. at Iiun gainon.. phone 10, // PROPERTIES 'FOR :'SALE' In Lucknow ' . . 7; ROOM ' HOUSE, lib storey, close to Publicand High 'S'bhool oil furnace, bath; :built -tri cup boards,- nitelyy : decorated, estate property, ,.must be sold. 5 -ROOM HOUSE . all, on one floor, new built-in cupboards., in.kitchen, large living :room, '. ex- tra lot, priced' right: (Contact:. WILLIAM 5, ' REED Real Estate' Braker' Wingham, phone. 3'57-2174. ,Please state • qualificationsand i experience ::•and reply by June 14th. to Mrs. Perrin Lowry, sec- retary -treasurer, R.R. 1, ' Kin- cardine, Ontario, FOR RENT PASTURE FOR : RJENT , SUR - able for 4 caviws with ,calves. Con- tact Sam 'Chislett, R. •1. 5, Luck - ,now, phone 528'-3101: .t. FARMERS! Aircraft *V.eed • Spraying For 2-4D spraying . of Spring Crops, Contact: ALEX FARRISII Phone Dungannon 88-r-7 .LOST DOG �small water spane1 • �lo•son Sunday'wy ' on • Con, 6, • Ashfield... :Finder ',please phone Dungannon 45. Is Your Subscription. Renewed? Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and. 'Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repair; Protect against rust -with 1Jnda-Spray „ • Davidson's Texaco Service No. 3 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 FOR SALE ��d Used Cars 1962 Chev `iBiscayne" coach' as. new, 1962 cor`air "Monza" • -sedan,. ;a • lovely car at . the right .price. 1962 Envoy "Custom" sedan, economy at its best. - 1961 Corvair 1/z -ton ramp side pint -up, . canct be told : :front new.. "Bel Airy"sedan, 195 ;Chev sharp.. 1958'+Pontac •munity. picnic will :be held at :the Scout Hall. 'on Saturday, June 8th, 1963 .at 1.:30 sunder the. auspices Of the, Kinloss'Boy Scouts, Games . and :races fora all •ages: Basket ' lunch. Every- bo,dy.:_waloome. sedan, automatic,', radio. •1957'.TurnpikeCruiser, . a beauti- ful car' priced to.• .1057 Ford "Custom". . sedan, all the extras :at no extracost, 1957 •Ford coach, new motor •- .1957 Plymouth sedan, •• priced to sell. • - 1957 Volkswagen coach, a•. Mbar= gain. • . 1956 ;Meteor coach, coxnpletely overhauled. '1956 Chrysler, .one owner; a good one: • '195.6. Cheri'. . "Biel -Air" • hardtop, sharp, ' ,195v5 Chev ,:"Bet -Air sedan, a ' bargain. • 1955 Plymouth, priced •fox~ quick sales • "Many more to choose front." Baker and Irwin Phone 147, Kincardine„ NOTICE Having been, appointed' ,agent for the . Huron. County 11liedical Insurance Co-op, 1 am now '•►pre= pared to take care sof all your medical insurance .needs.. Enquir- les 'appreciaited: Gordon Kirkland, phone: 69-r-11, ,Dungnnon. • FOU.NDATION GARMENTS STYLIST = for Lucknow and. district for Charis, Betty =Dear ;:& Smart form foundation garments and 'brassieres. Elastic control and full support .-garments. Mrs. William Kennedy, Patrick St., Wmgham ' Ontario, phone 357- 2115. " is. our : Subscription :Renewed? WANTED Real Estate Agent • MA.N or • WO•MAN For• .'Lucknow and District Experience preferred, but not • necessary, Ambitious person oar make better . :than :average ,income • Apply Wilfred Mclntee. Realtor,' Write 'lox 549' 'Walkerton, or phone . 881-2210, ■ ■ ■ CLEARING AUUWJ ON SALE Household furniture &. antici will be held' ,for the estate the'' late • Miss Birdie Har Stauffer St., Lucknow (2 ,bto north Of Main, Street) on Sat day, June 15th, 1:30 p.m.: Off ing 'includes General Elecl refrigerator, electric . stove, new, chrame. acitohen table ,Y 4 chairs, Danang4 room table chairs °Electrolux vacuum.cle, er, 'Electric heater, antique 1p.1 form rocker, 6 "'cane''Ibott chairs,. Fold -away gybed, 2 sin beds; ' Bedroom suite, ;,beddi. dishes. and ,glassware, La chairs, garden tools and num ans.' small articles. TERMS,' CASH. Allan IdacIntyre,. .Auc AUCTION 'SALE' Clearing Auction Sale of fa ianplements,..lpigs and househi effects,."