HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-15, Page 11WEDNESDAY, 'MAY 16th.,; 196:0:
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• R n
D.E1 S.
wen's Club
;In last week's. issue it was an-. homes, jails, and the `salaries of
trounced that Wilhelmina Smith all.those ;who deal with the of-
was:the .Z,.'.D H:S, •representativefenders ,These cosfs can be esti
'on the. Queen's Chill:). . ' mated` in •terms of 'r�noney,,• b.ut.
Wilhelmina is pictured 'above the total cost in terms of human
end ; the essay which '• she • wrote deterioration is incalculable
as one :of the Club 'requirements Much juvenile . delinquency is,
is•'as '.follows: ' ' predictable.: Potential. delinquents
Juvenile De)!anqueney • can Abe spotted iby most teachers'
at •t'he. ages of'. seven. to,: nine.;
A. juvenile delinquent can ' be These offenders '`should • be
,defined as':,•a. Child. or an' •adoles- brought under control at this.
rcent who does not obey th ,. ules time and reported to •their. .par-
of. society and: who .coma is ..acts
:are Parents in turn `'should take'wlich.. ai e against: the law, To- steps: necessary to ,im�prove ,the.
day, despite.•the efforts' that or -'.disturbed mind of their child &.
�ganized groups of, church.: and guide him ,towards' a '.successful
social ; work.ers put . `forth, '•ithe. coal.::, .
Baptismal Held
At Olivet Sundty
Barbara. Ann, infant .daughter
of Mr, :and Mrs.: Garry,Blackweil •
was lbaPtizecl 'byReverend Oliver
Strapp on Sunday • aft rnpon
the United Church. Present' for
the oer!emo' e} eher grand-
parents, tM , . Mrs,Stanley
p a r
Blackwell nd uncle Bob Black-
well of Coa svlle.. '
r-ganMiss Phyllis Clayton ! Was or-
ist: 'and a junior choir • can-•
silting of Mases janpt' :>Fiamil-
ton, Joanne . Hamilton,. Patsy &
Mary ,M'acCharles, ,Sandra .M!ac:
Charles,. • ,Sharon .Colling, Ruth
and • ,Evelyn White, • sang Count
Your .Blessings'. •Meir iibera of the
Sunday • School led by the super-
intendant, Mr, Robert 'Osborne,
assisted lit the' :'Worship ' service..
Sharon Coiling led '• the Litany,'
Patsy MaeCharles read the Scrip-
ture,'Janet and Joanne Hamiltori
and Ruth White: read the story.
Bill Black and Lynn Clayton,
were 'ushers.' •
Attending the C:G,I T. Mother.
and Daughter !banquet in St. Ara-
drews Church schoolroom were:.
'Miss Janet 'Hamilton • and Mrs.
Ray Hamilton,,,1 iss Sharon Col -
.ling and ,Mrs. Melvin. Collimg.
•Miss Beth ]VlaecTaviah• of Olivet
is a leader assisted ,by -Mrs, Fra.n..,
cis Gemrnell and . Mrs. Yvan • Ben --
son, Much credit • is due for a
year of .fine work accomplished.
Mrs.: Alex : !MaeTavish was also
a guest and assisted: in the .pre-
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At Achievement Day at Au
burn, Mrs; °Hugh McWhinney was
presented.:` with .a leader's certi-
ficate ,for five years' service as:
leader I of the •Dunga.nrion *Club. ;;
Provincial !honors were awarded.
'Miss' Donna McNee. "How to'
look your ,best;'" placed by- the
Dung.ann'on. . Nifty Nehies, was``
corionented on `• by: •Valerie Hod-
ges. The Dungannon I'I Chub
:presented a . skit,"Makiig • the :
most of our clothes." . Mrs. J.:
>B•oak ihttodueed'•the :members of
number of - :juvenil'e delinquents b The police force has been in., the : Dainty 'Duster : Club'partici=
creased. in districts w,hereogangs
flourish;: ' and'' the city's Youth
Boards have been: working mitt
new 'methods of preventing' Iu
venile ' crime• Society. I feel•
is. steadily increasing:: pat ng:; Patsy. Anderson, Faye
The; pulilic:„hes been : alarmed.,
and ''rightly so, over : this`'con-
stant ' rise in. delinquency. Every
newspaper :• •headline screams of
j`ovenile gang kill -Trigs,' senseless
moIestings, and, thieving. If. one
were 'to probe- into the - lives_ Af
;these ' ` 'disturbed . youths, • one
would • •prqhably discover the
majority. of them, : fixing in the
slums of great cities where they,
, t Y,
,provide their Own underworld,
almost' •untouched !by • asocial or
parental• control, ,
Juvenile •delinqueney 'does 'not
Parise' from a •sin le eireuanstar ce,
but .from' s combination of many.
' factors. The: family !background
isalmost always . unsatisfactory
Substandard measures ' and liv
ing, conditions .may conspire with
a ;•lack•..of: warm affection- and.
understanding .to deprive a child
of h'is', numerous. 'deeds.. The
cormiltini,ty,' in••which the y. ou't,hful
offender lives may lack .recrea-
tion facilities: .
