HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-22, Page 7•
WEDNESDAY, MAY 2214• 1963:
PGE ; .SEVEN. • • • • -
Researcher'At H ' Ms ' ' ' ' I • >•
To orm Huron Co;
ill 8 ' .. •
C., A.S AuXiHarv. - a. ; 1, ....:: .' • • : :.. G
The residents .of .I•Huron . Coun
ty w'il be pleased to know that
two • "future 'hOallemakers" have
been provided with the means
ofearning a livelihood through
• the • Wornen's ,` Institute Child-
ren's Aid . Society Bursary fund.
These -girls are now supporting
themselves, 'according to a press
release by the +chi•ldren's Aid
Society of Huron County.
The ,Board of Directors have
been gathering :Information and.
working :towards the setting .up
in the County; (bid i is' a very •' 1961 Pontiac Laurentian 4. -door sedan; automatic
slow process. The ■ se Homemak-. 1961 Pontiac Laurentfaii, Z -door hardtop, standard trans,.
ers will take, over . the manage-- q 1959 Chev sedan,.. standard transmission • ; • ■ •
• 1959Pontiac V-8, automatic ,transmission . �••
: of a Homemaker',
. , .
IN a•
▪ LATE ®®��li�l� �i��►�i•
• ■
,9/s.df�. p.
▪ '1963 Pontiac ' Laurentian
■ 1963 Chev Belair Sedan,
1962• Pontiac L
▪ .1962„ Pontiac Lau•rentian
• Ford Galax' sedan
sedan automatic
automatic, radio
Sedan, ; automatic,, fully equipped
2 -door' hardtop, fully ,powered ■
automatic r•
aur entian
• ; 1962
s, service with- ■
rent of 'thee' home during .,the
illness: or absence '•of the mother.
so the •bread Winner need 'not`
leave his work.
Then; too, •an auxiliary, to the
•Children's , Aid • Society' is in
process of formation throughout
the County, whose main funic
tion• it • Will be to helppeople
Who need. ,help; . This •auxiliary
well •carry the responsibility for
solici.ting," receiving; classifying'
and 'rnaking .ready • for use, • on.
axions, as ,well • •asp :selecting, to
fill °requests •of clothing, .other.
goods, .including , foods and es-
pecially things for older.'ahitdren
• • at .'C'hristmas' ,tine..' The Chi1d-
ren's, Aid Society Auxiliary -Corn-,
• mittee is: Mrs. Hoy .Bennett of
Wi ,gham, Mrs., Doug .B•artlifri,
,Nk {` vita . of 'Clinton : and 'Mrs...Ken' .Jahns
of R.R. 1, Woodham.. Any, one
,Of • whom may be ' contaote•d for
more information.. •
• The Society • fonds it necessary
a�>d: `' oto • organize a Christmas . bureau
In .' ast week's , issue • we car-,, Ottawa 'Citizen, ':
'.,:feature.' .rred a article : on Dr. No sooner . ,•As last ::week's
Hellen. , Salkeld;,, telhn'g ...of her story:. orf the. : pi•ess :'than we.
•'work a•t: • the Entomology' Re -"•'received from •:The • Citizen the
. 'search: Institute at Ottawa:: •• 1. abo v e picture of Dr. Salkeld
The absoiibrng .:;tory, of hed showing • her:at 1wqk at her' min,
work. was written by M:uriel. • cr oscope.
Flexman and • ,appeared • in The
A* 11111TH , � 11111111.11111111111[1111111111 *By B i 14 Smiley • tiosiiii pilliuu
• this. Year. Anyone :intending to
make a donation : • of ;any 0 kind
for ` 'the Childrens Aid ,Society.
at Christmas. please °send • it •in
November. in .order' to give the
threw their ehildr.:eri out of' the.
sleigh,- one by' one, ,in the hope
of. slowing ..down the pursuers
,so ,that ,the others could •get .to
safety. Anyway;; • there'll ,be .no
mnare • of that cacophony of cat-'
,calls' around our place.
In' an 'effort to save mi san
■. 19504; Chev Impala .V-8, 4 -door hardtop
1959 Volkswagen '
• 1958 Chev sedan With automatic transmission i •
■ 1958 Oldsmobile 4 -door hardtop • .�
• 2-1957 Pontiac sedans,.1 standard transmission, •1 automatic f
■ .
1957` Pontiac °Sedan, standard
NUMBER OF. 1955 `MODELS from $350: up
2-1958 GMC 1 -ton Pick-ups
1960 Chev • 1 -ton 'Pick-up at
• 1960. Chev ' 1 -ton Pick-up ■
Brussels Motors
S • ' Cities Service Dealer ' Pbone. 173,.:Brussels• •'
volunteers:. plenty of time to 'A couple 'sauntered. ' into
do. their 'work., B•card members. car .dealer's. showroom • and, were a
request 'to ,be. 'informed :by. any- .sho,cked. at 'the. price •asked for 'a
one • knowing of'.. a 'family.. in ` compact • ear.
The husband •protested; •"But _••
that's almoat .the .tit -lee -of a wibi4g ' "
HistQrians. tell us :about the ear."
;past ,amid economists tell us,. about "Well" said .. the s'atesman
the .future. Thus 'only the pre- s'moot'hly,.: "If you want ee,ono-
sent' is confusing., :rny, you've got• :to ; pay ''for it:
ity, I ,went trout fishing.. `I.'
' .nearly ,. destroyed . the .scattered
,remnants • of my. Wits in .the : re-
disciovery' that speckled 'trout
fishing . is the • most awkward,
inconvenient, difficult and in-
. ; 'furiating sport in the world.
