HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 2•
pi l
• o
etrer Too Good
There. seem . to . be so mantif
'People who know how 'oto 'run
a -newspaper, we are surprised
there are .not more of ,them in
the • publishing business.
:'Or course, their conception of
Nr1iat • should, : or should riot, ,.be
published is generally dictted
by a. limited ;personal` .perspec-
tive, • and .heir own : misun'ter
pretation ` . of .a news Atom,' into
'which they .read their, own trend
' thought,. and . which is • not
always free of pettiness, and Un-
in-,reasonableness.• •
Inc :our mail last week we re -
'calved an- anon mous letter: The
usual 'procedure iwfhen " a !letter
writer hasn't. 'the courage to.
sign their name (not necessarily
for publication, but preferably)
we . quickly consign 'the epistle
to the waste paper basket.
Ilu t, this letter .tis "too good"
'to withold from..Sentinel read-
ers!, . so we toss polity aside. and
tiere it is •
Lu oknow, , May 21.
'Dear Sirs:.
Regarding .your. recent ar-
ticle •naming the, ' king -and,
queen of ` music of 'the ; Hiigh
School, many' pea le 'in . the,
village are wondering how .`
the; ' Lions .Club had •author -
itt r to do It. There are 'many '
fine musicians;' at. the sahoal
who play as . well ;and better
than 'those named;•. andthe.
selection of the laest is' hard:-
iy +the ,concern .of the:. Olub
and. ' the .unwise awards orf the •
member . should . not .'have
been . printed. I;ncaid its of
is k` do -t, Put ,'the
" kind r;�?o
ckib. or 'your paper in ;a
good- light, and have cause`
• agood:: deal of *bitter ' • feel
Ings: . ' •
1. am Sure when it was
printed,- you' did not realize
the .undercurrents .at produc '
But: Aronyous
E..t$a rd To WPB
• A huge throng of people ' pass;
ed through the MacKenzie Me-
morial Cihaple on Monday ev.
them on them piano duet .and ening :in tribute Ito. the hate, MI's,
piano ,solo by referring to them
as the king and queen of music.
There was no contest, no • jud-
Ong, and no. inference� of the
best. , Iht, was simply, a 'neat•, phrase
to say :"thank • ,you" and a hu=
man interest -story which the,
writer picked up and printed,.
and. for which we have:no no ap-
ologies.. „Since when . did..being
"the ' best" • become an 'essen�ti�a1
ingredient . in what makes,
"kings" .'and' "que: of •
• The 'writer of this anon
letter has; in: our opinion, ad-
ded' nothing to their stature by
so doing.
!Incidentally, . the . above letter
• 'to iMr. Cam , Thonmpson, • was
iiot -tihe: only "letter-,4wr tte '
handwriting was, it appeared,•
;camouflaged: It 'tresembled' an
adult .hand, and in comparing
the two tiletters we are. ':aware
of, the handwriting on one, was
snore "shaky": than. • the other.
By . way of explanation (or
should: we bother) . the Lions.
generally have. soarie musical en-
tertainment: it their meetings.
On :this occassion two .high school,
students - .per,or+med moat . accept
stably: . They/ received a '`big
hand,. •
- : Vit. so happenedthat` the pie -
tures of the "High; School King
and 'Queen, had appeared ,in the,
Free Press that day.' : In 'thank-
ing the two enfo7m ers, a •nieni-
ber of the club used a • figure
of 'Speech. , in • comlplixnenting
Q' C's Announce
IVominaton Date
Hospital Auxiliary.
Benefits By Sale
'Thee Hoapi:tal Auxiliary. Spring
rummage' sale was 'held , in: . the
Wingham Arena ' on . Saturday
afternoon; May. 2!5,. 'Once' again
the people • of the area respond-
well ' to :the ,appeal and as
donors,. workers and buyers con.
tributed to the success of .the -
The financial report is as `foil
1ows Men'•s and .Women's Clo.
thing, -$266.04;• Miscellaneous ,r
ticles, ''169.71..; 'Children's: Cloth=
ing, •: 69.30; ` Bats;' : 33,40, : Shoes,
64.25;' Novelties and China, '92.08;
:Groceries. and Curtains, 24.92;
Furniture, ' 150'58 ',Donations.).
