HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-22, Page 8•
WEDN'E$DAY; MA',1 • 22nd, ,1963
Pine River 'U;C.W. held their
Way meeting in 'the church on.
"Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, ',San;
ribso i and Mrs, George Wight
min " ;presided. Afterthe open
' ng 'hymn the 'roll Call was an'.
swayed. ►by limning, a Mothei oif
the Bible. Following'the bus-
'nessperiod Mrs. Sam 'Gibson.
gave a reading "Do kindly acts.
when the, appor tunity arises."
The progrann. convener ; Mrs.
Wesley Robb; opener '-The ,mr,eet=
ing .'with .prayer followed.. iby, a
-hymn; a reading: was also gsv
en ,by Mrs.', W, , Robb "To be
• ' tiad .; of life because :it gives
one the chance to 'loveand to
work for others." The scripture.
.reading , , was given, by Mrs,
Stewart Shieildis after nlifich.
Mrs. William.. Courtney: .gave . a
reading from 'Steven Leacock's
writings "How we kept Mothers
Day," and:: vkras followed . with
-a duett by Mrs. John Blue and
a1drs.: Wesley Robb entitled. ;"T.he
Old . F:ireside and Was ace -in-
parried 'iby . Mrs:. James Nesbitt.
Mrs. DuncanT,horburn,' read.
chapters from the Study Book
"On Asia's•, Rim''" dealing After the ' territory of ' Taiwan. After
a• !hymn and: closing prayer
grace was • sung. Mrs. 'Harvey.
Robb and • Mrs.. W.- .Courtney.
were. _ hostesses at. the lunch
Children 'participating on .Rom-,
per• ;Room"' on 'CKNX 'Thursday
morning of fast ;week Were
Norma Jean Crozier, Helen.:. Jean
Emmerton ;and .:Linda Messenger
from ..this. area. • '
-Mr. and;. Mrs. Walter Br'own•,
were recent guests ;off Mrs.; Ro-
bert : Campbell '• and family
A successful sale was held at
George Moner,ief :s ; •on Friday.
1VIr.. and Mrs : Donald Court-
neY; visited • with ;Mr.: and Mrs.
•John ' Morgan 'and. other : friends
at Stayner on �Monclay •
rM1s. ''Melvin -Henry•entertain-
ed .Unit 2: of Pine 'i iv r;
on 'Thursday ' evening of last
week. A delicious tea ..was ser-
ved byi, the Hostess and a social
tune.. was . enjoyed.
a gr. and -.Mrs.'. J. Matheson.:of
Port Franks and; .Mrs.. Ross Mum-'
roe of • Kincardine • were recent
guests of Mr. ,and.:. Mrs.- -John.
Unit, 2 ,of. 'Pipe .River TJ.�C:W:.:
held their'. May 'meeting' 'in the
'church on Tuesday eveenin'g :with:
Mrs. J. Liddle- . and. 'Mrs. Leon-
arca, ; Reid presiding, 'The • meet-
. `. mg opened with a hymn and.
prayer. Convener of :the pro-
rogram.. was Mrs. Ron Irwin who
-gave Ttwo= readings -G ' fiii st"
and .'"What' Mother means to
us" The . scripture' .'reading ' was
given by Mrs. William Pace•
followed, with prayer iby
• Perrin • Lowry. The Study Book'
"On Asia's Rim" w.as well given
by Mrs. Cecil ' . HuinpihrrY . as'
on«nued r,oan age 1)
Miss • EleanorPlumsteel pro,
sented, ..general • proficiency 'a
wards to:. grade .9,. IVIarjorie
Thompson; grade 10, Esther Gib-
son. grade 11, Bruch 'MacKen-
zie; .grade 12, . Danny Dalton.
Each ofthese four also received
cups ifor. English, History, .Math-
ematics and Lan,guuage;. respec-
• Honor Graduates '
Grade 13 graduation diplomas
were • presented by ,Brian How-
ow lett: and . Frank McQuilhin to:,
Nancy .Forster, •Patricia Thon?:•p-
son, John Andrew, Eleanor ;Mac -
Mac -Janet .Finlayson; Denver'
Dickie, Alex Hewitt, *Terry Wil-
son, 'George 'Gibson, George
Bushell, Allan'.1VIacDougai1, Don-
ald Hamilton Beth Cooper, •"
A. G. ' McLeod. presented the
cadet .'shield, .for. contribution, tb.
cadet work ;. to Ken Gardner;
Dr. Johnston• shield for highest.
num.be.r of options to . Denver
Dickie; gradela language shield
to Janet . Einlayson. ' lYirs.
MacMillan, presented the Luck,'
now -Women's Institute scholar-
shop for grade • 12 proficiency to
Dan .Dalton. ' The valedictorian
trophy, won:: by George Bushell;
was presented by .'Brian Howlett.
