HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-22, Page 16V E SIXTEEN 'SE LUOKNOW SENTINEL,- LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,. MAY 2Zi4, 196.3 See 11:! '!' M !'.. MAY SALE BARGAINS 0 Page.6 Sale Is Now On ;v n n' AGENT -FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS, gee Pick -Up and. Delivery 'Monday and Thursday its' and• 's .Wear Lucknow 1 • , PRESBYTERIAN . 'CHURCH ANNIVERSA441r _ .. (Continued from . page 1).• good may .live after *hart. While • valuing .the :traditions, avid the heritage...that have come,' to us from .the :,past, Maj.or An- derson • . stye sed :-'that we must recognize and accept the civand-. iixg conditions of .this. wonder-: fu1 and exeiting age. Paying :4ribute to the, endur- ance; : ' strength and '.courage o f the pioneers, The; referredto the endurance o frohe ,Normandy i vision,: gas an misbance,. and,_' felt certaarii` 'that 'Obis present �genera- tion .weifid • measure . up 'if :such den ands . ''Wer e.. made of them. "A men's choir provided special music Viand .soloists • were Dale Halddenby •'at ,the amorning service arid • Rev. ;Derwyn Hill of White-• churceh gat. bhe: evenarig 'serv�ieee.: 74th "Annwersary Sunday's . services . ranted. the 74th anniversary of 'the layingof the corner stone of the Pre- sent. chin* : on June 3i'd, 1889, The 'opening ` .and :dedication 'Ceremony was held "a little. less than .One. ., ear later, op. May 9th 1894.: • The • present • church .wes built following the joining of 'the Two Press''byiterian congregations .m.:. LuokrioW.Knox 'aid . St. And.; sews' and, the . nine adop'ted Was Lucknow Presbyterian Chtrrah. y The Seritinel • THAT Albert : and the . Hayden of Port, the IRev. J R. King ,attended 'the 104thSy • nod of the' Diocese of Huron' ' . held 'last week in London. 4 THAT iii accordance with' !the instructions of the Department • of Municipal Affairs, anunaci- :;pa]iities are now required to .publish the auditor's report .& financial statement.' • THAT .. young Thain Johnston sof . Toronto, who visited here over. the week -end discovered, a beautiful . golden pheasant on the • Main Strd 4 the bird. was given refuge in Mul'lin's barn. Jit appeared to be sick, rather than injtired, ' and might be from a domestic flock if such exists in the area. when the was' posted to London,. Ontario ' as. Area Chaplain l(P), Western Ontario ,Area where is presently 'stationed., He is to be promoted to L'tJCol and 'posted to Central. :Coxnrnaiid, Oakville; as • the . Command Chap-. lain (P),, Central •Coanrnand. next .nnonth. .• Born` In.. Scotland `or Jo M. • :Anderson-vv_as- 1VIaq John. born in, Edinburgh,.. Scotland were':'he.. iv±e'd. 'chis primary • and secondary. education. The .Andersons '.decided: to -emigrate to Canada ' and: settle at Nia- gara; Falls. Major Anderson worked a variety . of j Obs; 'for a dew years: ..Then -while, -:at at. the D.rumniond Hil'1 Church, e dad to study for the ' niin}is'try of the Presbyterian : Church. He received his : B.A. degree at the. University of Western Ontario, and ,this Theological Training at" •Knox . `College, Toronto. •On� graduating .4n' 1941 be• Was. g g , called to _the Presbyterian Church in 'Port' Elgin; ' Ontario. In . the fall:.of 1042 he received his ' commission .as..Chaplain in the Canadian Arrny. ;Stationed for a few: months in the Ex- hibition, Park, Toronto, ..he ;pro- ceeded overseas in the summer of 1943, After • basis • ,training at . Aldersh'att, he was 'a'tta'ched t- o the Highland ,Light ' Infantry, : in the Canadian Highland Brigade. With this famous 'infantry unit he served . for the remainder of the -War,. 