HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 9WEDNESDAY, mAY 29th,. 1963, ' . LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, L TJCKNOW ONTA.RIC • MiIk Distribution To_Schools- . s One Add. Chiropractic.. Resolution • Passed By Bruce South h SIU .1. Covera.ge: In Huron Mrs. Cliff Heivi t,, • Bervie, , Music was supplied . lyla ' at the . Huron Co-operative • Medical presided for. the annual meeting:morning session byPhilip Mos. Sexvices, , annottncc that in the of Bruce "South District Worn-, Stewart and ''.Ars, • J. W. Joynt interests of greater :Service .to anis Institute •when one hundred' of Lucknow and in the after- its • menirbers • ri.•ts benefits have' and sixty members gathered at neon by M •,,;, Dan Tiffin; and; 'been extended to include corn- Reid'.$ ° Corners on . T•hursday",,,Mrs, Claude Coffin White . plete coverage •'in the field. sof. May 23rd. church. x chiropractic 'care. «. Mrs. Walter Farrell and Mr Mrs Donnie McDonald Of �' 'what was a,'hisrtory making Rae Walden of 'Lisburn were in Ripley presented 'the Federation p reeddent, 'in Clintonlilast Mon - charge of regL tratron and Mrs. of ; Agriculture report 'and Mr's.. day' evening, - Mr' M, Fordyce Harold .Haldenby, Holyroed, as- George Downy,. Tiverton re- 'Clark, • R.R. 5, Oaderidh, presi- sisted 'by , 'M.rs, , Jams , McEwan ported' en'• the• County'Museum. dent of'the uron Co -o fir, • .live of Silver Dake •cond.ueted a H p at 'Several :displays' had been ar ,Medical' Services. With; the full lively sing. song. ' ranged; " a 4-H Homemaking Board: of Direobors and Dr: W. • Mrs, Donald,: Courtney: of Club • exhibit, - •B:&droom Aoees.- Coveyduck, Di ndas, Ontario' & Reid's . Corners welcomed 'the ,priesEby A 'Institute Ne PAGE NfZ; w Dr. John Whitney, • G1ue'I1011 of. Instit�u�te •members and the.fol- Lamp,. • from Old by Lueknow the Ontario. •Chiropractic . Assoc • -lowing: guests were, introduced: :and Samples by LucknQ.w and 'iation, entered into an agree Mrs, I. B. Sharpe, Durham, Kairshea. • Board +Mem,ber; Miss Three • resolutions "'were sus - Donna Mae • Nicholson, Bruce tamed; •r.e d•iscarding glass bot-. . Home Econornist kiss Dora ties .along the highway; . •distri- Burke from the Dept. of Ag- outing mi,i.k . to the school - child-. ricu.+ltiare,.• Horne • Economic' 'Ser .ren, ,and a• elolsed. •.deer season :vice; Mrs, Iva; Spencer,. Tara,' in 'South Bruce. . 'Area Chairman, Mrs Victor, •Mrs Cecil Hollands, secretary - Emerson, ' Whitecrhurcjh; past •treasurer' for the past six years presid•enrt, Mrs, Don McKay and was presented with an Institute Mrs. Harvey Sparks of. Bruce pin by Mrs. Victor . Emerson, in Centre.' aoprecon' of : her ' valuable Interesting reports • presented contribution. • • +by •the standing committee cop- Mrs.. William 'Slessor, Bervie;,, veners showed great..progress & `presented the slate" of 'officers activity. and Mrs, 'T B. Sharpe .presided Combine our home-growngrains with: POULTRY DEVELOPER CONCENT.R4TE the fresh mix with the meat. meal. based road off on the Want to start each young egg-factory'right in life?Then feed em your own Lome -grown grains, fresh mnced with National Developer Concentrate.. It's rich in meat mea') protein, •so it forms a perfect balance With the . youSte 1 vegetable 'nutrients in the grains . pp y• Whether you have your own grains or We supply .them,• .we can custom -blend the finest fresh -mix you can buy right here • at the ni11 : {. ": using',National. Concentrate, of I'.S, ,Aslt about National P9ultry`Gtower, a complete feed, plain or tncdicated ! i A pit C� p -U C T •o F. CANADIAN I.N'DUSTRIES LIMIT ED D. R FINLAYSON U(KNOW • menet on behalf:.of their• resipec-. •tive organizations to provide chiropractic' :treatment. 