My wife,. and; most • women.;
consider trout fishing • . as ' the
most ridiculous forma: of reeve
ation that- -exists, rney .are
You •stagger through, . swamps:
You slip off wet. logs iriitoo: ice-
water. YOU trip . over ''roots: You
lose a hundred hooks, You 'bast-°
tie insects. Your. Brie : is' perpet
uully tangled aroun•d,twigs, lea-
ves, or your left- ear You puff,
perspire, profane: You eat lunch :
.with hands generouslyspread ,
with. ,•an '. equal; mixture.' • of ••
worm -guts. and 'fish -guts. If you
are tremendously • successful,
'you ;bring home enough fish to
provide a dinner fo'r' a midget •
with •an ulcer, '
Why do men 'do it"? There• are
several ,reasons, First, 'there 'acre
no wormen, children or goats . on
;fishing . streams,There are rio
telephones doorbells jangling'
,their 'nerve -rattling syimmons It
is life • stripped down to e,lernen-
tats, There' „are. •hast you and
;those stupid trout. It's you or
them. And nine ,times' out of
10, A'S you. '
. Don't feel. sorry for' the trout.
They're pretty, • :with , their' col'-
'Dred spots, but nobody ,ever sees
them except other trout, •who'
promptly 'try to eat .`'.them. And
don't feel •that they haven't a
chance against the cruel angler
Sending a .sedentary : civilian
'against "the brook• trout is • like
sending' a hippopotamus out to
catch.. monkeys, with a butterfly.
W211, it's been another:• busy; perverse. All' ,i,itdid. was
busy ' week, hasn't t'.' It'sbad lag...stich,'make. him 1.tant to get a . Thigh-
er}bug} 'most of the time, but pitying fob ;fo;•. the summer, so
spring i. pitiless • : in .,her:. de- that he Could do ` it. again, and
rands' on•.. us ;'mare .often. •
• Sfe ' fi11s a "'•pot . with boiling;' 1 think the dance took more
.a'dre'n•all' n;• throws in a' ;handful i ou•w . of �hi5 •mo'ther than r.t .: •did:
of human• lust` out of the'dec'li- Hat c'f 'nim, At any . rate, she
f '• Hat
m rrc 'red when he left'
: 'hope, au. onion .when
• a garlic bud; 'of r-
niis'e.. She sprint..
freeze' adds a ea-'" 0 ' new ,r
f energy, anll' , f,,r the dance, than he was wwh
renewed ' 'pro he got . h'orlie; This, •. I Linde
Ir ' it with a : tan,1•, ,a + par Por the course;
dash of calor `,and a ivVff of On ' ;Monday, my wife made
scent, She toyse. in a sou, con oneof those lightning decisions
of sunshine and stirs vii;or•ously for .wlrrcir she is famous. After
th a • ladle ofold memerie}s two. years of coping with • kit:'
until the whole .thin;,; bub tens, • she . snatched'. the phone,
blin.. and Mur l,iri ,.,• called the •vet, plunked' the' cat.
g g b, g � �'
What .she comes tip with,. -for in Kim's.. arms and pushed both
of them Out, the •door. When t.
people of all ages, �s a heady
brew — experience, the essence got hoine, she, was Wearing that
"of ,life, / siring air of • deusion w,hieh Cae-.
It came'to our family' il`l three Sar .dis1 rlayed• the' day he cr`oss-
doses this week. ;My' son took a ed. ,the Rubicon.. Or was it the'
lesson . in econot ies, my dough- Delaware? '
ter took the cat ' to the hdspi- And 1. don't blame her, We
tali '
and I took c dort6 . nice, nice. h d pent, a :hideous week -end,
•,s+peckled trout. We suffered. •and 1' �'r this 0111.* was 'that -way
enjoyed Art- about • equal propor a,ai,n, 'A huge white tom Prow -
tions 1L•d •rued: howled, in. 'the back
• yard A: gigantic black 'tom y:ow-
Hugh' diseover�ed• the c t ' • ,len1e.' Yn'. lc? and . c ow cd 'aboti,t the front
Lary- thesis,• that .dailies are •nlur- rlocrr; ' ()Ur' other,
•race � ferocious-
eaocio one'
der. on -the rnont�y, Ie took a to t}ic c t , pp ,
• i the , . �"o.rn. ' 14'• They Just sneered .at
' hien
�glrl to •high schoo, • p. y t
Tickets, 'c, ors'age, and the inev- and 'retreated no an 'inch, This
ita'ble post -dance. Snackeo t hirrt went on for hours.
l •natty, I picked up the • cat
what he ; would' spend on 'him .
self iii about 'two month' T and hurled her t t they:.. othe ba k
hoped the leigort woad regi,�ter, ,d•5or, T felt •,lust
and that shed give Up . women •,w:ti'�tr parents in. those old
Ston- ood�*
for. life, Rtut' he r. hintma'n, sand itis who; chased by •
net, :•
The real reason '1 , go ' trout
fishing at' least once a ' ye'ar is
that pit's •a' ritual of ` spring that
purges the soul of •those sails-
nnerings which .have • built up''
,during the •winter. After, a long
clay d•rt.aY :y rugged' trout stream,
evert civxl.ization looks, pretty
for. thisone-ban
operated grease gu
with eackcarton of 60
Esso .MP MP Grease 'Cartridges
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A high-quality 'one -hand operated grease gun, complete with'
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Yours now at a saving of $5:25 when you purchase one carton'.
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