HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-29, Page 1r •
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$3,00 'A Year. In Advance --00
S -'Extra To 'USA,
Single• Copy10c
16 Pages
uflo1her To Proceed ' lmmediatel.y
:Arena Floor, Will Roll Up •'Plastic . Piping
Luckxiow and District •Liens 'sand' • here necessary.
Club have set Thursday, ' July 7'ere are those who recom
18th : as the date of their anri- mend using this base for mak=
opal -•garden, party, carnival games, ing ice next 'winter, and if
pro ogram ' and dancing. drainage. and , other factors are•
The date• was confirmed at satisfactory, to 'pour the cement
the •Monday night meeting, pre= floor , early in 1.96'4.:
'' sided Over' by, Vice-president V. Pouring , the floor in *lite fall,
A. Mowbray• in the absence of and subjecting it --to a . "deep:
the• other "top brass" officers freeze" during the winter is
who :were ,attending the conven not recommended by one expert.•
tion at Cornwall. If the new west -end. addition
Tickets were issued' for a, prize is buiilt,. it will be started: in.
draw at the. carnival, With '1st Octo'ber:.of this year under' . Win -
prize a `$100 ;bond, 2nd prize a ter Works, and the east end re-'
450 'bond. and . 5 consolation .novations madeearly in th e
prizes od $500. eadh. spring of 1964, 'while 'this pro-
The convention delegates found gran; 'is still .in 'effect
a ready sale • for ; 100 {books at The importance of a lever•. ice:
Cornwa11: surface in the, interests of ' sus- •
.•The garden party will;be held tainting 'the curling club mem-
in the arena, and 'the artificial .bership. was ;stressed in Mond ay
ice plastic piping .will be rolled 'nights :discussions. ' ,
upto 'clear: the .floor. The pipes With the • curlin•g revenue.
,quite, a factor, "the : arena .Aper.
'ated' in the black ''this past win=
ter,' ' for the firsttime in 'many'
•piping this .sinring, !b'ut. for VarJack MacKenzie: • reported :on
. aous reasons' this was •notprac the Lions Tractor Club, which.
tical has 14 a embers,, and:.series
Drainage: Was .}docked in the of instructional .meetings plana-
construction .:of :the .ice Machin- ed. •
ery , building ,Nand_ : installations, Repair .and •• replacement of
!which • caused same `trouble this Lions • signs at the ;v.ilil'age . 4p-
sprinig• ,in ;the' rice area.,'• Proac'hes, and trashcans on main.
A recon'struction and . ren:ova'- street, '.were subjects., discussed
tion !program ...that: is •proposed,, and .'deferred.
maikes it `advisa►ble to.' delay the •
floor laying;
' The .;presen�•t • floor is far.. from
'level, being out as much :as five
inches between the high ' and .
• lowlevel. =proposedlevel naonee
rin Firm
ling, he'.,to r this fall with •
"chairs" under the' Pipes ; and
r The Summer
wall remain up .•until, after 'the,.
fall fair.
It had :'•.been planned to have
a .concrete floor ,!laid over the
Alex (Sandy) MacKenzie left.
Toronto .at midnight Sunday for
l **where ' boardeda
Mntrea he
r�.� p
E Teach! Montreal;
K: L,V1. • Duteh jet airliner to ar-
rive in •• Amsterdam. Monday.
At Pub Schaol
�.,. Aifter � a short sight seeing 'tour
Lucknow Puiblic School Board . he will go: •to England` where his
has :engaged Mrs' Margaret Tay- employment foe, the sum r,,•ar-
• for .of Win' harm to fi'1e1 the sin- ranged ;th:rb.ugh the • I,nt'ern:atioral,
gle vacancy on 'the Public'School; As,ociatianfor.. the exchange` of
staff students for technical experience.'
