HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-22, Page 1ispec- • know impus 1, 2 to ted. i •Ifor. ;know f, has •', tea - Le 'In - been Wiric17 • • as. re-. gatori.. ill be. rids to nother " ;E is the T. A. :le for- Luck - other ,g hs ing at,. 1 . Neil • , TOP 'this euchre iourn- Tht?y w and . p,rly of tables nainent,.• V. and tWo rnpion- 7izes• of . igraved• 1963e ••,°k • • , 'or4 fi3.00 A Yelir In Advance $1.00 Extra To U.S.A. 1,, • 1 LUCKNOW,ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAX 220d, ,1963 Single CoPy 1 - . 16 Pages RECEIVES DIPLOMA nquesi Evidence Reveals Paters() ' TERRY DALTON T.H.J. Dalton; R.R. 7,. Luck- • ' now: .son of Mr, • and ' Mrs, Ray Dalton,, was awarded the Asso- - ciate Diploma in Agriculture at the graduation exercises at the • • Ontario Agricultural College, • Guelph, on •Wednesday, May 15. 1,9 to 17 k,9 • KINLOSSITES MEET: AT CALGARY TICKET WICKET While •Mr. and -Mrs. I•lugh, Houston, 1Vlidnapore,, Alta,.. were standing • in line for tickets for the "Calgary Spring • Horse Show, Hugh was 'surprised to 'Meet two: ether 6th Con. Kinlossites, Ruth and Harold ' • • ray, whose parents are Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, • Firie Response , Cookie Sales • • Girl Guide' .00kie Day , was 'held recently in the village • with • a very generous. response ;to the Orders . for the cookies were taken by • twenty ir‘erobers of the Lucknow 'Girl Guide Com- pany, and 'sales • totalled 360 boxes. ..* ' • ' Janet '••• Oarruthers,.% with -.. 55 ibexes to '• her •creditr. wasthe . top s,ales-lady, with Donna Rit- chie second, having sold:: 28 packages • . ; .• •• • • ome furliiu..0. From Jhansi, India Mr:. and Mrs Alex "andy" PUrdori of town had.. is their guests recently, her. brother, • ReV. arid Mrs. Angus MacKay Of Jhansi, India, and 'her sis- ter, MISS 13eitha MacKay, of London. ' Rev., and Mrs, MacKay are hom fUriough from the • Ir- dia 'Mission field Where they have been, .stationed since 1927, They' were last,. "home" five years ago. ' • '..Revand ikkrs. MacKay timed their- return to behere for the graduation exercises the end of May of the Victoria ., Hospital 1963 'class of nurses of which theirdaughter, • Mary Ellen; is, Member, • . Their son Donald is. taking a • .commercial art COurse in Lon - :don. Prior. to their return, Rev. and Mrs, .1\41acKay "Met Miss ,Ber- tha MacKay in the Middle East, she having ‘flown there for a holiday trip. They also visited in Italy and other European. centres • as well 'a in England and Seotland„ Upon completing • their tour Bertha flew home and Rev. and Mrs. MacKay who were bring- ing • their car. With 4.them, re• - turried by boot,' docking • at Men, treal Separate , .„• the death .of Albert. Petersen; Recover, 'Luckliovir. Car Stolen List 43' 7 - ear old est • Wawanosh. • • Tovvnship farMer a'nd the .fire that destroyed his barn and. .badly' burned•IVIr. P,atenon, were. :descrgyed as -being 1 -"two separ- •ate and ,clistinct instances" by. Raymond Simmons of •the Fire Marshall's Office, Toronto. Mr. Simmons gave his evidence ' at a coroner's inquest into the death, held in the.';'W'inghain Town Hall on Tuesdayafter./ noon.: Mr.„, Simmons . said; "piy conclusion is . that we :must sep- arate.the death and the barn fire." • • , Coroner, 'Dr. W. ,A. Crawford of Wingham.• presided for the anquest • and Huron County crown attorney : W. J. Cochrane questioned the '•witnesses, Con- stable Snell was in charge of the jury and swearing in wit- nesses • ' . Thot Oat Received 7..014 Mino.r:...Ptillia91: .Gordon Fier, local .• barber, lest 'his car temporarily the lat- ter part of the Week M a daring claAight main -street robbery. The -." theft took •place last Thursday morning. • between 11:00 and the noon hour. The. Fisher car was parked in' front of their 'Campbell St. residence, and &Maine& some materials to be taken to the cottage which they are building at Point Clark. Abandbried at the same time, just off Campbell St, at the side of Greer TV and Electric shop, Was a• 1956 model truck Stelen on Wednesday at Sarnia. • . • • Car Recovered That Night The Lucktiow car was recov- ered' that eve 'rig in the • North Bruce district, about 21/2 miles north of Underwood, 'on: High= way 21, 'Two officerS. the• Walkerton cletachment..,. met • a car about 1000 pm....with the high beam "hitting them in the face.". As they started to pursue 'the car it slowed to a.point that the• driven. couild jump and let the vehicle opine to .a halt on its own, receiving only some scrat...: : It , Wa.s the Fisher car.. Nothing was taken .from the 'ear, and there was more gas in the tank •-than when it was. taken,. Gordon said. I: • 'Ilhe ear was broughtto Kin- ca.rdine by, police on Friday ogi 1-..11 Saturday it vasbrought .to• Lucknow by Mr. and Mrs. Fish- er's on, Bill., Fisher; who with his .wife were here for the week end. • ' • ••:.: • . .