The Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-15, Page 14fi to iy • r. • 1 .. 1 s ■• •1I • PAGE; FOURTEEN ` 4 THE LUCKNOW • SENTINEL, • I UCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th, :I96; `House HeId At !Unless c.entrI $chool Thursday, Attendance Now '117 • Many pareats of the 117 chil- lynne Brooks, George Moffat, ddren attending. Kinloss Central' Lynda Carter, Harvey Welsh, t kiblic School,as well- :las. •other Linda Nichols, ' Allan Rhody,. interestedvihsi ors attended open Kenneth Eadie; David MaeKin- house at •t ` sparkling new non. • ; • I. iseh•aol; 'tat "H l rood last Thiers Grade 4 — Gary Whl tocky :day evening. •Brenda Bushell, Pat Hayes,. This. electrical heated ,'build- ' Heather • MacKenzie, Anne Gra- ing with all mdern convenien-• ham, , Brian • �eith, Margaret ces and facilities, is revolution- ;.Doeln. t " ary from the "little red- school ., Grade..4 >ughie, Maclpnes, house„” where many of the par,' Ross . Moffat, • ; arolyn MacGilliv a eats: learned the 3 R's,+ray, : Sandra .;Thomson, Alzner The Kinloss School, built at a Acker.c Simon 'de Boer, Donald. costapproaching $100,000, in- Moffat.' . •red to them: as the King . _ eluding building, ' furnishings . & Grade 3 - _Elaine Schumacher, i _• . s�andsca i • -. yet to be done, Barry Whytock, • Jackie . Hanna,' and Queen of •Music .at • p n�• L.D.H.S. + serves: an: area' including. what Terry England,: 'Randy Magoffin, was formerly six school sections Aileen Carter, Gary Hedley, ' iOth, Holyrood,, : •6xth, 4th,. 2nd John de Boer, Douglas Wall, and Langside as they " are most Carl .Guse Ricky Passmore, Geo, familiarly known. Wall, ,.. William , Dickie, Bobby. Campus drainage problems McInnes, Patricia •1Vfajor, Ruth which are now about solved_ have Whytock, Rosemarie Jankowski, prevented 'landscaping (work 'be-. Nancy Burt, - Murray ., M•acKin- ingg ' proceeded with on ;the non, Gary `Magoffin, Linda Mac - grounds. . • '' ' • Intyre, BobbyCarter, Steven .The landscaping plan was de- Donaldson. . 'Signed , by. J. J. Houston of Grade 2 :— Ann . Ackert;. Lou- Holyr:ood, a ',1962 •gradutate' of the, Ann Brooks, Kendra Donaldson, Niagara Park$ Commission' Steven 'Eadie, Donald England,;r w.' School: of Horticulture; and ,pro- Zena Garniss,• Ruth Graham,'. • 'vides fora ball diamondo and !C:athy Hedley, Sandra Keith, playground (area.• u Bobby Moffat, Jimmy Murray:, The .Staff at Kinloss Central 'David Nichols, Come Passmore,' &s. comprised: of Mr. John Bushell Colin . Steeksma, i Wayne Rhody. principal; Mrs: Gwen. 'Parker, " -Grade :1 Kevin Ackert, Mrs. Nancy' 1V aclntyre, •Mrs:''Ann, Bruce 'Carter; ,Nancy' De •BOer, . Collins and .Mrs. William Scott, Karon El ' t, Jamie Graham, music: 'supervisor: 'Wilfred' G e,, ,' Jimmy Hanna, 'Grade - 8 =... —.Douglas, Eadie, 'Jo.- Paddy Hedle , Fern Kragt, Bob anne . :Hayes, • Ian :MacKenzie, by . MacGillivray, Mary MacKin- Barbara iMcQuillin, Sharon •Mtof- non, Kathy Major,' Kevin Mur {fat, Donald Saunders, Ian Stacks ray, '`Russell 'Young. ctna, • Marion Wall, Betty 'Welsh, • • Grade o 7 Bruce Colwell, 'Walter Dickie, '' Syke' De Jong,. Left -Last • David 4Eadie, ." Brenida Eckenswil :ler, . Mac. MacInnes, Ardonn°a: Maclnttyre, Connde :MacKenzie, Jinn • MacKinnon Bill • Moffat, 'Nancy Saunders,. Patsy. Schu .2 naoher, Joyce Wall. r " ` Grade .6 Sharon Magoffinir • :Allan Carter, Gayle Maci?onald, . Rod ,MacKenzie,.