HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 10PAGE TEN ' r T143E , LUCKNOW SENTINEL, f UCKNOW ONTARIO tailOgialbraimmommommi WEDNESDAY, MAY 2t 1963 400.0.4110••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,•••••••••••_.. 1 Introducing The COMMODORE TYPEWRITER. • • • new Portable Typewriter At A New Price - $54.95 • (including carrying • case) • 2 A new lightw eight• portable ' typewriter, only 9 : pounds in weight, under 3" in height. This standard model 'i '. incorporates: all _ the . 'standard features of a:, large•" machine,• quick -set margin, paperholder,; half spacing. = and ,84 character keyboard: ' • • • • A �1 a s.. n oo:Display- At LUCKNOW SENTINEL . •• • • • • • 0-. • 041100n•oiooaoDtoinol1e0olooannnnoounoonoanolN00 Mrs.' Mary-Erxington, Nancy Er- rington were' recent visitors •!With., relatives' in Toronto. •;Congratulatjons , to.; Miss Pah ricia • Pentlan'd, second 'daughter of. Mr. and 111rs. Frank: Pentland, who 'graduated ,from' Stratford General Hospital, Stratford on. Saturday, .May 25th,: About ,forty' guests including relatives,, neigh- bours. . and., diose •'friends` 'were entertained to , a evening dinner in the Sunday . School rooms of .. :the United Church, Dungannon •with the Sunday School.'teachers catering, We ' wish. her : success in .the noble `career she has •eho- sen.. Relatives' ;and .friends. were ;present • fi'�om North •Bay,. ' Tor - and. 1VIrs; ' Bruce . Robertson, , Kit= onto, Detroit and London: ohener; Mr. and Mrs. Leonhard Crawford, :Winghain, visited • on :. • WI Meeting Education was the' theme •of Sunday with'Mr: and Mrs W. A. the Wornen's-•• Institute -meeting Culbert and son• Bill held at the home of' Mrs. War - Mrs: ` Hugh. McWhinney ':. and ' ren Zinn. Miss Beth McConnell, mother, Mrs. Eva Elliott : visited local librarian .spoke on her. Wednesday till: S'atunday with-.-works:and displayed severa�new Mrs. `Elhott's brother.• and wife,. books, .Mrs. C, • Blake Presided Mr• and M.rs'•,;�h, Banter, of. for '.:the. Business `period: The Windsor:,roll :call '``•Ari. Educational prog- Visitors with Mrs:. Margaret 'arms I'd. like.:.to •see or 'hear," 'Moran: at the home of Mrs, : Ir." (,was .answered • by twenty-four vine Henry . were. Mr: and Mrs ['ladies. Plans • for the District .. Wilbur Moran and • ;fainly of. Annual 'on' :May 30th were cow- I4idon, Mr,''' and., ' .Mrs. Ernie:; pleted and .also. the ,bus trip Ito 'Freerrman • and Bab ...of :Chatham, Guelph on June' ,20th Otto tto Mrs: • Jas:;'I<�eane ad Mrs. ROM::';Poipp was, maned Curator' of the.; Currie and •Lynda of : Lucknow. Institute, It w'as, reported.. Miss F C. Wayne Brown, . R.C':A.F., Donna McNee received 1Provin- • • Winnipeg, visited • his parents, cial Honors for cher 441 projects Mr. and Mrs. W.ilbur•.Brown :on• also her display '-' of aster- and • Friday record ,.(book, Mrs. Zinn ,played. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Finnigan several 'music.al numbers. 'The were -Sunday visitors with Mr. ,June .meeting ' vi,11 • be held on andeMrrs ,Kitchener Finnigan... of the 27th at Mrs:, Lorne ,.Hasty's. . Miss G. Wilkes of Goder-ic►h, is. Mr. 'and `Mrs'.' Eldon' 'Irwin. Ag to be ,guest spea'ker.. The roll call family of Mandabibin, near Sari- .will, he : an .intereslting: 'article la,; visited oz Sunday with' her from. • "Home.; Viand !Country". parents, M'r and 11!lrs "William Lunch was convened" by .Mrs; W:: Irvin. ' - Stewart. Mary Lou !Henry, Cedar Val- ley, visited .over Monday• night Duni annon United Church .there with her (grandmother; Mrs. ; L' will be a •ceremony of dedication vine Henry, • Mr, and Mrs. E. Sandelilof to missions. Children and.: Maung People•'s groups . will share sortie Ironwood•, • . Mich. were recent r of. •the Ihighlrghts of .their rnis'- ' visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs, T. C. Sion• study Anderson. . . • Mrs: John Durnin, • Auburn, : W.M.S. . Meeting visited 'for the', week -end with The .Missionary SOiety of Er- her aunt, and uncle, Mr+•'and Mrs, skive. Presbyterian Church met Thomas Webster, gat .the home of ,1Gi;rs;, R MacLeod. —Mr. and Mrs. CChesterurnin: of Lucknow on Friday, May 24th. :of Irwin Penh. are spending this Mrs: Robert :McAllister opened week „ at their cottage, •at Point the :meeting with Psalm 89, 'All Clark, The fortner's Mather, :Mr. repeated the "Purpose;" The 1Z. J, Durnin of :the • village is Glad Tidings 'was taken by Mrs.' with' their'. - It, MacLeod, Mrs. F. Jones Mr, and ,Mrs, .George' Whitlarn read' 'he