Cliff "Thursday night Mrs. Frank
MacKenzie ,'presented .the : Kair
rhea: InStitute award to Elaine
Hodgins; to be. used. in further
study in ;home .econo hies., Mrs
La'u�'a1 Hewmitt . presented Barb,
.aro Purdon .; with'. the LoLaLe
shield for `•the highest 'standing
in .home economics in' the school.'
'She also
.::resented . hoine •ec•.
awards, , grade. .9,.- Barbara ' Pur-
don; grade;. 10,.. Sandra earner
on.;. .grade ' .1, Mary • Andrew;
grade ' 12, Wilihelinina' Smith,
win • Hall presented the. P
Haag' ;band shield.'�to:.Mry An
drew; the senior band, shield to
Gordon {MacNtiy and .the :school
ei'tizenship 'award to. Joanne
Alton: •. • .:
Grade 10 & 12 Graduates.
William • ' Hunter and ;Peter
Connor '..presented. ' the ' grade 10•
graduation diplomas too„ Gail
Anderson, Sheila Coll, • Wilma.
Eskrimtt,. Esther Gibson, Judy
Wardell, Jim. • Andersson, 'Edward.
Brown, Roy . Button, : Donald
Hodgins, Murray :. joihnston
Doug, Di&i'e, Ross . Hamilton,
Tom Hogan, Herb Hunter, Doug
Johnston, Tony Johnstone, Ken-
ne1 h Kirkland; Jim.. MacNaugih,-.
ton, Ross Panrtabecker; • Roger
Pentland, ;Kenneth Taylor;. Don=.
aid, Ca xipbell, June Ackert; Ansi:
Arnold; :Phyl is Bradley;'' !Sandra:
Cameron, Karen . Carruthers;
athleeriton, _Dorothy -..Hal .
lain, Dianne; . He'witt, Dianne
she gave a •vivid description . Of
conditions in .Okanowa. ,'After.: a
hymn: and prayer, ,grace. wase
sung ,and lunch was- served.
owl -Arno
:Select• Commehittee on The
Municipal Act and .related.'Acts.
..'The :Select Committee appointed by the Legislative.
,Assembly of the Province of Ontario. "''. to••enquire •
into•a•rid review The Municipal Act of the Province and
:related Acts, including .The'' Assessment Act;, The. De-
partrment of. Municipal Affairs Ad,: the Local. Improve
ment .Act, «The Ontario :•Municipal Board Act and The
Planning Act, and the regulations made thereunder, for •
;the purposes of .modernizing, consolidating and .simpli-
fying such Acts and regulations.aad making such recon
mendations as May necessaryfortheir improvement.'',;
has resumed public hearings in Toronto.
• ;Elected members and appointed officials of municipal' •
governments,.Iocal;boards, commissions etc.; groups•.of
persons and individuals are invited :to ;present sub=
missions pertaining'. to the legislation applicable to
Municipal .gover•n"rnent.:. '
Hail%s:E. Beckett, Q.c., M.P.P., Mrs. H. .G. Rowan, c,A.,
Chairtrian. Secretary,
. `. 0x105,,,
Parliament Bildings,
Toronto. (Telephone 365, 804)
Humphrey, Mary ,Murdes Anne
Ritchie, Donna •'Rimltoul,• Joyce'
Thonburn, Beverley Wall, Laura
Grade 12 graduation diploanas
were presented by William , Hun
ter and. Miss Audrey Fiederlein..
to: Margaret Farrish, Wanda.',
Henry Wilhelmina. Smith, • ,Mar,
ilyn Cameron, Donald Barr, Dan
Dalton, Gordon MacNay, Duck '
Richards, Bill Zettler, 'Roy Ha1,.
derby, Barry Johnston, . Carolyn
Mathers, aviary Purdon.
Many, . ' IMany Models, ,
Grade ten girls. Modelled their
winter, and summer ;out#itis on •
Wednesday, With, grade , nine
girds „modelling their, skirts and, .
'blouses On Thursday a group
of ;the 'girls anodelled ..a' . (variety
of outfits, Grade 9; anodela were ,
Carla R1eg1•ing, Anne Heffei ran,
Rosemary ' Hogan,; Marlene . Por-
ter, • ,Linda O'Donnell, Helen
Campbell,Jane Joynt,• ,Donna
Button,. 'Pauline • Wildgen,,' Helen
Johnstone, Pamela Cooper, . Bev-
erley ; . Phillips, Madonna. Gra
hark Peggy 1VIacDonalmd, '.Janice'
Brooks, Islay Howald, „ Bonnie
Collins, Betty Wall, Mary Fin=
layson,. Barbara Humphrey,; Bar
bara Cameron, Sharon 'Stanley,
Margaret iFinleon; Jean , Sutton,
Wendy MacKenzie, Sharon Cour
they, Elaine „Murray, .Hilda Rat-
rhe,. Jean: ' Drennan, Brenda
Haldenby, Donna Burt, Beverley
MacKenzie, Linda Little;.• Carol
McIntyre, , Susan .Dorscht, ; Betty.