` Mar:ilyn ''Wall,. :Billy Thomson, 'Bob Major, Jan ice/ Wall, Kenneth Roulston, Betty Colwell, Hilda Flood, . Dav- id, Rhody, Linda Magoftfin . ` Grade • 5 L.. Donald • Elliott, Susan Major, .,Jim Ciarkee, John Ackert, ' Barbara Maclntyre, Mur '•, ray Moffat, Pat .Passmore, Eve= KING, 'QUEEN OF MUSIC' ENTERTAINED' LIONS •' t t d ents of Lucknow'• District' • High • School ` entertainedw With. piano selections, sho • exceptional. ability. • They' were' .Mary Andrew,,. daughter Of Mr, 'and, Mrs; • William Andrew • �of Ash-• ;field .and Bruce MacKenzie, Son : of Mr: and Mrs. •Tom MViaeKenzie 'cif Kinloss. Mary and truce played a duet and'. Bruce •aplane .solo. ' In than•kin�g and •compli= �men,tin;g these young',people, Cameron MaeDon�ald, . refer - At the,Lions meeting on. Monday eveningtwo :s u For B eek C. Pastorate' Mr. and. Mrs. Geoffrey . Lufrd= Teigen and children,' Scott,'In- ,grid In- ,;grid,:and, Tommy' left last ":week for their • new home in Creston; BC,t Mrs Lund-Teigen is the for mer . Jean Macdonald, • youngest. daughter Of the .late Mr. and Mrs. J. Bain .Macdonald.• Her. husband . will assume his duties as'` ; pastor of• Bethlehem Lutheran Chuin . Creston im- mediately and 'will ;ibe ordained in Edmonton . in June. 0. FIBERGLASS 1. SCREEN • .s: • T. Insulale� .. •� A Cooler • Moine • • Will Not Rust, Stain or ;,'Tarnish Sizes' Up To 48" In Stock Now 'Is The ' Thine To ave .Old Screens Repaired WITH FIBERGLASS SCREEN. .. INSULATION 2" Medium Thick Batts 3" Full` Thick- Batts Zonolite •.(Pour ' Type) •■• • • ■ ,■ ■ ,.■ ■ ■ ■ ✓ I • ■ '1r r • Summer` FOLDING DOORS SPACE SAVING : ATTRACTIVE Available In 9 :Beautiful ; Co `' lours HEAVY QUALITY Fresh Cement. In Stock ■ John •. ''W. Henderson ■ Phone 5284118 ,• i i Til ill it ■irie■■riiuIe err■ Lumber Ltd. Lucknow ■ i allesl�lr•■11•r■■al•s.ei .1 Dump Continues To Pose Problem The.perennial Problem of 'the Complete .ciisregaond by some as toproperdisposal' of refuse and garbage -oat the.Village dumping ground, Was 'discussed last week Eby.. Lucknowy :Council. The 'members ,planned. an 'in- spection of 'the grounds, • to see if, some.• solutiorf . • can ibe found to ,putting the area. in 'order and keeping it that way The, simple ; •method would' be. to , close''it to publicaccess,' and the way it is abused ,war-' rants :such action: Reference: was again made to. the 'high ' cost of maintenance the the . No. ,3 well, :south of ' the. flax • mill;'' 'and it was implied that, another. ' well may. be. • in future. plans'for the Water Sy - Family Gathering Honors Local Coupi On Their Golden Wedding Anniversar •A •'family ' dinner was held; at .Jack 4ohnatone, Ashfield, wer the home af ''Mr and Mrs, Albert united in Marriage by ;Rev. M; Campbell, Lucknaw on Sunday, Rutherford at at Pine River CIiure May 12th in, 'celebration of their, Manse on, May 12th, 1413, Thei Golden Wedding' Anniversary, attendants were aVi•r. and Mrs Among ..those present to honour Cobert Steele who arrived. Sur the bride and groom • of fifty 'da4y.• evening frarn: Detroit t years were their two sons, Wm. take. Pant in this year's ce1ebri and Reginald; three granddaugh-. tion, •• ters, Joyce, Joan and•.Janet. and Mr, Campbell' has two livid thirteen .• great grandebildren, sisters,. Miss Agnes Canipbel;l. .Th e' couple were 'y predeceased.•tby Mrs, Robert Steele of Detroit. a .son. Lyall in 1952. One grand- . Mrs,, 'Campbell has six livi i son, Allan, lives in Elbow, Sask. sisters, Mrs., Belle''., McDoonal+ The dinner table was. centred Iucknow, Mrs. Annie .McDonalt witha three -tiered wedding cake Ashfield, 'M'rs,' . Effie • Culber and a golden decoration that had Huron Twp.,. Mrs. Emma Towle been .used at the 'Golden Anni- Clinton,,Mrs, 'Ella De •Cou,,-F1'o versary • celebration. of" :the ida and Mrs. Jean Griffin, D+ groom'sjather and mother, the trait. late Mr. and :Mrs. Peter Camp- Among the •miany lovely ,gif bell on December 25th;; 19.25,:' received was a° • golden hear Mrs. Campbell •sti11 has • her shaped box with thirteen tfift; wedding dress of 50 years ago cent pieces enclosed With 'ti and during .the • afternoon she name . .