'for •gall°, members of the Huron .Co ;op &„ ibheir•,.dependents on a fully pre- paid basis. Mr: C .Iii: Magee, secretary manager," of the Co-op explain- ed, " bhe 'reason •we entered into "ESSO SERVICE. FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP. TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock). AT ' REASONABLE ' PRICES t. • Repairs to All Makes of Cars. and -Tractors' 3 Licensed Mechanics peel Alignment. and;Balanc ng MOTORCADE DEALER this agreement; with the ..Olhiro- no more' than for each .practi�c . profession Was so that visit'' that : she hakes: , to ;the' our members could enjoy the Chiropractor. All balances of best in available care from this the Chircipractor's • account' is branch of .the• .+healing, arts ,pro-.`;lookeei after under :the working fession. "One prime concern Was .that there, 'Should, 'be- nb .. restriction as to either the .•nurnber ,or.kind of necessary..;'/treatments that Might ,be given. • "Under the agreement 'mem- bers of'',•the Coop • and their.d�epen�dents' swill .•be provided with Chiropractic • 'care ..: when 'Presbyterian. Eventing Aux required, without lime:taction; axed : 'The •'regular May. ':meeting' was, wi'11 not result• in any i•ncreaSe held at the ,home:•off Mrs. Jack in membership rates yin the.; fore Pollock gat Teeswater Wiith 20. seable' future.` " ladies •.`present. Mrs; James Ait agreement we have with that profession." There is no restric- tion due• ito. age or. ►health •and ah: pre-existing conditions are covered. CHURCH, NE 5 accordance : wi.tih . sound business 'procedure and. Kiri line with co-insurance 'practice, a. slight fee of 0,64 is ipayable at the timeeach treatment is rendered to.a Co-op ' merxvber Eby, a • participating Chiropractor. "The. ,Co-op will . be charged he ;-remainder ,of, the - fee. fore. :treatment and no . further bill- ing will be made to the -member." "This .rneans;" says, C, H. Magee, "that if 'one '.. of our members goes •to -a iChiroprae- tor' and receives . x -•ray, :other 'diagnostic .procedure; treatment Or what •!h:ave you, :it costs him for the election .sof the -following officers: : • • , Past prest, Mrs. Victor Emerson, W+hitechurth, Presi dent, Mrs., Clrifford ,Hewitt, 2; Kincardine;- "1st • vine,Pres;• Mrs,_: F, Gemmell; Ripley, ..2nd Vice-pres., Mrs.' George Whitby, L•uc•know,, "3rd •'viae-ipres., Mrs. 04irid' Eadie; R.R. '2, , .Wingham; Secretary-"Treasurer, Mrs, Don- ald J. MadKinnOn, Lucknow;i Assistant • secretary, Mrs. Arm strong• . Wilson, • Luckn,ow; Fed enation- ..:Representative, Mrs: Cliff Hewitt, R.R. 2, Kincardine Alternate Federation Rep., Mos: 'James KirpatriCk, Ripley; Dns triet • Voting Delegate, • Mrs. Robert McCormack, Kincardine; Alternate' Dist Voting :Delegate,. ' Mrs: Frank.: Cuiwm'ing, R.i . 