'landing in Normandy on "D;' Day .and being the only l,�aplain to • receive .the Bar to Military .Cross for gallan'-.. b b Since the' war, Major Ander- son has been stationed'with •the Regular Arniy, In London; On- tario; Calgary; • Alberta;: and Montreal,. Quebec • : In '1054 Major Anderson was Senior Protestant. Chaplain with the Canadian Brigade in Korea,' On his return he was appoint-: ed Chaplain at the. J Royal: 1VIil- itary Ca'Liege; i~h igston, being the first Permanent Force Chap- lain so appointed, ' and served there until September of 1958 FLOWER. SHOW . (Cantlmied from page '1) white, Mrs ` •Kirkiarld,: Mrs. Joynt; 3 yellow, Jimmy Hal- lam, Mrs. ° Jouwrn*; 3 pink,. Mrs. ,Cummings; : 3 purple .or mauve, Mrs. Cummings, Mrs: Jouwsma; 'double; .'any . ColoUr, Mrs., Joynt, :Mrs: Cummings;. Sa e� reg: till - THAT . 'at the : • Mother's Day. service in Whitechurch ed Church .liosemary Adri- enne, . daughter • of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Collyer, was 'bap- tized. • /Parrot,]k id G H 3 Yellow Da. tfodils, : NIns 'Jou- wsma, . Mrs. Salkeld; 3Narcis- sus, Mrs. . ,McKim,. Mrs.:Salkeld; yellow or 'white Hyacinth` Greg. Hunter, Mrs, Salkeld. • Baskets. - Daffodils • andlor Narcissus, . Mrs:. .McKim, . Mrs. �,SaJ.keId;��Mns, •--Jnuws�tna;-�'wl'ip�S and' foliage, Mrs:: Salkeld, ' Ken Cameron,. Mrs. Jouwsma; Spring dowers, Ntrs. Salkeld, "Mrs: 'Jou- *sine. • A,rxange rents - mantle • fea- ,turi lg tulips, 'Mrs. Salkeld, Miss Malcolm, Mrs.. . .Kirkland coffee tabl'e,,' :featuring tulips, • Ken Cameron, Mrs. Siailk+e'ld; Mrs. Jouwsma•, . dining • table, ' daffodils andlor: 'narcissus,.Mrs.. Kirkland, Mrs:. Salkeld,. Mrs. Jouwsm,a . coffee table, pansies, .Mrs. Salk- eld, Mgrs. Jouwsana. , ' • House plants, Gloxriiia, Mrs. Jauwsma, .. Mrs. • Frank Ritchie single African Viol'e't, AUi n, Andrew; double, African' Violet, Allan Andrew, !Mrs. Mongan. Henderson; Collection of three poileNd house plants, •Mrs. JouW srna, Jimmy Hallam. Mrs. Gordon • Kirkland and • •Mrs. F.rank'Ritchie were the THAT Mass Elaine.. Hodgins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. El- icon Hodgins . of Kinloss, has completed her diploma course at. MacDonald Institute,. Duel ph,? and 'we..understand, has. 'accepted; a •position : at Braanp- THAT Lynda. Button,,' daughter of 'Mr. ' and ifii rs. Russ .But= iton, . was One, of • .a Class of twelve' registered, nursing as oistan • at South • Huron •H,as- pital, . receive her _ .cap a •recentto capping •cern¢nany +at Exeter. 'THAT . :the Guelph Training Dancing School he'ldhhei.r competition exercises 'seem ly. at which Judy .. Stewart, 12 - year -old daughter -of' . MMr ‘ and ,Mrs.. Melvin Stewart,. won .1st re for Highland • .dancing : & was:, preseMed ' with the gold medal. of/ THAT Danny Dalston `af .` Ludt - now Distract High' ',school and Douglas Farrel of Ripley 'Dis- trict :High . school: were among eighty students,: who were in. London .on Friday .as' guests of ::the University of Western ,Ontario . and. the 'London Free Press,. They are members ' of the 1963 student • Leaders' comni�i'ttee: • in.'' charge a the flower 'show. During the even- ing colourfuul, :folders ,of spring bulbi were made 'availablel to., interested 'm'em'bers_ The seers- tary has," some of these on hand; The offer made on ' 'these folders • Must be, . in the hands of. the H.secretaty as early 'gas Possible and not ..later .than, Au- gust 10th.. • President of the Luckno'w• so- ciety •'.is Mrs.:Morgan Hender- son' with . Norman ' , Taylor as secretary. Births 'MURRAY: 'At •.W:uighaun and District Hospital, on Thursday, May 9, 1.983;, to,Mr, • and Mrs. Charles Murray,. B . 