chapter) Psal:tn ?f4, Mts. and family of Toronto 'and ,Mrs, W. Stewart gave a paper • on ,s.il Mary MacLeod of " Kincardi 'e° and its cultivation and. conclud were recent visitors with. Mr. & ed With a "Farmer's Prayer." Mrs, Robert Stothers and, Mr, Twelve answered the roll call and T, C. Anderson with a verse on salvation. Cot - Mr., and :Mrs.. Victor Errington, respondence Was read .by :IN's,: DUNGANNON Mr: and Mrs. V,iotor Errington. spent '.'the week -•end visiting.. Coil,. sins, Mr.and',Mrs. Wes :Alton,, London. Mr. and' •Mrs. Cecil Blake . and Barbara'.: spent the • week -end with: Mrs. • D. S. Fines, : Toronto; Mr. and. Mrs. B. •F:. Comffort, St. ,Catharines, and Mr. :and ".Mrs.. Palmer Kilpatrick,. Aginco,tirt, Their son, Jirn Make, who' has conipleted• first. 'years studies at Osgoode . Hall, 'Toronto; :acaom= panied . '.them home, Mr and Mrs. Earl 'Sherwood and daughter; Neta; Carlow, Mr. James Wilson and discussed. The study was,. taken : iby Mrs. Robert. McAllister. The tweeting closed with a hymn and. the Lord's Prayer, .A dainty lunch was. served y Mrs.MacLeod and a sociable half-hour :enjoyed by Mr, and Mrs, Don Walden and family, Kincardine, were week- end visitors •with Mr, • 'and, Mrs. Ben .Mole„ • II,C W Meeting . The Dungannon United. Church Women met .in. the Church base-- aient, Mayr .21st. -Mrs. Lorne' • R'asty opened the meeting, Study groups formed with.Mrs, T. C. Anderson, Mrs. N. L. Gostonyi and :Mrs. Howard Johnston. Mrs.. 1Vf; Reed was - appointed. the U.C.W. historian„ A' bale is to be packed and any ,donations should be in by June . 20th. A donation is to ibe sent 'to John Milton Society; 'It was agreed to have the .quilt, on display 'at the Women's Institute District ' An- nual, May :30th. ,Lunch 'was ser- ved at thee close of the sheeting with . Mrs. Ivan •Bivebt ' , as ' con- vener. . urger Kedr�sky Wecidlng..�Saturda Y BARGER KEDROSKY The marri e ,of ;Joan Teresa,, daughter of Mrs Margaret Ked- rosky and lathe date Frank Ked- ,rosky of Renfrew, to. Flight Lieutenant ,Tames Howard Bar- ger, son of Mr. and, Mrs, How- ard Barger of R.R. '3,• Lucknow, took .place on Saturday, May 2.51th at.ten-thirty :'clock in St. Francis Xavier , Much, Ren- 4frev,. Father E J..IVlurray of- ceivaited. Miss Main ue 'I.euy played the:',, wedding music,., and Miss Doreen , Kenopi'e sang dui- in,g the ceremony. White and pink, flowers arranged with greenery were used to decorate the altar. The bride; whowas given away by ' her brother, 'Mr, Adam. Kedrosky, was• in a .•gown of white organza, fashioned with a standaway skirt ,falling into :a slight train. Her , fingertip veil of tulle illusion • was •+held; ".by. 'a' bow in a 'floral ,garland, and she carried a bouquet' of 'white rose ds in oph4a•, Thebu�brid srna'iGyd,psss Gera. 1d ine Kedrosk ' sister of the bride, wore a frock ite lace aver pink taffeta and a n iat Bing, pillbox. .She carried a -'bouquet of pink rose ,'buds 4n.pso� phila• ,' .. Flight Lieutenant D. W. Me -- Gowan e -Gowan: of Cold Lake,. Avbe,rta,. actedas, bestman and the , guests, were ' u?;hered •• by Dr ° Stanley E. S,iimsort of Ancas'ter; Ontax lo.: ,. Following the • eeremno ,y, a dinner was 'held .4n the. Hotel Renfrew.'. Later, Flight Lieutenant and ... Mrs. Barger 'left on 'their wed- ding trip, the (bride ,traveling in •a suit of ivory boucle, and wear- ung ' an• open pillbox of . pink os- trich feathers,, Upon. their return; they 'win take up: residence .in •.Ottawa. Drive-in. hanks were created • s� . the real owners of the cars could see them : once •in a while.— . • • t` a. complete assortment of IJS I:NE.. now available .. SUES • DAY TO THE 1 ORDER Of MODERNaWwufVANIT`NES s«.LI TOUSTOW11..r.GY. CODED 1236 • YOU* FAVOURITE. RANK •' 1234.MAIN 3T. AT QUEEN YOURTOWN. PROVINCE ; DOLLAR' '• MODERN VAN LINES .1:0112310"5471: 890 11234+1" • see our new p bge' Illustrated catalogue: and choose the cheque 1Ihat sults . your business reuir menta Nis NOM 410 . , UMW 0111,411i r Imo, BUSINESS CHEQUES' (3* on -o -page) Magnetic . Ink Encoded 'Business Cheques designed to meet the speci• I °flections. of . The ••Canadian.Banke'r's.' Association are now available. These cheques cam en imp)int' of • the name your corapany and ' stock cuts are ahaailabte: to Indentift a wide range of , P end service:' Each cheque .� r 4?sed stub :is n, timbered 'ono' the cheque P .: u " pod Is bound in. a handsome, long COVOr Ainommorni 11111111,0111.11 • VOUCHER CHEQUES' ENYE1OPES4 The Luck�ow Senlifl�i Phone,"` $2873134 ; n r