The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-22, Page 14•
1rDNESDAY; MAY 22nd, 1963
Congrat4laat{ionta to air. and
Mrs. Donald •Frayne and. Mr,
-Mrs. • Wilfred, Austin. on the
-birth' of sons' in Godes ,.• HOS
pita) last week, '
We are ; pleased; to 'know a't-
• • •,tle: Bridget. Dalton is borne from
Sick 'Children's Hospital, Lon-
don :where she was .under 'ob-
servation as a result '.of 'a.. fall. •
•Mr. EugeneO'Keefe of Hamil-
ton spent the weekTend 'with Mr.
and. Mrs.; Jos. O'Keefe and' is-.
and rs.' jack, McConville.
of Toronto • were week -end' vis -
t tors with Mr., an•d Mrs. CUftorl
. - A,u. tin; , •
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton at-
tended the graduation exercises
at the O,A.C,, •Gue1pt; on. Wed-
nesday last where ' their ' son,
Terry ` was iamang tine '.graduates.
Mr. . and lilts, John . Dietrich.
and family of Clarkson and . Mr..
'D. 1: Lassaline of . Gaderach
To p • ' week -end visit-
o itch; Mr. ' and 1V1rs. Mark
'•Mr.. Bill ,and;Charles Wiseinan
of . Toronto visited Mr, and Mrs.
Eldon Austin : lit ' ,week;
Mrs. • Dwyer' of St. Catherines
is spending a few 'weeks at •:the
Donald , Frayne theme.
Mr, and 'Mrs:.. William Lannin
of London • spent the, 'week -end
at •their Thome:'here:
•and . Mrs, :.ClarenceDahe
ty and. farrly, of YZa.'1ton 'vis-
ited relatives' here over the
:week -end. : •
.Mr,' and Mrs., Jack: Fitzgerald
:arid family`4 of ,Stratford spent
The holiday : ,week end, at ' :their
home here.:
Mrs. Albert 'Langevinof Tor-
onto, Mr.: and Mrs. Eddie . Schef
:ter and famMy :of Bolton spent
the week -end with Mr. and Mrs:
. 'John -.Hiow'ard., They •• were ;' all
guests ,ate,'the :50th : wedding an-
niversary :of Mr. and MTs; ''Alex
Strauf •.' of Te'eswater on Mon-
• Mr, and Mrs, Everett Parker,
and Harvey were lin Guelph. ,on
Friday when their son Roii;al•d
Parker received his ,degree: • sof
Bachelor . of Science in Agricul-
Cong'ratula'tions ' ''to .1W.. and.
Mrs, Edgar Guest (nee I;,os
Ha den'by). Uranium City on the.
.+birth •af a son, ; . •
Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Nicihol- '
son" and ` fama>ly., Bervie; spent
Wednesday' evening at ••Browns.
Several from the commaunity.
attended ;the. fashion show at the
L,D.H.S.• on • Wednesday' and
Thursday . 'evenings' whFen the
girls modelled. the . clothes 'theyhad made. ' •
Susan Wilson entertained ..igarl
friends on ;her' birthday .'NIP/1daay.
Mr. and Mss. Everett .,Parker
spent. • an. evening ;with Mr.. ' and
Mrs. Midfiord Wall'and Donnie.
.Mrs. Earle •.HHodgin,s visited 'on
Thursday. evening 'wi'th. ' • Mrs.=
Frank •Brown. . '
Psi, Donna Hald'enby, Tore
to and . Miss Elda 'wall, London,
spent , the :holiday , week-endat,
their +hoin'es .'here.
Mrs. Torn, Stewart spent a
couple' of : days . with Mr. and
Mrs.. •Arnold ' Wilkie; Kincardine.
Mrs.' Farre Hodgins spent/Sun=
day'evening with. 'Mr. and Mrs..
Airt ' Hodgins. '.
Mr. and Mrs. :Gary Edwards,.