1, Holy- rood, ` a son: • ucknow Fruit Market YOUR MAIN iNTERSECTION FOODLAND cereai ide,. " mixer match 349c. Sugar Stars, Rice. Krispies, Special "K7. Save, 10c. Highland Pride Coffee' Sale. Ib. 65c. Our (Exclusive Top Seller. Feature.. Discount* Tea, Bags Sale, pkg. ri69c 100:.. x 2. ,'Cup' Size. A Repeat'.Low, Low Price.' Liquid Detfrgent :Sale, bottle 69c Maple Leaf Lotion MSd. Giant Size. Save -12c. A los' Spysfor pies; basket 9c• Ontario. Domestic.. 6 Qt.' Firm and Flavourful., HEADQUARTERS'' FOR ALL FRESH FRUITS. AND VEGETABLES;,HOME. GROWN ARRIVING DAILY. Asparagus, • Lettuce, Tomatoes, Radish, • :.;Onions, Etc. Phone Ludctisow' 528=3420 Values Effective `May 23, 24, 25. THAT kindergarten registration will' bake place at, the public school next Tuesday : after. noQn.' TIIAT. the Auburn ` Horticultural Society . his presented Mrs. R J. Ph+il];ips• with a service dip- loma for. her long and (valued ;ser . ice to . the societY- THAT ' Clarence Essex ,has sold. phis' .:,farm in. the Porti Albert district to. Mel l'ioks' , and will hold ' a clearing auction sale on • June . 44th •''THAT the `Saugeeen : District- • Scout parade and ,church .ser- vice will be held at .Kincard- ine on Sum:lay afternoon, Kin- loss . and, Lucknow Scouts w'il'l Abe among ;those in attendance. THAT M,onday'- . 01i:days, and.. ,that is°"the day :on which most of them` fall, aren't :popular in -!heweekly ' •newspaper, :..lus ines�s. if ' •+we are to: ..try to publish 'aloes..to 'oar regular•: • schedule.. This week -end was typical. A ,$,65,00 casting :boxi element :burned out on Sat- urday, . 'and . Eby. '. the ` timrie a' ,replacement' was made it "upset. the ''applecart," and. didn't' permit much free time over tthe, week -end.. ' THAT Steve Stothers: is • widely known for his repertoire ' of jokes and as a. raconteur.. He's' been writing the Lions bul- letin,this. year . and often :':digs into. 'his, joke library. fore mat- erial The ' Scribe of the Rot- ary bulletin • at :, Venn Tylion does likewise,. and 'he picked, up 'some of Steve's jokes trotn a recent issue • cif. the Canadian Swine, Which Mr. ' Stothers edits..as secretary • of the Can- adian Swine Breeders' Associ- ation. . The Vermillion Scribe Thad .access 'to 'Stet/es !Maga zine, .through another Ashfield native,. • Dave Andrew, THAT Names are- news and not .the least whheii they arethose of .,former residents who •are 'still interested in the old hOme town: 'So it is that ive frequently refer to. subtcriber,s comments such :as: "Best ''''Norris! of California; "gveryt- - tine; even the weather, McKenzie Webb, British Col- umbia; ."Enjoy the Sen•tinel very much,:" Mrs, . Mary letter from home," Archie Ha- itrillt6n, R. 4, Gotierich; to have our /holidays a,s usual Ambeiley Beach," Cet Me - Manager 61 Bank .!of Montreal, St,. ThOrnis. THAT.. MTs. Thomas H. Burns. of Brucelea , Hraven, Walkerton; ,and a lifelong �resadent 'of this • community, wit observe :her'. 95th birthday on Sunday, May 26th; THAT Rural Life Sunday was. oB erved. in the United Church at the Sunday morning ser- . vine": with :the `:guest speaker,. Rev. H.. M Bailey; .assodate secretary' •of the Home Mission. Board..: '- THAT 'the holiday_ week=end, didn't produce ;the•°mnost: desir- able %Feat ger., ',and although Monday , Was ' sunny', r' cold Winds prevailed. But Saturday. -took . the , cake With.