HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-22, Page 5WEDNESDAY,. MAY 2.2nd, 1963
• '
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-Thirty-nine students • of '• an
• entolinent • of . 405* at Che§le?7.,
• District, Wei :School have, in-,•
dic.ateci an • interest • in taking
vocational training.. '
The Owen King Construction.
Company •has commenced Work
ori ',a • sidewalk ;replacement' pro
gram in Ilee§water.
.Reports• of a .biaairbear. in
the', Winton. area were substan7.
tiated,. when: .the driVer, of; a
truck struck •the -bear- on the
highway, .„ killing ,it. The •animal
•weighed 394: .pounds, .' • :
• At a. service he'id., 'First
Ppesbteran,Church, Seaforth,
Floyd '-',Mcflhee • 'was 'Ordained
nto the mr-nitry..•Reki. Roder-
ick MacLeod f .Lticknow, mod-
erator of iturongViaitland • Pres-
bytery conducted the ,service, •
Presbyterial Met
At *Kincardine
•Mrs, W1lia Speir, Brussels,
presided .at both. meetings. of
Maitland Presbyterial Society Of.
the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada held in Knox
Churcifi, Kincardine on Wednes-
day, May 15th.
afternoOn the devotions
were given by ladies of the
Kinlough, Auxiliary,Mrs. Hal-,
denby, Mrs; „T. J. McKinney and
Mrs. G, MacDonald.
Interestin',data Was given by
Mrs. 1'; A. ,Currie,, carresPoncling
secretary and by', Mrs. F. H.
Creniey, Kincardine - in her re-
port on duties of the 'Presbyter-
ial secretaries. as heard •at Syno-
dical: ,
Mrs. •A.:. Mundell, Belthore;,
•presented. .Mrs. E. Zinn, Bel -
more, with an honorary mem-
bership • certiate, commenting
on 'her faithful work in the sOc-
lety throughout the years. •
. •
Mrs. Clayton Edwards, ,Gode-.
rich, .brOught •an inspiring mes-
sage, using "Discipleship' as
her theme. • •. '
Mrs. • Mel Ritchie and. Mrs.
Ian Hamilton, Kincardine; ;sang,:
a pleasing duet.
• Rev. R. H. MacLeod, LucknoW,
as • tModerator. of •PresbyterY
ihrought greetings and • exPres-
•sea his happiness • in. seeing
young, hien and .WOmen ,giving
• their lives. in Christ's servioe.
itnterestind and cOncise 're-
ports Were given by the ,•dele-:
gates, from the Synodical 'meet-
ings held •in Wirigharn.
Mrs.G. Sutherland, Ripley,
paid . a 'loving, tribute . to the
departed members of our Pres-,
lbyterial and Mrs.. H. Mckenzie;
Likkriciw, Closed the ' Meeting
with prayer: •, I
Mrs.' Speir in opening the ev-
ening session,; asked that Silent
prayer be offered for two mis-
sionaries who are 111, Miss B.
•MaoMurchy and Miss P. Brown.
The* devotions were' Offered.
ihy, the Wingha.m Evening AUX-
Hilary, Mrs.; J. Day; Mrs. *G. L.
Fish, and Mi. .S. Forsyth, '
A weleam.e: to .:this session
Was .giVeiv.by Mrs: J. Norman,
'president of 'ICIneardine Evening
. and the •Kincardine
•Intermediate :choir acCOmpanied,
by:, Mrs, fl. .:Peach,. sang a num-
bpi% , • ••
Mrs.. Edwards, Choosing as her.
theme, "Tolerance,?' showed that
We must interpret the Meaning
of • 'toleratice and intolerance'
with understanding, •
•Mrs: J. PellOck, ..TeQS-1,tei•
and Mrs. MtLean, Ripley, ex-
plained some 'highlights: of ...the
Synodical. , • .
. •
• •
Mrs. J. bay, :in her report
from the• Evening AinPillarY
Conference at Kingston, showed
'Many, interesting ways ,of exr
pending the work,
• Mrs. F, Maulden, Kinlough,
• thanked all who had rendered
• servic'e in the day's sessions. '
The members were -liwited to
meet in. Brussels next year and
after • Mrs. Pollock, Teeswater,
closed the meeting. With pray-
er, there" was a social hour
spent in the Sunday. School
ROoin of the church, •
.Mrs. Weir EckensWiller was
•in, London on Friday ,attencling
the .wedding of her, •niece. •
• Miss Donna Nicholson of
Stratford is Spending awhile at
her :home ihere. „• •
• Friends of Miss Elaine Hod-
gins, daifghter of Mr. and Mrs..
Hodgins -.are plvaseteta.
know' that she was "presented
with the- (food preparation prize
at the MacDonald Institute grad-
ikatii3n which took pla.ce at
Guelph on Wedn•esday :and ,the
• Mr. and Mrs. Bert NicholsOn
•a:nd, family spent last Sunday
at Stratford •and 'St. Marys.