Sarnia, spent .the holiday .'with,
'her' parents; Mr, and Mrs. Ever,.
•ett ,Parker . and family.
Milss: , Syrvii,a McLeod; Lucknow,
:spent Thursday.:nigiht ,with 'M,iss
Doris Wall;
• : Sunday evening ViSitors with,
.Mr. and ' Mrs., Morley Wall were
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Johnston,
Clinton,.Mr.. •and ;Mrs.. • Mark.
Johnston and Lloyd, . `' Holyrtood
and Mr.. and Mrs. Grant Wadll &
family,' 'North.. Bruce. • 7
PURPLE GROVE Held Open House
At Brucelea Haven
Mrs. Donald McCosh and Mrs
Victor 'Emerson- attended Insti-
tute District . mm.eetin•gs .at :Elm -
Wood .on Tuesday and Holstein
on Friday: •
Bonnie Dore spent theweek-
end" With, John 'Brindley,
Mrs.. Gordon ,MacDonald and
Miss Margaret Robertson at-
tended the,. Maitland • Presbyter
:w in Kincardine Presbyterian
.Churc+h on Wednesday. • ..
Allan and • :Shirley • Mackay
visited Dianne Mackay. y
Sign in : a suburban front
day. yard: "Anyone. is . welcome to
use our lawn aziower; provided
Is Your• • Subscription. Renewed? they don't take it. off ' our lawn."
▪ R•■■•u:■:.•■ ■. ■■■uuur■fIrnUUfti*■■■S■ m !
i •
• ■• .,
R • YOUR.• 0 .
, L._ • •• ._.•
• ■ ■•
■ .■
Matter What Your Preference.n Sidin` We Can :■
� No : � g
■ ':Sup ply • It Siding Adds Beauty And Comfort' To �';
• �ou . Home ' And- • Greatly Increases: Its :Value,. . For. ■
Y r y■ •
►re '.You. Plarinn•
'For Exarnplet
o Cover An Average: `Hama.
Holiday" visitors with Mr. Nor-'
wal Stanley • and Mrs. Helen'
Swan were, Mr; and Mrs, ' .Law-
rence .Stanley, Betty 'ands Ron-
nie, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn. .Stan-
ley and family„..Mr. and _' Mrs.
Pete Peterson, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Traher,. Allan, .Carol
Ann, Mary -.Ellen and Carl , Stan -
;Mrs. 'Frank Dare and; Dianne..
spent ,Saturday evening' ' with
Mr. and Mrs. 'Gerald Brindley:
• blari+lyn: Rhody visited Vickie
Dare, •
1Vljr. ' ' Kenneth ',Robertson and
Gordon; .Mr.: and. ' Mrs. 'Jahn , Tay=
for were recent guests of . ' Miss
Margaret Robertson - 'and Mr,'
Don Robertson. '..'
Mr. and Mrs: Morford Mac-
kay, Bill, Ann,: and. Mary visit-
ed• 'Mr.. and . Mrs.:Donald Mackay.
Sharon, Gail and Brenda. Pat-
terson spent Saturday 'with San-
dra ''and' John ;Collins; '
Mrs, Frank Maulden, Mrs.
Perry: 'Hodgins;` . Mr.' and . Mrs.
Williaan Arnold, Mr/.. . Alex Mc, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fitz
Simmons we're nec'e:nt guests :of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'Mac.Coi1h:
Kerry. Boyle. ;had her • sixth
,birthday, oi'atuurday with Dian-
ne, (Cathy', ,and' •Vi'ckie: Dore and
Margie Collins,
,Mr. ' -and Mr's... Claude .• ,Dore,
Carl, Delbert and Kenneth, Mrs.