* a mixture of. rain, hail,. snow' and 'thun- der over' .a variety of area 'locations. THAT:.:. Mowbray Construction Company : has been awarded. the :contract. ;fo"r'the local side-. :walk replacement program; ' & commenced rwork this week, starting with removal or the old walks .on Outran): Street',. a. block • ::north 'of Campbell. Tl TAT 'havin been previously P Y «postponed, , Cad'et • inspection was held` at the .L.D.H.S. on, Tuesday 'afternoon. The Corps of 44 boys, as well as 75 girls, and a 448.piece high school 'band, paraded 'the main street. following ,inspection: THAT Gordon Carter of Rapp. City took -Thome over •$$0 tai week. ron :'the Legion. in winning, the jackpot ..on numbers calked.: ..THAT 'special ' • advertisments ...this `issue iinc'lude, : a`. dqubl page ` spread ' on' electrica.1 'a' .plia�ices .by ;:Johnstone run tare, and. d Mage : of May Bargains by. Ashton. THAT-othe graduation . i�anqu of Stratford` Teachers'' Colle was 'held last' 'Thursday e ening with some 350 :stude and masters .:in .' attendan This week examinations ,e being, ; Written at the' coll • THAT Gib " Hamilton,- an ' e ployee at Lucknow Wood, P ducts,' was. in Victoria Hos !tar . London, .' for a 'fewof ter' a :sharp hard wood ver was imbedded" . deep has left- hand across : ttie ent Palm. • A finger was ' tempt •arily. ,paralyzed iby, the • inj Gib got. Thome :last week.: had .'to go back on Tuesday. a 'check of the hand: THAT: Lane Gardner, ,Of Zi is. aback hon'ie again- after= -ha ,ing a 'disc 'removed from . • back at Victoria Hospital • London. The troublesome.. jury caused' Laneo• :1be h pitalized in Winggham . winter for four .weeks in :'tr tion.:When .this did notpp r .successful, 1 surgery Was • 1 cided : on with' Lane spend. .another three :weeks in L4 don. He will be' `off. bhe jc for' a nurnber ' of'• weeks , y' THAT • newswise read,' • est transactions often pose a p iblerti; Upon 'hearing, • "cif. property'. sale, We alw; cheek with ;the !parties c' ' cerned,:.arid.• frequently we the reply . that the pap arena yet 'signed. It is and standabie that ' until eve! thing is satisfactorily' sett} the ;.item. • might not be. .,publication, but by that's ti "everyone (knows it," and isn''t, .us>eoininon 'kyr The S tuner to be told• "Oh, 1. kr about that a. month or ni .' "ago.w,• THAT ,four Atwood :young ±nen dug out _a litter of ,nine wolf cubs from a den near Point Clark. . Sighting Of an adult wolf in the" •Point larik vicoin� ity by Mr, and rs. Charles Laidlaw, resulted In their son and. three ` companions bring- ing in a dog to '•locate the den. THAT there was . another cant building.. and roof.topc capade on• main .,,street rr.iday .evening. Provincial. • lice were called when it thought the chaps were "tr ped," but it soon (became ident this wasn't the c However, their trip . to m village wasn't altogether eft less, Some of these times ' 1' Sentinel may cease to' get a1ize,,'and publish/ some nab ' We= adopted ', this policy spare parental Anguish ern' rrattinent�, of rhi! h tl • offenders might' no t e'w , note,. ,and out of no ,Conti‘ ation foci them: THAT ',if .a11 �prospeetive sayers are avai1aillle, a•t. looks :,a's if Lucknow could'. field a pretty fair Intermediate softball team this season At time., of Writing the . team is.still not definitely' �assttred. Practices are being held and tit the s'gttad . gets' 'thego iahead, they'll be in aetion ti .a; .f ' days,,