415' Total $874.33 ' : .
'In addition there'. was sent to
the Hospital ':a ' parcel of •arti--
pies suitable' for use 'there with
an estimated value ' of .$42.00.
The . receipts. 'from the . Hospital
Tag. .Day , _ were: flout-of_town,
.$166 5. Wingh�am, •'$171.00 Total,
$337.50.: . 4
The Aauxiluary is grateful to
'all those 'who aback ,them up 'In.
this cooperative -ort : whhifin-
'valves mahy Workers and many.
kinds : of • Whelp. Women worked
hard..all ;day 'Pi'ida y avid on Sat-
urday morning and• afternoon
taking phone, calls, receiving and
sorting., articles.,; • preparing the:.
departments, and conducting .the
sale. ,Several men of 'the .corn-
.munity .alsq +hetliped in' a .car
iety of ways: The Auxiliary: ap-
pre+ciated - very .much Mr. Jack
Alexander's . contribution of : tea-
ent , to .the successful furniture
auction; At the end of the af-
f ternoon'. wearing apparel in, use -
;Ail condition which had not 'been
'sold was ,paeked::for'' shipment
to 'the 'Scott Mission and, Fred
Victor .Mission for use.. in their
Work in Torontq's Inner City.
The Auxiliary .;hopes . to be'
able, to;; announce' soon. the • use
which ' w.i11,'be made of'the pro-
fits ':from this ;sale., Over the
Years .many ..pieces of valuable
equipment and supplies have:
been ,purchased as. a :result of
the :generous ' support of : these.
sales by. the citizens of the .com-
munity. IWe auitil realize how 'for-
tunate we are to •,be so Well ser,.
vice • by our District Hospital,
in many people take pleasure
showing 'their appreciation
this time. It is. hoped :,that all
those who •are interested in. sup-
porting this worthvrhile event in
said of- : the Hospital • •.w.i'lll 'keep
the autumn sale in mind and
start naw settingaside items
Which 'might be 'donated then.
Save your dopations, and your
,buying power, and we'll. see you
in October!
John' W, .Colwell of Kinlough,
.who passed away suddenly in.
St. - Joseph's Hospital, London,
on Sunday. .
Funeral service was conducted
at Kinleugh. Anglican Church on
Tuesday with interment .in
Greenhill 'Cemetery, ..
Meld Open Ro.use. •
'Qn :Shut -Ins ,Qgy
Shut -Iris Day, now nationally
absertived, .was appropriately!
marked on Sunday Men 'Open 1
House was. held ''"at Pinecr.est .I
Manor Nursing Horne.
Many , visitors . called during
the afternoon and evening. They
were received 'by 'Mrs.. George
;Newbold, Reg .N., (the former
Mary`isher) and Mr. Newbold,'
who °are proprietors• of the Nur-
sing home. 'They were assisted
by their daughters, SYuiriley . and
Elizaibetlh, and their . son David:
who was at the, door.
Tea arid` bookies. were served
the guests -At the tea Mable, Mrs.
W. G. .Andrew, who is in her.
89th' year, and .4Mrs. John Mac
D,ougali, ,who Is '' in her 66th,
year, *re . happy with ;their . role
tad: pouring,...:Serving .was '4e
by' members `'of the stalff..
in theevening tea, was pour-
ed' :by Mrs. .Shirley Roach. of
the . 'Fairview Nursing ing , home
;f Ianover:
Visitors, who are ::not .regular•
callers, found • the home and: its
furn.ishin,gs . shinin, ` and. spotless..
Tile.. second ,floor'.has recent
;been redecorated, . and provision
is being- made ,for, an ,upstair
Sitting room with .tel;eVisioi ..: •
There are at..'pxesent 'twenty-
one.' residents in the home. • They
are: 'Miss Elizalbeth' Henaerion,
Miss. ,+Mar.�garet.:Maticintohsh,::Mrs.