Mr. FlOyd Stanleywill teach
:next year 'in the New Ripley -
Huron Area •School. • „
A number from. here ;attend-
ed the fashion show in the
Lucknow and • District High
School -Wedn'esday'
Thursday • evenings:: ;Mrs. .Laurel
Hewitt is the Home- Economics
teacher and each year the fash-
ion show is,,aery- lovely event
when ''the'tudents'i model the
articles of, ' clething, which they
ha-ve made 'during. the 'term.
Mrs. DOnald McEwan; and her
•mother; ,Mrs.:Jdlin, Bushell
• ited. ,on' Thursday with "Mr. and -
Mrs. Herman Fisher, and family
•'Mrs... John ..Barr, Mir. and.
Mrs. Jack Barr were in' Toronto
attending 'the ••funeral : of the.
late' V,ernie Barr. They i4l.so vis-
ited .with and Mrs. Russell
Barr . and Darrell. •
Mr; , and Mrs: Perry Bushell
and .family .of. Toronto, 'Mr. and.
Mrs. Herman Fisher ,and fain-
tly of Benmiller visited on
Sunday with Mrs John Bushell:
• Mr.. and ;Mrs: :Arthur 'Graham
• . . .
. .
. .
" . .
• ' •.
. ..
. .
THE LION is the King of Beasts
and stalks his prey with little
fear of attack from other animals
• But when old age comes the
lion falters; He is King,of
• BeastS. no longer. The other . .
animals lase their fear of him
intim is attacked and dettroyed.
Fortunately men and women; unlike
'• thelion, can have a happy old age --
if they, prepare for it. The best Way ts
prepare for it financially, is through
Sun Life retirement income policy, Ld
• •
; me tell you how. : •
m. J. Ktnahan
.1{2. Luciknost
'PhOne Wingham
. .
. . .
and. Mrs. 'Dorothy Thompson Of
Sault 'Ste. Marie 'spent 'the -week- • •-
end. with relatives and friends ,Mrs. Arthur Simpson of Clande-
here: • , . bOye, Mrs. Robert • Milligan ' and.. ,• ,
The village children had ,,a Bobby, Mr: and Mrs. Karl BoYle, . .
lovely, fir`eworks; , display :on
Monday. ,night,..
Sunday visitors With: Edna &
May 'Boyle were Mr.,Irvirig Neil
of Chauvin '• Alberta, Mr.
and Carol of London.
-- Mr, 'and -Mr.s.' Bert Nicholson '
alia. Lois visitec,1„ 'on Sunday -.•
ith Mr. and Mrs. Mac
n and •family, Millarton.
Mrs. Tom HoclginS and Mrs.
. .
Bert •NichOlson were., in . Lon-
' --
dan ton Wednesday. Mrs,. •Hod -7.
girls visited- Hodgins
whowith Tom .• ..'
. • . •
, i • . ... iiospitiasl;.,a patient in' Iritor
i4..' • . ,,
t 1VIr. Wallede HeWitt• of Water:
— ford visited over the Week -end '' ' • :
With relatives here, Mr: Alex
• Hewitt returned With him': on. . •
Sunday: : • , • : ••
Friends Of Mrs. Lou Cardigan •• . ,
(nee Norma ;Burt) are sorry 'to
know that she ,has undergone,, ' '•
moor surgery !at.. ,M:ontreal. We.
wish her :improved 'health.
•Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Burt, , ..
David' • and ,, Jerry • 'of TorOntO
:visited with Mr., and -Mrs. Bill•
Burt • ,and family.
Friends of Mr. James • Hadgins
Sr. are. pleased ,to •know that
• he is :making a favoUrable" re-
. abVery• .in Wihgfr.am Hospital: •
... ' ' "Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Haiden-, •
• by of Toronto called on relatives'
here dUririgr the. Week. .
Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm Lane -. .
• and • Stewart' .visited with Mr.• •
, and Mrs, •Campbell Brawn and
family at •Watford. Then Mrs.
Lane went. to Chatham, and vis-
ited witill 'Mr. and Mrs, Everett• •
Lane and famdlY..,,
Mr.,/arid" Mrs, Frank Johnstone,
Con. :10, .had their family 'home
• over •the weel-end when •a most
• pleasant .ie -union was efoecl,
--4.--.-•••-"r----/:4----------. • •
• Keeping •up with . the jOnses , ,
can 'obir
e..ruious but, sats t1//: ,
•:OrIthrio Safety Lea`gue, it isn't -, •
nearly as tlangerOus as trying' to
• passthen •on' a,(11.111,•'
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by picking up fertilizer".in . bulk; .10::yOui•
picK.up, truck. 7. at• the:
Fertilizer." •
Control" through all
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...• • • . •• • • • •
• Fertilizer Plant, 528-21 75, or drop in at the you ,greest
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