HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 5• wEpNEDA.Y, MAY 29th, $6a. By JOHN BRADSHAW WEED . CONTROL , ]lN THE .LAWN At this. time of tike year even; the poorer '],awns in ..Southern Ontario; • look reasonablygood. The igtass AS green and (it seems' to. need :'cutting every •three or 1 four days..L'm certain- that this leads' ':many ..people to neglect some of ,the vital .care that , is needed . during • this 'period 6f,; the growing season; They say to theinselves, why do .1. need to give Itihe lawn any , more care? It seems rto me that .they° : are behaving dike 'the. traditional' ostrich,; only in , this case they • alio burying : their. `head • in 'the. grass instead of the sand. Dt pite the lush growth • of early spring, . it is most- +import- ant to realize 'that it won',t be' lociuntil the - crab .,grass is germinating; Although .on" an average.. ((season •the seeds 'start to germ inate'• around- the .ertd. of May, you don't rea'l'ize that your lawn 'is. infested until .early August. Lt is then that the' fin- ger ;,shaped, purple .heads of the grass plants begin to take over the lawn. With .the cool;, damp' weather of this spring, it's probable. that many •crab• LUCKNOW.ONTARIO PAGE FE. grass seeds won't start to ager, I� uu�uu uu ,l: ��u■�u'�na��* 11111 u��nu■urs■uu �■! minate until around :the lOth' of ▪ '" ■ June so there—is still time , to !` kill them with preventive treat- i. merit during the next ;few days. I have 'mentioned 'before that .crab grass is. an annual and; only survives from year to year in your lawn because it reseeds itself, 'Thais is a comparatively easy task for this ' pes.ky grass because singie, well-developed pians .have been' known to pro- duce as many: as 100,000' seeds,. • If your lawn. Was infested with crab grass ,last year or in pre- vious ones, let me .urge you to treat your lawn; during the next few days. • Our PLant,-scientiists have developed wonderful ,new _products, ' known .as pre-erner-• gence killers tthat, really work and are' safe !ib (the presence sof animals, birds and . 'humans They lti'ill the seeds as they ger minate, ' • While in holland this spring, I visited !the daffodil •f ields ' of Matthew Zandbengen,' of Sas- R. 'V ,BLACK LABEL.. OUTL KNONf WHK CANADA'S BEST-SELLING BE say: "M/IBfL; BLACK lABfl'� IN ▪ LATE i ■ II g 1963 Pontiac Laurentian sedan;. automatic ■ • 1963 Chev Belair Sedan, ' automatic; radio ■ ■ 1 1962 Pontiac Laurentian • sedan, automatic, fully equipped w • 1962. Pontiac Laurentian ' 2 -door hardtop,, 'fully- powered ' • '■. ■ 196' `•Ford . Galaxie sedan,•automatic .:-' . ■ ! • 1961 Pontiac Laurentian` 4 -door sedan, automatic, 1961 Pontiac. Laurentian, .2 -door hardtop, standard trans.. :' 1959'Chev . sedan, standard transmission ...■ 1959 Pontiac V-8, automatic transmission. ' 1959 .Chev Impala V-8, 4 -door hardtop' a 1959 Volkswagen ■ 1958 • Chev : sedan . with automatic transmission • ■ 1958 Oldsmobile 4 -door hardtop - ▪ 2-1957 .Pontiac 'sedans, 1:. standard transmission, •1 •automatic • 1957 ' Pontine . Sedan, standard ', A• • ■ NUMBER OF 1955 MODELS from .. $350.; up ! . MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM •. ■. TRUCKS!. TRUCKS!'. •N. i ■ :otors A 2=1958. GMC• 1 -ton Piek-ups' 1111 1960 Chex 1 -ton Pick -ug `. ■ 1960 'Chcv.1/z:-ton Pick-up ■ : • . ■■ ■ russets Cities Service Dealer " •.' Phone 173, Brussels M�■■■muimans■hniuinn■■ unmidu■m■�.uu■ummil ■ ill■ senlheim.• He's one of the, great. daffodil experts of ' the ` wor'ld and •is the.• only :foreign .niem'ber. of ' the 'Royal Horticulrtural ciety's Daffodil Oomanittee; Hee been using . pre -emergence weed killers for the :' past • nine years ..and he'll' .give .:you'' a guar- ter .for every .weed • you can . find in' his thirty . `acres of •daffodils: Despite . Several visits I 'was tint' able to earn...One • quarter„ you •can expect •the same 're sults With your .lawn; 'One `ap= plication in. the nett few days: wial .protest'. your !awn . from crab • grass• for an entire. season: Some . -of These • pre -emergent. 'crab grass . killers :also • con- tain a fen ilizer •'for .girving yyoui lawn a •muoh needed second !feeding. and • an:, insecticide,. that' ' will kill white grubs and otlher iaisects that 'infes•t the 'lawn: :Yoti .also get, some very. ; im- :portant pluses • When: you e : ` us Rw these:. pre emergence weeti kat lers, because a 'number of them will also • kill the; seeds of an nual ° grasses as •,they --.germinate It .may be :my imagination,. @tit • it 'seems •to , me that this Year's Cropof dandelions is.the, biggest ever. •• This mewls- that our: : lawns will • receive :an un- usually. large number . of 'seeds., Even . •if -yourlawn., • at " ipr.esent does not Contain a single .dan;, delion ,the odds are •that it will become. infested from ' other. lawris or 'fields .neanby.'. •I've just learned that: several of 'the pre-'. emergence crab .grass. 'killers will .also kill rthe•. seeds •of dan- delion's an delion' .as they, -Igerrnn:inato. 'How- ever, ; not all ' 'of ..`hose ori the Market will ao this kind oof job•.A Those that • contain- chemicals like Trifluralin or Zy,'troii. are Of this type 'and so F . yo'u• •use them ,now you'll not 'only 'con- tro'1. the ,crab . grass :as it ,ger Minates, but you . will also : keep :the dandelions '..un t r . Control for the rbalance' of this seas•on. • M'any n-ewcemers to .garden- ing quite` ofteii confuse the'!per- ennial .grass. called quack, tw'itc'h or couch, with crab' .grass, We used to ' thirik "that it spread 'mainly. in the' lawn by means of i.ts• • long white: •underground roots; .,bilt recent • research, has: shown' Ptiha.t the main cause' of spi«eading is 'by` •seeds. You will be happy to know that the pre - emergence . crab +grass killers also kill • these seeds .,as they germin- ate, This •c:ombined with regular mowing should soon eliminate twitch grass from. the lawn. PURPLE GROVE. Mrs Donald` .McCosh, Mrs William . Arnold, ' Mrs.' George', H rkness, Miss Margaret 'Robert son, Mrs, Frank Dore, Mrs. Mor- ford Mackay, :Mrs. 'Donald .,Gil=