W e . d son`"Miss Ld1a :Ir
Win, :Mills; 4 'nnie---Pierice ,
Margaret . MacDonald, ' ; MrS.. Sam
Kilpatrick,'" : Mrs. 'Sain Durnin
:Mrs; Margaret Dudley, Mrs. .An-
nie Struthers, Mss. W. G. Ain
drew, Mrs...' John MacDougall,
Mrs.'. Matilda ' MacKenzie,
Sam Morrison, Mrs, Esther
Shoe+battom, Mrs,' Catherine Bic
kel;l, .• Mrs, Georgina .McClure,
Ted • Dexter, Town. Wall, Russell
Middleton, Henders. Barkwell.
• In . .addition, . to the , Newbold
ffahrni+ly,,•''there, ds a staff of el
even employed ..,either full or
part time :.They;; include: Mrs::
Philip Steer, Mrs. 'John ' Crow-
ston, Mrs. Fred ' Gilchrist, '.'Mrs.
Robert MacDonald, . Mrs. Donald
'Cardiss, Mrs .,Harvey: Irwin;
Mrs. Harry.' Lavis; Mrs. Jack
Famish, Mrs, Les 'Purves, Mrs.
:Jack Jordan, Mrs, John R. 'aur-.
The • Progressive -Conservative,
nornrinati:6n mate • in the provin-.
' . cial riding of Huron Bruce has
been set for the evening • of
Thursday, June 13th, in Wing
tram Town Hall
President of the, P.C. ' Riding
Association is Allister ...Hughes
of 'Kinloss„ :
The riding ,is presently repre-
sented • hby hurray Gaunt, 'M P.P.,
'Who was 'the Liberal 'candidate
in. the 'bye+lectibn called 'last tall,
to fill the vaoan:ey caused by the
death, of the ' late John Hanna.
The Progressive Conservative
candidate was George McCut-
, eheon off. trusses;
ieculating: as ;to who: might.
be interested in the norniniton,
at the fertthcoming convention
has resulted in' several names
being 'Mentioned, •
Included in` the `list, whom we
have 'heard, suggested over ` a
period of, some time, are, ;George
'McCutoheon, George Joynt, R. E.
McKinney, Lloyd Ackert, De
Witt ;Miller, Bill Harris.
l;;ar1y October is considered
" res ;the best guess for the next
Provincial electLbn.
People • cannot be judged :'by
what 'other people say • abou.t•.
them, • but they can be judged
by. what • they say about, others.
The . only tyrant ,I . accept in
• this world is the' "still ,sm.a1l
;voice" • within ;rime.- Mah+atnra
Ghandi .
An argument is two people
trying to get the last word Ain
• Remember) . it takes' buta
moment to place a Sentinel
Want Ad and be money in poc-
ket. To advertise,)' ,just ;phone
Jim Cameron Recals Excitem..nt
Barn Raising. Sixty Years Age -.
It will be sixty years:the lat-
ter . part of June since ;the barn
was raised on the Cameron, farm,
in Ashfield .Towns; ip, ha short
distance east of Lochalsh. The
farm on Highway ' 86, is . now
owned. by John 1VIaeRae.
Jini Cameron of town .recalls
most vividly the' excitement` of
such raisings,' and this one. in
'particular,; for It Was 'on the
dome • farm; Jim and his sister,
Finlayson, are, the
last. •of .a ; ti am'ily of - fourteen.
children born
.on that far' m.
Roderick . and • Annie (Douglas)
Cameron, •
A . log barn and house :were•
tithe original buildings onthis.
crown (land .farm. The old; /log
'barn was used for. "sleepers"
on which to -build the new barn
42 x 60' feet. .
The framer was Roderick
(.Rory.) MaoChar+1es, Whose' wag-
es. were '$1.5.0 Aa oda ,..to rfram'e'the.
+barn. •
It was on June ' •2264h, '1003
that the *frame was •.wised ' by
teams . captained Iby• ►J; • K. Mac-
Donald and Angus ; IIVfacDonal d.'
Men skilled. and daring in
this construction art raced .each
other in' raising the main :plate,:
the purloin: and:' the rafters., The •
raising -attracted scores of far
timers,. who. lent a hand Or :were
interested spectators: • •
'It ` was somewhat 'Of a social
event, too, for the ladies of the
communitity.gatthered to 'help pre-
pare and serve. 'the food.' feast
'which . concluded the raising
.bee: •
The stone wall: under the Ca-
meron barn was ;built by Angus
Matheson of Ripley for 1125.00.
