HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1963-05-15, Page 53
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lidobNESDAY, MAY 15th,* 1963
n Roods, ..Drains
.:Kinloss Council met May 7th,
1963 in regular session, ReeVe
12, A, Murray •presiding; •Coun-'
cillors-Evaris, Ackert, and 1VIao-
• IntYre Present.
The followng motions were
paised:- •
That 'the minutes of the last
regular meeting arict special
meeting of April 9th and 22nd
be adopted. •
That we purchase fire eXtin-.•
guisher from West Wa9t,rariosh
Mutual. Fire Insurance Company
for township shedt for 430.00.;
; That we do now adjourn •to
Meet Jane 3rd in regular .ses-
sion at.ll p.m. or at the call
Of the Reeve.
•. The following cheques were
authorized paid:
General account , Harold
Stanley, warble ;fly spraYing,
$400.00; Delbert Hedley, .inspec-
tor WarbleFly, 163.00; LueknoW
Fire Dept., fire call, 225.00; An-
derson flax, warbicide poWd.er,
253.80; Hydro, Whitechurch St.
28:13; Albert Coulte.s,.
Windows, for Whitechurch Muni.;
ciPal water • system, 12:00; Tine -
crest 'Manor,: institutional care,
115,99; Currie and...Sons,
ambulance, 14:0O,&: Town of
• • ••••
Retirement Every
THE ALASKA BROWN BEAR is the biggest meat -eating
he rears up on his hind legs. Like all bears, the
snow falls, he finds a cave or a deep shelter under an over-
hanging ledge of rock. There he curls up and sleeps until spri
animal in the world, often attaining.a height of ten feet when
brownie' hibernates in winter. Soon after the first
Goderich, welfare' chargeback,
22.35;. ucknow :Sentinel, print-
ing and by-lawsfor. drain.s,
59.40; Carruthers Nursing Horne,
Institutional care, 79.75; Henry's
Fruit Market, welfare, 117.50;
Siegrist's Store,' :welfare, 4.10;
Ashton's •welfare, 27.39; Mans -
fields, gap apzi Oil for .sprayer,
9.14; Mrs. Mansfield, caretaking,
and ` supplies, 16.40; Raynard
Ack'ert, water to hall and Clean-
ing dump, 63.50;' G. H. Wall,
part fees •on drains, 100.00;
H, Wall, part salary •and
postage and • telephone,31:1.54;.
Leonaril Irwin, poultry claim,
18.00; - Lawrence McLeod,. in-
spectiAg claim, 3.50; P, A. Mur-
ray, • part salary, 30.00. Allan
AVIacInt$Tre; part Salary,' 30,00;
Jack Ackert, part salary, 30.00;.
William -Evans; • part salary,.
30400; Fraser ,Mckinnon, part.
'salary, 250.00. . • ,
Highways — Dick McQuillin,
$241.23; Edward T'honipsciri,
18.00; Allister • Hughes,: 120.50.;
Orville' Tiffin,' 7.20; John Mur-
ray,• 4.50; Receiver General em-
ployees share, -3.12;• Owen King,.
108.00; Dominion Roads, 355.11;
Lloyd. Johnston, . 7.88; 'Daily'
'Commercial 'News,: 12.60; London
Free Press, 9.72; Spence/Irwin,
snow removal .JoSeph
Forinet: :11:jbedey‘
F0.11(.50 -Year. Wed.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell
of LudknoW who were former
residents of Am'berley vicinity
celebrated their ,fiftieth' Wedding
AnnverSary on Sunday, May 12.
Best Wishes are 'extended. • to
them by' host.- of friends. for
many more happy anniversar- •
A capacity •crowd attended
Pine. .River. United., Church 'on
`S.unday morning.- A jOint choir
of mothers sang. an anthem..
During the service the Sacra-
ment of baptism was adminster-
ed. to Robert Thomas Bell, son
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Bell of
Amberley with, Rev. D. ,A. Mc-
Kenzie officiating, .
1VIr., and Mrs. Leonard Reid
• entertained relatives on Sunday. i
• Grant-MeNairt of Ednionton is
visiting , with. •his- family • this
week. • • •
• Mr. D. A. Campbell of Strat-
ford, was ..the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Courtney on "
:4:lay• evening. • .