•Frank' Dore' and/ Dianne were:
'Sunday visitors :,:with Mr, and
1VLrs. Claude Dare. •
Misses EvelynHarkness; Bar-
bara ". arid :Iona . Leeson,.. Nancy'
Dore, Mary Anne McC.osh,' Mr?
and Mrs. Donald . Chadbourne,
Miss 'Marlene. Crawley' of Toronr
to were .Sunday . ,guests; of Mr:.
and ::Mrs.. Victor Ga*iey and
Gladys. •
Marybellef; , Hunter spent. ' a.
couple of ,days with MIS, :Sari.
Mr; : and Mrs..' Bunton Collins,
John; Sandra' and Margie; Mr:
and Mrs. Andrew Patterson,,
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Patterson,
• S'harbn, P'at, •Ga,iL_.and _Brenda
Mr. Grant, McdCutoheo i, and Miss
Sheila Patterson 'were. •. Sunday
guess of, Mr, And -Mrs. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs Stanley Thomp-
son Were .Sunday visitors •.with
Mr. 'and Mrs. • Harvie, Thompson.
,1VLr. and Mrs. `Arthur. Patter-
son of Agincourt ...spentt,. Monday
With Mr. and; ,Mrs. Burton.
A most enjoyable social event
was 'held • 'recently 'at Brucelea
Haven, the• county's new, mod-
ern home for senior eitizens,
It was a county -wide affair and.
ivas Rsi onsared by 'the' newly-'
formed Brueelga Haven Ladies'
Auxiliary.Over three hundred
and .:seventy-five patrons. -from.'
allparts .of Bruce enjoying a
cu.p of ''tea and, lunch, .
The event 'was held: in the
auditor.•um+ of the Home, ` which
was beautifully ,decorated with
spring .. flowers and. ':.ferns, , the
tablecentres being made up of
snapdragons, and. carnations.
' ..Conveners of the tea were
•Mrs. • A'. J. Schnunr, Walkerton;
Mrs. Win. Macke; Mildmay,, and
Mrs. R. ' :1. Wiles, Walkerton:
Mrs. N.-Maundrell of South-.
ampton, president . of the. Auk -
Mary, and- Mrs. A. J. Schnaurr.
•received. the guests in the after-
noon, :while: Mrs. Maundrell &'
Mrs.., Wiles performed. this duty
in the evening. •,
Pouring tea in the afternoon
were Mrs, Elgin Young, Tara;
•Mrs. Palmateer, ' :: Kincardine;
Mrs. W, •Jaeklin,: Elm -wood; Mrs.
Fowler, Lion's '. Head;. Mr's.:Nor-
man Locking,. Port .Elgin;, .Mrs:
William, 'Macke, Mildmay; Mrs:
L. ' G. •Crozier, Walkerton,, •and
Mrs, John Black of Chesley;
Officiating over the tea' 'cups
in the evening' ' were Mrs, Don.
ald.. Blue, Ripley; Mrs: James
Piper, Southampton;, Mrs. H. D..
Thompson,. Lucknow and. Mrs.
Thomas Ba'r.rie;:.Kinoardinle. •, :
Present: for , "the event :• were
Mrs. 'Smith and. Miss, Lewis of
the Department • of .''Piubl.'i'c Wel-
fare, Taranto. ' •• ,
• •Music '`for the :; :1easant' occas
sio'n, Was. �sup pahied .+byr Mms:• ••Geo.
Sinters 'and Mrs: George Hind in
the .:afternoon,. and by •Mrs. 'Wm..
Lobsinger •in the evening •
;'. .
-24'1 x 30' With Number',' One :• Asbestos: And, Cement
Siding, : Waterproofed With Clear Silicone, Glazed,.
■ . Surface,: In Seven , Attractive Colour's,
• ■
i, Corn lAed With All The ,ecessary
P Y 'Applied N
• Strapping, etc. •
Costs Only-$350.OA
If :You Wish : To Pay .By The Month The. Payments
tit Would Be; As Low As $16.O() Per ' Month..'