Hut .the . city streets and alleys
aPet not the only• breeders of de-
linq.uency;. It has ,to some 'ex€ent
' Spread into su+btirbs which 'con-
• sist. of comfortable h•oines and
healthy activities: Many' .Com..
:munities which' 'have lust begun
t'o grout up lack cohesion and live, and :makes : our daily e.n- take these unknown subjects or
nei h,borliness.. There has 'simply 'virorixrient more pressing' and to �p issue the:sciences into which •
g - '.more 'complicate'd. ''This• p artieu- theyhave been ,. iven some p re-•.
•�nat ,been. time for these to de- p ' g p.
'velop, lar focus tends, b•y 'the rapid, '& •vious insights. •
massive scientific develo men�t it' "In our great effort to :.better..
Families in: these communities � ,_ g'
may. be tinder., tension because 'engenders,. • ' e.
,, to delude ',our youth ourselves• materi.afly{: •we • •,hav
Of„ financial • ,and economic wor- . in.to placing too great an em- let our enthusia.srn for technical
ries.:'. Some '!others thoughtlessly Phasis upon the manipulation, of undertakings relegate our curio'-
. `
'.give their ;preci:ous' ``Johnny" an the .material . urorld. This leads city concerning things spiritual
bile ' not merely as a position of
many studeri,ts to choose, un- and social
to a
Means of transportation but tb Wisely, a• career in the sciences,. importance, .Hence we inhabit •a
Y "Inr• educational .s: stern •seg•' world in which we have..a uir
dis la , their affluence to neigll�, Our. ..:c.Y.. ' ..� .... , ..
1� y
..hi ; ' ondar: school. students are takA' ed a power which is .considera!ble• •a
;boi s: • As a. result the child's y .
r_ ,.h... were 'but whi
. . r •cr�ence courses tat we e ch We may riot yet put
scholastic . stranding ,goes diiwn, ,. �, ...
aria he 'becomes ' a potential ju p C s :. .ytaught,yish. to
venile delinquent. ' but vi Lave latterly i been moved con„ti n eetouse, Tf we s k
I feel•ju downy into upper high school our knowledge of ourselves. in.
� enile delinquency is � .pp g r g ` ,
'everyone's �lusiness• and- not :just 'I his in itSei, iSgood ---�• even .equili.briurri with .our 'knowledge
;to the •controlled `.by 'authorities. necessary, I'3ut are we forgetting of the sci•ences. ,.The. dictum df
Pearson and :Donna' McKenzie.
• :• Pais•iey :Coonl• :finds Many
of •the ratepayers concerned
'should. 'help „these forces. to, cora_, '_about law enforcement A .dele
bat ' juvenile delinquency by ._re• gat ors;, "armed" with ' a petition
-placing=-slums vc i-th—new ;`:housing ' asked Council- -to ,do sometlutug-
deve.loprrlents, f urthering :parent to,. control, motorists roaring ' into
the , village .at speeds: 66.. fo• 70
.miles an;' hour. In. addition' the'
proprietor of. the Paisley '• Inn
queried :council. ,about police Tiro-.
tectiori, ` stating .. "I haven'.,t been-
able to • get any: up till . now."
The ' iprovincials> aren't inimedi-
ately available, 'and 'she ,iiiplied.
that •local policing was "..joke.,
al .:education through` lectures; &
encouraging teenagers; to 'attain"
a level of. education r liieh [would
make them realize that destrue-
ttve ra,ther than constructive
ideas result from their . ,misde-
meanors. For juvenile delinquen-
cy is ,a threat not only to the -
individual abut aiso.to the entire•.
'w 61.4 ;
Danny Dalton Student Leader
Last week we carried :the pie-
icture . of :Danny', Dalton ',the
When Mr. and Mrs. John
vacs of Durham fledam ' their
native Hu.rgary' 61/2 year ago,
they left for the 'tim:e being,:
H.S. representative to the .Stu-:� their a� small chi'ldre'n, }11/2. and
dent 'Leaders" Club. • 21' years with the .children's
Danny's essay' was entitled 'grandparents. •It was not until
"My .Thoughts on the . Scientific two weeks ago that ' they Sue -
Age". and• was as follows: ceeded in bringing the boys to
'"We are 'diving • itl(:'., a world .Canada,
in • which tremendous scientific
progress • is .being made by our
unending search ;for knowledge: cannot clearly distinguish tbe-
a search which not'. only opens tween, •philosophy,: psychology &•
new • worlds to us,. but ,also sociology, yet must choose when
changes;the •world in which, we entering. university whether 'to
Fvet'yone i p4,yirsg the price in', the humanities? There, ,are many the ' ancient; Greeks , has nqt
term:1 bf .count assts, `detorition senior high school students who changed, -• I(Aow Thyself,
•►r � r
• f?, is moi”:• • ' .
aqrA�, ,y�rL� ,••
•• w
new POrtab a Typewrit�r At,
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