PAGg. P.
• 9 \'
for Lisburn and Reids• Corners
committee members on Monday, ••
when they met to arrange:for •
the District Annual 'which is ' •
be held at Reids Corners May 23.
, Hostesses.for. Ho -Bo' teas for
Unit 2' -Of* Pine River United
• '
Tiffin, grading, 1.8.00. AllisterChurch _ Attending baptismal servicewere• Mr T B s. . e11 at
••Hughes, registration •at • Load for Robert Donald Harris, son of. Amberley, . Mrs, 'William Pace,
school and reflectors; '7:39; 'Cities. Mr. and Mrs. „Robert Harris .•of • —2nd Concession, Mrs., Perrin
• r M el*
• si.,6'rvl.iee,' Ittio, 299.69;, Al_ Clarke were Mr. and Mrs. Ar- L.owrY, M s. George esseng
,20.00; Everett Cathers, loading and, Mrs. rant. Ake 'and • faltillY, °°ne.saiDn. -•
hert Codltes,', sidewalk' iepair, thur Coiirtney.of Amherley, Mr. and Mers,. ,Norris Messenger, 4th
gravel and replacing . culvert;- Mr: and Mrs. Llpyd Ourtney gt St. 'Jukes Ao1ican
72;: wingtiam Advanpe .fantly L-ondon. .and mr: and their May 'meeting in the parish
nternOon ,of rest week. all's:
Farish 1V10,f,fat.,..lenc'e thonus, 'N -H RiPle•Y• • ,
The bear 'retires', for several Monthievery year. •
• moK,y. and family o•
f hall at'/Jurgen On Thursday af-.
LuOknow ,Sentinel, •• 3.60; Mrs. J.
Lot con.. ,Raynara.
Mrs Cliff Cliff Geddes was hostess Gordon:'Emmerton. arid' 404n ;
• ,sustained by the fat stored in his body. When
human beings retire, however, they don't receive the same
help from Nature, They turn instead to life
insurance:Nothing can make a man's retirementyears more
financially secure than a portfolio of Sun Life policies
tailored to his requirements. Let me tell you how. •
Wm J Kinaha
• J. n
Ackert, snow blowing and..clean+, '-'-' '• . ,, , .• ... Scott presided. The meeting op.. .- ..
ing fence bottom, )52.50; Receiver ' • • . - ' • ened wth a .hymn and'' was fol.,
General, ern.ployer.sshare, 3 12 - ' •
to draw up plans for construc lowed with Prayer 17,-iy the ipresi-
' ..
Ai a special meeting on April tion Of .culvert on Huron -Kinloss dent The . scripture reading by
9th, 1.u63, the following ;motion boundary 'between Con 4 .18c 6 Mrs,' Reg GOdfrey was ,Aaken
• ,; ../
was passed That we sustainthe. and bridge on Con. 4, .Lot 3... : from Psalm 103 Mrs.. john .
: .
action of thReeve and Clerk That the Clerk write ,Dannelly,.. Scott read ,an interesting letter
e , /"
Donnelly and Murphy of. Gode- from 'Rev. Mr.. Volliek, forMer
in requesting Department 'apprO-
rich re ' Whitechurch- Municipal: rector at St, LukeP. 'Rev. S. R•.
.. - '
vol for the following 'transfers .---
•ater System. - :. , • '4• Ltipton gave highlights- Of a I' ser •
, 3 923 24 f B & - C. C t . '
• That we accept tile quotation vice he -attended recently at
• RA; LUCKNOW Phone Wingham. 717--v;:-4 tion 'to Roads C t. 429 *
ons ruc ion, , .
• . 11 from B; .8i C Construction to a Lorne Eadie. for tile deliver- I Teeswater Presbyterial); • Church
ed to he oung, arr sh and in connection with the coming
" Roads nt., 249.60' froth B &
.•Y ••• F • i • • • ' • '• • •
,•. • ••
• c con.st. to 13 sr c .maioten.ance. .drains: . Crusade. Mrs, 'Chester
• ,
. •• That we call for 'tenders tor ton gave' a reading and the: re -
:a special meeting mit:April'
Unsurpassed in Beauty and Value
Ross MacLennan -
Phone 51
the ,construction a. the Young,
Fairish extension, and Stanley
Municipal Drains
• The .Court of. Revision was
held on the above drains • with.