We. Will .Gladly; Give You A. Free 'Estimate For
✓ ' Your Home With No Obligation.
r. Also Available:
Aluminum Siding,
, ...:d• Bwel'�.Siding,
fresh dement In Stocl
n.• W. H�flderson L�um� r .Joh �
r' w W
Phone 5 2$-,,4,1. l' g • • - Lucknow
irt.wa t�r�s■tlr■liMrwniraralriiiir■�.f��e■■s■�■
kI�n Egg.
Exp a
(Duran County Federation of
Agriculture News
• A great deal bf confusion. •ap-,
pears to have ''developer) with
regard to the .felthcoming vote'
on an egg marketingplan for
the P,rovince •of Ontario
In ;the. 'case of the egg vote,
'as' with .401 •.'all ' .other, 'marketing
plans, the plebiscite comes', as a
result . of a request for :a plan
•iby bona • `fide • egg ' producers.
')nils requ�est'.!ta`k"es,. the ;form of
a 'petition/ signed 'aby a signifi
'cant, number. of +prodwce,rs, being
Submitted -to . the Ontario Farm
Products :Marketing • Board.
addition to this,' favourable con -
Sideration had been.given to the
formulation of same sort of plana
.at. ,each, ,annu'al meeting. of the
;Ontario Poultry Producers' • As-
.•seciabion 'for the past several
years., , During.athe . 'fast' • 'annual
meeting, 'a resolution w'as''aap'pro-
ved instructing 'the `.executive to
take immediate action•in this re-
gard. It was 'pointed!, out that 'a
lselbitipn, 'bearing ,the signatures
of mile .5A 0 'egg producers, had
already been ;submitted .to the
Ontario, Farm Products 'Mar.ket-
loc�� , �5tudents On
►at�rlao U:; dour
UDPG 'Buys The
Newry Plant
United Dairy •and; • Poultry CO- •
operative 'has taken one ` more
step in. providing adequate far-
mer -owned. mills. .handling 'facil-
facil-ities across Ontario. • •
Recently, the province -wide
complex, announced the ,pur-
chase of. a plant 4n . Newry, Flo-
'Dated.between Mitchell , and
Listowel. •
This 'latest acquisition )rings.
'.to • 15 the number Of miilk •'pre- ...and -handling units 'in.
the :'UDPG. chain. '
',Reason for the, purehatse, says
T,• E. Brady, general manager, is
to ",round -out" the co-op's opera-
tion 'betweein Blyth and Guelph.. •
At the same time it will ;benefit
;greatly 'those UDC dhippers. in
the Mitchell area.
I•n the. 'past three years ' the
Modern -looking Newry plant ,has
been .used, as a receiving sta-.
tion. Formerly it *as noted for
the ;quality of its cheese.•:At one
'time' Newry ..Square cheese was
a by -Ward rd • in western ' Ontario.
Cheese, :Making equipment in
tah•e• Newry. plant has been.' mov-
ed . 'to 'the ' • •UDPC factory i:n.
Guelph. Milk .delivered ..:to the
Newry: ,plant is to be shipped to
Guelph, .where .once again •it will•
Abe' manufactured into the. famed.
Newry Square cheese.
Leading a-thematics -•students`
from 18 high `sch'eo;ls in,,: mid-
western Ontario visited . the
University" :of Waterloo : on Fri-
day for ,tours,' talks sand prizes'
'as winners' of : the 'first .annual
District 10 . mathematics contest.
The 54 students who attend
ed were selectedfrom more than
500 • 'Students :who entered ' .the
competition..- :forstudents- from
grades. 9;. 1-0 and 11, - •
• In attendance from Lucknow'
were ::Marjorie Thompsori; ,1Vfur
ray Johnson; -Sharon. Jefferson
In•ternned•ia.te baseball returns
to the :Western Ontario' 'scene
after a seven : year. absence • in:
the : form. .of a. 5-tea:m ' grhu•p.
located : •in` the n'or,thern 'section:'
;6.f.'the Western Ontario • Ath-
letic Association. Teams •from
Hanover, 'Kincardine, 'Walkerton,
Owen.. Sound : and Durham Twill
.compete • for the ' Listowel Ban:
ne'r' grand. championship trophy.,
Further . indication of a strong
baseball comeback` in. . bh,e-' area'
was• .noted, at' the . W.O.A.A.