• • Fled On Foot It was-: dark When the car was abandond and police could not say . definitely whether there Was one .or two persons in. • the car. •The escape was 'on- foot over farm lands and wooded areas. • • ' Police state. definitely' that one of then was Richard Arlen Smith of the Bruce district, who knew the' countryside: A police search was concentrated in that .area„ without success. EarOY Saturday morning, a car was stolen from the farm home of 1‘,Ternian McLeod, Con. 110 Kin. cardine Township, • and this vehicle was discovered in, To- ronto on Sunday. • . • Hits Bad Record . • - Snith,'-age„ 23, hasa bad re-* -cordand served time in Krng- ston and Guelph,' lie escaped from. police custody. at Sarnia, and , was •deseribed by police as a "vicious person with a quick and uncontrollable temper" Smith was 'arrested • in Kenora .in late Aril and ibrou t to Sarnia to face a • charge • f car theft. He. was remanded for trial by. judge and jury and ;was being escorted from magistrate's court by two Sarnia . city pol- ice • officers when he escaped. While one offieer was about fo 'Plaee hitri in the bank seat. of a Waiting cruiser, he, made a r.unfor. it, 'I:1mph* a •low fence Into a neigliboring yard and dashing arotind a house. "And that's . the •dast • we've. seen of him," •.. Inspector .Myles SMIth. is described. as being SiX feet, one inch tall, and weighing ',178 ,pounds. He has brown hair, hazel eyes and has tattoos on his right arm and hand. . The .arin' tattoo is the. word • ',7tlisbel," while the hand tattoo is 'a •heart; With, the hid- tials -4.1T-Df and the word . • • .• ' ...When he escaped; Sriiirth was wearing a bright blue Vznecked pullover sweater .and. dark , 'trou- sers . Police .said he has -'a scar On his right 'cheek. Hcketts± Waked Anniversary On Sunday • last, Hackett's AR -kited Church observed their anniversary withtwo very 'fine services. In - the morning Rev. Henry Funge of Londesboro was the guest preacher. His subject was "Wait On ped",. Special rnitsioal nurnliens . by. the Tees - water Male .Quartet were very mush enjoyed. • . In the -evening Rev Kenneth Griffiths of Brussels entitled message "God Clears The Way". Mrs. Griffiths sang ' two solos Which •were much .enjoyed by all. present. , • fresh erian Kirk Field ....Anniversary The Lucknow Presbyterian Church congregation had a dis- tinguished . guest as their .anni- versary speaker on' 'Sunday. Ile was Major John . M.' Anderson, area chaplain. of London... • ,, Major Anderson has had a distinguished ,career in the 0 laincy service. •In extending a welcome • to 'him jion • Sunday, Rev. 'Red MacLeod, pastor of the Lucknow • charge, 'made • refer.ence• to the promotion to. the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, • which as shortly' tO be 'confer - ted uPon: Rev. Anderson: •. • •But as well Major Anderson Ghana Native. very forceful minister and With: Ripley Vet • Bemis Nutor, .'a native .of the Accra district 'in Ghana, Africa, is ',assisting Dr9 Peter. Ilisson- nette of Ripley 'for the summer months • • Mr. Nutor has cOmpleted his fourth year of A five-year course at the • • Ontario Veterinary 'Col- lege, Guerph. ' •Mr. Nutor• will return tohis homeland follewMg- .graduatieli a 'Year .hence: With 'his assistant in charge, Dr, Dissent ette wilil,be :able • to attendthe provincial Lions con- vention •at Cornwall this month and the•Internatipnal Conyentien at MFanu th jitine, Dr. Bi,sson..... nette was recentlY appointed as Lions DePtttY District 'Governor. 4, • 999 , 1 , , . • t ,-. delivered • two stirring ' and "doWn to earth" • sermons to large congregations. / He said he .was not .altogether a stranger :here, having been d classmate of Rev„ Win. Hender- son of Lucknow, as well as' knowing Rev. R. D. MacDonald' well, and he, aliso paid tribute to the christiarI attitude • of te late iss Marion MacDougall,, whom he .knew during her final and for. whom he con- ducted • the • funeral %service, • Anniversary time is an. occri* sion to meditate on the mini, sters, the' elderS, the (.teachers • & the faithful who have Wor- shipped throughout. the Yeart. Their infIttence „may 'have been Of untold measure, and he ad- monished his congregation te live so that their influence for • ' (Conthgmed On page 16) The jury, K.K. Dawson, fore. Man John Duman, 'Phonies Webster; Ralph Munro and Thomasjoliinston returned the following verdict ,at , the end . the, three. 