Wrightson, Linda Clipperton,
Patsy Cranston, 'Dorothy Taylor,
Barbara - Carter,.; 'Linda .-Wylds;
Marion' Button, yR,osalee Mcin-`
tyre, Patricia Lippert,,Patricia.
Carrick,: Carol - Shackleton, Syl-
Vi'a.. MacIieod, 'Doris ' Wall.
Grade 10 Models -We're:, Judy.
Reid, Elaine Cook, Marilyn Hen.-
derson, .Cathy heddy;; Site Hoff
man,. ;, Barbara Purdon, Cheryl
Whitby, Anita ' Cline, ',• Cherry.
Jardine, Eileen Burt, Betty Ma-
thers Barbara MacKenzie, Mar-.
i;anna' MacDonald, Marjorie
Thio npson, Andrea Adams, 'Tei,"
en McFarlane, '.Donna. Hogan;'/
'Sharon . Whitby; Isabel ' Husk,;
Nancy: Curran, . Sheila .',McQui1
;lam. Catherine Bushell, . -Cheryl'
.Anderson,.' .Nancy' borscht; Eve
lyn: Nicholson, Trudy Thomson,
Donna Nicholson, -Sharon Jeffers:
',km; ..
On Wednesday, some ,grade•
eleven 'and • .twelve girls" model-
led a; variety of Outfits and
'gave ,a IVevieW of all • the Winn -
ter and o uninver. ••Outfits 'that_
were' to 1be 'seen the following.
evening. ' Gigli • 'from grade;. '11
were:' ;June Ackert, . Anne Ar-
nold, Phyllis Bradley, Peggy
Button, Sandra • Cameron, Karen
-Carru°thers, ; Nancy • -Cranston;
.Kathleen- Dalton, Diane Hewitt,
Dianne •Hunimphrey, Grace Mc-•
Dougall; Mary Murdiee Barbara
.Nelson, Anne Ritchie, Donna
Rintou.l, Marilyn mhiacker; Joyce,
Thorburn .Beverley. Wall. .
Grade .12 ,girls mmodelling were:
Mary . Andrew; Betsy Henderson,
Dianne ' Jmnieson, Helen' Mac -
Nay, 'Shirley . Newbold,, Sharoon
O'Donnell, Barbara. 'Rathwell; :
BeverleBabhwe]l, . Mary Elien
Shiells, Sharon West. ..
A• group of, girls, June Ackert,
Karen : Carruthers, Phyllis Brad-
ley, Bambara • Nelson,; Beverley
Wall, Esther / Gibson and Jean
Sutton,:. ;brought :back • "memor-
ies" for , many when they mod-.
ell,ed dresses • • worn 'by "grand-
ma."� A real •"crowd-pleaser"
was , when ,Joan Hamilton, 11/2
year-old daughter" of 1VIr. and'
Mrs. Abrin Harhriltan of Luck
'now charmingly • Qnodelled a
hand . smocked 'blue wool dress.
With' .her wad ; Anne Ritchie,
who 'rxiade the; dress; .
theauditorium vvas 'packed
on (both nights and 'very attrac-
ttrac-tively : decorated ' with ' Solomon's
Greenhouse loaning the,. school
geratliuins to set off.. the stage.
To Teach In Meaford •
Rev..Norman Caswell of Dun-
dalk, ,who has ,taught' the past
school` term at ' S,tayner. High
School,. ' ,has " b'eer engaged to
teach History and' Latin. in
Meaford. High, •School.,, starting
next September, ` •
'awning is usually the act of
a son *ho inadvertently op-
ens his Mouth when he • wishes
;others wot ld . shut theirs,.
Says r
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cooking top with safety latch. Dial -A -Neat surface elements. •Therm •0
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drip bowls. Full width.fluorescent light with protective Tens. Timed ap- •
pliance outlet. Thermostatically controlled steel warming shelf with neon
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clock control and. Minute Mulder on Sapphire .control panel. Electric•
roast -meter with buzzer. Choice of mirror chrome or pearl;gray porcelain
lined eye level oven. Automatic preheat oven control. Clock controlled
° rotisserie with kabob kit. Recessed oven light with. safety Tens. Come
pletely removable oven racks. Removable oven.floor inchrome oven model.:..
$419.00 and trade
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