'baseball group meeturiig when:
minor baseball entries increas-
ed by :19. ,from last : Season's ,:42;,
teams to •. a •record 'high : of : 61.
Listed 'are, .6 juvenile,�d.
get,' I9 •+banba1i , 17 . pee wee -arid -
2 squirt entries.
The Circus Comes
T:� Kitchener
The world's ;.largest '+interna-
tion i ndoor-•-ei-r-cus, ClydeBre--
thers Circti ; wiill ibe. in, The'' Kit-
•c'hener Memorial. Auditorium
Friday, May:..24 �arid 'Sat„ May
25, vsribli 1 show 'oi Friday 'at'
and: •their. .•teacher,, Miss Alexan;'
, ` and 3: shows on. Sat-
dria Gall. d
10.':0 2; .: Ton.
uLr ay — 0 aim 00 ?a
The ; cori;tes_ was ..arranged by. and 8;00: 'p:m',.
This is a .ohanging world; •abut,
the circus �,;�urith: all its 'color,
its 'laughs. and 'thrills --" hasn't,
changed;. its still the ;biggest 'act•j
in, the •entertainment World.
�hve a
Clyde Brother a s s :semb,
led ; .3/ •host of performers that:
present .a. dazzling 27 ;production
numbers in the two hour' show
.that kas ' pleased. hundreds of
thousands in both. the . United
.States and Canada.
Brought Kitche.ner under
the ,sponsorship of the •Kitc+hen- I
er Sports . Association, there's
no let-up in.' the thrills for
youngsters of all ages-
• Many M' ,the' acts 'a bear
mathematics 'teachers William:
Nediger, Seaforbh; Ronald
Dunkley, St, Marys; ..`Edward
Anderson, Wingha•m .;and 'Donald.
'Attridge, Orangeville, with •the.
assistance ' of the ` mathematics
department of the''University. of
"This 'competition 'was de-
signed to test ' apbitude more
than': achieyerrnent and the com
mittee is most pleased with the
results;" ' :said William Nediger,:.
coin.ntittee • chairman. •
Winning school in the com-
petition was *Ingham High
School, ', vvbose gained 'a
'total of ' • 168 points.,' The, . team
members are ' James Robinson
Douglas Eiliott -and. Murray swinging ' -by his; 'teeth from, a
ing Board in 1962 and' this peti-
tion,. ,was still valid, ;
When the vote is taken later
this year,' every bona fide pro
ducer sof eggs will. ,be given ' l'he
opportunity • of voting for \or.
against ;the plan, .and, unless the
majority • of producers express
themse1V'es in favour, the plan
'will not go into effect.
The purpose of the proposed
marketing plan is to .bring sta-
bility to the market: and allevi-
ate wide and violent fluotuaations
+in price. It is flelt. ,,that by stab.
the market and retrieving
violent fluctuations in ,price, the
producer of eggs will receive a
Much mire equitable share
the •copartner's dellart '
chain, and the high aerial want
of the. Great Pavilan„Troupe --
are 'being 'presented' for the fist
time in.. ,North America.
Speeial _acts...are ' included for
the children Froth 1+ ng1'and
come Gus and Ursula in a show -
stopping act. 'of two • •people
juggling that /has a:mazed every
audience it 'has played 'before;
The,,, ,p,,ex and' AveWllia.m':°
eleph'ants .amazing • .laa'l-
arcing performance, by 'one of
the pachyderms Who balanco.
over ; .5,000 pounds on one ,foot.
is another show stcoppe,r,
'flight from the opening "spec-
tacular” to the closing eXi'
march two hours later; the Clyde
Brothers show prcwes there'$ rtr,
business like show ,business, and
no part of the show ,business a•
exciting as the Circus •