Mrs.' Taylor. will 'succeed Mrs: has posted Sandy with the John
Lorne'. Johnston, who is retiring. Laing • Construction Go; He will
Mrs._ Taylor is presently teat::be working from Mill Hill, Lore
ing in TUrnberry TownshipMr.. dor;,•.iiut as yet does not • know'
Taylor- is --employed with CKNX h Cher ite w- ' be engineering
•.Wi ham . *here . they engineering-
'office work or 'out on sight
ng , o _
their :home. gin.eering•. • •
'There , were , twelve, applica- . Sandy has completed his third
• tions for the' i. osition, year • of Engineering .Science at.
,.' .h'ad ori!gsinall ad- .;rie ,Un:iversity of•Western' .On-•
The Board , . b Y•
vertnsed 'for a :male teaoh'er, but' tari'o• He is the on of ,Mr. and
:received littleresponse. Mrs Torn MacKenzie of Kinloss.
Pour Tea At :Shut -Iris day Open House
.. , . rine.' c•ia.lc is.::iind tli.i ,wt� rcto:;criar,
bpr5r House was -hold , ~held tt •
'crest Vonor Nti1S..tn ;. ilornt 4
e• w
c happC
LuctnCW,tnS,1ndav, inobsetth pr forre�fpaiiIYgteafor
ranee of Shut-ins •Day, when the' uC..!5, they are, v1's, *);
scoresof ,People took the : Andrew; Ica', of Luet8who
P°r't.thlitY to visit tie hmiC 'and 1'611.; •"lulYear and Mrs.,
. •cel all, • 'Cott,. 2, Kin -
its residents. r t�lr�i
' Tea i res ser:'vd to t•he. ManY less, . who' iti in !ler 66th year,.
Strat#ord Graduafe
• Dung
n!� on
- P .
',.(Pat) Pentland, Blau-
„ghter ',of, and Mrs.' . Frank.
Pentland, Dungannon, graduated
in .nursing Saturday,.May, 25
from .Str General ••Heepiitah,
St�len,Bea•kin At Ford Garage, •Car.
Bus Taken 'For . ;Ride' The Same Night:
Gordon Montgomery, proprie- appearance of a ,high school burs
tor of the Ford Garage, has had from the `Montgomery bus lot.,
more . than •;his share of break- Gordon operates a fleet of ,school
ins, •robber; and, vandalism in :buses; The one , found ..missing
recent • years. on, Tuesday' morning was the *laig
' They struck again on Monday bus which operates through Kin,
night in what appeared to: be loss' Township.
two unrelated •insatances . It is • not :uncommon to •have, .
The garage was ;broken.. into bus service disrupted ..by storm`
and, a hammer taken to tie conditions, -but to 'have the ser -
cash register and coke' machine. vice cancelled because• of theft;
The -
were rias able to get, into ds quite 'unique,, to• say the
the cash register, or . at least, leash.
ceased: •
their : efforts,' The 'bus was rSoon discovered
From ...the key board in the in • the munvcipal ' ..:dumping .
garage :they. took the keys to • . ground at, the nor:thorn outskirts
a 1900 Ford • which was . stolen of the village near the CNR. I't
from the•display lot adjacent' to had' been. runup a steep incline
the .garage, • • at, the • north end of . the dump,
The car Was picked up by the but was removed apparently .un-
police at C•hapleau 'on :Tuesday ;damaged.`
;ev..en,ine with ;four in 'r the car:: A sweater deft in the bus, was
' Bus In The Dump missing and. glove c•o npart-.
Tho other;instance;. regarded ment .ransacked, and its contents'
as a ' local. lob," was the dis=• gone in dludding . a first aid kit.
Left:” Estate, For.. Kinloss Scouts :For`.
