HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 8•
Grandmother : Atteilded Graduation
4*:'.Granddaughter became .A Nurse .FROMNEARBY.
Congratulations go • to Mr, °,and,
Mrs. Hugh ,Mason, second con-
cession. on ,the arrival of a.,daugh
ter. .
• Mrs. Kelvin, Henderson was
hostess onThursday evening for
• ,a Ho -Bo tea.. A: dainty lunch
was served "and a social time
'enjoyedby..,all, '.
' Mr. *Bob .:seott° .of the. 'fourth,
concession attended a ''three-day
' • conference. at. Huron College,„
n4*n, as ;a' representative, of
,Brune Deanery of ;' the Young;
•,4 .People's . Association. •
Patients in Kincardine Hospi-
tal a1 are Mrs. Clarence Dunlap &.
Mrs, John Ferguson.'
Miss Gayle Boyd was organ
ist :on ,'i Sunday fore the Junior
'Choir of • Pine River • .United
Churc• h)
ra : ' • McTavish, Eleanor
Einmerton, ' -Carol ' Courtney and
Charles Liddle were. in, - Walker--
+ton on Saturday. trying ` ,music.
theory 'examinations. . • ,
The first ball game . of , the
season was held. at Rretds Corn-
ers . Community Parkon Friday
Rev. P. A. McKenzie of • Pine,
• River', •and :Bethel. United con
• greghtions, is attending confer7.
Renee • 4this •week at St.' Pall's.
College, :Waterloo. '
' Attending the ,Spring. Deanery
meeting ' at Bervie Anglican
Church, were Mrs. Reg Godfrey,.
Mrs. Ji.ri. Scott, .Mrs. Chester
Ematerton and Mrs; John • Bm-.
zrierton.de. . • •
Attending.'' graduatifig '.exercis=
es on Saturday 'tfor Miss Marilyn
;Finlayson, ' • .daughter of 'Mr:' anti
Mrs,, ;Orville- - Finlayson,., sixth
concession Of Huron were: Mrs
•..Arthur Smeltzer and daughter
Aria,: 'Mrs, "Murdock MacDonald,
Mr, and •'Mrs. . Mervyn Hooey:,
Mr:' and Mrs, 'Carl Hooey, Mrs..
Walter., Pollock, Mr. and Mrs..
Alvin' Thompson ' and, �Mr. ,,,arid
Mrs Murxay Cameron
warily Lizinlayson grad
.from Stratford • ' General
Hospital where ,graduation ex-
ercises ;were held in the Shakes-'
pearean , Festival building. Lat-'
th evening Mr.' and • .Mrs.
• `Orville • Finlayson entertained,
relatives .at ..a` buffet lundheon.
Among. • :the guests.. ,was Mrs.
W}'lliain Hooey,' 'proud grand/no
ether of lour nurses. namely.. Mary
Smeltzer . (Mrs. James Mills,
daughter. of Mr: and Mrs. Ai
1?hur . Smeltzer; Vireen Frnlayson..
(Mrs: Alvin ' Thompson) , ' Oral
.Finlayson (Mrs, Murray ,Came-
ron) and the recent graduate
'.Marilyn Finlayson ,
Rev. D:' A. ;McKenzie !held' a
communicants class ;for the ,past
seven weeks:' .Uniting . with 'the
• churdh . were. Glenna 'Camp=..
Irene. Henry, Carol 'Court-
ney, Maithel' Lee• • Wilson, Elsner
Mitchell, . Bonnie Collins. Coin-
anunicants from Bethel Congre
gation ; were Mari. ,Elliott, Roti
• ald . Farrell; John Walden arid
Fred Henderson. Rev., . Mr..
held . .: a confipmatian
service:, and on behalf of . the
•• congregations, . Bert Irwin andRay' Walden presented each with
'membership certificates;
'MI's.' William Co* of Thin
lough :is visiting rwitth .:,leer son-
+inn -law , and daughter, Mr. ' and
• Mrs. I.Tohn Seobt.
Mrs. M. ` G. Echmier is a pat-
ient in Victoria .Hospital,.. Lon-
don.. Her .'many friends' hope to
see ther,,,,home soon, •
The W,M,S. of Ashfield Pres-
byterian ' •Church washeld on
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs, ,Dan MacLean., .
.Recent 'visitors with 'Mr. Dan
MacDona14 ' were ' Sally. and
Louise, MacDonald Of.. Windsor,
Mr. and .Mrs: Ralph- Cowel of
London • and - ;Mr. ; ' Finlay Mac-
Donald and $boys of Chatham:
Mrs. Annie:' MacDonald is a,
patient in St , Joseph's Hospital
in London.'