'the folloWing, results: Young
Municipal 'Drain,' 'no appeal;
Parrish MUniCiPal. Drain iExten7
sion. ••• The , appeal of Parrish,
Moffat was sustained on S-11.
of S -H of •Lot 26727. and changed
from acres at .48.00 to, 10
acres at 19,40 on A Drain ,Sche-
dtile. The difference in assess-
2860to be .applied.. n
roads. Stanley 1VIUnicipal Drain
mainder of: the 'afternoon was
22nd, 1963, the falloWing . mot- spent in quiltin.g. After a• hymn,
• • .
. Rev,. Mr Lupton Closed the enieet4
ions were passed ' - ,
That .we write the Departmenting; with 'Prayer :Mrs. .,ArtiAr.
of , Highways requesting•.they- •Srrielt.Zer; 'hostess': at :the luneh..
dreW up A .p./7-ofile and plans for hour' served a delectable tea: &.. •
road construction ': in front. .of a social hour was enjoyed. •
Lot 21-22, Con. • ••••6,. • also for 'Church. service at 9:30 a.in• at.
• . .., • . •
road ,'in- front. of Lot • .10; Com, St. :Lukes Anglican.Church was
i1,2, and . alS-O from Lot 2: 110 to:, well 'attended.: A. ,choir of MO- : ....
end includng EH Lot '8,• Con.:thers sang "My Mothers Prayers ' .'...:
„ ., • have followed .me."
That we accept the r,gravelMrs. Grant'ilVICDiarrnid.1, of, •
tender of ' H. H. Bannernian atLucknow Spent Wednesday with
70C per cu. yard'. to be idelivered•Mrs John 'Blue; ' • ,- - . ' • . .' ; ..:.. •
as per Contract; • • -•• . Sundagdests.with'Mr& Laura ... .'
That the Clerk . contact E. .M. 00 appeals.. .' , • ' : ' : McNain, were Mr. •and • Mrs.: Dave '. ...• 7...
Ross, O.L.S. 43.. Eng of .G:odericli •• i- : , G H.• Wall; Clerk. McKenzie of Kincardine and .. ,
- ' --- Mr. and Mrs. Murray NICNairi. .of
Mitchell.: : . • • • .‘ •
•Dr. and Mrs. Murray • MCLen-,'
nen.: and Norman of • Wingham
were SundayLgue.Sts .of Mr....and_
Mrs.. Walter Brown. : .,; •;--" ,.
Mr... ,Eldon Bradley has piir-
chased' the Torn Brown ,prpertY.. .
. and Mrs..- Robert . Steele , .. •
of Detroit and Mr:. -and Mrs: Dori ••
Holahan,'Debbie.arid Bobby -Were • - ,
. ..
Sunday guests with Mrs. Robert
.• • • JC bel1 and family.' '
by. picking up your fertilizer in bulk,:pickup truck. See or phone "Stuart" at the.in your
Fertilizer Plant; 528-2175, or
dt.00.in.•.:,•.ot the
...$tor..0'.,,on...001104.0.1.1.,•treqt,, • ••'
CO-OP Fertilizer IS
• under 6nstant'"QualitY
Control" through all'
phases of Manufacturing.,
The reSult: •
youet a.P.igger value.
• a,l4tter fertilizer.
* •
. 7.
, • ,
N.OVeifilier. • .Bazaar.,....•
• The . Monthly .meeting of
Ladies'. Auxiliary was held. on
Tuesday, 'May 7th With 1:0 mem.
bers present and the; president,
Anna Johnston.in charge,
• Plans Were made to attend the
annual zone rally to be' held in.
Goderiali on Wednesday,' .May
22nd at ' 8 p•rn.'.
• It vvasalso:decided to hold* a.
bazaar in .Novernber, and rnprti.
beri are asked to ',Start preparing
for this now,: ' •
A "niCkle bingo". will be held
at •the next meeting and meny
ibrs .are • reminded to please
bring prizes' for the bingo.
Meetings wil1 commence at 'g
p,m. clxifing the Summer ,rnonthi
in order; to enable members to .
have a :social time folIoWing the
rtleetings, •• : •
• On'q nice . thing abput going'
home • is that you doll% have to
12100 a reservation,