(if a great-grandchild c donned the gown to have Pic each .one. tures taken. ' ''•-Their family and friends wit Mr. and. Mrs, : Campbell,_ the 'Mr. and Mrs.. 'Campbell mar former Mabel Johnstone, daugh- .more years of health and ha ter of the. late Mr, and Mrs. piness. p .■■■I.ii■. o■■ rU ummilU■ mivamismara■■•eas Council. ;purchased air office • i. I typewriter • at, .a cost • of $261, •r ': shared one-third ' each / by the ■ Village,`, Hydro and Water,. ` si • • WHITECHURCH Mr. : and Mrs Jack: Gillespie' and, family 'of Sarnia spent the week -end at ' the home • of .Mrs: W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scholtz and.family of •Godierioh' visited on Sunday at the ` home, of Mr. and Mrs: Ezra Scholtz: • 'Mr. •and Mrs.• Cameron Sim- mons ,and • family'. of London,. Spent the week -end at the ' home of " Mr:• and Mrs. Charlie Martin. Mr and Mrs. ,Ross 'Jamieson of Wingham visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. :Tom Jamieson.' 'Rev and Mrs: Derwyn.' Hill attended the (funeral of an uncle in Toronto last week Mr, avid Mrs. Relison Falconer. of Sarnia spent the week -end . at the. ,home'' of . Mrs, Cecil • Falconer Mr and. Mrs Ben McClenag=: han' are 'patients in • Wingham and District. Hospital since •Mon< day af, this 'week. Miss Annie 'Kennedy and Mr. Peter 'Kennedy spent the week- end, in :,the •village visiting at the home.of' Mrs:. Annie McQuil lan: Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert• Sc. hwichi tenberg and Lorie , Of Port .Elgin visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Albert Coultes. Mr. and .,.Mrs. Kenneth Laid- law and. family • of ,London visit- ed over the week-ea,d at " the home of Mrs; James Laidlaw,• Mr'. Irwin McClensghan: .;and Richard of St Phomas visited' on Sunday with' Mr.' 'and .Mrs, Ben ' McCIenaghan. • • Mr. and .'Mrs: Angus McDon ald . and: family of 'St, Helens' visited . Sunday evening •• ,at the/ home of Mr. and Mrs . Carl McCienaghan, • Mr. and Mrs. •Allan Coffin & family of "•Galt and Mr, David Coffin spent .the week -end at the horne of Mr." and Mrs. Claude•. Coffin, The Whitechurch '' " .;�•• • �1'rttted Church will • hold Anniversary services on Sunday, June 9th, • Miss Karen Grosk•orth of To- , onto spent the .week -end with her parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. El- wood Groskorth, •• .ttealtor. Would you .like. `oto sea a model home? Man. Glad 'to, What tum does she. quit work? FIREWORKS DISPLAY' BINGO and BARE SALE Sponsored by Ripley -Huron Legion in the Ripley `Ball P M 1 SaturdayEvening,a. $ ■. Admission .28c Maxunum ':$1.00.. Per . FaiAy ■■�r�rri.��.N■iiii�x��orrrr■■ri�if■■rir���■�aia 1••••••••••••••••••414•41••••••••41••••••••••••••I • •. • • • • •• • • •' • • • •' ▪ .rif . • . i' •• , • •. •. i• '. • - -• • • • • • • •• :o • • or • • • . • is HAIR DRYER Can • `Luckno�v's '' Crest Hardware Sere Is All You Have Tc Do' To Get This Value: • • •r ; • More Fresh Food Storage. Space -. Saves On Foo' • i Bills . •. ' Saves , On Shopping Trips •. A Super • • market' 'In Your Home. ' With Each I?urchase of 'a . Coronado or `Westinghouse ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With ' True Zero -Zone Freezer Harr- Dryer is yours Absotutely FreE • OF`l~ EFt OCD ••. • M 'Y• 1'8 TO JUN 29 AT • • e . §� • • • YOUR LOCAL CREST HARDWARE . ' Lludknou �'hono. 5 2S�500$ •••4111••••••••••••••••••••••••••1110•0464.414410011