Mr. and . Mrs. ' Bill Henry of
Detroitspent the week -end
with Mr. and, Mrs. John .MacRae,
1(r, Torn -MacDonald • is a
patient in . Kincardine Hospital,.
'Church services 'were • can-
celled at Ashfield ° Presbyterian
Church on 'Sunday for anniver-
sary. services ,in. ,Ripley Presby-
terian Churdh. .Many from. this
-area attended the services in
R�ipley• ,
Reaffiliation services were
held i.n ..the church on, Monday.
:evening for. the C.G.I.T, girls. A
debate," should. ' we send our
An attempt .is being made to
'shave the •FAME packing plant,
'which hasbeen proposed for
the Hanover •district, located '
Bruce county, Warden Harvey
Pa•1,nateer ,of Bruce told the re:
cent Progressive , Conservative
nomination .meeting .at ,Port :El--
'ye are waiting for an ap-
rpoiritiiierit + (With , FAM) 11:14t.
have no• word aback yet, FAME
should ' be ' in B ncce. We produce
more cattle and' more !hogs, ;and
Bruce ,h,as•contributed far more,
• about $.104,000, -to shares for
'FAME," he stated, ..
At least two farmers .of, ,the
Moorefield' district lost .their.
tbiUfolda at a, ,fari`n auction • sale
recently, One of ' the , tbill�folds.
lifted by the 'pick ipoeket con\
•taned over $400
* *
The Harriston !branch of .the.
Royal Canadian Legion is . con7
ducting a survey in . that towT1
in connection ' With ,' Twin Pines
'Apartments for . senior citizens.
Itae Hetherington, ,. son of
Mayor ••and' Mrs: R';. S: Hether-
Kington,•. Wingharn, : received his
Baoheloy of Engineering . Science
degree in civil • engineering at
the University ..af Western On
money ite Missions was capably
handled' by four .of the girls,
the result !being a tie for both.
sides. -
Mr,, and Nirs Oliver McOhar-
,les. anir Mrs. Daisy 1VLcCharles
were in Clinton on Sunday at
tending . the; funeral of .Mrs.
Norman, Carter..
%Recent visitors With ` Mr.. and
Mrs. Donald: MacKenzie were
Mr,and' Mrs,' 'Wats,on 'Reed and
famnily''of Londesboro.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 29th, 196.3
It costs so little. to '.phone
with Bell'sreducedrates
calls between 'points in
The day rates are low...
there. are bargain rates
.. after 6 and all. day.Sund ay ! LL
Enjoy yourself
all the way
—call ahead
for reservations!
ahead and make sure-
Ontario. • and Quebec;
• * . *
* + * •
Everett. Finnigan arid Stanley
poeekner . 'of . Walkerton, ,..have
been, - appointed Bruce .County
lodging . and • !feeding
chiefs respectively. The .'two
have ; ' recently' completed :a
month's survival training course
at Arnprior ,in Eastern Ontario.
Some' sixty employees , of.Han
over . Kitchens, (Canada) Ltd.'
went on strike last week. The
plant is being Picketed around
the ' clock •i'n +wlhat is predicted.'.
will be 'a "long, hard battle.
:people., will •believe anything,:
if you whisper it,
New benefits for widows and single .women, 60 to 64 years
of age, e. are now available and applications are being accepted
for grants up to $65.00. �per month with, free medical service
and hospital insurance.•1
This new welfare program will assist women
who have reached their 60th .birthday, with
income less *than $1,1.40 yearly, and liquid.
assets .Of not more than $.1,000, resident at
.least one year in. Ontario..
WQme1 who Snag be eligible , include: a
widow, an, unmarried woman, as married
woman,whose, husband is.in an institution,.
or who is divorced or : has been deserted
for:'more:;than, 6 months.
• The Minister of Public Welfare, Old A Regional Office of the Department
Pariiainent: Buildings, , in anyone of 17 central locations
Taranto,: Ontario throughbut the Province,...
A. Reminder to : Old Age Security
Free Medical Assistance and Ontario Hospital Insurance
may be granted to single persons whose annual income
is not above $1,140,00 and whose liquid"assets do not
: .
exceed $1,000.'00. These'. benefits are available to married .
coupleSwhose annual -income is not over $1,9$0.00 with
liquid' assets no higher than $1,500.00. ,
A Note to. Those -Receiving
Mothers' Allowances
.Persons receiving Mothers' Allowances are advised or a
new provision designed to encouragestudents to,dbmpletc•
their education:
.The allowance may be continued after a dependent child
reaches 1$ Years 'Of age; ,if the boy or' girl is attending a
secondary school', and Making satisfactory progress:
:Prime,Minister' '
Munster of ,Public Welfare