Student I�linisters � Trophy Al Sauge�n District Camporee
• A recent issue of the United •
Church Observer 'referred "to:' a
number of beques!tsreceived. re-
cently by ' the United Church
`treasurer and earmarked for
specific; boards or:. •specCial !pro-
The :Observer said "One .un-.
usual but important bequest was
that of William Johnston, Ash-
field : 'Tawnshiip; • Ontario, . who
left all, the ' residue of his :es-
tate. to assist 'candidates for 'the
mainistry.". •
Mr. • Johnston, a bachelor far-
mer; was 02 lifelong resident • . of
the township :his fariri- overlook-'
ing the Lake at 'the. end of the
12th Concession, near the Guide
CaniP. ' •
A .:quiet, un:assimiing and in-
dustrious gentleman, ;Mr. John -
Ston', was well and respectfully
'known :,as "Black • ,$illi"'
5-Yecir-OId G
Had: fUlajor Surgery
• Audrey Jean Ritchie; . �5-y
Jold ,:daughterof = ;Leonard and
Bernadine 'Ritchie. of Lucknow,
underwent major surgery . in
SickChildren's ,Hosapital, Lon-
don, on ,Monday.:Th•e surgery is
being undertaken in • the' hope
that eventually Audrey Jean.
may ebe able to walk, , or .at• least
get about with e:i;utches
;Malformation of her feet .has
apreveYited :the. youngster •from
'.learning to walk, Some time ago
she 'underwent surgery on her
heels. She has been in :the .hose.
pital since mid-April and when
her father visited her• on Sun-
day' he. learned that major stir=
w;ery, on Audrey Jean's limbs, at
the hips; 'was.planned'..;for Mon -
',11he tiwo troops Of .!Kinloss ac
quitted themselves 'w.iith honours.
last week when the two 'Patrols
frorri� Kinloss. earned •: Grade A
ranking. 'at the Saugeen District.
Cameporee.. `
KinlossSouth as represented
by the Wolverine Patrol, came
first, tied with thesley. , A
flip of a ,coin :brought.'. the silver
atrophy home to 'Kinloss for. tine
first . six .months The Wo'lverrn-
es were led by' Patrol Leader
Douglas Eadie • and 1. included
Mac Mcl:nnes;., Ken R,oulaton,
David • Eadie, Jim •.•McKinn,or'i,
Bruce Colwell' Donald 'Saund
ers. and David Wall :.. from' ' the
:Foxed to fill. in the .eighth posi
North Troop . were well re-
presented'! by the Black Horses
led by: PL.'.Allen.Colwell and.
including Allan' and Colwell
ish, Bob 'Geddes, 'Duncan . and
Douglas •McEwen, Barry Heiden
by ' :arid: Teddy Milne..
- . Both Patrols met 'stiff • cam-
petition 'with • the .•Luoknow., and
Chesiey`• dads- waho : 'also earned.
ear Grade : •A • ranking--There:-.:were
thirteen centres represented '.at
the . three-day .event: Kinloss
'leaders attending, •were Scouter's
Lloyd, :Wai-1,y 'arid: ,'Don. Scouter.
Lloyd had .to come • home 'Mon-
day to plant corn so missed• the
thrill' of seeing his lads receive
the trophy. •:As. soon as the Wol-
IVernes arrived • back :'at . Holy -
rood however, 'they carried' the.
i cup directly.to Lloyd. who duti-
fully "fainted .away."
Re Organize Patrols
South and . North Kinloss
Proops have: -been going through,
birth. pangs ,as they'get ',their
new. • Patrol • s�traig•htened out.
North Troop has the :three:. old
Patrols: :the Eagles, Golden
Ha�twks and B•laek , a iorses and •
1ed 'b : Patrol . Leaders Edward .
Burt, by,
Cornish and Allen
Colwell reapectively.
South .`Kinloss has three
Patrols called the Wolverines,
I •''
Foxes ,and. Hurricanes ' and. , led
by, : all new Patrol Leaders,
Douglas `•Eadie; David Wall and,
Ian Steeksma. The ' 'two senior. ,
boys Bob. • Wall and. Goy�don
:Passmore have disassociated
themselves. ,from regular Patrols.
arid 'are serVin!g •S•ou�th Troop
as .Scout Instructors.
Attend Church Parade
This ,past Sunday- •afterno�tn--.