Most of tihe stoneswere 'obtain-
ed on 'the . Cameron farm,' and
here too a "lost art"; was em-
ployed ' by : the stone. masons.. A
. fire was "built +on -thee. big rocks,:
• and 'this, 'made the splitting of
Uhem.• somewhat easier.. 'With
- -uncan - . skill,. the stone • mason
knew . dust where to sledge the
• ,+big ,boulders .to .split ';;hear nit
efifectively for the wall • con -
struction. , • • •
Five . Barns That Summer •-
Jim . •Cameron 'recalls that
there Were five ' • barns • raised
that summer in the .northerly
part of the . Township. Other:
barns were raised, on the Geo:
'Hutchison . farm,nowenry
Barkwell's on ;the. Jack Cowan
farm, the 'Alex Maciconzie, farm
and .the Bill Powell :farm on the
lake bank, ' west. of .A7nberley;
Built Home Next Year '
I't 'was'the next year, in 1914,,
that the Cai1neron dog' • Thome. was
replaced by the ,present res,i
clence. •. ••
But Mr. ,and' Mrs,. CCani eron
dad' not long enjoy, the .eoin•f ort$.
and cox veniene-es oaf ilheir !Large
home. They -died less ",than two
Months . apart it July and Sep
temiber of that year. ...
• Ther, e• were ,two Johns . and
two bans .in the Cameron Ia-
n -illy of fourteen, one • of " whorn
died • in infancy..Others : were •
Jack, ' who, Jost. an, `-arum -when.
crushed by a log in . the bush',
John Dan,;• M'rs. Dan, ,Gillies
(Annie), •Mrs: .Harry • Brown
(Jennie), :• Mrs. Peter Murdoch.'
(Kate), Duncan, • Ror r :Dan, Mrs.
Jack • JVIurd ctli' .(Belle);' Finley-
twirl sister. of Mrs.. A. ' R. Finla
son • (Mary) `. and , Jirtnthe young-,.
est of the. :family. • . •
Scottish At
;Bridal shower
Presbyterian Mission 'Band
There were' . thirty: -one mem-
fibers present' at the meeting held
.•n . the. ; •church''iri•hymn ='basement. After
sin n 746 'the' mnerrmers
singing ym
repeated the ' Matto. The- scrip-
ture Was 'read .by Gail Jamieson;.:
and sentence prayers were read
by John:' Henderson and Murray
.Johnston The Offe$ory (Prayer
Was read by Gordon Mauer; 'A
film• strip entitled : "An ' Indian
Sweeper" . was much, enjoyed:
The meinbers' all joined ..;.:sing-.
ing' several hymns and•!the,: meet--
img was•closed with. 'prayer by_
',Joyce Johnston. Iudch was ser--
e.r=.vel:, The final meeting 'of, th
season will. be :held in the form
of' a Picnic on June 1Oth;.
A shower was. held on Friday,
May 117th,. in Kairshea Hall, for
Miss ,Phyllis ..Steer, !bride-to-be.
'with Mrs. Ross .MaolVlillan and
Mrs, Mister Hughes in° 'Charge.:
Mrs.' `red , ,Collyer,was "c!hhair'lady
for the' evening. • •
The setting. of the shower` Was
Scottish •having in `,mind' her
hustiband-to-lie's Sacpteh mine!
Mrs, ' Harvey Houston and
Mrs. William' Scott • dere at the,
piano for a sing -song, Connie
and ': Heather .MacKenzie .danced
to the piping of• Tan MacKenzie'
and ,Marion and '• Janice Wail
sang duets ,to 'the enjoyment of
all. ' Mrs.`. 'Evan Keith, gave an'
amusing ' reading on marriage
while 'Miss Dean., MacLeod . con-
eluded the program with one of
her interesting. and , informal
talks : ,on music and singing,
• Phyllis . in tartan''scarf and, fain
was ':piped to . thebridal 'chair
by Ian Mao1 enzie Mrs, Currie,
Colwell and . Ors.. .Evans Keith.
,helped open the lovely gifts for-
Which' ' P+hylTis expressed der
pleasure and thanks rto all. The
efening closed .with an 'enjoy-
able lunch.
line ; To
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