(will. (be held for ..Har 1VI%tchell„ lots 3 •and 4, conc, :ion 2, 1Goderi•ch ` Township; • •h ,nide south of Goderich on Hi& way .21, Saturday, June 1.5th 12:30 p.m. sharp 4Q. pigs, 'hotu .hold effects, , large.. selection machinery; imuch ' `of 'wI loh •practically ° new .,See 'bilis -1 list, and' fermi. Harry Mitohe proprietor, • Emile 'MacLennc auctioneer. AUCTION SALE of •116 -Acre' Farm,, Tractor,';`Hors Some, Implements, Furniture • Carpenter; Tools, etc. To Be Sold By Public . Aucti �-...for . the ' estate of the Late. Bata, Macdonald 2. •Miles East 'Of Kildail, Lot 7, 'Con.;: 9, Ashfield On SATURDAY, JUNE, 15th. A.t. 2:0.0° .pain: Real Estate The 'farm consists .of 116-acr, of : good clay loam in good pr du ing Mand, with approximate 100..acr'es under;:'cultivation, tl • ':balance in lbush: There is .a. room. ,brick: house with 4 roar upstairs and 3 downstairs, .,hyd water •suwpply, etc., a' barn . a 'proximately 60x',30 and drivi shed as well. This farm also h a spring creek_ running thea the south .end. of the farm. An, one looking for a 'farm, like •th on ,a main county road, wou 'be well to • look . this one ov Farm. Implements • • Mise: and; Horses. Small • John Dere ' tract Manure spreader, Dump.' ra Cultivator, '., . 3 Horses and Spring Colt, Kitchen' Cabin Westinghouse ' .Electric St Coffield Electric' Washer, :,Ki Chen. Table '. and ',Chairs, ' Sing Sewing : ,Machine,• Roll Top des Eureka • :vacuum cleaner, Po 'claim. sink, Buffet,. Antique 0 •gan,.3✓4--bed springs and 'ma tress, 1 full '`size ,bed, springs ar • mattress, ;Mantel radio, ' Wihea ley Plainer witih .. motor, Kra Master Taable saw & ,,motor, Mit) Saw, 2 electric motors, Quantic def carpenter tools, Work ` ben and vice, Blacksmith forge ,a Anvel, 1955 ' Studebaker, Dodge truck, Quantity of lumbi and ' metal. roof 'material,. 'far ning mill, .Quantity • of mix' gr Terms on farm will be ma, known pn day of 'sale, Terms o Contents, 'Cash,'" on d•ay, orf Sal with: No Reserve,' Winding u the Estate, • '.,(M.rs,). Elizaibeth Dorsch, ,°Ex cutrix, Clint Jantzi, Auctionee phone Baden ' 146. . ■ i ■ OfficeI=:: ■ : Phone . 357-3840- 1 ■ ):.WALTER •■ • le■. • ■ re ■ N; WESTERN Ontario "Nuns- • GERALD (Jerry ■ ing Home" - for' sale ,as a• ■ j.. going., concern: d'w1L • .price ra ■: of• $22,000 ` : Tinel udes all • equipment necessary for • og$erating :business phis ■` • Ontario. licence for" eleven a 01. patients. Property, Ls ' in. 111 ■ ianirnaculate condition.. N. • Terms are , available':. el ■ . • •1N`o.3459, . ■� ■. 348 ACRE BEEF cattle i ranch, in East Wawanh 1 Township.. Full.. price only w $40,000 'for 275 acres work- •■ ■' able Medium 'clay loam, 2• '■ • storey 8 -room brick . house ' • • 'all modern conveniences, a' • • . huge barn ,with loose haus-.■ ■' ing 'ifor 200. head, `trench ■ me silo 36x6'0. under • .cover N. 'Plus upright silo, Excellent • ■ terms •avai'lable. '.No, 63-355. ■ •N' PROPERTY WANTED • Anxious Purchaser looking • for .100-150 acre .farm with ■ good se�of i , ;■ t bu ldings sit- • r uated on agood igir-avel w ■ road.. This gentleman is ■ very anxious to 'day so', if t. ■ you have 'been thinking of n , el selling don't rill's this good M n opportunity; • ■. ■ •■. ■' ; J. Everett Pennington IMS R.S,. 2,, Teeswater.. t ■ Phone 392x6064' ■ MIiIId//r/'IiI11NI 11rsi SAVE TIME .AND .EXPENSE Have 'buyers "coining to ,you Use ,Sentinel 'Want .Ads." • Is`, Your Subscription •Rerretve 1311MGE, TALLIES, euachro court whist. acrd • {bridge '"';scor cards are how available at Th Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528 3134+ ,