•Kinloss Cubs. and Scotts attend-
ed the Saugeen District Chur"ch.'
Parade at Kincardine. Over: 45.0'
•Cubs . and: .Scouts. passed • in re-
view. ;before District Commas-
sinner Archie' Gowanlock" and
then Worshipped together 'in the
open .at. Victoria'' Park.
Plan' .Community Picnic
Don't forget the annual: -Com-•
mu'nity plonit;° :a , week from Sat-. `.
urday,—. June ''ath at the: Scout
gro,un�ds. Bring the ,'wihole tam-:'
ily and. as one of the 'lboys said •
'Don'it forget ..the +poitato salad:"'
.Mrs, Ritchie lett early
nierning for London to. be with �.:
1Vlonday T11��-Year=OId Lad
the•ii daughter. .before sh e en-
ter•cd surgery.- •
Lost Two ,Finers
Hire Commercial.
Teacher At LbHS
Mrs. Toes :(Doris) ,•MacKenzie.
of Kinloss. Township has been
engaged . as cemrriercial teacher
at , Ludknow . District Hiegh•.
School,..with .duties to commence
with the fall . term
Mrs, ,Maaken:zie, w110 :will
suceed Mr Edward Dzierzek,
has been a secretarial member
of the Bank of Mon'tieal staff
::n Lucknow for some 'tinne. ,
. 'There arecurrently two va-
cancies• yet to be filled, A French
and Science. teacher Are required
to: succeed .:Harry I,,ee and A.
G. 1VIaoLeo.d•. Applications for
Kenneth .Rit•chie, 2g=xnonths
old•son df John Ritchie'. of Zion,
and ;;,the fate Mrs. Ritchie, • is a
patient in Wiin,ghain hospital as
the result of an injury in, which
he ;lost` the tint two fingers on
his . left .hand. The youngster is
left handed:
Kenneth ' will be 2 years' old
on June 22nd. ;He was at the'
hoirie of Mr, and '1VIrs Alrlal
, Ritchie, and ,got out doors ho-
l•fneiotarily on Friday , at supper.
Vane when, the Mis.hap. ',occurred:
Kenri•ethget-his !han:d, into the
IT -bolt drive on the.water supply
{ motor„ The `first finger is off
at the palm of the hand and.
the second Linger at the •second
'knuckle. It is .expected the lad;
will be in the hos �,pit.al for about
both these .positions' ,are, Pres- ten, .days, 'while :the injury,.theals,
ently .'being dealt with, and to guard against•'irife•etion_
Gaunt.: Turkey Barn
The 1'argie turkey,:barn on .:the,
farm of Andrew "'Gaunt of West.:.
Wawanosh Township n•eas'y', •fell
prey ,'to frames :.last. Wednesday.
afternoon, but occurring in the...
afternoon as it . Old, was- dis-
covered in the nick of time Ad...
extinguished:. .•
• The_ then had smelled• smoke
earlier in the morning' but were.•
unable to locate the source.. Less.
.Ritchie was . working in thee barn:
in the afternoon and upon./ en=.
tering the feed room. at, the
west' by end
the building, Was:
A ,call to • Lucknow Fire Dei
pertinent rev eale •d that v. ring.
had started: a blaze in the wall
of ' the feed. room;' The vires
Were 'in' a. •wooden panel that
'had purposelly been closed in
,to':prevent mice .from attacking
the wiring. 'An iii estigation by
an electrician revealed that: the
wires had.!been acv�iewed by ro-:
dents and that the fire had been
smoldering:, for the most of the'
day: It had .bu:rned itself well
into the wooden !panel:.Whe<:ri
tinguished. Ot:h i evidence was
found i
a n n the feeo'
am of wires:
that . :had been chewed.
Some 'turkeys' had been
moved from the • ilt4i1d.i'•g 'iitt'
at the thnie , of the oath t.aki
about ' 3000 birds Were' still Y ..
the barn.