'hour hearing, "Albert Paterson the deceased perison carne to his death at •approXime- • tely , 'seven p.M. in the .afternoon of. April 25th, 1963, at lot 27, . • Concession :14, West Wawanosh Township, and that death Was. caused by an accident involvting• a farm tfactor." .27' • • . • Hear. 'Seyeral. Witnesses , Coroner Crawford eXpleihed prior to 'hearing Witnesses that ;they. were .sitting as a court of enquiry • to: determine; when, .where and ,by' what Means •Al. bert Paterson ca.ine te his death. '"No one s on trial here",,'. he said. ••• • - ' . John Bell of • ListoWel was (Continued on page 15) 21 . •• Exhibitors • At -Horticultural Flower Show.; Mrs: Salk�ld Won. • Most Points . . • . . • ••.• weather, there Was a good show- purple or mauve — Edith Whit- • Despite :the. backward spring IMrs. Ctimmings, Mrs. Kirkland; mg of sprang flowers on, Friday by, Jimmy Hallam; bi-colour- evening, May 17.th at the IVirs. • Joyat, Edith Whitby; double, any colour . •---.. MTS. ' Salkeld, Mrs.' Curnmings. Tulip Trios. — 3 red, Mrs.. Jouwsina, 'Greg. Hunter; •3 • (Continued on page 16). gion Hall when .the.Lucknow and ' District Horticultural. Soci- ety held their annual spring flower show. ., -There were 108 •entries placed by, twenty.one exhibitcirs to Make a lovely profusion a colour arid the judge, Mrs.' Wel- lington .Henderson, • Used all .of the allotted time to make her MTS. T. J: Salkeld -ainassed est In., decisions, . . , the most, points and Mrs': Otto A T.i3; te t of cattle ..in JotiwSrria of 1Wingharn was se- . fi•eld •Towas 'underway Szi -• cond. Jimmy Hallam had the will, :be- co • pleted shortaY,..ae-: most ,poinitst for junior rriern',..ers cordingto Dr. Peter •Bissonnette-1 who showea in, the regular. claS-: Ripley veterinarian. • .. ps. Greg, Hunter and Allan An The test is confinedqo breed- "diew • placed second _and :third:, ing • stock and is done by ,:and Quite a number: viewed the under the authority of the Fed. entries •during the evening and eral Department of Agriculture, • , enjoyed trying .to Outguess the7 ealth of Animals Branch. - • , - -judge.• • ' ' 'Pc is-some;nine yeasiriee the ..• • The June Meeting of the So- last TJ3, test was carried out*. 'cietYr will take the form of a in Ashfield.- '• ' . • garden, tour around some of the • The incidence: .rate so far local gardens. the ' current • testing has be The Winners on Friday, werelow Tulips; isingle specimen, yellow Testing will be, carried oat in: Mrs. Cuminings,', Edith Whit- Colborne • °Township when. the by; red • Elizabeth • Ritchie, Ashfield .work is Completeck. Nancy' 'Ritchie; 'white. --. jimmy A , testing .prog.rani in Bruce Hallam, Mrs. . Joynt; pink • -- alsoin the offing. Doing TB Cattle • Fashion Show Packed For Two Performances, Include Presentations . ..• Lucknow District • High School , Glee Club riurnbers intersper. Fashion is wd sup- Thursdalast y's rarrilwaria.ycesaWednesdaycarsand a 1 malePseodrtecith• set t nby :rfa,trIlin:1J1.'imwi:t'Mh"black 'acthlSefil esaleciend:,' • i•or female students being stip- exception. Mrs'. Laural ;Hewitt, Keith • Kaiser, Bill Nelson and home -economics. ' teacher at the Terry .'O'Donnell. .Russell.' school,moulds her classes, elf in C.oSttiirie; noisily • girls into a pleasing .4ernoristra- searche.d for ,his "love, , • tion of their•dressmak- throughout'. the evening and fin- ely found his mountain Womah , Sue Hoffman. Mrs. Brian How- lett accempanied the Glee on the. piano. • • Musical numbers Were provid- ed on the cornet bY,Larry Pent. land and on the saxaphone by Donald Hodgins with Mary An- drew providing ,Piario acconf- paniment. Wendy MacKenzie. • and Mary Finlayson‘ amused* the, audience With the "Charleston," • On Wednesday. night, Donald ing, learned at the school, ThiS, year, because of the building program at the school and the conditions it presented, the annual Fall commencement was ,postponed. Mrs: Hewitt in- corporated , some of the . mencement presentations into her fashion. Show, and these were made oh the twg, nights. Mrs. Hewitt, Brian Howlett, principal, and tkerald ,RathWell, chairman of the school board all extended . weicOmeS, „Studentf Dennis presented athletic grade 42 :Paid hotnage ..to. the 'Wards to : junior, Peggy.. Button, newly elected King. and, •Queen ' Houston; -intermediate, of Lucknow HLgh Danny Dal.' rt...,arbara• Nelson, Ross '*.talina., ton And. Elizabeth Pirilay.son„ Becker senior, Sheila and. to the tuniner8,up;, penai.d. KennethoHoustena PageEart and Wilheirnina eniititted