2, Rip'ley.;; Federation• df•,, Agrioul=.: rtu.re.:.1,epresen,tabive, Mrs, . Donnie 'McDonald,' 'R.R.' 4, . Ripley lt •A.' Fed. of ..Agri' Representative, Mrs, Ross IVIeRae, R,R 2, lees - Water; • Publric 'ReIaitions• Ofificer, , Mrs, R'a:ynard Arcltert,' Hol;yrood; Atidillors, Mrs,' DonaldCourtney,•. R.R. I,' • RLp1ey,, Mrs 'Kelvin Henderson, R.R. I, Ripley; Ae- presentative to 'Museum Board, Mrs. George Downey, Z''iverton' Representative to • Schobarship Committee, Mrs, 'Victor Einer-. son,' Whiteehurerh; Repr•esenta-.d I've to Fano Safety Council; 'Mrs, •Albert. Calwel'i, ik:R. 4, ineaIsobelr°I'olt�on� Activities, •�Mrs, { R;R<J'eesuvater; 'Curator, Mrs: William Arnold, R.R::2,Ripley; Standing Com-, mdttee 'Co"nveners; Agricui'ture and Canadian, Industries,. Mrs;• Neil Munro, R,R. 2, Tiverton CiVizenship • and Education., Mrs.' Ray Walden; R,R, 1,- Kincardine;. Historical'. Research and Public Events, Mrs. 3, t, 'Rowe, Kin- cardine; Horne. -Economics and Health, ' Mrs. :Gordon .Stobo, RR. 3; • Teeswater; Resb'lu:tions, Mrs," I3utiton ' tdodgi'n;s•, R.R. 2,. Kincardine, ine. cheson had 'charge of the,. Pro- gram,. which., •open•ed with the Call . to worship folliwed ,by a hymn and prayer; ' The .Bible reading,,• The Beatitudes,' : was read '.yin unison •:Mrs. .Morgan Henderson, igasie the Bilbie Study based on . the Beatitude "Byes,`, sed are the pure. ,in • ' heaxrt for they ` shall See God." Mn.•sMaude Sherwood . read ' from the Glad Tidings a:,, Biographical ,Sketch Mrs. .Thomas Ewart, one •of .the founders of .the "Woman's +Pori-: chosen to be members of 4he Kiritaii •Cam.p Management ,IGoan- nii�ttee, fit. was ,.decided that a group of :,ladies of. the . Auxiliary w,i~ll : go to Brucelea 'Haven, Walkerton in Octdber,to p,ort a ;program„ ..and, +bring'`, treats: Members : were • •urged , to attend: the Evening Auxiliary. Rally to. be' held in/ Ripley, on June 3;rd. The meeting closed with a hymn and -prayer. A •social -half 'Boar followed, ' Brownie News 2ND PACK BR6WNIES The 2rid Pack .meet ., ,on 'Tiles- • dayand played "Ball • In Ring " • E11en, O'Donnell. was Fairy+''. Queen ;and •prepared.:for.'Fairy Ring. . An ineption game was nityysecl with lL .girls ;gai'ning' • full points .floc' their 'inSpecotion. In • the work period , Tawny dwl• taught• the juniors :how to set a correct table while Hrown, Owl Instructed the sen°ior•;-Aroup in compass work. Irl .pow -wow the girls :,Working eign .Missionary, Society" iit, for, their. Golden Bar each pre- 18.76: TThe.'new Deaconess,' Train- sented three objeots''from nature ing School: rn,:Toronto• is named and ..told'. why ,they;;.had-chosen for her, +Mrs.. - Janes Little in- then •Som'e• •. interesting items troduced 'the study on .;Formosa. `were ` shown such as a dealing .with the ' h li history of the pixie quill d an some graphite by. island • and the' !four very • duffer Patricia Conon •ent; ; classes of people living The meeting closed by 'sing - there. Mrs. Morgan 'Henderson. ing the' Smile :song, ": �p!aassing • +the and . Mrs. • Noble Johnston 'were' Squeeze, and Brownie Taps. • When it comes to home heating, there's nothing quite as carefree and comfort- able as safe, dependable Esso,Oil heat. We have a wide range of oil heating ,equipment to suit every, budget. LOW ,BUDGET • ,�. , TERMS -Up To Five Years To Pay ROY HAVENS Plumbing. 'AnJ Heating. - ?hone' 528.3012 Lucktnnw • ESSO„OIL ,BURNER SALES. Attd SERVICE (' HOW 1VIE HEA`I” SEB.V'YCE • . ge9 ,p er • as. ,v r.